The 4 most cutesy signs of the zodiac. Taurus is inappropriate cutesy.

Tauruses don't mind fooling around and making faces - it looks cute when they are children, but when a forty-year-old man behaves like a teenager, it is repulsive. Taurus often overact when they flirt or try to flatter, because for them it is unnatural, so it is impossible to sincerely depict emotions.


September 9, 2022

Daily horoscope September 9th.

Capricorn♑️ Be careful and you will learn a lot of interesting things. The information received today will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes and make the right decision in an ambiguous situation. Noticeable progress in work will be possible if you are persistent, do not give up on what you have planned, faced with difficulties. Aquarius♒️ Many important meetings and negotiations await you today. There will be a chance to get valuable information and good advice. Listen to people you trust; their opinion will be very useful to you. You should be careful with money. Do not rush with purchases and transactions, do not spend significant amounts on trifles. From the point of view of personal relationships, the day will be favorable. Pisces♓️ The first half of the day is unlikely to bring any significant events. It will pass very calmly, it will make it possible to finish what was started earlier without haste. It will be easy to get along with management and colleagues, to find an approach to business partners. However, all working arrangements will be preliminary, so be prepared for new discussions.


September 9, 2022

Daily horoscope September 9th.

Libra♎️ The day will surely bring some unexpected events, incidents that will make you change plans, postpone your plans earlier and do something else. New ideas may come up. Old acquaintances will be happy to help you in their implementation; their support will be very helpful. Scorpio♏️ The day will be very fruitful. Circumstances will turn out well, and you will be able to do even more than you planned before. Successful business negotiations are likely. You will make a favorable impression on people on whom much depends. Sagittarius♐️ The day will turn out well, will bring a lot of reasons for joy. It is good for starting new business. You will quickly learn everything you need to be successful. The morning will please you with pleasant meetings, suitable for business negotiations, discussion of issues related to work. Probably a good solution to important financial issues.


September 9, 2022

Daily horoscope September 9th.

Cancer♋️ The day will be hectic and will surely bring some unexpected events. Not all plans can be implemented, so be prepared to improvise, make decisions on the go. New ideas will be very successful. Surely there will be people who want to help you bring them to life. Leo♌️ A good day to start a new business. Surely there will be some interesting offers that you want to accept without much thought. There will be an opportunity to restore relationships with long-term partners, to start working again with people with whom you have previously worked more than once. Virgo♍️ Try not to worry about the little things in the morning. This time will pass much better if you think about the important and try to act according to the plan. People around you will not always support you, but you will find a way to avoid conflicts, agree with everyone. It will be easy to make the right decisions regarding money.


September 9, 2022

Daily horoscope September 9th.

Aries♈️ Be careful at the start of the day. If you plan to devote this time to some difficult and important business, be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to cope with it right away. Disagreements with recent allies are likely. Relationships that previously developed harmoniously and easily can become more tense. Taurus♉️ Great day to start new things. You can also take on something that you have not dared to start for a long time: it will be easier to achieve success than you thought. Supported by longtime allies; today you can rely on them for everything. Gemini♊️ The day is suitable for communication, business meetings will be especially good. There will be a chance to find new allies. Relations with them will soon take on an informal character. It will be easy to make friends with people you meet for the first time today. It is not excluded and the beginning of a romantic story.


September 9, 2022

It also happens in the body during intermittent fasting:

Activation of thinking processes Thanks to intermittent fasting, performance and energy levels improve, and stress resistance to external factors increases. By adhering to intermittent fasting, you can get rid of acne, cleanse the body's organic systems, and also get rid of excess weight, especially in the waist and abdomen (if body fat is actually superfluous).


September 9, 2022

Time period for intermittent fasting.

It can be different: 12/12 10/14 8/16 etc... Example: from 12:00 to 20:00 - meals, and from 20:00 to 12:00 do not consume anything other than liquids without calories. Instead of consuming glycogen and glucose reserves, the body consumes protein breakdown products, removes toxins from the body. That is, the body is cleansed and rejuvenated.


September 9, 2022

Intermittent fasting.

Today I want to tell you about intermittent fasting - a way of eating in which periods of eating alternate with periods of abstinence from it at certain hours. Intermittent fasting includes different eating options, which are called windows. The scheme is as follows: The day (24 hours) is divided into two windows: ▪️1 window: all meals for the day fit into it ▪️ 2nd window: fasting (you can drink water, herbal decoctions, tea and coffee without sugar).


