Oral sex: how to make her feel good too.

Do's and Don'ts (continued): 3. Order: Orders such as "deeper" or "slower" sound like criticism. Therefore, try to rephrase, for example: “I am so pleased when you do ...”, and further down the text. 4. Leave her unsatisfied: You got your orgasm, didn't she? Don't just zip up your fly and go about your business. Now it should be her turn. Well, or you can tell her something like: “I had such a good time that I need to take a break. Give me a couple of minutes (or an hour)." Most importantly, don't cheat on her.


October 2, 2022

Oral sex: how to make her feel good too.

What is not allowed: 1. Put pressure on her: if you put pressure on pity to "deceive" her, she will only be offended. Better tell her (more than once) about how you love oral sex, and give her the right to decide when to give you such pleasure. 2. Hold her head: this way you can hurt her neck and cut off the air supply. “Let her control the depth and rhythm,” says sexologist Jill McDevitt. You're better off: some women get turned on by blowjobs because it gives them a sense of control over a man.


October 2, 2022

Оральный секс: как сделать, чтобы ей тоже было приятно.

Что можно: Наслаждаться процессом: женщины обожают, когда их действия сводят мужчин с ума, так что не скупись на похвалы. «Чем больше ты стонешь и говоришь ей, как тебе хорошо, как сексуально она выглядит, тем приятнее ей будет». А если ты будешь молчать, она может подумать, что делает что-то не так. Делать все, чтобы ей было удобно: чем комфортнее ей физически во время процесса, тем дольше он может продлиться. «Если она стоит на коленях, подложи ей подушечку или переберитесь на кровать. Выбирай такие позы, в которых она не будет уставать».


October 2, 2022

Loud sex.

Hence the conclusions: 1. Do not be afraid to moan during sex, do not hold back or hide pleasure.⠀ 2. There is no need to overdo it. The writhing and screaming body plunges into bewilderment. Because doubts arise whether everything is in order, and you want to interrupt the contact in order to make sure that no one has done “too good” to anyone.⠀ 3. Languid moans, loud sighs, muffled screams, breaking out “even stronger, like this, take me” excite and bring together more than any movement, even the most skillful one. Maybe because during sex all sensations are aggravated, not only tactile, but also auditory.


October 2, 2022

Loud sex.

The researchers invited men and women to watch erotic movies. One group enjoyed the "silent" scenes, with the sound turned off, the other could both see and hear the sighs, sobs, groans and gasps of partners. It turned out that those who watched and listened were aroused more and more often than those who simply watched. It turns out that loud sex gives people more pleasure than silent movies. It is curious that British scientists came to the same conclusion. Loud sex is quality sex, they are convinced. And those couples who are silent during such an action simply do not know how to enjoy, not only sex, but also life.


October 2, 2022

Loud sex.

Is it better to be silent than to moan? Just not during sex. Imagine a couple having sex in complete silence. Yes, it's hard to imagine. Still, one of them snores. Sweden is a country of liberated people. Maybe that's why it was the Swedes who became interested in the issue and investigated which sex is better? Loud, accompanied by groans, or quiet, silent?


October 2, 2022

At the French fashion week showed a new dress to be sprayed.

This is a liquid fabric that scientists have been developing for half a year and was first shown on the podium by the Coperni brand. The substance contains cotton fibers impregnated with a polymer solution. When in contact with the skin, it evaporates, turning into a material. The outfit can then be turned into a liquid again and applied in the same way another time, adding, for example, the length or sleeves.


October 2, 2022

Simple, but such necessary advice.

♦️ Do not wait for ideal conditions to start doing what you have long dreamed of. ♦️Not every friendship lasts forever, that's okay. You can appreciate what the relationship has given you, even if it's over now. ♦️Be patient and persistent. In life, it is not so important what you have achieved, what is more important is what you had to overcome. ♦️Everything can change in a week, month or year. Don't give up, keep believing in yourself. ♦️Don't equate one terrible day or month with a terrible life. Remember that there are many wonderful moments ahead.


October 2, 2022

How to get rid of the habit of comparing?

• Start loving yourself. You deserve everything you dream of. You have talents. Perhaps they are still hidden from you. Because instead of looking inside yourself, you look at others. • Keep a success diary. Write down all your achievements there, even small ones. • Try to be inspired by someone else's example. Set goals and learn how to reach them. • Catch negative thoughts and switch. • Work with your destructive attitudes. Everything starts from the head.


October 2, 2022

How to painlessly part with your husband.

