Daily horoscope September 18th.

Cancer♋️ Show condescension to the weaknesses of loved ones: this will allow you to avoid many unpleasant moments, mutual claims and insults. Minor disagreements are likely, and heated debates are not excluded. Most often they will arise because of trifles, some misunderstandings that no one would have paid attention to at another time. Leo♌️ The day will pass pleasantly if you do not become obsessed with trifles and do not attach great importance to what will soon be left in the past. Remember that it is not always worth interfering in other people's affairs. If you focus on what is important to you, you will surely succeed. Virgo♍️ It's time to deal with important issues; today you will do just fine. Many bold undertakings will be accompanied by good luck. You will be able to succeed in an important matter, even if no one will help you. Travel will be good.


September 18, 2022

Daily horoscope September 18th.

Aries♈️ Don't be content with little. Today you will achieve noticeable success in business if you focus on achieving your most important goals. In the morning, it is better to act independently, not to waste time on discussions and explanations. Not everyone will immediately understand why you act this way and not otherwise. Wait a little, and even those who were previously skeptical will take your side. Taurus♉️ Pay attention to the ideas that come to you in the morning. Even if they seem unsuccessful, do not dismiss them immediately. Perhaps a little later it will become clear that the plan can be realized. The first half of the day will be favorable for communication with the closest ones. Joint trips will go well, common affairs will cheer everyone up. Gemini♊️ Not everything will be easy, but you will quickly overcome any difficulties if they arise. Intuition will tell you how best to act. You will definitely listen to her, so do not make mistakes, do not do or say anything that you would later regret.


September 18, 2022

Women's manipulation.

Women's manipulations always carry an emotional component. Therefore, it is so unpleasant for a man to experience them. The extreme point of emotional manipulation is tears. At the heart of this manipulation is a model of a child's behavior of a woman. After all, only a small child begs for what he wants through tears. Women use this trick because men can't resist crying. However, over time, even the most loving man understands that tears are an element of the game and their depreciation occurs.


September 17, 2022

How to improve relations with mother-in-law?

To harmonize the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, we act as follows: 1. Do not allow open confrontation. Avoid insults to the mother-in-law, even in response to outright rudeness. 2. Gently set personal boundaries. To comments from the series “and I'm at your age”, answer that times are different and the requirements for girls too. Reproaches “bad cooking and ironing” retort “your son likes it.” 3. Don't let your husband withdraw or side with his mother. Explain that conflict is unpleasant for you, it destroys family happiness. Let the husband be part of the solution, not the problem. 4. Teach your mother-in-law to coordinate her plans with yours. Explain that you don't always have time to socialize, but you will be glad to see her at certain hours.


September 17, 2022

Don't explain your refusal.

If you refuse someone, say your firm NO, try to do without explanations and excuses. However, you should not feel guilty for saying no without explanations. People sense the inner mood, and if you hesitate, you'll be persuaded to give some comments. So, you shouldn't always say no without explanation, but sometimes it is just necessary.


September 17, 2022

Personal space and communication zones.

Each person has three spaces: ▫️ personal - (about 46 cm to one meter) ▫️ social - (from 1.2 to 3.6 meters) ▫️ public - (over 3.6 meters) A stranger's desire to come too close usually causes a negative reaction. Only friends and relatives can get close to us, it is worth respecting and not violating these etiquette rules when you get to know new people. You also shouldn't pat on the shoulder or touch an unfamiliar person, as this will cause subconscious negativity.


September 17, 2022

Adobe Emoji Trend Report.

