4 zodiac couples with the strongest mental connection. Cancer and Scorpio.

Cancer stumbled and fell out of the blue? So somewhere one Scorpio remembered him. And if suddenly, for no reason at all, Pluto's ward took and “hung”, then he definitely caught the wave of the moon's pet. This is how Cancers and Scorpios communicate and do not suspect that they are made for each other. But if they "see the light" and dare to form a couple, then they will definitely be together until the end of their days, because it is hardly possible to part with half of your soul. If Cancer and Scorpio form a couple, there will be no one happier than them in the world.


September 19, 2022

Daily horoscope September 19th.

Capricorn♑️ The beginning of the day is hardly without misunderstandings. There may be disagreements at work, disputes with people with whom you previously got along well. It is worth being more attentive in business, especially if they are important not only for you. It is important to avoid even small mistakes, so take everything you undertake seriously. Aquarius♒️ Today you have a lot to do. True, mainly for others who will especially need your help and support. Close people you hardly want to refuse. But with new acquaintances, be on your guard: it is possible that they will try to abuse your kindness. Pisces♓️ The day is unlikely to bring any big changes. But events may occur that will give you interesting thoughts, tell you where to go next and who to turn to for help. Try to carefully observe what is happening around you. What seems insignificant to others may be important to you.


September 19, 2022

Daily horoscope September 19th.

Libra♎️ Don't get hung up on the little things. You will achieve a lot today if you focus on the important, try not to be distracted. Try to handle the most important things on your own. It is unlikely that even proven allies will be able to come to your aid in time. Scorpio♏️ The day is unlikely to be easy and calm: unexpected events are likely, confusion in business. But you can’t call it unsuccessful either, because you will definitely succeed if you act correctly. It is important to make your own decisions. Other people's advice and tips are unlikely to be useful to you. Sagittarius♐️ You can do a lot. Today, intuition will surely tell you what you need to do in order to win an important victory, to disarm people who have been harming you for a long time on the sly. Tune in decisively from the very morning: you will need to act quickly.


September 19, 2022

Daily horoscope September 19th.

Cancer♋️ It will be a little more difficult for you today to agree on something with those around you than usual. Be patient. Not always people will immediately be able to understand you correctly. Your ideas may seem too bold to them, and the arguments devoid of logic. Don't get excited. If you keep your composure, mutual understanding will soon be restored. Leo♌️ The day will surely bring some unexpected events, news that will affect your plans. Goals and priorities may change. It is possible that you will take a fresh look at what previously seemed obvious. It will become clear why before it was not possible to find a common language with some colleagues and business partners. Relations with them will change for the better. Virgo♍️ The beginning of the day is suitable in order to complete what was started earlier or deal with the accumulated small things. This time will also be favorable for working with documents, contacting government organizations, consulting with specialists in the field of finance.


September 19, 2022

Daily horoscope September 19th.

Aries♈️ The beginning of the day promises unusual meetings. This is a good time for communication. You will quickly be able to negotiate even with those who are not at all like you, who do not share your hobbies and interests. You can discuss work issues or personal matters - both will be useful. Later, more stressful times will come. You can handle everything, but you have to try. Taurus♉️ Focus on work and useful things. Today you will have time for a lot if you do not waste time in vain. It is better to start with the most important and difficult. Difficulties may arise, but there is no doubt that there will be people nearby who will help you cope with them. A long friendship can start from a common cause. Gemini♊️ The day will be restless, full of unexpected events. Most likely, you will not be able to stick to the plans made before, as completely new tasks will appear. You will quickly understand how to achieve the desired result. But others will not immediately guess, so you have to spend some time explaining.


September 19, 2022

For good sleep, eat almonds before bed!

Tasty and healthy almonds are rich not only in protein, but also in a substance that will make it easier to fall asleep and your muscles can relax. In addition, these nuts contain melatonin and may also lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol. According to studies, almonds, as well as the oil from it, have a hypnotic and sedative effect.


