Horoscope for October. Gemini.

The beginning of October will be hectic. It will not be easy to tune in to a serious mood, and important things will require attention. Try not to miss anything, pay attention even to those details that seem insignificant to others. Care must be taken when traveling on business. Try to carefully choose fellow travelers: it is better not to go on long journeys with people whom you do not know well. Mid-October will turn out much more successfully, it will please you with pleasant events and successful coincidences. This period will be very fruitful, suitable for taking the initiative in business. Useful acquaintances are likely, followed by very tempting job offers. You need to be more careful in financial matters, otherwise the influence of positive trends will prevail. Try not to be nervous over trifles and keep your composure at the end of the month. Avoid arguments, postpone serious conversations, do not sort things out with those who you care about. Some old grievances may be inappropriately remembered. But everything will work out if you are patient and friendly, tune in to an optimistic mood and try to support those who are also having a hard time.


October 1, 2022

Horoscope for October. Taurus.

The beginning of October will be unusually generous with new ideas. This time will be especially favorable for those who study or are engaged in research activities, there is a chance to make some important discoveries. Favorable month will be for creativity. You will surely be inspired. Some Taurus will discover talents that they did not even know about before. If you listen to your intuition and take the initiative in time, you will be able to achieve noticeable progress in business. The second half of the month will be favorable in terms of personal relationships. You will understand your own feelings - this will help others to understand better. There will be no differences that cannot be overcome. This time will also be successful for trips: they will give a lot of vivid emotions. A romantic trip will be remembered for a long time.


October 1, 2022

Horoscope for October. Aries.

The beginning of October will be very uneven and rather contradictory. This is a good time to work, especially new to you. You can learn everything you need quickly, and the first successes will not keep you waiting. Useful acquaintances are likely, some Aries at this time will meet people who will later turn into their most faithful allies. Pay attention to the ideas that come up at this time. While they may seem too bold and even far from reality, but later you will definitely see how you can bring your plans to life. In the first half of October, it will be very useful for you to be able to quickly change plans and make adjustments to them, calmly put off what cannot be done immediately, and switch to something else. The second half of the month will be more predictable. You will be able to spend it very fruitfully, do a lot of useful things for yourself and for your loved ones. Noticeable successes in work, professional growth and increase in income are likely. Personal life will fade into the background for a while, but even here changes for the better are possible.


October 1, 2022

How do the signs behave when they stop loving? Libra.

Insidious, insidious sign! Libra begins to demonstrate their love and tenderness too actively, so that no one guesses that they are thinking: do I love or no longer? The problem is that the second, third, twenty-fifth wave of love periodically rolls over Libra, and then they also begin to actively demonstrate love and tenderness. In general, it is impossible categorically to understand that Libra has fallen out of love. On the other hand, it is for the best: while they are there deciding whether to tell you about it or not, they will change their mind a hundred times on the subject of dislike.


October 1, 2022

What zodiac signs do not forgive in a relationship. Scorpio.

Scorpio - disrespect A Scorpio in love can tolerate a lot, but not outright mockery of his lifestyle, behavior, family and friends. He admits that a loved one may disagree with him in some way, but he will not be able to continue to be with someone who equates his achievements with a plinth. Beware, a wounded Scorpio can take revenge.


October 1, 2022

Daily horoscope October 1st.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be hectic, eventful, full of bright emotions. He will surely bring good news, reasons for joy. It will be difficult to focus on one thing: most likely, you will need to deal with several things at once. It can be annoying at first, but then you will understand how to deal with everything. Aquarius♒️ Take a break from your usual activities. Today, it will be especially useful for you to change the situation, do something new, visit friends or arrange a special evening for your loved one. Solving complex problems, like serious conversations, is better to postpone for a while. Pisces♓️ The day is suitable for travel and shopping, as well as for household chores, solving some household problems. Serious obstacles will not arise, you will quickly cope with minor difficulties. Small cash receipts from unexpected sources are possible. A successful coincidence will cheer you up and push you to interesting thoughts.


October 1, 2022

Daily horoscope October 1st.

Libra♎️ Today it is worth listening to intuition especially carefully: thanks to its tips, you will achieve what you have been striving for for a long time. Academic success is likely, you will quickly figure out what was difficult. The day is also suitable for the completion of affairs begun a long time ago. You will be satisfied with the result. Scorpio♏️ Take your time. It’s worth starting the day with some simple and pleasant things, solving simple problems. Don't ask too much of yourself. What does not work right away can be postponed for a while: soon the situation will change, and you will succeed. Until the middle of the day, it is better not to discuss serious issues, but to have pleasant conversations about cute trifles. Sagittarius♐️ Not everything will turn out the way you expected, but the day will turn out to be successful. Please news from afar, an unexpected meeting will open up new opportunities. Friends will give great advice, following which you will soon achieve some important goals. The day is well suited to receive guests. You can discuss serious issues in an informal setting.


October 1, 2022

Daily horoscope October 1st.

Cancer♋️ Important matters and big plans are best discussed at the beginning of the day. At this time, you will be able to negotiate even with those with whom you could not find a common language before. You will be pleased to meet with old friends, acquaintances who share your hobbies. Surely there are things that you want to do together. Leo♌️ If you have planned some important things for this day, it is better not to put them off for a long time. It is the morning that will be especially fruitful, giving a chance to quickly achieve success. The decisions you make during this time will surely turn out to be the right ones. And you won’t have to think about them for a long time: you will instantly orient yourself in the situation, understand how best to act. Virgo♍️ You will certainly want to spend this day with benefit, and there will be such an opportunity. You can focus on household chores, solving some everyday problems: here you will do an excellent job, there will be no serious difficulties. Saturday is also suitable for helping relatives and other close people.


