Former girl Ilona Mask sold his old things and photos for $ 165,000.

Jennifer Gwinn and a billionaire met in the 90s, before his departure to California. One of the lots was a necklace of 14-carat gold with a small green emerald, which was bought for $ 51 thousand. Gwinn will spend the proceeds on training his stepson, and part will send to charity.


September 22, 2022

In people, “owls”, an increased risk of diabetes was found.

Scientists of the University of Ratger in the United States have found that people who go to bed are late, decreases the ability to burn fat for energy. This contributes to the accumulation of fats in the body and increasing the risk of developing diabetes of the second type and cardiovascular diseases.


September 22, 2022

Astronauts will be able to use Martian soil for 3D printing.

This will reduce the cost of flights, because all kinds of details can be done directly on the red planet. Researchers mixed different amounts of simulated Martian soil with titanium alloy. They also tried to create material for 3D printing from pure modeled soil. As a result, scientists have found that the mixture, which contains 5% of the Martian soil, is stronger and stronger than the usual titanium alloy. But clean soil did not fit for 3D printing - the objects received from it cracked when cooling. But its astronauts can be used to cover radiation shields that do not affect cracks.


September 22, 2022

Chinese scientists are the first in the world to clone an Arctic wolf.

The cub was born on June 10, 2022 by order of the Harbin Polar Park. According to Mi Jidong, this achievement was "a breakthrough in the field of protection and breeding of endangered wild animals." At birth, the weight of the wolf cub was 520 grams, and the body length was 22 centimeters. After 11 days, the animal weighed more than a kilogram, after two months - 4.5 kilograms. In the next two or three days, another wolf cub will be born. Individuals bred using cloning technology retain the ability to reproduce and may have offspring.


September 22, 2022

Zodiac signs and stress: how they can find peace of mind. Cancer.

Emotional Cancer often reacts too sensitively to everyday troubles and words thrown in the hearts. At one of these moments, he can climb into his “shell” and lock himself in on himself and his experiences, gradually inventing new reasons why he should hate the whole world. What can help Cancer and his introspective energy is a personal diary. Regular and (most importantly) honest conversations with yourself can heal Cancer from stress.


September 22, 2022

Rating of the best wives. 3rd place - Capricorn.

Capricorns close the top three - women who know exactly the recipe for family happiness. Elementary Watson! The perfect man should marry the perfect woman, it couldn't be easier, right? So Capricorns get married, guided by common sense and sober calculation, and not some kind of semi-mythical love. And then they live with their ideal husband in love and harmony until death separates them. We, perhaps, will not give the criteria for ideality: whom Capricorn chooses - they can look in the mirror, and the rest do not need to know such terrible things. You won't sleep afterwards.


September 22, 2022

5 zodiac signs that don't know how to learn from their mistakes. Pisces.

Typical Pisces people know that the stars have rewarded them with strong intuition. When making decisions, they are most often guided by feelings, scoring logic and common sense for arguments. For fans of reasonable decisions, the actions of Pisces can sometimes even seem absurd. Realizing his mistake here and now, the representative of the sign will do everything to correct the situation. But only within the framework of a specific scene - there is no guarantee that the next time the Pisces will not brew the same mess, the recipe of which is dictated to them by abstract inner sensations.


September 22, 2022

A pairs of zodiac signs that constantly quarrel and that's why. Aquarius and Cancer.

Quarrels between these signs most often arise due to their emotional incompatibility. Crayfish need a sincere open partner who would empathize with their feelings. Fixed Aquarius may seem to be in the callous cancer to their mental impulse, which can cause disagreements between them.


September 22, 2022

Daily horoscope on September 22.

Capricorn♑️ Do not rush to change something radically in life. Today it is worth acting carefully, carefully considering each step. It is better to refrain from risky experiments, to be legible in relationships. The day is definitely not suitable for engaging in dubious adventures. Aquarius♒️ The day will be hectic. Most likely, you will need to deal with several things at once, solving not only your own, but also other people's problems. You can do it all, but it will take effort. Do not count on easy victories, be prepared to be persistent. Pisces♓️ The start of the day can be pretty goofy and exhausting. You can hardly focus on one thing. Not all Pisces will be able to avoid unpleasant conversations. Some representatives of the sign run the risk of quarreling with those with whom they used to get along well. The second half of the day will pass calmer. It is suitable for making important decisions, starting to implement serious plans.


September 22, 2022

Daily horoscope on September 22.

Libra♎️ Do not rush with conclusions and decisions. At the beginning of the day, it may be difficult to correctly assess the situation, understand why events develop this way and not otherwise. Be careful with new acquaintances: they may try to mislead you. The situation will improve gradually. Scorpio♏️ Do not fantasize and invent a bicycle. Today, the ability to really look at things, study on other people's mistakes, use the experience of other people. You will save a lot of strength if you act in proven methods. Sagittarius♐️ You will have a lot to do. The day will not bring such tasks that you could not cope with. Unusual proposals are likely: people can make them about which you have previously heard a lot of good. Rely on intuition, she will accurately tell you whether it is worth agreeing.


