Laminaria rejuvenates your face.

Did you know about it? It turns out that ordinary dried algae bought at a pharmacy work wonders! The recipe is very simple. We need 3 tsp. kelp, 5 tsp boiling water. Mix everything, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. If you have oily skin, then add a few drops of lemon juice, and if, on the contrary, dry, then vegetable oil. Mix everything, cool and then apply with your fingers on the skin of the face for 20 minutes. Then at night the mask must be washed off. A kelp mask should be done up to 4 times a week.


September 27, 2022

4 immune boosting ingredients to include in your diet.

1. Zinc. Influences simultaneously on all links of human immunity. It increases the production of interferons, prevents the spread of the virus in the cell, protects lymphocytes from destruction. 2. Vitamin D. Strengthens innate immunity, activates antimicrobial peptides that eliminate pathogenic organisms such as microbes, bacteria and viruses6. Vitamin D strengthens cellular immunity, supports lung function by reducing the inflammatory response caused by viruses. 3. Vitamin C. It enhances the production of interferon proteins, which are among the first to fight viruses. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to neutralize free radicals and protect lung cells from their aggressive effects. 4. Quercetin. A natural bioregulator and antioxidant that prevents the destruction of cell membranes by free radicals and the development of inflammation, contributes to the faster disappearance of cough, shortness of breath, swelling of the bronchi, and normal breathing.


September 27, 2022

The secret to perfect hair.

1. Comb your hair twice a day. This stimulates the blood circulation of the scalp, which contributes to the active growth and nutrition of the hair. 2. Rinse your hair with cold water. It refreshes the skin, regenerates cells, relieves fatigue and improves blood circulation. 3. First use conditioner, then shampoo. This simple secret will help you moisturize your hair and make it beautiful and shiny. There is another equally effective trick: after using the conditioner and shampoo, rinse your hair with a little lemon or coconut oil added to the water. 4. Say yes to hair masks twice a week. 5. Be careful when using chemicals and high temperatures. Try to use a hair dryer, tongs and curling irons within reasonable limits. 6. Watch your diet. Our hair is negatively affected by the lack of vitamins and minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium): hair loses its healthy shine, becomes dry, weak and brittle, with split ends.


September 27, 2022

One of the most common myths in the field of fitness: you can lose weight locally!

That is, in those places where I would very much like to become smaller: the stomach, hips, etc. Indeed, there is a lot of information on the Internet about this. But here's what the science says. Physical activity affects the expenditure of the total fat depot, but not its individual parts. In addition, do not forget that, in addition to the subcutaneous fat layer, which we can see and even measure, there is also visceral fat (it surrounds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity). During training, for energy, you must first break down fats into glycerol and fatty acids. Several hormones are responsible for this: adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine, growth hormone and thyroid hormones. We cannot influence the work of hormones at the moment and at will. But we can approach the training process in a complex way, with a great emphasis on nutrition. This is how you can "blind" the figure of your dreams.


September 27, 2022

Peaceful state.

The feeling of peace initially with its sound reminds that it is close to the whole world, comparable to the feeling of the unity of everything that exists on the planet and living one’s own life and personal characteristics not as separate or opposed, but as one piece of the whole space. Appeasement gives unity not only with the surrounding space, but also connects various parts of the personality, links many human roles into a single system, builds thoughts from chaos into a stream. From such a feeling, one can observe the changes without being particularly emotionally involved in what is happening, while there comes a striking clarity both in one’s own desires and motives, and in the paths that open in space and the unmanifest reasons for the actions of others.


September 27, 2022

The love of a wife in the family.

A wife creates a space for her husband where he is always welcomed and loved, where he feels calm, where he is surrounded by home comfort. Even such simple components of everyday life as ironed shirts, delicious food, surrounding cleanliness and order give a man an enormous amount of energy. Such a woman turns the house into a source of strength, a place where a man wants to return, where he recovers and rests, and where he leaves inspired for new exploits. Do not forget to meet your husband with joy, surround you with care and warmth, fill the space with love.


September 27, 2022

What to do if a partner crosses the line?

If you notice that the statements or actions of a loved one are far from ideal, this is not a reason to immediately break the union. Think about what caused the change. Perhaps your partner was affectionate before, but recently his behavior has changed dramatically? This indicates a hidden resentment, irritation accumulating in a couple, the presence of a mistress. Problems like this can be solved if both are willing to work on the relationship. Talk to him. Explain what is bothering you. The conversation should take place calmly, without reproaches and tears. If after some time you realize that conversations do not lead to changes, it's time to think about breaking up.


September 27, 2022


If someone smiles at you not sincerely, his eyes show it. When a person smiles genuinely, his/her eyes are slightly covered and the skin around them wrinkles. People can hide their true feelings behind a smile and a laugh. If you want to know whether someone is smiling sincerely, look for wrinkled skin around his/her eyes.


September 27, 2022

The necessity of boldness.

If you know about yourself that you are a PROFESSIONAL, you have every right to be confident. Indeed, many people trust their business to cheeky personalities, because this quality makes others feel sure that you will get results.


