4 representatives of the zodiac, whose business will be successful. Lady Scorpio.

Scorpio knocks down with charisma, and natural attractiveness helps to break through where others cannot go. Pluto's ward is smart, quick-witted and disciplined - competitors stand on their hind legs, and partners sing praises. Well, there are legends about the computer memory of the water lady. It is impossible to deceive or confuse a businessman in a skirt, and no one was going to (there are no daredevils).


September 12, 2022

Together in fire and water! Best friend by zodiac sign, who is she? Sagittarius.

Cruel friend. That is, all the other signs of the zodiac think that Sagittarius is cruel, but she actually just never lies to those she loves. And she loves her friends with sincere and fierce love. So when you hear from Sagittarius: “This is not a dress that makes you fat, you need to eat less” or “And this is your prince? A ghoul, a ghoul, and from the virtues - a member and sneakers, ”she is not from evil. She speaks love to you, and by the way, she speaks the pure truth.


September 12, 2022

The 3 most shy people in the zodiac. Cavalier Libra.

Come on! - the friends of the air man will scream, remembering how cleverly Libra seduces women and collects hearts. But the pet of Venus acts like a burnt womanizer, precisely because of modesty. He is afraid of rejection, afraid of disappointment, afraid of defeat. And the girl who really likes, Libra bypasses for a kilometer. Because with her he will behave like poor Cancer: he will certainly begin to stutter, turn pale and stumble out of the blue.


September 12, 2022

Daily horoscope September 12th.

Capricorn♑️ Today, the ability to get along with people, find an approach to them will be very useful. You will understand many at a glance, you will be able to agree even with those with whom you used to get along. It is possible that recent rivals will take your side. Perhaps the beginning of some unusual friendship or romantic relationship. Aquarius♒️ The day will be very fruitful. You will perfectly cope with difficult cases, you will succeed where others have failed. Many Aquarians today will benefit from the knowledge gained earlier. If you take on a new business, you will quickly understand how best to handle it. The ability to learn from the mistakes of others will also be useful. Pisces♓️ It is important to look at things realistically and not build illusions. Today, you are unlikely to be able to quickly cope with complex cases. Difficulties can arise where you least expect them. Insignificant, but annoying financial losses, wasteful expenses are likely. The support of loved ones will be especially important for you. Thanks to her, you will not be confused at a difficult moment.


September 12, 2022

Daily horoscope September 12th.

Libra♎️ The day will be very fruitful. You will certainly want to take the initiative in business, to offer something new. The moment for this is now the best. There is no doubt that your opinion will be listened to, and the ideas you share will be of interest to many. Scorpio♏️ Listen to your intuition: it is her tips that will help you cope with many things today, complete what was started a long time ago. It will be easy to study, you will easily remember everything that can come in handy. There will be new work plans. In the near future you will be able to bring them to life. Sagittarius♐️ The day is good for work and other useful things. It is better not to postpone anything for a long time: the sooner you start to act, the easier it will be to achieve the desired result. The first half of the day will be favorable for important negotiations, meetings with people whose support you would like to enlist.


September 12, 2022

Daily horoscope September 12th.

Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to do without minor misunderstandings, but you will not be upset because of them, and you will do the right thing. But you will pay attention to new opportunities that will surely open up, and you will not want to miss them. There will be a chance to achieve noticeable professional success, to cope well with difficult work. Leo♌️ You will succeed in many things if you act decisively and quickly. Persistence will help overcome obstacles that others have retreated from. The beginning of the day is suitable for negotiations, meetings with potential allies and employers. You will interest many people with your ideas. Virgo♍️ You will achieve the almost impossible if you persevere, do not give up on your plans, no matter how the circumstances develop. This day is suitable for taking the initiative in business. Many will like your ideas, it will be easy to find reliable allies. Relationships that today begin as business relationships can eventually take on a friendly, informal character.


September 12, 2022

Daily horoscope September 12th.

Aries♈️ The day will not be the easiest, but you will cope with all the problems that arise. It is important to act consistently, not to try to solve several issues at once. Avoid unnecessary fuss: it can be confusing, lead to errors. It is important to choose your allies carefully. Taurus♉️ It is important to tune in to a positive mood at the beginning of the day. Don't worry about the little things. Even if something goes wrong, it will be in your power to change the situation for the better, to carry out your plans. Small financial losses, unnecessary expenses are possible. You don't have to worry about them either. Cash receipts will not keep you waiting. Gemini♊️ At the beginning of the day, it will be difficult to collect your thoughts and tune in to a serious mood. If you can put off important things, you should do just that. The right moment to do them will come a little later. In anticipation of it, you can tackle the usual tasks, some small domestic issues.


September 12, 2022

Cubes with chamomile and rose hips.

Ingredients: 1. Chamomile; 2. Sage; 3. Rosehip. Mix dried chamomile, sage and rosehip (these herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy). Dial 1 teaspoon of herbs and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour. Cool the infusion and pour into molds. These ice cubes will help maintain the water balance of the skin, soften it and prevent inflammation.


September 11, 2022

Herbal cubes.

Ingredients: 1. For normal skin: mint, plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, sage, tricolor violet, horsetail; 2. For dry and sensitive skin: rose, linden, lemon balm, any red berries (mountain ash, hawthorn, strawberries); 3. For oily and problematic skin: calendula, birch buds, wormwood, coltsfoot, chicory root or bergenia thick-leaved. It is necessary to make a collection of herbs. 1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, pour over and let it brew for 30 minutes. Pour into molds and freeze.


