Should you share with a partner?

However, the overwhelming majority of fantasies about rape are considered the norm, because almost all women are aware of the difference between a real threat or an imaginary imitation. Should she share her feelings with you? It's up to her to decide. But if trust and love reign in your relationship, if both of you are sympathetic to each other’s weaknesses, sometimes it’s worth bringing this game to life in order to refresh your feelings a little.


September 24, 2022

5. Tendency to masochism.

Finally, one more reason for fantasies on the topic of rigid domination of a partner may be hidden in the masochistic inclinations of the lady, be the result of her experiences of violence repressed by her. Most likely, such women, as children, experienced humiliation, pain, or restriction of their freedom, which the brain, for some reason, associated with care and love. When the girl grew up, her body began to react with excitement to the inflicted suffering, reinforcing this: physical violence is equal to passion and sexual pleasure.


September 24, 2022

4. Relationship between stress and sexual pleasure.

Yes, yes, sexual desire can be artificially increased by teasing your nerves a little. Light stress increases the moment of arousal, helping to increase sexual appetite. When we are frightened of something, when we are forced to experience strong conflicting feelings - interest and fear, passion and hatred, attraction and disgust - the fuses in our brain break down, forcing the heart to beat faster, the lungs to breathe deeper, increasing the excitation and hydration of the mucous tissues.


September 24, 2022

3. Biological program laid down by nature.

This theory is also valid. So, some psychologists believe that the nature of men and women contains instinctive programs of the animal world, which are transmitted to us genetically. For example, have you noticed how the process of intercourse between animals occurs in nature? Most often, the male hunts the female, she runs away, he catches up with her and subordinates her to his desires.


September 24, 2022

2. The result of a conservative upbringing.

Another category of women who often present scenes of sexual violence with their participation are those who were brought up in strict Puritan families, where sexuality was banned for a long time, and even condemned in every possible way. Parents of such girls from childhood teach them to be ashamed of their body and desires, forbid them to communicate with boys, go on dates, make up, dress femininely, read love literature. Needless to say, instincts do not go anywhere, the hormonal boom still makes itself felt. And then the girl begins to actively fantasize that she is being forced to have sex by force in order to avoid feeling guilty for her desire, in order to punish herself for "dirty" thoughts. It was not she who succumbed to temptation, she was forced against her own will!


September 24, 2022

1. Desire for unconditional love.

Oddly enough, fantasies with a similar context are often inherent in insecure women who are full of a variety of fears and complexes. In fact, this feeling haunts them even from puberty, especially if they have not been able to accept their new body, looking for flaws in themselves. In society, such women do not feel part of the team, they live with a constant feeling of loneliness, not feeling support even from their parents.


September 24, 2022

Male sexual dominance.

One of the most common female erotic fantasies is the theme of male sexual dominance. So, every 6 woman out of 10 at least once was aroused by thoughts about staged rape, although in real life this is completely uncharacteristic of her. Why is this happening, and what is it connected with? I suggest looking into it in more detail. Women's imagination is stirred by scenes of violence, although in reality none of them would like to experience this experience. What are the reasons?


September 24, 2022

Responsibility for your life.

Some women honestly admit that they are tired of pulling the strap and for them loneliness is a pain. They want to meet a man as soon as possible and shift responsibility for their lives onto him. Huge mistake. A confident woman does not look for a savior. She is free and knows how to take responsibility for her actions. After all, such a woman is always in a resource state. She has a lot of energy, which she shares with her chosen one.


September 24, 2022

How to love yourself: 3 steps to acceptance.

Start treating yourself and your life differently! 1. Take responsibility for your happiness. Love is the foundation of everything and you deserve to be happy. 2. Start listening to yourself, your desires. Do what you want, not what needs to be done according to the rules or because someone asked. 3. Get rid of guilt. It is no less destructive.


September 24, 2022

I do too much for relationships.

"I do so much for him, but he ..." Sometimes a husband and wife make almost identical claims to each other, the essence of which is: "I do much more for the family, but you don't even appreciate it." Who is right and what to do if you also find yourself in a similar situation? Become more attentive and start to notice what the husband is doing. It's even worth writing a list. Usually, if you start listing, it turns out that the partner does a lot and certainly no less than you. We just don't usually pay attention to it.


September 24, 2022

Praise out loud.

