Three sexy top games.

1. Throw the dice. Take them out and take them to the bedroom. Get Started: The number rolled is the number of minutes your partner will spend giving you oral pleasure. 2. Draw fantasies. Draw the sexual fantasy or pose you want to try. Did your boyfriend guess? Then get started! Wrong? It's his turn to draw! 3. Sex traffic light. Use only the words "red", "yellow" and "green" to explain to each other what you like. Try kissing, massage, biting, whatever comes to mind.


September 29, 2022

After sex.

Let's talk about how to get closer with your partner after intercourse. There are many options, you can choose for every taste: Take a shared shower. Lay in bed, cuddle, talk and just enjoy each other's touches. Watch a light, relaxed film. Come up with some entertainment, watch a comedy show, bring cards to bed and play "fool", leave the pillows at last!


September 29, 2022

Subdue your rider.

An effective way to test a girl for subordination is to fix her hands in the “rider” position. 1. First, diversify the “rider” position: put the girl with her back to you. 2. Then grab her wrists and pull slightly towards you. If she doesn't object right away, it's a sign that she likes being in control.


September 29, 2022

Waist and tummy.

Many erogenous zones are hidden around the abdomen, which create pleasant sensations not only during sex, but also during foreplay. For example, you can gently stroke the waist. It also promotes a closer physical connection and builds trust, a sense of community, and a pleasurable experience - a win-win situation!


September 29, 2022

Most women are capable of vaginal orgasms.

Not all, however, from early youth. For many, a vaginal orgasm occurs after 30 years, earlier - in those who have undergone pregnancy and childbirth. And it is not so important, natural childbirth or by caesarean section. This is due to the activity of the sex glands, the activity of the receptor apparatus. But if in childbirth there were ruptures of the perineum, vagina, episiotomy followed by suturing, then the branches of the pudendal nerve may have been traumatized - in such women, sensitivity in the vagina generally decreases. With this problem, you have to consult a doctor.


September 29, 2022

List of goals for the fall.

18. Choose a sunny day, go to the city's parks, for which the hands have not reached the summer, taking a camera with you. Feed squirrels, ducks or just pigeons. To take pictures. Green grass, yellow leaves and blue sky will leave the most pleasant emotions and memories. 19. Arrange candles at home and burn them when it starts to get dark. You can put them in openwork candlesticks and watch the whimsical shadows on the walls and ceiling. 20. To walk around the city center without pοvοda, prοstο like that. 21. Go mushrooms. Straight into the forest. Well, or for cones. Why not!? If there is no forest nearby, buy chanterelles from grandmothers and make excellent roasts.


September 29, 2022

List of goals for the fall.

14. Parse summer photographs. Print the best ones, arrange them in beautiful frames or make a collage, hang them on the wall and admire them. 15. Wander around the gοpοdu in rubber boots and with οgrpοmny zοntοm in the rain time. Watch as passers-by scurry past, trying to guess who they are and where they are in a hurry. 16. Cook mulled wine. Snuggle up in a warm cozy blanket and watch your favorite movie while sipping a warming spicy drink. 17. Endure a hug day. We hug everyone! Relatives and friends, pets and just soft toys. We give love, joy and positive!


September 29, 2022

List of goals for the fall.

10. Cook jam or pοvidlο. Arrange it in small beautiful jars, come up with funny signatures for each. And with pleasure to drink tea with him in the cold late evenings, remembering the summer. And you can, by tying satin ribbons, present to friends and acquaintances. 11. Take care of health. For example, go to the gym, swimming pool, or join yoga. 12. More time with friends. Estpοit friendly sit-downs without οsοbοy reasons. 13. Make a bright themed manicure. Autumn is not a reason to part with summer flowers! How much space for fantasy design, which will certainly charge you with cheerfulness and positive!


September 29, 2022

List of goals for the fall.

5. Wallow in the leaves - as long as they are not yet wet and dirty, they have already attacked the grass. Feel like a florist: pick up leaves of different colors and textures, autumn flowers and berries. Make bouquets and compositions and decorate the interior with them. 6. Tοpοpοt tοpοpο tο pοpοf summer things in a cozy kοpοbku, take out the winter ones and put them on a hanger with a pοmpοy. Things that have not been worn this year even once, give away as a gift. 7. Listen to the birds. For example, in the forest or on the sea coast. 8. Take a weekend trip to the river bank with a tent; go out at dawn into the fog, chill and warm up with fresh fragrant tea. 9. Start collecting herbarium from green leaves in order to see how they turn yellow.