September 11, 2022

Cosmetic ice for youth and beauty of the skin.

The main property of cosmetic ice is the improvement of local blood circulation. This effect is achieved due to the fact that while the cold actively affects the skin, the blood vessels are actively constricted. As soon as you remove the ice cube, the vessels begin to expand. The visual effect appears immediately after the procedure: the skin looks refreshed and beautiful, even the complexion is evened out. Ice should be used twice a day: in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening, an hour before bedtime.


September 11, 2022

DIY tonic

Why do you need a facial tonic? In facial skin care, there are three main stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. Tonic is the final stage of cleansing. A tonic recipe that will give odds to many skin care products. Have to take: ▪️ Rose hydrolat (calendula, pine needles, lavender) - 45 ml. ▪️3/4 drops of fresh lemon juice ▪️Natural honey - a quarter of a teaspoon (or at the “tip of a knife”, as it is more convenient for anyone to measure) You can add D-panthenol - 2 drops By mixing these components together, you will get the simplest tonic, with the maximum benefit for your skin. The best way to store toner is in spray bottles. When using the tonic, do not wait for it to dry, but spread the tonic over the face with patting movements, pay special attention to the area around the eyes. Important: since the tonic is a leave-in care product, choose only high-quality ingredients.


September 11, 2022

Physical activity and brain function.

In one study in the United States, schoolchildren played sports during the year between classes. Naturally, the physical form of children has improved. The level of self-control has increased. Children became less distracted, were able to perform several tasks at once, and also began to remember and absorb information better.


September 11, 2022

Physical activity and brain function.

Different types of physical activity have an extremely positive effect on brain function, both in children and adults. For example, riding a bicycle while studying helps to better absorb and memorize new foreign words. And walking, as Nietzsche once said, "inspires" the imagination. In fact, walking, whether it's on a treadmill or just down the street, improves divergent thinking, the ability to come up with multiple solutions to the same problem.


September 11, 2022

A few simple but very useful rules

- Do not spare money for pleasure. - Always remember that you will not have another life. - If you are guilty - immediately tell about it and do not look for excuses for yourself. - In life, always count only on yourself. - Never argue. - If you want something - Ask. If you want to meet - Invite. If you want to be understood - Explain. Like - say. It's not clear - ask. - Don't hang out with fools. - Don't be a bore. - A person's problems are only in his head. - The world around is not evil and not good, it doesn't care if you are or not. - Try to get pleasure from every event. - Live today, because yesterday is already gone, and tomorrow may not be. - The main thing in life is love, everything else is vanity.


September 11, 2022

I can't get married.

To begin with, let's figure out why many girls are obsessed with marriage: 1. Negative installation "It is necessary". “Something you’ve been sitting up in the girls”, “The clock is ticking, you’ll stay alone!”, “When are the grandchildren?” Many girls often hear such statements from relatives. Panic sets in: “Why am I still not married? Am I worse than the rest? 2. Fears. An unmarried girl may have a fear of repeating past negative experiences, a fear of losing her freedom, a fear of becoming a bad wife, and insecurity in her partner. 3. Standby mode. Situation: the couple has been living together for several years, but the coveted ring is still missing.


September 11, 2022

5 signs of sacrifice that are mistaken for love.

1. In your family, your mother was not happy. She lived the role of a caring wife, a good mother, a performer of all affairs. And it seems to you that this is normal - to endure, to hush up, to allow. Everyone lives like this. 2. The female victim is very empty inside, there is no energy and strength. Hence the tears, tantrums, insomnia, sad expression, lack of desire, self-confidence. 3. The female victim is very generous and kind. The man takes it, and then leaves, and the “vase” falls to the floor with a crash and does not know how to live now. Or he constantly shakes this “vase” morally so that it falls apart on its own. 4. A female victim is beautiful, and sometimes she has abandoned herself. The one that abandoned is tired of fighting. And the one that is beautiful is trying for her man. 5. A woman of this type constantly gives, gives, achieves, deserves, begs for something. She firmly believes in the saying: "Love requires sacrifice."


September 11, 2022

Schedule with buffer.

The essence of this technique is to add to your schedule a few periods of time for which nothing is scheduled, in order to minimize the impact of unforeseen circumstances on your to-do list. How to use. 1. Plan the number of buffers and their duration. 2. Space your buffers evenly around your schedule. 3. If something went wrong. If a task takes longer than necessary, or an unexpected task falls on you, just keep doing them at the expense of buffer time. 4. If everything is ok. Use the buffer time for rest and recovery, use the buffer to do things that are not tied to a specific time or can be added to the next.


September 11, 2022

A psychological trick.

If you give yourself 30 days to clean a room, it will take 30 days. If you give yourself three hours, it will take three hours. The same applies to your goals, plans, dreams.


September 11, 2022

Does the concept of happiness exist?

Everyone wants to be happy, to live in harmony with themselves and the world. It seems that the concept of happiness is rather abstract, elusive and different for everyone. But the Model of Happiness exists. It was created by Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology. This model is called "PERMA". It consists of 5 elements: Positive emotions Engagement Positive relationships Meaning Achievements


September 11, 2022

In Japan, they began to produce soda flavored with fried dumplings.

The new soft drink is called Gyoza and contains vinegar, garlic, ginger, chili oil. Along with the bottle, the buyer is given instructions that say that you should not drink the contents in crowded places. The first tasters note that they have never drunk anything more disgusting. At the same time, Gyoza quickly gained popularity - mainly due to the challenges that local bloggers arrange.


September 11, 2022