Five thousand Americans participated in the survey, 92% of them daily send emoticons to their interlocutors. Results: • Sending 🍆 while flirting online makes the interlocutor less attractive. It's worse to send 💩 - this emoji is the most unpleasant for all survey participants. • The cutest romantic emoji - 😘. The top 3 also includes 🥰 and 😍. • Men during virtual flirting use emoji more often than women - 76% versus 68%. • 72% of users send emoticons in dialogue with someone they are interested in. About the same number believe that emojis make them look cooler, friendlier, and funnier. • Most often, interlocutors misunderstand the meaning of these emoji — 🤠, 🍒, 🙃. • 91% of respondents use emoticons to make conversation less serious and more frivolous. Most likely, this is what can explain that most of the most popular emoji are positive: 😂, 👍, ❤️, 🤣. Only one sad emoticon got into the top 5 - 😥. • 88% of respondents feel more empathy for those who use emoji, and 75% feel a deeper connection with such interlocutors.


September 17, 2022

In Tallinn, cigarette butts from the beaches will be turned into biodegradable filaments for 3D printing.

In Tallinn, 20 special ashtrays have been installed to collect cigarette butts on the beaches - this is the most common garbage on the coast. Waste will be processed into biodegradable thermoplastic filaments for 3D printers. This will clean up the city and reduce harm to nature. Smokers around the world leave behind more than 766,000 tons of toxic waste every year. Cigarette filters are mostly made of microplastics - cellulose acetate fibers. Under the influence of the sun and moisture, they release heavy metals into the environment.


September 17, 2022

Scientists have successfully tested memory prostheses.

The electrode, which is placed in the right area of the brain, mimics the natural processes of remembering information. And according to a study by scientists from Britain, it helps to improve memory for people suffering from diseases or having problems remembering things.


September 17, 2022

The threat of artificial intelligence.

Researchers from the University of Oxford analyzed the prospects for superintelligent artificial intelligence and concluded that it will accelerate the death of mankind. The fact is that such AI will be able to foresee the steps of individual countries and organizations for decades to come. If desired, he simply destroys them in the bud. And for this, an army of "Terminators" is not even needed - a couple of dozen viruses are enough. You also need to consider that the resources on the planet are finite. And when another intelligent species appears on Earth - and AI definitely is - competition will begin. Which, alas, may not end in our favor.


September 17, 2022

Ferrari has unveiled its first "thoroughbred" SUV.

The Purosangue model is not even a crossover - the company calls it the first car of the new FUV class (Ferrari Utility Vehicle or "SUV"). Purosangue will be equipped with a 12-cylinder engine with a capacity of 725 horsepower, acceleration from 0 to 100 km / h - 3.3 seconds, max. speed - 311 km / h. The car will hit the market in 2023 and will be available in a limited number of around 2,500 units. The price has not yet been revealed, but according to unofficial data, the model will cost from $390,000.


September 17, 2022

There was a patch for self-applying tattoos without pain and blood.

The microneedles in the patch are smaller than a grain of sand. They are made from ink embedded in a soluble matrix. When they are pressed into the skin, the base “melts”, and pigment remains on the body. That is, it is enough to apply microneedles once, and an ordinary tattoo artist pierces the skin many times. Using the patch, you can apply a regular pattern, as well as an image with letters, numbers and symbols. The study showed that tattoos last at least a year. They will probably stay forever.


September 17, 2022

How do zodiac signs drive? Pisces.

Pisces would like to be great drivers. But, due to their inherent absent-mindedness, they usually are not. Having received the rights, they are afraid to drive alone. They can still manage short trips, but a long time driving Pisces is very tiring.


September 17, 2022

Rating of the best wives. 8th place - Gemini.

Gemini is a dangerous wife. There are women next to whom a man sees himself as a magnificent hero, there are women next to whom a man feels like a failure, and there are twin ladies. They know who he really is. It is useless to pretend: the Gemini look to the very essence, feed other people's internal monsters from the hands, scratch them behind the ear and let them on the sofa. The problem is that in fact, few people are ready to get to know their inner monsters so closely. And it will have to.


September 17, 2022

The 5 Most Selfish Zodiac Signs. Pisces.

Ah, we ourselves are not locals, give us water to drink ... and so on according to the scenario. And people (surprisingly, but true) happily rush to save Pisces. And the pets of Neptune chuckle and benefit from everything: from friendship, from love, from partnerships. Do not rush to condemn the selfish five. Guys are who they are. Yes, they love themselves, and what's wrong with that?