September 27, 2022

Character is destiny.

What does it mean? It means that a person's destiny depends on himself, on his deeds, which are based on his personal traits, not on the will of the Almighty, the coincidence of external circumstances or on other people, not at all. Relationship quality depends primarily on the person itself, his/her character: one gets along with everyone and the other conflicts with everyone.


September 27, 2022

Apple has launched the production of the iPhone 14 in India.

Previously, the company used Indian manufacturing resources only to work with outdated models - for example, to assemble refurbished iPhone 6s. Now local factories have been trusted with current devices - in the near future, up to 25% of devices are planned to be produced here. For now, only the iPhone 14 models will be made in India, while the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max models will continue to be made in China. This decision will free up additional resources in Chinese factories during times of increased demand for the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max.


September 27, 2022

Nightmares may be an early sign of dementia, scientists say.

The researchers came to this conclusion when they analyzed the results of three studies that looked at sleep quality. The participants in the experiment were followed for several years, assessing the health of their brains. Among them were more than 600 people aged 35 to 64, as well as 2,600 people aged 79 and older. It turned out that those who have nightmares at least once a week in middle age are four times more likely to suffer from cognitive decline in the next ten years. And older participants in the study, who often experienced disturbing dreams, were twice as likely to develop dementia.


September 27, 2022

In Australia, a man died at the "hands" of a kangaroo

For the first time in 86 years, a fight with a marsupial ended so sadly. Moreover, the kangaroo attacked an elderly man who kept him as a pet. Moreover, after the "fight" the animal did not let the doctors to the man until he died. The tragic story ended with the fact that the police had to shoot the killer.


September 27, 2022

A drop of water from an asteroid.

In the soil samples from the asteroid Ryugu, studied by scientists from Japan, they found a sudden component - a drop of water. 150 scientists triple-checked the indicators - this is really an ordinary drop of water that came from deep space.


September 27, 2022

The spread of amoeba, which eats brains, has accelerated in the world.

Scientists from the University of Arizona have issued a warning that the global spread of amoebas Naegleria fowleri has accelerated due to the climate crisis. They are known for eating brains. These single-celled creatures live in fresh water and can enter the body through the nose and from there into the brain. Then they begin to destroy his tissues. Brain-eating amoebae thrive best in warm waters above 30°C.


September 27, 2022

In Italy, they built a building-shifter.

This is the Hub of Huts Spa, designed by Network of Architecture. The unusual structure is part of the Hubertus Hotel in South Tyrol. It is located at a height of 15 meters and is supported by two massive columns stylized as trees. On the upper level there are hydro-massage baths with panoramic views, changing rooms and showers, and on the lower level there is a bathhouse, a Finnish sauna and a jacuzzi. According to the architects, it was one of the most difficult projects in their career. They wanted the complex to resemble an upside-down village lost in the mountains.


September 27, 2022

Zodiac signs and stress: how to find peace of mind. Sagittarius.

Usually luck accompanies Sagittarius, but black stripes in life are inevitable. Sagittarians try to avoid emotional upheavals by hiding them with jokes (which is why there are so many black humor lovers among them), and they are unlikely to tell anyone about problems, maintaining the image of a sort of “shirt-guy”. But when anxiety nevertheless takes possession of Sagittarius's thoughts, he should give a break to his tireless mind and try meditation practices. Yes, at first this active ward of Jupiter will be bored, but in the end, the calmed psyche will thank him.


September 27, 2022

How do signs behave when they fall out of love. Gemini.

The twins are silent. No, our Magic Ball did not fall off the table, get bruised, and become delirious as a result of this unfortunate incident. Geminis really are able to shut up. Moreover, they are able to remain silent for a long time and, most importantly, very eloquently. But even if you are not able to read any non-verbal messages, including a stool aptly thrown into the wedding service, there is no need to be upset: just remember the simple rule - “Silence means you don’t love.”


September 27, 2022

5 main introverts of the zodiac world. Taurus.

Astrologers say that people born under the sign of Taurus do not like noisy companies and prefer not to leave their personal comfort zone if possible. Taurus will gladly organize a sumptuous dinner and invite friends to visit, but only if they themselves set the day and time. Otherwise, the named guests can become a real burden and problem for them. Taurus does not like when his personal space is violated. In addition, Taurus introverts are used to performing professional duties at their own pace, and the slightest extraneous noise at the same time can unsettle them. Like no one else, they love to make lists and plans and strictly follow them. Taurus, who have been hurt in the past, usually become especially secretive: it is now extremely difficult for them to open their souls to a new person.


September 27, 2022

What zodiac signs do not forgive in a relationship. Cancer.

Cancer - attempts to change it. Well, Cancer has enough negative traits: he is selfish, stubborn, quarrelsome, overly emotional. But such is his personality, and attempts to change it - even with good intentions - he will not understand. After all, he accepts his beloved with all the shortcomings, why can't he pay with the same coin?


September 27, 2022