Drinking coffee reduced mortality.

Drinking any type of coffee reduced all-cause mortality. Australian researchers have concluded that drinking any variety of coffee - instant, ground and decaffeinated - reduces cardiovascular morbidity and all-cause mortality.


September 29, 2022

Alaska's new lakes are teeming with bacteria that release methane and threaten the planet.

Newly formed lakes are called thermokarst. The bacteria found in them were sealed in the ice for decades, and now they've been released and began to absorb organic matter and release methane into the air - this greenhouse gas contributes to the temperature increase on Earth. Some lakes produce such large amounts of methane that bubbles rising to the surface can be seen with the naked eye. So far, scientists continue to observe and try to assess how dangerous the current situation is for the environment.


September 29, 2022

If nothing happened

Turkish photographer Alper Yeshiltash created a series of images “If nothing happened” using a neural network: he showed what some celebrities would have looked like if they had not died too soon. In the pictures: aged Michael Jackson without plastic surgery and vitiligo, Heath Ledger, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Princess Diana, Freddie Mercury and Tupac and others. Looking at the photographs, it seems as if all these great people did not leave, that they are nearby. It's just time to get older, wiser and move away from the hustle and bustle. Great idea. Thank you.


September 29, 2022

Brabus has turned the Gelendvagen into an insane sports pickup.

Brabus P 900 Rocket Edition weighs 2.7 tons, but it accelerates to hundreds in 3.7 seconds. It will be released in a limited edition of 10 copies. The price of a pickup truck is 650.000 euros. The Mercedes-Benz G-Class pickup received a carbon body kit, 24-inch wheels and a hood with a transparent section that allows you to see the engine. The radiator grille received diode backlighting.


September 29, 2022

Elon Musk has topped the Forbes list of the 400 richest businessmen in the United States for the first time.

At the time of compiling the updated version of the Forbes 400 rating, Musk's fortune was estimated at $251 billion. It grew by 32%, by $60.5 billion, compared to last year. In the spring of 2022, American Forbes for the first time named Musk the richest businessman in the world.


September 29, 2022

Toyota is building the city of the future in Japan.

The city will become a testing ground for advanced technologies in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, which can be introduced into the urban environment. The city of the future called Woven City (Woven City) will be located 100 kilometers from Tokyo at the foot of Mount Fuji. The area of the "living laboratory" will be 71 hectares.


September 29, 2022

Zodiac signs and stress: how they find peace of mind. Aquarius.

Usually Aquarius himself is the root cause of his stress - he is the biggest procrastinator in the entire zodiac circle. He clearly sees the future, but does not get along well with the present. This principle of "there will always be tomorrow" does not fit well with the implementation of tasks set in real time. The creative nature of Aquarius does not withstand constant pressure, and he breaks down into base emotions. In such cases, Aquarius is recommended to expand the circle of contacts: an unfamiliar person can give more useful advice than relatives who understand your behavioral models well.


September 29, 2022

How do signs behave when they fall out of love. Leo.

With Leo, everything is simple: Leo stops giving gifts. Moreover, from the point of view of Leo, his regal attention is also a gift, and if you suddenly feel like an empty place, most likely this is it. But to demand worship, which is typical, Leo not only does not stop, but also does it twice as hard: if loved ones are allowed to pull the king’s tail, then those whom Leo no longer loves must curtsy incessantly until further instructions are received. For this, the heavenly office renders special thanks to the Lions: after this, falling out of love with him is a trifling matter!


September 29, 2022

5 main introverts of the zodiac world. Cancer.

Cancers can remain sociable and friendly, and enjoy going out. Therefore, you cannot call aquatic wards one hundred percent introverts. But this "filler" in them is much more than an extraverted component. Cancerians need to spend a significant amount of time with their loved ones in order to restore internal energy and just relax. Especially unpleasant for them are conversations of non-global significance, distracting them from creative impulses or bouts of soul-searching. If a trifle interferes with his inner "work", Cancer will become discouraged. Of course, representatives of this sign cannot stay alone for a long time, but they also cannot but lock themselves up with all the “locks”, because a positive attitude directly depends on the amount of time that these guys have devoted to themselves. In general, most people "from the moon" are very worried about things that others would not pay attention to. Cancers are unconditional empaths. If a loved one suffers, they experience these emotions doubly.


September 29, 2022

What zodiac signs do not forgive in a relationship. Virgo.

Virgo - flirting with anyone else. It is difficult for Virgos to open their hearts to another person. For them, every time is a feat. That's why they react so painfully when they see their loved one flirting with anyone else. When Virgo confesses her love and lets a person into her life, she expects respect from him. And flirting on the side (even if her partner does not mean anything like that) will hurt her badly.


September 29, 2022

Daily horoscope September 29th.

Capricorn♑️ A good day for serious business, solving important work tasks. You will responsibly treat everything that you undertake, so do not make even small mistakes. Business negotiations will go well, you will be able to enlist the support of influential people. There will be a chance to make deals that will bring profit. Aquarius♒️ The day is suitable for taking the initiative in business, talking about your ideas, offering something new to people with whom you previously collaborated. Circumstances will turn out well, and you will achieve even greater success than expected. Possibly useful contacts. Pisces♓️ The day will be very favorable for communication, you will easily get along with a variety of people. Influential persons can offer their help. Keep in mind that they will most likely not be completely disinterested, so you will have to provide some kind of favor in return.


