The role of the stomach and intestines in the occurrence of iron deficiency.

The stomach plays an important role in iron absorption because it is where it is absorbed. This process is disrupted if there are problems in the organ. For example, due to the consequences of exposure to the bacteria helicobacter pylori, which cause ulcers and gastritis, the very “holes” appear from which iron “poureds” past and does not have time to be absorbed. Also, this bacterium can cause atrophy of the walls of the stomach, and it simply cannot absorb substances normally.


September 28, 2022

How iron deficiency occurs - an example with a mug.

In order for something to appear in the mug, you need to pour something into it (accordingly, the intake of iron into the body from food is important). In order for there to be enough iron, we need to “pour” into the “mug” as much as we need to drink - according to our needs. If we pour less, then the deficit cannot be avoided either: we simply will not have enough of this amount to replenish the usual norm. If there is a hole in the “mug”, then everything poured will pour out from the back, we will drink and we will miss (hello, leaky intestines). So the amount of iron that enters the body and is absorbed depends on the condition of the digestive tube. That is, you need to “put” iron into the “mug”, be able to “pick it up” and check if there are any holes and if what you poured pours out.


September 28, 2022

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia, or iron deficiency in the blood, appears as a result of insufficient and malnutrition, as well as due to disorders in the body, in particular from the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologists explain how it works. For clarity, a simple comparison: let's take a mug as a model of the gastrointestinal tract. When we “drink” from it (that is, the body absorbs the necessary trace elements), it is important that enough is poured into it so that it does not become thin.


September 28, 2022

Как возникает железодефицит — пример с кружкой.

Чтобы в кружке что-то появилось, в нее надо это что-то налить (соответственно, важно поступление железа в организм из пищи). Чтобы железа было достаточно, в «кружку» нужно «наливать» столько, сколько нам необходимо выпить — по нашим потребностям. Если мы наливаем меньше, то дефицита тоже не избежать: нам просто не хватит этого количества до восполнения привычной нормы. Если в «кружке» дырка — то все наливаемое будет выливаться с обратной стороны, мы будем пить и нам будет не хватать (привет, дырявый кишечник). Так что количество железа, которое поступает в организм и всасывается, зависит от состояния пищеварительной трубки. То есть в «кружку» железо нужно «положить», суметь «забрать» и проверить, нет ли дыр и не выливается ли то, что налили.


September 28, 2022

3 secrets to become a magnet for male attention.

1. Optimism and a smile literally attract men. Obsession with problems, whining can push anyone away. Seeing the positive in everything and smiling broadly at life is the best way to be the center of attraction! 2. Self-confidence (not to be confused with arrogance!). Posture, head position, gaze, gait, gestures - all this gives non-verbal signals. When a woman is perceived as confident, she automatically becomes interesting. 3. Beauty and grooming. The golden rule: men in 99% of cases do not understand the proportions, size and shape of the eyes and do not notice minor flaws. As such, they do not understand canonical beauty, but they perfectly read grooming. A man perceives the image as a whole and tends to react not to beauty, but to grooming.


September 28, 2022

What do men expect from a relationship?

1. Approval and support. There are more problems in the male world than in ours. Ambition and motivation to go forward require strong nerves, constant struggle with stress. And in this struggle they need to be supported. Praise and encourage your husband more often, hug and kiss, say that "everything will be fine" when it is required. 2. Honesty and trust. Any person needs someone in front of whom it is not scary to show his soul. Open up completely, share your innermost thoughts and emotions. And this is impossible without complete trust. 3. Acceptance. Men love to make themselves important macho, but in their hearts they dream of being accepted for who they are. This does not mean that you need to turn a blind eye to their shortcomings, but giving your loved one a little personal space does not hurt. Are there all the points in your relationship? Do you think your man is happy?


September 28, 2022

Learn to keep a man's secrets.

If your man shares his secrets with you, he wants to be sure: this will forever remain between the two of you, you will not tell your girlfriend or mother about this. You destroy his trust when you use this information to argue with him, even if no one else is listening. For him, this is a signal that you are manipulating his trust.


September 28, 2022

How to criticize a man?

There are simple rules: Do not get personal: evaluate not a person, but his actions, and then carefully. Calm down before starting a conversation. The simplest thing is to start with praise and end with praise. And between the laudatory speeches, insert your remark in the form of a wish. For example: “Thank you so much, dear, for picking me up from the office by car. After a hard day at work it was so nice! And if you arrive a little earlier next time, I will be very grateful to you! But it's so wonderful to go home with you, and also not suffer on public transport. Or: “You helped me so wonderfully by hanging up my clothes after washing! And can I ask you next time to hang my dress on a coat hanger, and then it will not wrinkle? A wish disguised with compliments works amazingly, just try it!


September 28, 2022

Say no correctly.

