In the eyes.

Women love it when men look into their eyes during sex. They need to know what you think of them when you are really "hot". A deep look says: yes, I want you, and it is important for me that you feel good.


October 4, 2022

Your mistress.

A woman who knows what she wants is very sexy, as men say. If a woman manages the process, this does not mean that she should take a whip and leather straps (although this is also possible). It is enough to initiate sex, push the partner onto the bed, put your hands on his head and "saddle" him. Everything, you are on top! And he is at the pinnacle of bliss. So easy!


October 4, 2022

The biggest family in the world.

The largest family in the world lives in India: Ziona Chana has 39 wives, 94 children of his own, 14 children of his wives and 33 grandchildren. All this huge and largest family (181 people in total) lives in a four-story house with 100 rooms, located among the hills in the village of Baktwang in the Indian state of Mizoram, where the wives of the “largest family man in the world” sleep like in a hostel. In addition, the house has everything necessary for numerous children, including a school.


October 4, 2022

The link between hair color, aging and longevity.

An international research team analyzed the DNA of nearly half a million men and women and found that light hair color may be associated with late puberty, reduced risk of age-related diseases and longer life. The more intense the pigmentation, the earlier puberty occurs. That is, fiery red, dark brown hair and brunettes mature faster than blondes and people with light brown hair. In addition, it turned out that people who start puberty later live longer and get sick less. Each extra year of "childhood" added an average of nine months to a person's life. Scientists have also found that early puberty increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.


October 4, 2022

You never saw how beautiful you are.

You see yourself only in the reflection of the mirror, and when you look at the photo with yourself. And you often don't like what you see. But you have never seen yourself at the moment when sparks in your eyes light up with happiness. You have never seen yourself when you look at someone or something with eyes in love to tears ... You have not seen yourself when you rejoiced at unexpected surprises or events ... You are beautiful every second, every moment: when you smile when you cry, when you sleep or when you laugh. Love yourself the way you are!


October 4, 2022

"A man loves not the woman herself, but his condition next to her"

A real woman is not at all the most beautiful, not the smartest and not the most successful. A real woman gives a man not a mind, not beauty, not a body, not success, but a state. A woman who creates a special superman state in men will always be loved. She creates this state by enjoying the company of her man and admiring him. And a man will always be drawn to this special state, as to a magnet. Have you heard of this theory before? Agree?


October 4, 2022

How to understand that a man loves you?

Male and female love are different from each other. If a man: - wants you - it's a passion. He wants to possess you. - invites you to do something together - this is a sign of emotional closeness. He is interested in you, your affairs, calls you somewhere, he wants to spend time with you. - provides you. He earns and gives money to you. Are you saying this isn't enough? Are you not enough? Yes, girls, women's love is a little different.


October 4, 2022

3 reasons to immediately mark the boundaries.

Here are three typical situations when it's time to set boundaries for your partner: 1. Your opinion has been multiplied by zero. Everyone thinks only of themselves, and you are at their service. Either the mother-in-law thinks that you are a servant, or the husband does not consider it necessary to warn about his plans, then drop everything to the child and give it right away. 2. You are insulted, devalued and offended. You are always extreme, guilty of everything, a bad wife, mother, it's time for you to change so that everyone likes it. 3. You are being mistreated. This includes all correspondence in social networks and other signs of attention to other women. They control you, they forbid you, they demand from you and do not thank you. More often than not, we don't know what to do. We get offended, we get lost, we look for reasons in ourselves, we scandal, we freak out, we get divorced. But remember: you can do this as long as you allow it.


October 4, 2022

Who is a male provocateur?

His favorite game is to provoke you to emotions, and unpleasant ones, those that will make you feel uncomfortable. There are several types of them: • Amateur provocateur. The person for whom the only correct opinion is his own does not tolerate dissent. • Provocateur-strategist. Most often, they do something behind their backs to achieve their own success or to put themselves in the best light. • Ruler-ruler. Plays with those who are psychologically weaker, looking for a victim, and then asserts himself through manipulation.


October 4, 2022

Being offended is a sign of low emotional intelligence.

Women often use this trick in communication with men: "I am offended". However, it's just an excuse to purse lips... In fact, BEING OFFENDED is a clear sign that a person lacks emotional intelligence. High-EQ people know how to forgive and keep control over their behavior if they offend someone. What's to be done? Increase the level of your emotional intelligence and fight resentment as well.


October 4, 2022

Pick the right moment to talk.

To do this you have to study a person, to know more about his/her daily routine, work schedule, habits, favorite places, and company. For example, many managers try to do most of their work at the beginning of the day. Monday is the most hectic day, while on Friday people think less about business. So it's worth choosing a time in the afternoon in the middle of the week. Choose the most optimal time to arrange your effective meeting.


October 4, 2022

The quality of sleep drops if there is a smartphone near the bed.