September 17, 2022

4 zodiac couples with the strongest mental connection. Aries and Capricorn.

Fire and Earth, Mars and Saturn - it would seem, what can be common? But the Universe loves experiments and funny situations, so it tunes the frequency of Aries to the frequency of Capricorn. Capricorn thought - Aries answered. Aries wanted - Capricorn did. The astrologers of the uznayvse.ru editorial office argue that if these signs form a pair, then they cannot do without constant showdowns and squabbles. But you can’t deceive your soul and you can’t trample against nature - Aries and Capricorn are subconsciously drawn to each other, even realizing that nothing good will come of it in the end.


September 17, 2022

Daily horoscope September 17th.

Capricorn♑️ Think about all the difficult things that you have been putting off for a long time or could not complete in any way. It's time to take care of them. Today it will not be difficult to get the desired result: the circumstances will turn out well, there will surely be those who want to help, you will understand how to quickly achieve the goal. Aquarius♒️ The day is suitable for important matters and decisive actions. Intuition will tell you that you need to take on the most difficult and serious, and will not be mistaken. You can do a lot; there will be a chance to cope with what did not work before. It is possible that you want to radically change something in your life, and you will immediately understand how to do it. Pisces♓️ A day of unusual offers, new opportunities that you don't want to miss. There will be unexpected uses for your skills and talents, thanks to them you will attract the attention of very different people. An acquaintance is not excluded, from which a long friendship or a beautiful romantic story will begin.


September 17, 2022

Daily horoscope September 17th.

Libra♎️ No matter how many things are planned for this day, there is no doubt that you will do an excellent job with all of them. You can start with the most difficult: the morning will be successful and fruitful, you will surely succeed. In addition, news is likely that will tell you how best to act. Scorpio♏️ Get ready to do other people's business and solve problems that other people have. The day will be very fruitful, you will find a lot of useful activities. It may not be possible to finish everything that has been started. But it's unlikely to upset you. You will definitely achieve the desired result, albeit a little later. Sagittarius♐️ A favorable day for communication, meetings with old friends and new acquaintances. Share your ideas: many will certainly want to help in the implementation of the plan. Unusual offers are not excluded. You won't regret if you agree to them.


September 17, 2022

Daily horoscope September 17th.

Cancer♋️ Great day, rich and interesting. There may be more cases than expected, but you will take on each of them with genuine enthusiasm. It will not be difficult to achieve success, because you will find a very effective way to solve all problems. Many Cancers today will need their rich imagination. Leo♌️ The day will bring interesting meetings. It is suitable for meeting a person with whom you previously knew only in absentia, as well as for communicating with those about whom you have heard a lot. It will not be difficult to make a good impression: your charm is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Virgo♍️ There will be a chance to show what you are capable of. If there are still people who doubt your talents and skills, today they will have to change their minds. In many ways, it will be lucky, so it’s worth taking on some difficult business: there are great chances of achieving success in it.


September 17, 2022

Daily horoscope September 17th.

Aries♈️ The day when the most unusual and strange decisions can become the most successful. It is possible that you will want to change something in your life, and circumstances will develop in such a way that it will not be difficult to take the first step in a new direction. Pleasant meetings are likely, as well as acquaintances that will be very useful to you. Taurus♉️ A lot of small things will require attention, but you will quickly cope with everything. On the way there will not be such an obstacle that you could not overcome, and you will hardly have to make serious efforts to achieve your goal. You will get lucky where you did not count on it, and much will turn out to be easier than you might expect. Gemini♊️ The day will be quite busy. Some problems that have not been resolved before may remind of themselves, you will have to rush to complete what was started a long time ago. Try to do it calmly, without lashing out or losing your balance. Much will depend on your ability to control yourself, not to succumb to provocations.


September 17, 2022