September 9, 2022


1. Hypersensitivity of the skin. 2. Diseases of the skin (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis). 3. Rash and irritation. 4. Any disease in the acute stage. 5. Numerous moles and papillomas. 6. Varicose veins and vascular pathologies. 7. Increase in body temperature. 8. Damage to the skin (burns, scratches, bruises, wounds). 9. Dehydration of the skin.


September 9, 2022

More basic massage rules:

- The skin and brush must be dry. Wet and steamed skin is easier to injure. - start with a few minutes, then you can go up to 15 minutes. - the use of brushes is not recommended on the face, in intimate areas, armpits. Avoid touching the lymph nodes, the skin of the inner thighs, the area under the knees and the heart area. - if scratches remain after the massage, then you need to change the brush to a softer one. I have a medium hard brush, but I started with a soft one. I do not advise you to start with a hard one.


September 9, 2022

How to drybrush?

- first we massage the legs: with direct movements with a brush from the foot to the knees, - then go from the knees to the hips, - thighs and buttocks are massaged in a circular motion, - massage hands from wrist to shoulder, - the neck and décolleté are processed from top to bottom (toward the heart).


September 9, 2022

What is dry brushing for?

- improvement of skin turgor, - exfoliation of dead cells, - enhances the effect of body care products, - cleanses pores and releases endorphins, - increases energy and helps to restore sleep, - stimulates blood circulation, improving cellular oxygenation.


September 9, 2022

Dry brushing or dry brushing.

Drybrushing was originally, and still is, a practice called garshana and dates back to Ayurvedic medicine. This system of medicine, which originated in India, is based on ancient scriptures that teach a natural approach to physical and mental health. And the massage itself is designed to refresh and stimulate the skin and lymphatic system, improve blood circulation and rid the body of accumulated toxins. I recommend doing it in the morning before taking a shower. And after a shower, be sure to apply your favorite body oil or cream.


September 9, 2022

Positive officially helps to achieve results.

The paper, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, notes that study participants who believed exercise would help them get better performed better. And those who were not told anything were lower in the ratings. According to scientists, believing in the result is useful not only when doing physical work - it also affects mental work in the best way.


September 8, 2022

A city in the Netherlands is the first in the world to ban meat ads.

Dutch Haarlem will become the first city in the world to ban meat advertising in public places. The law will come into force in 2024. The deadline was postponed due to already existing contracts with manufacturers. The measure should help fight the climate crisis. Meat products in a city of 160,000 cannot be advertised on buses, at bus stops, city lights, or billboards. The ban will also affect the promotion of fossil fuel consumption - advertising of cars with internal combustion engines and flights for the holidays.


September 8, 2022

Dentures have learned to create from cellulose.

By mixing cellulose nanocrystals with a polymer, scientists have obtained a gel that can be used to create dental implants. The resulting composite was found to be stronger and stiffer than some types of bone and harder than conventional aluminum alloys. The material has a microstructure, like mother-of-pearl - brick-building, which prevents the formation of cracks.


September 8, 2022

Wine turned out to be not as safe a drink as previously thought.

British scientists have found that drinking a bottle of wine a week increases the risk of developing cancer as much as 5-10 cigarettes. And stronger, wine has a negative effect on women.


September 8, 2022

The blood of the astronauts found signs of DNA mutation.

American scientists from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai analyzed the blood of 14 NASA astronauts. The samples showed signs of somatic DNA mutations. They can increase your risk of developing cancer and heart disease. Most of all mutations occurred in the TP53 gene - it produces a protein that suppresses the tumor. Also in DNMT3A - this gene is often mutated in acute myeloid leukemia. The results of the study do not mean that astronauts will definitely get sick. The data must be taken into account when planning long-term expeditions to deep space.


September 8, 2022

Sexual attraction.

German scientists have found that sexual desire in women who have a strong relationship gradually decreases. After 4 years of marriage, only half of the respondents feel the desire to have sex as often as their partners.


September 8, 2022

Sports and dancing help to find sexuality.

Stretching, dancing, going to the gym: develop your sexual side. That is, flexibility increases, muscles become stronger, and you will also psychologically feel more desirable.


September 8, 2022