The effect of alcohol on sex.

Not every person feels liberated and confident sexually. And in this, oddly enough, alcohol can help. But only in moderation. But if you overdo it, you can start the opposite effect, very undesirable. Alcohol encourages risk. In this state, you can agree to that partner with whom in ordinary life you would not have anything in common. Then you will regret. You become more excited and become more relaxed. On the one hand, this is good. On the other hand, it is not known where such adventures will lead you. More aggression and assertiveness. It's more for men, but it happens to women too. Your partner may not like this attitude in sexual intercourse.


September 16, 2022

Women's mood.

Are you constantly depressed? Simply put, you are not in the resource. Therefore, you cannot inspire your faithful to success. Your goal is to take. Show me at least one man who does not like when his lady is always cheerful and optimistic?! Representatives of the stronger sex are charged with the energy of their beloved. In return, a woman receives a hundred times more. To begin with, understand what actually gives you joy and pleasure. Do you feel happy? Or are you constantly depressed?


September 16, 2022

A successful woman puts herself first.

This is the most important and most difficult step, because we are afraid of being known as an egoist, or even a bitch. From time immemorial, girls have been taught that their life purpose is to support their husband, his motivation and inspiration. And the higher the service to the spouse is rewarded, the greater success she has achieved in life. But in the 21st century, we have the right to think about what we want. And it is worth using this right. Healthy selfishness is normal and only it will make you a happy woman!


September 16, 2022

Why doesn't he understand what I want?

The most common problem is that we expect certain things from others, but forget to tell them about it. Therefore, it is imperative to speak in words about your needs and desires, even if it seems to you that everything is already so obvious. So, speak up. But do not swear and do not demand, but tell us about your desires and expectations.


September 16, 2022

Women's mistakes in relationships.

1. A woman projects herself onto a man and vice versa. I have already written more than once that men and women see the world in completely different ways. You should not evaluate the behavior and actions of a partner from your "bell tower". 2. A woman communicates with a man with hints. She cannot directly say what she wants, and he perceives her attempts to harmonize relations as an attack. 3. Communication is not established. Partners have little in common, no common topics for conversation, no interesting communication, no reason to admire each other. As a result, one of the partners begins to get bored and looks for entertainment on the side.


September 16, 2022

Make people feel needed by asking them for help.

If you want to ask for something, start by saying: "I need your help". People like to feel NEEDED and hate to feel guilty. By complying with these two rules from the very beginning of a conversation, you're more likely to get the help you need.


September 16, 2022

Write down your thoughts when you feel anxious.

Anyone who has been under stress or anxiety at some point knows how hard it is to abstract it away. Write down your thoughts and experiences in a notebook and then close it. Believe it or not, you'll find it much easier to focus on your work after sharing thoughts this way. This rule works in any situation: by sharing your anxiety with someone, you unload your brain and reduce the psychological burden.


September 16, 2022

Women's fantasies.

One of the most popular sex fantasies of the fair sex is rape or aggressive male domination. Usually women do not admit this, so as not to be branded as masochists. It is no coincidence that the story about Mr. Gray from Fifty Shades of Gray was so wildly popular - women often imagine how they are addicted to bondage games and other BDSM practices.


September 16, 2022

Sex is a journey, not a destination.

Foreplay and caresses, before the process itself, are very important. Kissing, nipple licking, breast play and other parts of the business. If you can't last 15 minutes in sex, then do foreplay in 13 minutes. Men moan little in sex and hardly make any sounds when it's so sexy. Girls are turned on by the sound of a man moaning or growling with pleasure.


September 16, 2022

Men, take note.

Start sex with a variety of positions and caresses, and end with monotonous movements. Do not change positions, and everything else, when the girl is already close to orgasm. If a girl says “yes-yes-yes”, this does not mean that you need to work harder. This means not changing tactics and doing what you did before.


September 16, 2022

Let's add spice.

Decided to add thrills while shopping? Welcome to the world of spontaneous sex in the store! Little is required of you - courage and silence. The last point is especially important if you do not want to embarrass other customers and store staff with your passion. By the way, an obvious bonus is the mirrors, which are so numerous in the dressing room.


September 16, 2022

Frequent sex helps to remove stones from the bladder.

Sex or masturbation three to four times a week helps to remove stones from the ureter. These conclusions were reached by Indonesian urologists after a meta-analysis of five studies involving 406 people. According to scientists, during orgasm and ejaculation, the bladder neck contracts and relaxes, helping the stones to pass out. As a result, they easily leave the body when going to the toilet. People with small ureteral stones are usually advised to drink plenty of fluids and take medicines that relax the muscles in the urinary tract. Sex can be a nice addition or alternative. Sexually active volunteers were 5.7 times more likely to get rid of stones - they were faster along the paths. This group was also less likely to require pain medication and stone crushing procedures.


September 16, 2022

In Chengdu, China will build the largest installation for the production of thermonuclear energy.

In 2025, it is planned to complete the construction of the installation, which will be able to generate a current of snares of 50 million amperes. This figure is about twice as much as a similar Z-machine, created at the Sandia National Laboratories in the USA.


September 16, 2022

Japanese scientists have created a universal artificial blood.

Blood consists of platelets and erythrocytes, placed in lipid membranes - liposomes and suitable for any blood type. This will increase the shelf life of blood up to a year at room temperature, and may also replace blood donation in the future.


September 16, 2022

The Japanese make dreams come true - a drug has been created that mimics sports.

The main component of the drug is the aminoindazole derivative locamizadol (LAMZ). It stimulates the growth of muscle cells and osteoblasts. The effectiveness of the drug was tested on laboratory mice. Over time, scientists have identified an increase in the width of muscle fibers, as well as an increase in muscle strength.


September 16, 2022

The second life of fishing nets.

BMW will use recycled fishing nets to create plastic in its vehicles. At the moment, about 20% of BMW's plastic is made from recycled materials.


September 16, 2022

GM purple tomato has been approved in the US.

After more than a decade of development, the USDA has recognized the nutrient-enhanced purple tomato as safe to grow. The tomato has been gene-edited to produce 10 times more antioxidants than pre-existing varieties.


September 16, 2022

How do zodiac signs drive? Aquarius.

Aquarius drivers are rational and calm (at least the majority). They do not like to drive, do not take risks for no reason and carefully control themselves when driving. It is worth noting that representatives of this zodiac group tend to teach other drivers, joyfully discovering other people's mistakes.


September 16, 2022

Rating of the best wives. 9th place - Sagittarius.

Satan's wife She honestly warns that she does not need anything from her husband, except for his immortal soul, but here it is, kindly, provide it for undivided use. Not that Sagittarius is very interested in what is happening in this very soul, she just needs guarantees for the future. And the joint future in the understanding of Sagittarius is as follows: as she says, so be it. Is always. Otherwise - here is the clause in the contract - you will burn forever in hell. Forever!


September 16, 2022

The 5 most selfish zodiac signs. Capricorns.

Never would have thought of them! - everyone who knows Capricorn well will say. It's understandable, because earthly guys are hidden egoists. They masterfully portray themselves as sympathetic friends and reliable partners. And they themselves keep a mental account so as not to do more for others than these others have done for them. Ugly? But honestly. And the pets of Saturn will not be the losers. Capricorns are skilled at manipulating people's feelings and know when to let go and when to push.


September 16, 2022