• State the reason for the divorce. Talk about what devastates you, list the problems that do not suit you. • Talk about actions, not personality. Take the case of change. What do most wives do? They shout, every day they remind their spouse what a scoundrel he is. It is better to tell your husband how painful it is for you to realize what happened, and that you cannot accept this act, this is unacceptable for you. • Burn bridges. When leaving, leave, that is, no pauses and "I need to think." Sometimes ex-spouses continue to sort things out, write messages to each other. You need to cut off all ties and not communicate. • Imagine that you have already broken up. Work out in your head a scenario that suits your situation. Write down all the little things: what you say to your husband during a conversation, how you pack things or look for a new home. All these details will help to realize that there is life after a divorce.


October 2, 2022

Desire to manipulate.

There is a category of women who use manipulation as the main feature when communicating with a man. Instead of talking or simply asking for help, the woman "stands in a pose": she looks dissatisfied, blackmails with sex, refuses to cook her spouse. This means that she was offended by the man. In families where such rules of the game operate, a rare day goes by without conflicts and quarrels. Resentment in a relationship is a very insidious thing. An offended spouse exudes negative vibes that kill all the good in a man. He does not want to earn, to try. The point, I think, is clear.


October 2, 2022

Sometimes it's better to keep silent.

If someone's words hurt you, cause discomfort and unpleasant emotions, and you do not want him/her to notice it, then keep silent. This way you will baffle your opponent and he will feel like a complete fool.


October 2, 2022

Suppose you were accused of making a mistake.

How to respond? Forget it. It’s not necessary to react. People point out each other's mistakes, not because they're really bad, but because it makes them feel good. You enjoy being dominated too, don't you?So, instead of getting into meaningless negotiations, just accept your opponent's remark, even if you don't agree with him or her.


October 2, 2022

How to get out of a fight.

Stop blaming. Each accusation and presentation of claims only exacerbates the situation. Express dissatisfaction calmly, wanting not to injure, but to sort it out. Cool down. Do not need too much passion, on the contrary, give each other more air. There is no right in the situation. You must understand that everything you are in now, you created both. Speak kind words. No matter how hard it is, leave room for nice words. You can radically change the situation by saying words that you haven’t said for a long time, praising or thanking.


October 2, 2022

5 warning signs.

• A man does not introduce you into his environment, tries not to appear with you in crowded places. And if you cross paths with his acquaintances, then he does not say that you are his girlfriend, bride, lover. • He doesn't make plans, doesn't talk about the future. Moves away from such topics, avoids uncomfortable questions, comes up with excuses, answers vaguely. • A man has little interest in your affairs, hobbies, problems, dreams. He also does not seek to enter your social circle. • He keeps certain boundaries, hides a lot. It seems like he has a lot of secrets. • Your relationship is built only on his terms. He does everything when it suits him. There is no development.


October 2, 2022

The secret to happiness in a relationship.

Passion and emotions gradually leave loving couples, but what then remains the key to a long-term relationship? After all, beautiful underwear will not be able to seal the relationship forever. It won't be enough. The secret of happiness is attention. Kind smiles in the morning, mutual help and support in difficult circumstances, cooking breakfast or dinner. This is caring and sincere feelings about a person: how are things at work or how are you feeling. You accept and love the person as you love yourself. In such a relationship there is no place for selfishness and indifference.


October 2, 2022

How to make people like you immediately?

Try the MIRROR technique. If a person is joking, joke back. Your interlocutor is sad? Be in solidarity with her/him. In case he/she is in a hurry to share the news, listen just as enthusiastically. Try also to pay attention to the person's gestures: if she or he is sharply avoiding answering the question or starting staring at the phone, it means that you've touched upon a painful issue and there's no need to continue.


October 2, 2022

Happiness is the ability to be grateful.

If you can't be thankful for a sunny day and a cup of coffee today, then buying a COAT tomorrow definitely won't make you happy. You should love what you already have. "It would be good if" is the sign of emotional immaturity while "it is" is the reality. Happiness is something that is happening NOW. Cause there may be no tomorrow.


October 2, 2022

The reason why the aliens may not be able to find us is determined.

The University of Manchester staged a reverse - they took our technology for detecting exoplanets and figured out how aliens would be looking for us from different regions of the Milky Way. The result turned out to be disappointing - we are in a rather dark region and it is almost impossible to find the Earth using traditional methods.


October 2, 2022


M&M's introduced a new mascot in the video "I'll just be myself" - Violet. This is the first new character in 10 years. Purple is a symbol of acceptance and inclusion. Modern, to put it simply.


October 2, 2022