September 22, 2022

Daily horoscope on September 22.

Cancer♋️ You have a lot to think about. The experience gained today will allow us to see a lot in a new light, to better understand ourselves and others. Both business and personal relationships can change. There will be much fewer reasons for disagreements and disputes, and communication will bring more positive emotions. Leo♌️ The beginning of the day can hardly do without minor incidents, some unfortunate misunderstandings. People who used to be easy to deal with can act strangely and sometimes stupidly, and this will make you worry. However, the impact of positive trends will quickly increase. Soon after noon, you will feel much calmer and more confident. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable for important conversations; You can discuss both business and personal issues. You will be listened to carefully and understood correctly. Relationships that were previously tense will become more even. You will feel much more confident and calm.


September 22, 2022

Daily horoscope on September 22.

Aries♈️ Do not build illusions, try to really look at things. This is exactly what will allow you to avoid false expectations and in vain hopes, to make the right decisions in time, to quickly navigate in a new situation. You need to act quickly for those who strive for professional success. You will have a chance to win an important victory - try not to miss it. Taurus♉️ Intuition will tell you that it is time to take up important matters, and will not be mistaken. This is a suitable day in order to begin to implement some large-scale plan. You will quickly achieve the first successes. If you need allies, it will not be difficult to find them. Gemini♊️ The day will be quite restless and will surely bring many worries. However, there is no doubt: you can handle everything. This will surely help people whom you have helped out more than once. Business relations, which previously developed intensely, will become more relaxed.


September 22, 2022

How to find out that the person you met is not your type?

The person you're talking to is focused on himself. You agree to take a cup of coffee, and the person is talking about himself for an hour with rapt attention. Perhaps you are flooding him with questions on himself. But if not, there is a sign that this is a self-absorbed person, who cares only about his own feelings and interests. Your life and your interests will NEVER really matter to him. If you've met a classic NARCISSIST — a person who doesn't see anyone's worth except his own, then you may be sure that he will carry his narcissism throughout his entire life.


September 21, 2022

Speak for yourself.

When you rely on YOUR OWN experience, it's almost impossible to refute your point. But when you start speaking for other people, anyone can challenge your opinion or dispute your arguments. And you are very likely to exaggerate, simplify information, or fall into stereotypes. And definitely weaken your bargaining position. So try to base your speech on your own experience.


September 21, 2022

People watch porn to get away from feeling the meaninglessness of their existence.

Scientists interviewed 179 people aged 18-66. Among them, 104 men and 75 women, 143 volunteers were heterosexual. All study participants watched porn. After analyzing the answers, psychologists came to the conclusion that watching porn is one of the ways to hide from negative emotions associated with losing yourself or the inability to determine the meaning of life. This deep conflict manifests itself in the form of boredom.


September 21, 2022

Follow the fun of friends in social networks is really bad for the psyche, scientists have proven.

The researchers analyzed student surveys starting in 2004, when universities in the United States began to phase in Facebook. The frequency of depression and anxiety has since increased by 7% and 20%, respectively. 30% more people aged 18 to 24 began to report mental disorders in 2018-2019. In the early 2000s, their number was 24%. Scientists argue that the point is in the ubiquity of social networks. Watching everyone around having fun is unpleasant, especially if a person does not do it himself. This leads to a distorted perception of reality and dissatisfaction with one's life.


September 21, 2022

The United Arab Emirates announced the launch of a lunar rover in November.

The Arab apparatus will fly on a Falcon 9 rocket. And Japanese technology will land it on the surface of the satellite.


September 21, 2022

Biologists have created a "living" synthetic cell for the first time.

Scientists have created a synthetic eukaryotic cell that performs all the main functions of the original. Including - produces energy and expresses genes. This is a significant breakthrough in biotechnology. New synthetic cells will be useful for biomodelling, development of biotechnology and medicine.


September 21, 2022

There was a way to measure the level of oxygen in the blood using a smartphone camera.

American scientists have figured out how to use a smartphone camera to measure saturation - the level of oxygen saturation in the blood. Usually, doctors use a pulse oximeter for this - a small device that resembles a clothespin and is worn on a finger. To measure saturation with a smartphone, you need to put your fingertip on the camera. There, flashes of red, green and blue will turn on in turn. The process will take about 15 minutes. The camera will record how, with each heartbeat, blood flows over the illuminated part of the finger and absorbs the light from the flash. Based on this data, specially trained artificial intelligence will calculate the level of oxygen in the blood.


September 21, 2022

Thailand urged not to sell kidneys to buy iPhone 14.

Sophon Mekton, managing director of the Thai Red Cross Organ Donation Center, denounced a photo showing three people with bloody bandages on their stomachs, allegedly selling their kidneys to buy a new Apple iPhone 14.


September 21, 2022