Tech Like This published a review of 20 scientific studies on the effect of electronic devices on a sleeping person. It turned out that when a smartphone is next to the bed, the quality of sleep drops. Even if the phone is not being used. Next to the phone, a person sleeps less and not so deeply. During the day, he feels sleepy, his productivity drops. If you remove your smartphone from the bedroom for a month, the quality of sleep will improve. If you also limit the use of the gadget before bedtime for this period, many other processes will return to normal: for example, working memory or the ability to experience positive emotions.


October 4, 2022

The Dutchman made a self-propelled coffee table.

Dutch developer Gilliam de Carpentier invented a small self-propelled table that moves on 12 legs. The fixture has two motors modified with Arduino computer controllers. The table has 12 small laminated bamboo legs that provide smooth movement at the right pace. To keep things from squeaking, I had to use more than a hundred ball bearings. The inventor plans to equip the table with a remote control and a built-in battery so that it does not need to be constantly connected to a power outlet.


October 4, 2022

Elon Musk admitted what advice he would give to his young self.

At the end of the Al Day 2022 event, the head of Tesla answered questions from guests - to one such he said that he would advise himself to meet more smart people and read books. What he did, Musk added. At the same time, he would invite himself not to get too carried away with work, and sometimes "stop and inhale the scent of roses." Elon also said that when he oversaw the construction of one of SpaceX’s early rockets on a picturesque island a few years ago, he didn’t stop to take in the scenery of the local nature and have a glass of a drink.


October 4, 2022

"The Hormone of Family Happiness" helped restore a damaged heart.

Biologists from the University of Michigan have found that the "hormone of family happiness" oxytocin starts the process of repairing damaged heart muscle. In the future, the substance can be used for rehabilitation after a heart attack. Oxytocin induces stem cells from the epicardium (outer layer of the heart) to move into the myocardium (heart muscle) and become cardiomyocytes. These cells provide automatic contractions. New properties of the hormone were discovered during experiments on zebrafish - scientists damaged their hearts with liquid nitrogen and observed regeneration. The higher the concentration of oxytocin, the faster the organ recovered. Experiments with cultures of human cells showed the same results.


October 4, 2022

4 most depressing signs Taurus.

And who is sad here? - relatives lisp, bending over the cradle of Taurus. And the earthly baby is filled with tears - Taurus realized that he specifically hit (after all, he came to our stupid world). From a young age, the ward of Venus is looking for the meaning of his existence and is surprised at people who often smile: do they really enjoy the meaningless fuss? What a positive here is a black stripe, you can’t say otherwise.


October 4, 2022

How do signs behave when they fall out of love. Sagittarius.

Sagittarius begins to demand freedom, even if no one limits it. Report that you will be bored while Sagittarius is on a business trip? It suffocates him! What day this week does Sagittarius plan to hang out at the bar until the morning? "Don't you dare control me!" Asking to drop by for some bread after work? “Where is the contract I signed to work as a courier?!” "Are you leaving soon? I also need to use the toilet ... "-" Do not you dare violate my personal boundaries! That's why everyone parted with Sagittarius easily: it's impossible to love at all.


October 4, 2022

The most sociable signs of the zodiac. Libra.

The sign Libra rules the astrological house of partnership. The stars themselves told Libra to seek fellowship. While Gemini makes acquaintances and friendships in order to have more sources of information, Libra communicates with many in order to find friends among them. This sign, which in astrology is considered the main peacemaker, seeks to bring harmony and justice to the world. True, not all of its representatives are ready to take decisive action for this. Libra is the one who, in someone else's conflict situation, will help each side, while he himself carefully avoids conflicts. Most often, he does not dare to make categorical judgments, for which he is considered vague and weak-willed. But on the other hand, during your monologue, Libra will look completely involved and will not miss a single word.


October 4, 2022

What zodiac signs do not forgive in a relationship. Capricorn.

Capricorn - secret communication with a former partner. Capricorn sees no reason for his partner to keep in touch with an ex-passion behind his back. Capricorn does not exclude the very possibility of friendly communication between former lovers, but he must certainly be informed.


October 4, 2022

October 4 daily horoscope.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be very favorable for communication. You will easily get along with a variety of people, make a good impression on those you meet for the first time. Many Capricorns today will be able to make peace with those with whom they used to be at odds. Personal relationships that were previously tense will become more harmonious. Aquarius♒️ The day will be rich and interesting. You will not waste time in vain, you will do a lot of useful things for yourself and for others. You will be able to find a common language with those with whom you did not get along before. It is possible that you will have new assistants and allies. Soon they will become your real friends. Pisces♓️ You will persevere and achieve what you have been striving for a long time. It will be possible to solve complex problems, to cope with what others were unable to do. Business negotiations can be more tense than you expected, but still end in the most favorable way. Some Pisces will find very powerful allies.


October 4, 2022