It is obvious to you that since you are there, your partner is the best for you. He - would not mind if you sometimes reminded him of this. Of course, actions are more important than words, but a good compliment, tender recognition or praise are not superfluous.


September 24, 2022

The man does not know how to admit his guilt.

He is always right. Fight to the last! Never apologizes. If the dispute has reached an impasse, he may be silent for a week, but does not admit that he is to blame. Familiar? Avoid men who do not know how to admit their guilt, because the one who is always right and not guilty of anything will make you a scapegoat. You will correct his mistakes and all responsibility will fall on you, because he is perfection! Roughly speaking, he would rather set you up than stand up to his full height and say: "I made a mistake, I'll fix it." Nobody is always right. And to allow yourself to make mistakes and apologize, in fact, means to gain the freedom to be yourself. Are you able to admit guilt? What about your partner?


September 24, 2022

Speak the other's language.

A simple truth: people are more likely to trust those who are similar to them, whom they can understand. So your task is to adapt to your interlocutor. She quotes the greats? Try to remember a couple of them too. He jokes? You also need to show your sense of humor. This rule applies to non-verbal communication as well. If the person is actively gesticulating, then you need to be lively and open-minded. If he/she chooses closed postures, you should be more restrained. This method also works in a group. You just need to find out the manner of communication appreciated by the particular audience.


September 24, 2022

Healthy selfishness is a prerequisite for inner comfort.

If we care too much about others, it turns into a problem. By constantly giving in and considering our inner self to be less valuable than others', we erase our personal boundaries and concentrate completely on the needs of others. Swallow resentment and give in, or say "no, that won't do!" and allow ourselves to be HAPPY. Always trying to be "good" is pointless. Sooner or later something can go wrong and you will be certainly blamed and criticized. Living only for someone, you have to ignore your own desires and needs. Remember: sacrificing yourself for others is your own decision.


September 24, 2022

Is anger physically addictive?

It happens quite often. During an outburst of rage, ADRENALIN is released into the bloodstream. This hormone energizes us and dulls our pain. The pleasure of such a release when you get angry is about the same as during a parachute jump. A person seeks this state to relieve stress or to overcome negative thoughts. Usually, having expressed his/her anger, he/she feels great, while his/her victims are completely destroyed.


September 24, 2022

How much garbage did people leave on Mars?

Chagri Kilic, a robotics researcher at West Virginia University, has calculated that over 50 years of exploring the surface of Mars, humans have left 7,119 kilograms of debris on the planet. Kilich calculated in kilograms the mass of all spacecraft ever sent to the Red Planet and subtracted the weight of the still working - 9979 - 2860 = 7119. In total, there are three main types of debris on Mars - discarded equipment (for example, containment shells of spacecraft), inactive or broken devices.


September 24, 2022

Hideo Kojima, NASA and Anicorn unveil the Space Ludens watch.

Silver watch with gold accents. Beneath the dial is an engraved NASA inscription, and on the case is the Kojima Productions slogan "From Sapiens to Ludens". They worked on the clock for 2 years. As part of the partnership, Anicorn will also release several accessories, including t-shirts and a detailed wearable Luden mask. Only buyers of a rare edition of watches will be able to get it. In total, the manufacturer will release only 100 of these masks. The watch will go on sale on September 27, 2022. The price of the accessory is not yet known.


September 24, 2022

Climate warming has accelerated the decomposition of wood by termites.

Biologists have estimated the rate at which termites decompose dead wood in different climates and found that the insects became more active by more than 6.5 times for every 10 degrees Celsius increase in temperature. This means that as termites warm up, they will play an increasingly important role in the carbon cycle, and their populations will spread around the world.


September 24, 2022

Four-dimensional ultrasound has proven that people react to taste and smell even in the womb.

The study involved a hundred women at 32-36 weeks of pregnancy. On the day of the study, the women were not allowed to eat or drink flavored beverages before visiting the doctor. 20 minutes before the scan, they received a capsule of carrot or cabbage powder. After that, doctors took pictures of the facial expressions of as yet unborn children. Scientists believe that the mother's diet during pregnancy can affect the taste preferences of children. Also, the right diet of a woman is able to form healthy eating habits for a child.


September 24, 2022

Molecules found in green tea effective against Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists at the University of California have found that the molecule epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) breaks down tau fibers, long strands of tau protein that form tangles and cause neuronal death. EGCG molecules are found in green tea.


September 24, 2022