September 29, 2022

List of goals for the fall.

Choose the ones that attract you the most and the more the better! This will help to find peace of mind and harmony. 1. Spοvesti morning in a coffee shop with a book, at οkοshka, ideally in the rain. Enjoy the measured, soothing sound of rain, watch how trickles of water run ahead of each other on the glass. 2. To walk a pοluοsenny οshoe, which you can’t put on in the heat - it’s hot, and late in the fall it’s cold. 3. Get to the amusement park and ride them while they work. Buy cotton candy or a bucket of popcorn, like in childhood, and feel like a carefree child. 4. Get a bright new zοntοm or a funny autumn hat and gloves.


September 29, 2022

Is a younger lover equally amazing intimacy?

Many people assume that the younger the bed play partner, the better. After all, he has energy, high stamina, imagination and much more! But in fact: a young lover does not mean a better lover. According to numerous sociological surveys, satisfaction from intimacy depends on many things - relationships before the act of passion, the “chemistry” of a particular couple, and behavior during intimacy.


September 29, 2022

A toxic relationship is worse than no relationship.

I have seen many times how women, guided by the principle "well, let him be like that, but not alone," destroy themselves. They spend a lot of energy and health on toxic relationships. The main problem, in my opinion, is that they are so used to unhealthy relationships that they no longer notice that something is wrong. Most likely, the parents had about the same - toxic and dysfunctional relationships and women unconsciously copy them.


September 29, 2022

Settings for a happy relationship.

Repeat to yourself every day. • "I build harmonious and happy relationships." • "In our relations there is always trust and mutual understanding." • "My soul mate is my strong support." • "I attract mutual love and happiness." • "Our relationship is developing every day." What other phrases would you add?


September 29, 2022

How to motivate a man to earn more?

How to motivate a man to earn more? To begin with, the answer to this question consists of several conditions: 1. Has a male capable of earning been chosen? Or is he a principled slacker, a loser and a lover of "translating arrows"? 2. Are you the kind of woman for whom you are drawn to exploits? Causes awe, desire to be near, to make you happy?


September 29, 2022

This too shall pass away.

Remember? It was written on King Solomon's ring. DIFFICULTIES are inevitable in everyone's life. First, let's figure out the cause of your discouragement. Try saying out loud the causes of your unhappiness. Have you found a pain point? That's nice. The sooner we stop feeling SORRY FOR OURSELVES, the sooner we can get rid of the possibility of completely falling apart.


September 29, 2022

The power of love works like a magnet.

You let other people know how you can be treated. People will treat you the exact way you treat yourself. Feel worthy. Feel special. Feel like you deserve the very best. And then it will certainly come true.


September 29, 2022

Stretching helps practice mindfulness.

Concentration on smooth movements and deep breathing allows you to get rid of obsessive thoughts. Such a practice is especially necessary for those who, having come home from work, mentally remain at it and continue to scroll through work plans and restless thoughts.


September 29, 2022

Stretching stimulates the production of “happy hormones”.

Hormones also play an important role, while you stretch on the mat in the frog pose or sit in the “butterfly”, the level of adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones) drops sharply, but endorphins are actively produced. After class, you will experience a pleasant feeling of relaxation and peace.


September 29, 2022

Stretching teaches proper breathing.

In addition to the physical exercises themselves, designed to stretch the muscles and ligaments, it is extremely important to focus on breathing in the classroom. The fact is that quick, shallow breaths and exhalations signal stress, an even rhythm, on the contrary, reports that everything is fine. That is why it is necessary to control calm breathing during exercise. So you send a signal to the brain: “I am safe,” and it allows the body to relax.


September 29, 2022

Did you know that stretching is the most original way to protect the nervous system from stress?

Stretching relaxes the muscles. It is important to understand that the thesis “stretching fights stress” has a solid scientific basis. A sedentary lifestyle leads to stiffness in the body, the situation is aggravated by permanent stress - the body reacts to brain signals and "clamps" certain muscles. In turn, even a small stretching session restores blood flow, saturates the blood with oxygen and releases the tension accumulated during the day in the muscles.


September 29, 2022