Does abstinence make sense?

There are several sides to this issue. On the one hand, abstinence is meaningless and even harmful. The suppression of sexuality leads to problems not only of psychological thinking and a shift on this basis, but also to a deterioration in health, which is important for women. The ideological and physical changes during sexual abstinence in them are expressive. But undoubtedly, there is another side - this is the benefit of abstinence. After a long abstinence, sexuality can develop into frigidity. Short-term sexual abstinence accumulates and then results in sensitivity with a vengeance. It is up to each individual to decide whether he needs it or not. Therefore, if you feel that it will only benefit, why not? And vice versa.


September 10, 2022

Kegel exercises for women.

Inhale deeply through your nose to contract your abdominal muscles and fill your lungs with air. During inhalation, the pelvic floor muscles should be relaxed. Take a slow, deep breath in through your mouth and at the same time gently contract your pelvic floor muscles. Hold the pelvic floor muscles in a contracted state for 3-6 seconds (until they begin to tire) while you exhale. This is called a cut. Inhale again and stop muscle contraction. This will allow the muscles to relax. Relax your pelvic floor muscles completely for 6-10 seconds. It is very important to completely relax the muscles between each contraction and not hold your breath. Always keep the muscles relaxed for the same amount of time as they were contracted, or a little longer.


September 10, 2022

Let's get him on.

Earlobe. This is the most effective way to "turn on" a partner, the impact on this zone causes goosebumps and instantly turns on. Correct compliments. The phrases “How good you are in bed” or “You have such a big and hard penis” will turn any man on with a half turn. Undress him. Even more than a homemade striptease, men turn on when a girl removes everything superfluous from him herself.


September 10, 2022

One of the most common problems in sex.

One of the common problems in sex between partners is that a girl cannot cum, and a man cannot hold back his orgasm. Why is this happening? In simple terms, partners have different levels of arousal (the female gender is less sensitive) What to do? Extend the foreplay for more arousal of the girl. Psychologically hold orgasm to the last. Technique 9 to 1, nine short pushes and one long push. Lubricant with a cooling effect.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

5. The belief that fitness is a chore. Of course, no one can come to every workout with a glued-on smile, but if you hate every second in the gym, you're setting yourself up for failure. How to overcome. Make a schedule that fits harmoniously into your life. Do not overdo it. Take rest days. Adjust the difficulty for yourself: workouts should be hard enough, but not intimidating. Try to find a type of physical activity that you really enjoy and don't get bored of.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

4. No time. “I don’t have time to train” is something coaches often hear. How to overcome. Schedule time for sports. Treat it like a meeting you can't miss and set a reminder on your phone.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

3. Mistaking motivation for discipline. Boosting motivation at the start of your fitness journey is great, but what got you out of bed yesterday may not work tomorrow. How to overcome. Every day you get up and make dozens of decisions. Sport is one of those solutions. Motivation comes and goes, and developing healthy habits will get you there.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

2. Comparing yourself to others Taking pictures from social networks as a challenge is a sure way to develop complexes in yourself. How to overcome. Don't compare yourself to anyone. Our bodies are different, so your progress will not look the same as someone else's. Act to the best of your ability.


September 10, 2022

Top Barriers to New Fitness Goals: How to Overcome Them?

1. Unrealistic goals. Lifting huge weights after a week at the gym? Completely change your body in a few workouts? Such goals will only lead to disappointment. How to overcome. Watch yourself and your changes in the body during training and set only achievable goals! Being an adherent of a healthy lifestyle means making it a part of your life, gradually coming to it without sprint jerks, after which a rollback usually occurs.


September 10, 2022

Quotes from Queen Elizabeth II.

During her long life, Elizabeth II has repeatedly made expressive speeches that inspire her subjects. Here is some of them: “Don't take yourself too seriously. None of us have a monopoly on wisdom." “Over the years, those who seemed to me the happiest, contented and satisfied, always turned out to be those who lived the most open and selfless lives.” “Every day is a new beginning, and I know that the only way to live my life is to try to do what is right, look to the future, embrace whatever the day brings, and trust God.”


September 10, 2022

Advice to everyone who wants to achieve something in this life.

4. There are no failures, there is experience! Even if you encounter problems on the way to your goal, remember that this is just an opportunity to correct your path, and not a reason to go the distance. 5. Just start doing! It is human nature to doubt. You will never be able to 100% predict your path and get rid of your doubts. Action is the best medicine for insecurities and fears.


September 10, 2022

Advice to everyone who wants to achieve something in this life.

3. Know what you are doing! Who are you, where are you and what exactly are you doing now - these simple questions will help you get out of the inert state of inaction, because of which people constantly put off their business. This state does not allow us to change our comfortable and habitual existence, it slows down our development.


September 10, 2022

Advice to everyone who wants to achieve something in this life.

1. Stop thinking bad about yourself! You are a unique person, doubting and not believing in yourself, you offend that great power that brought you into this beautiful world. Remind yourself of this often. 2. What others think of you is their business! If a person has not achieved success in the area in which he judges you, then his opinion is worthless. Developing people follow successful people and model them. They don't have time for judgment. Judgment of others is the lot of losers who mark time and are afraid to act. Are you interested in the opinion of losers?


September 10, 2022

How to cope with negative emotions:

1. A little physical warm-up. 2. Listening to pleasant music or sounds of nature. 3. An anti-stress toy. 4. Writing out resentments, grievances, and everything bad from your head on a blank piece of paper. 5. Voice practices as singing and screaming. 6. Getting back to the "here and now". 7. Breathing practices – deep belly breathing consciously counting to 4-5.


September 10, 2022

Why is it necessary to process emotions?

Emotion is energy. It always finds a way out! In case you don't let it out blocking it, it will "shoot out" at a weak spot in your body. Or maybe it will burst out like an uncontrollable flood sweeping away everything in its path. To avoid this, it is extremely important to learn how to process your emotions.


September 10, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8 at the age of 97.

It has played a pivotal role in the development of technology. In 1953, Elizabeth's coronation was first broadcast on TV fueling people's interest in technology. Later, on March 26, 1976, Elizabeth became the first monarch to send an email. According to rumors, the Queen loved to use tablets, buying them for her children, and adored modern technology even in her old age.


September 10, 2022

Garbage robot.

17-year-old Isa Auwal-Barde from Nigeria has built a robot out of garbage that works with a remote-controlled exoskeleton. For two years, the guy assembled a robot out of cardboard, copper wires and pipes. However, he did not attract investments. Thanks to this, the young engineer was noticed at the National Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, and he was offered training at a local institution.


September 10, 2022

30 minutes of avoiding social networks a day improves the psychological state of a person.

The Journal of Public Health reports that 642 volunteers, divided into 4 groups, showed unequivocal results. Reducing social media activity by just 30 minutes a day, along with physical activity, removed the symptoms of depression and people began to feel satisfied with their lives.


September 10, 2022

Sweeteners increase the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Artificial sweeteners are not a healthy alternative to sugar. They can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 9-18%. These conclusions were reached by French scientists in the course of a study involving 103,000 people. The average age of the volunteers is 42, most of them are women.


September 10, 2022

New Delhi will ban fireworks from October to January.

This measure was introduced to reduce the level of air pollution. These months are especially difficult - the metropolis is shrouded in smoke from burning stubble, dust and car exhaust. In addition, on October 24, the Diwali festival of lights takes place, and the city is filled with smoke from the launch of pyrotechnics. Some Hindus condemn the city government's decision. They believe that the ban on fireworks during Diwali restricts their freedom of worship.


September 10, 2022