September 29, 2022

Daily horoscope September 29th.стрология

Libra♎️ Try not to get excited and not nervous in the morning. You will need the ability to control yourself and not succumb to provocations. Important decisions must be made on your own. Advice is unlikely to be useful to you, even if it is given by people who know you well. Scorpio♏️ Try not to overwork. The day is hardly suitable for tedious and difficult tasks. It is also advisable to avoid communicating with people who often test your patience, unbalance you. It will be useful to be distracted from worries at least for a while. Sagittarius♐️ You will have the opportunity to solve many complex issues, to cope with problems that have baffled many before. The ability to get along with people, to make a good impression on new acquaintances, will come in handy. Those who did not notice before will pay attention to you. Probably the beginning of a friendship or romantic relationship.


September 29, 2022

Daily horoscope September 29th.

Cancer♋️ The start of the day will be calm. It is suitable for tasks that require concentration and concentration. You will notice what has eluded others, do not make even minor mistakes. Successful business negotiations. You will make a good impression on people who knew almost nothing about you before. Leo♌️ The day will turn out well, but still not without unrest. In the first half, there may be some misunderstandings at work, disagreements with colleagues. You will quickly understand how to behave in order to change the situation for the better. Surely the experience that you have gained in the past will come in handy. Virgo♍️ Maintaining your composure today may be more difficult than usual. If you lose your balance, things may not go according to plan. It is better not to rush into decisions, not to be led by fleeting emotions. Serious conversations should be postponed until the afternoon. In this case, they will be much more successful.


September 29, 2022

Daily horoscope September 29th.

Aries♈️ Listen to your intuition: its tips will be especially useful to you today. Habitual work will come easily, and you will cope well with the solution of new tasks. News received from afar will prompt interesting thoughts, tell you what to focus on in the near future. Taurus♉️ The day will please. You will find answers to many questions that you have been thinking about lately. Thanks to a successful coincidence, problems that brought a lot of anxiety will be solved. You will not waste time in vain, you will have time to do even more than planned. Gemini♊️ The day should start with familiar things, solving familiar problems. It will be difficult to take on something new: you will not immediately understand how best to act, there will be many doubts about success, and the people whose support you counted on may refuse it. In a few hours the situation will change, you will understand that it is time to act.


September 29, 2022

Washing mistakes.

7. Intensively rub your hair with a towel, keep it wrapped in a towel for a long time. Treat your hair like delicate silk or cashmere: don't tear, twist, or rub. Wring out in a soft towel and do not hold in this position for more than a couple of minutes. Otherwise, you increase the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the scalp, which means that the hair will get greasy faster! 8. Comb wet hair. So you pull them out. 9. Neglect the serum for the roots. If masks strengthen the hair fiber, then serums act on the roots. Thanks to them, new hair grows more actively and stronger. 10. Rarely wash your comb. When you comb clean hair with a comb that hasn't been washed in a week or more, you transfer dirt and grease to it. We understand that it’s a little lazy, but if you are an excellent student, then wash your comb with soap after each shampooing - this is the highest class! Or at least once a week.


September 28, 2022

Washing mistakes.

4. Use hair masks daily. Excess food leads to weight gain. After each wash, use a conditioner balm, and dessert - masks - apply every 2-3 washes. 5. Do not use masks. The strength of the mask is that it penetrates deep and strengthens the hair fiber from the inside. The hair is denser, does not break off along the length, forming an inaccurate ladder, which you want to cut all the time. 6. Keep the mask for a couple of minutes. Ideal - wash your hair, pat your hair with a towel, and only apply a mask on dried hair! And walk in it for 10, and preferably 15-20 minutes. Try this and you will feel the difference.


September 28, 2022

Washing mistakes.

1. Too hot water. Hair loves cool water, it closes the scales, so the hair is shinier and less tangled. 2. Apply shampoo along the entire length. Do not overdry the main part of the hair with excessive soaping. Apply shampoo to the roots, thoroughly rinse the scalp, where the hair is most oily. The main length is enough flowing foam. 3. Lack of deep cleaning shampoo. A deep cleaning shampoo every two to three weeks is necessary to deeply cleanse the hair of masks and styling products. You will notice after it a special volume, freshness. Hair will stay clean longer.


September 28, 2022

Ошибки при мытье головы.

7. Интенсивно тереть волосы полотенцем, долго держать их замотанными в полотенце. Отнеситесь к волосам как к нежному шелку или кашемиру: не дерите, не скручивайте, не трите. Отожмите в мягком полотенце и не держите в таком положении больше пары минут. Иначе вы повышаете активность потовых и сальных желез кожи головы, а значит волосы будут жирниться быстрее! 8. Расчесывать мокрые волосы. Так вы их вырываете. 9. Пренебрегать сывороткой для корней. Если маски укрепляют полотно волоса, то сыворотки – действуют на корни. Благодаря им новые волосы растут активнее и сильнее. 10. Редко мыть расческу. Когда вы расчесываете чистые волосы расческой, которую не мыли неделю и больше – вы переносите на них загрязнения и жир. Понимаем, что немного лень, но если вы отличница, то моете расческу с мылом после каждого мытья головы – это высший класс! Ну или хотя бы раз в неделю.


September 28, 2022

There are more complex and confusing situations.

Analyzes indicate iron deficiency, but it is actually normal. For example, with low ferritin, which in itself is not always a sign of iron deficiency. It occurs when there is a shortage of either hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood cells, or red blood cells, or both. Reduced ferritin may indicate the initial stage of anemia, and may not be related to it. So if you suspect iron deficiency, you need to take tests for hemoglobin and red blood cells, and not ferritin.


September 28, 2022

Other causes of iron deficiency.

However, all of the above does not mean that all iron problems depend on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. This is a puzzle with many pieces, and the task of the doctor is to find the true cause (or causes) and ways to solve the problem. For example, abundant monthly and bleeding gums contribute to the loss of iron, or "leaks" somewhere else, imperceptibly. Therefore, if anemia is suspected, all organs are checked, not only the stomach and intestines (but they are in the forefront).


September 28, 2022