September 18, 2022

September 16th, by the way, was National Guacamole Day.

Since I am a big fan of this dish, I am sharing a recipe for newcomers, which I once posted here: - take 3-4 ripe, soft avocados. Peel, put in a bowl and mash with a fork. - add finely chopped red sweet onion (1/2 onion) - and tomatoes cut into small cubes (1-2 pcs). - mix everything, pour olive oil, salt and pepper to taste. The main thing is to find the softest avocados! By the way, do you like avocados?


September 18, 2022

What is onion useful for, and why should you not neglect it?

3. Rich in fiber. Onions contain both soluble and insoluble (coarse) vegetable fibers. They help to feel full longer, normalize the digestive tract and “feed” the beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora. In a conventional cup of onion - up to 12% of the daily fiber requirement. 4. Source of vitamin B6. One medium bulb contains about 8% of the recommended daily value of vitamin B6. It helps your body form red blood cells and breaks down protein.


September 18, 2022

What is onion useful for, and why should you not neglect it?

1. A source of vitamin C, the main antioxidant that fights free radicals that accelerate aging. Important for strong blood vessels and rapid regeneration. Onions contain 8 to 19% of the daily value of vitamin C. 2. Contains other antioxidants. For example, the flavonoid quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties, helps the body produce vitamin E and protects against many forms of cancer. Every onion has antioxidants, but red and yellow onions have more than white ones.


September 18, 2022

Do you love meat?

I'm sure many are. But sometimes you need to take breaks and switch to plant foods. Just to unload the body a little from animal protein. To date, there are many products from vegetable "meat" that differ little from non-vegetable ones due to the special processing of pea protein in the composition. And this is good, there is no feeling of sublimation and substitution. At the same time, pea protein is perfectly absorbed and saturates the body.


September 18, 2022

A couple of tips for women.

1. Tenderness during passion has not yet been canceled. In the midst of sex, ask him to stop for a minute and just kiss: his lips, eyes, neck. You'll see, passion will flare up with renewed vigor. 2. Look into your eyes. Have you seen how porn actresses give blowjobs? Dexterously, assertively and without taking his eyes off the object of passion. Look at both! You will close your eyes at the moment of orgasm.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

9. Sex in a public place. In addition to the fact that men dream of having sex in an unusual place, they do not mind if the process itself is associated with some danger of being discovered. The thought that strangers will appear in the middle of a sexual act in some public place excites men.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

8. Get a blowjob. Apparently, the sex life of many people is very chaste and old-fashioned, so that a significant number of men dream of a good blowjob - it will be enough to satisfy their desires.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

7. Have sex with a woman you know - but not with your wife. Men dream about sleeping with someone other than their regular partner. The heroine can be anyone - a neighbor, a cleaning lady, a work colleague or someone else from the "circle of acquaintances".


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

6. Sex in the toilet. Well, either in the hospital, or right in the office office. In general, men dream of sexual intercourse in some new place - although such fantasies do not differ in the richness of possible locations.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

5. See lesbian sex in real life. According to some men, any woman is ready to have same-sex sex under certain circumstances. The main thing here for the guy is to catch the moment and spy on the process.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

4. Make cunnilingus. A little strange, but... According to polls, about 80% of men dream of doing cunnilingus to their girlfriend - but not all women agree to this.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

3. Participation in group sex. In this case, we are not talking about the fact that other men also participated in the sexual intercourse. Fantasize only about the number of women with whom you can sleep - the number is not limited here: the more girls, the better.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

2. Sex with a stranger. It's trite, but it's true: about 70% of the men surveyed literally sleep and see how to sleep with a beautiful unfamiliar woman so that the sex is great, and after that there are no obligations.


September 18, 2022

Popular male fantasies.

1. Control nothing. Many men feel such a high responsibility for a successful sexual intercourse that they completely forget about how to enjoy themselves. That is why one of the popular fantasies is to give all control over the process to a woman, and to relax and just have fun.


September 18, 2022