October 1, 2022

Daily horoscope October 1st.

Aries♈️ The day will be full of things. Already familiar tasks may be supplemented by new ones that also require immediate solutions. Others in such circumstances would become nervous, but you will be able to remain calm and cope with everything. Taurus♉️ The day is perfect for learning something new, understanding complex issues, sharing your thoughts with those who are close to you. You will know exactly what you could only guess about before, and it will become much easier to make plans. Gemini♊️ At the beginning of the day, it is hardly possible to avoid disagreements and disputes. It is possible that they will arise through your fault: it will not be possible to correctly understand your loved ones right away, their comments may seem offensive to you. Try to keep your composure. In the middle of the day, the situation will change for the better, communication will bring much more joy.


October 1, 2022

The use of castor oil.

It is useful to periodically apply castor oil to the hair diluted with coconut oil (as the oil itself is very viscous) for 20-30 minutes before washing your hair under a shower cap. You can add a couple of drops of oil to your face cream when you need extra nourishment. Fear not, it has a low level of comedogenicity and even more - it fights pimples and redness. At night, you can add oil to your foot cream, put on socks, and in the morning the skin will be super soft. And by the way, it showed itself well in the fight against nail fungus.


September 30, 2022

About castor oil.

One of the most inexpensive and readily available oils for hair and skin is castor oil. It can be bought at any pharmacy, but, unfortunately, it is not as popular as black cumin or shea oil. But in vain! Castor oil contains fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements that are beneficial for both skin and hair. It is composed of almost 90% rare ricinoleic acid, which is not found in any other oil. It has an analgesic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. And castor oil does not dry out and does not form a film.


September 30, 2022

At the peak of tenderness.

Is it possible to stroke the body, avoiding intimate areas, in order to come to an orgasm? UNDOUBTEDLY! You should know that intense stroking of different parts of the body and kisses create such a strong feeling of bliss that orgasm comes completely unexpectedly and as if by itself. It turns out that gentle and prolonged caresses of the whole body stimulate the nerve endings. Because of this, the brain sends certain signals that bring excitement to a peak.


September 30, 2022

Underrated sexual practices.

New places in the apartment. Yes, the bedroom is the most convenient place for carnal pleasures, but sooner or later it gets boring. Take a closer look at other rooms and places in the apartment - you can have sex in any of them. A kitchen table, a set, a window sill - why not a playground for love? What about bath, shower, washing machine? You can do "it" even in the pantry and on the balcony. It all depends on your imagination.


September 30, 2022

Underrated sexual practices.

Personal photo album. No, we are not talking about photographs of grandmother, distant relatives or colleagues. And not even about the photo from your birthday. And about the pictures of the hottest moments of sexual relations - an intimate album just for you and for him. Why not enjoy the memories of great sex in a few years? Feel free to turn on the camera in timer mode. You can go beyond static shots and switch to dynamic ones - create a movie with your participation.


September 30, 2022

Underrated sexual practices.

Pause. As we strive to get an orgasm as soon as possible, the pleasant effect of the pause remains underestimated. But the pause does not mean three hours of tantric sex, for which you need to have a huge supply of patience like a yoga guru. It's all just hot kisses, "dirty" or affectionate compliments, a short massage, a change of position. Such a pause brings variety to the sexual act and kindles desire.


September 30, 2022

Underrated sexual practices.

Fast and dirty. Couples prefer planned sexual intercourse with foreplay, a change of positions and a "suffered" orgasm to quick and spontaneous sex without preparation. But fast sex has its advantages: it is wild, sudden, very intense and explosive. Partners do not waste time on caresses and gentle words, but, like tigers, pounce on each other in a fit of passion. Isn't it great? Men especially like this kind of sex, especially if the initiator is a woman. This is a good way to surprise him in bed.


September 30, 2022

Why does a man cool off towards his wife after the birth of a child.

1. External changes of a woman. Sex after childbirth becomes insipid, and the missus seems not so attractive. 2. Emotional isolation. A man feels like a third wheel at home. Many wives make a big mistake. They remove the young dad from all the duties of caring for the baby. 3. Constant conflicts. Disputes over the upbringing of a child, quarrels based on misunderstandings - all this builds a wall between spouses. 4. Problems in intimate life. It's been a long time since the baby was born. But is your spouse afraid to touch you? Sex after childbirth generally disappeared.


September 30, 2022

Oh, these men's suffering!

If you met a man who is depressed and an eternal sufferer, do not try to remake him. And in general, stop falling in love with just anyone. After all, how do many women argue? Like, this poor fellow has not yet seen normal women. Here he gets to know me better and understands what a golden man I am. Girls, it doesn't work like that! A psychologically mature person must deal with his feelings on his own. Otherwise, an unhealthy relationship awaits you. If you want to build a strong alliance, learn to choose a partner.


September 30, 2022

3 decisions that do not save relationships, but only make things worse.

1. Get married. The step is as illogical as possible, but very common. A wedding in our culture is often perceived as a way to nullify all the negative things that happened before marriage. including claims. 2. Have a baby. The appearance of a baby can be a test for strong harmonious couples. 3. Change. If betrayal strengthens marriage, then in some parallel universe.


September 30, 2022

Shake up your dates.

For example, ride a roller coaster, watch a horror movie or fly in an airplane together. SUCH unusual activities stimulate the arousal centers in the brain and get you and your object of desire closer to each other. Making your partner experience unusual emotions on a date with you means that her/his heart is in your pocket.


September 30, 2022