You need to focus not on the moment of refusal, but on your DESIRE. Compare two versions of the same sentence: "I'd really like to go out with you, but I'm busy today." "I'm busy today, but I'd really like to go out with you!" While the first option seems like a trivial excuse, the second sounds pretty justified and honest.


September 28, 2022

Don't be afraid of failure.

If you constantly worry about what other people think of your failures, stop immediately. Failure is a natural process, not a sign of the Apocalypse. Realize this fact. It is the experience of failure that shapes our unique life, develops our will to win and teaches us to analyze ourselves.


September 28, 2022

Applied games have helped relieve depression in the elderly.

Applied games lead to a decrease in the level of depression in older people, South Korean scientists have found. Both games that involve physical activity and those that combine physical exercise and cognitive training have a significant impact on depression.


September 28, 2022

The world's first surface winged vehicle, the Seaglider, was tested.

What the Seaglider is capable of: - Swim on the water; - Carry up to 12 people at the same time; - Fly distance up to 300 km; - Fly at speeds up to 300 km/h. The manufacturer has already opened pre-orders. In just a year, the total number of pre-orders amounted to $ 7 billion. Of these, $ 18 million will go to the development of the second generation Seaglider. The first buyers will receive their vehicles at the beginning of 2025. Future winged cars will be able to accommodate up to 50 people and the device will be able to fly twice as long.


September 28, 2022

In Greece, found a huge statue of a young Hercules.

In the Greek city of Philippi, archaeologists have found a huge statue of a young Hercules, which dates back to the second century BC. e. The sculpture has been preserved in relatively good condition - the torso and head are intact, but the hero's right leg below the thigh is missing, as well as the right arm. According to the research team, the statue adorned a much later building in the eighth or ninth century AD.


September 28, 2022

Undefined Technologies tested the first ion-powered drone.

The technology used in spacecraft is finally being used in commercial drones. By ionizing oxygen and nitrogen molecules, the drone creates wind and can deliver 150% more thrust than traditional drones. Plus, it's practically silent.


September 28, 2022

Chicken broth was healthier after 20 hours of simmering.

Chemists from Japan studied how the temperature of cooking chicken broth affects its composition and softness of chicken meat, and found that if the broth is heated for 20 hours at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius, the concentration of amino acids, peptides and other metabolites in it increases significantly, and the chicken itself meat becomes softer.


September 28, 2022

NASA rammed a 160-meter asteroid.

NASA rammed a 160-meter asteroid with a probe as part of an experiment to protect the Earth from dangerous space objects. The collision was shown live. The 550-kilogram DART probe crashed into the asteroid Dimorph at a speed of 21.160 km/h. Whether the experience turned out to be successful is still unknown: NASA will monitor the change in the trajectory of the space object.


September 28, 2022

Zodiac signs and stress: how to find peace of mind. Capricorn.

In astrology, the sign of Capricorn is famous for its ability to cope with stress on its own. He takes constant tension for granted and is very productive in such conditions. But sometimes Capricorn still does not cope with the tasks set, and pride and ambition prevent him from asking for help. He should remember that not a single close person will reproach Capricorn for this request, but, on the contrary, will be honored to help. At the same time, physical activity will help Capricorn to get rid of mental stress - like jogging in the park or swimming.


September 28, 2022

How do zodiac signs behave when they fall out of love. Cancer.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to understand that Cancer has fallen out of love, unless, of course, you are a medium (but if you are a medium, you will have to kill him first and only then call his ghost for a frank conversation). The first thing Cancers do when they fall out of love is to slowly back away to a safe distance. Because only relatives and loved ones are allowed to know what is inside Cancer, and you are already neither one nor the other - a surprise! The only way to understand that the case smells like kerosene is to suddenly not find the slightest trace of the presence of Cancer in the foreseeable present.


September 28, 2022

5 main introverts of the zodiac world. Scorpio.

Scorpions are one of those who are extremely reluctant to make contact, and even more so will be frank with the first person they meet. For these comrades to open their souls to someone, something out of the ordinary must happen. Not many can boast of a close relationship with Scorpios: to feel a prick of their “sting” is much more real than to hear a kind word addressed to them. In fact, people born under the sign of Scorpio can be passionate, charismatic and bright. However, most of these people can be compared to fireworks: flaring up for a moment, they burn out and quickly return to their cozy little world, "pitying" those who wish to disturb their precious peace.


September 28, 2022

What zodiac signs do not forgive in a relationship. Leo.

Leo - betrayal Leo interprets the concept of betrayal quite broadly. Cheating for him is not when if his soulmate has come to flirt with another. On the contrary, Leo will look through his fingers if you, say, put a “like” on Instagram to some pretty member of the opposite sex. His ideal life partner must always side with Leo in public, and quarrels and conflicts should not go beyond the walls of their home. A real humiliation for this proud sign would be a comparison not in his favor with anyone else - especially if this shame had witnesses.


September 28, 2022