What's to be done if you are put in an uncomfortable situation?

If your interlocutor is asking inappropriate questions, then interrupt him and ask him questions. Mirror his speech, change the subject, and the most important, don't let recover, and it'll make him/her stop asking.


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

5. The main thing is your convenience. Do not be shy! Choose the position in which the body is sure to receive the highest pleasure, and confidently, if necessary, firmly move into it, regardless of the initial reaction of the man. Over time, he will get used to it, and at the same time he will learn to caress you in the most pleasant and useful way: after all, you will tell him about it and even show it.


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

4. A woman decides everything. For almost a million years, the initiative in sex belonged to the lady - this is what distinguished human society from the animal herd. And only the last, already past three thousand years, this initiative was seized by force of arms by the peasants (and even then not everywhere), who began to fill the female head with all sorts of absurd male ideas. Weaklings!!! A normal man, if he does not understand, then feels the need for instructions from his beloved, because his self-esteem depends on the opportunity to make her as happy as possible. Here you are and let's. What exactly? - Those that are useful to you!


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

3. Ladies - go ahead! Coming to the finish line together is great. But to put such a task is stupid. Do not let ridiculous accidents leave you unsatisfied!? Almost any man after an orgasm is filled with such apathy that it is impossible to stir him up and "catch up" with delight. But after the peak of pleasure, it is easy for you to satisfy your loved one.


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

2. Sex must be of high quality. Sexual intercourse without deep satisfaction is nonsense. Of course, you can, or even must, feign delight if Prince Charming wants you more often than it is personally useful to you. But in her own rhythm, the lady should receive orgasms. Not "moral satisfaction", I emphasize, but a powerful catharsis of passion!


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

1. Sex must be. The idea that a modern, busy woman has no time to engage in such stupidity as panting and sweating in unprintable poses is extremely harmful. It's like not taking care of yourself, but only applying war paint. As long as you're 18, it'll do. But in 10 years you will be 25, and in 30 - as much as 40 ... And without a healthy body, your successes in work and defense will wither, like a water lily taken out of water. Not to mention self esteem...


October 5, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

Moral satisfaction, physical relaxation and just a great mood, perhaps, each person receives after sexual intercourse. But is it possible to comprehend the basics of perfect sex? How to do it for women?


October 5, 2022

There are 3 ways to stay with your nose without getting anything from a man:

• Be silent You feel uncomfortable saying what you would like to be happy. You are shy, it seems to you that if you ask, he will refuse at best. At worst, it will go into the sunset. Notice! Not a single man has problems with demands in our direction. • Fill up your price I'm not like this! Everyone needs it, but I don’t, I’m light and free. And again, the man has no idea that something is needed from him! Often, such a crown grows in the spirit of “Say thanks that I am here at all.” And who told him otherwise? You? • All by myself! When a man does nothing, he does not appreciate what he has, does not appreciate comfort, does not appreciate what he receives. You yourself convinced him that nothing needs to be done for you, and he deserves everything just like that.


October 5, 2022

Checklist of harmonious relationships.

Warm and calm nearby. Most of the moments together are neutral-positive. Not an emotional swing from anger to violent joy, but peacefully and lightly. Rest your soul in the presence of each other, fill up. Emotional intimacy. Freely share desires, dreams and experiences, you know that you will hear each other. The secret quality of happy couples is the ability to withstand other people's anger, sadness, fear - not to merge, not to reduce to a joke, devaluing. Respect and equality. There is no dominant party and submissive slave. Fairness in the distribution of finances and household duties. Team play. The common WE is slightly more important than the interests of each individual. Sex compatibility. One direction of desires and tastes.


October 5, 2022

Take the first steps.

According to men, when a woman loves, she wants to have sex with him. For them it is important. Especially if the initiative comes from her, and she herself calls on her husband for intimacy. Make an offer he can't refuse. After all, the house has not only a bedroom, but also other rooms that can be used for these purposes. What if you change something or try something new? In general, experiment!


October 5, 2022

Draw conclusions.

Remember, the one who summarizes and recaps what was said controls the negotiations. By summarizing, you can emphasize what is beneficial to you, to conform reached agreements, and sometimes to influence others' decision. Use phrases such as: - So, we have agreed on the following... - Let me draw the line... - Let's recap...


October 5, 2022

Arguing: simple rules.

There are few people who have never thought they were smarter than others. Here are some tips to help you avoid this trap. Try to ARGUE with your opponent WITHOUT AGGRESSION. Anger prevents us from remaining objective and thinking coherently. Don't be afraid to admit that you don't understand something or don't know enough about an issue. It's not a shame not to know something. The only shame is to pretend that we know everything.


October 5, 2022

Useful essential oils for hair.

Essential oils for hair are oils or oily liquids that are obtained from plants. Each time you wash your hair, add 1-2 drops of the desired essential oil to the shampoo: 1. For children, you can add lavender. A drop every time you wash your hair. 2. For dandruff - Lavender, Wintergreen (winter green), Cypress 3. Dry hair - Geranium, Sandalwood, Lavender 4. Hair Breakage - Sage, Lavender, Thyme 5. Oily hair - Basil, Cypress, Thyme, Lemon, Rosemary. 6. Hair Growth Stimulator - Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Ylang Ylang 7. Hair Loss – Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Ylang Ylang You can also make a hair mask by adding 3-4 drops of the desired oil to 1 tablespoon of base Coconut oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp, leave for 10 minutes and then wash your hair with shampoo as usual.


October 5, 2022

What can be added to tea to get more benefits.

1. Carnation. Relieves headaches and freshens breath. Tea with cloves will help after a hard day to calm your nerves and put things in order in your thoughts. 2. Thyme. It will help after a hearty feast to improve digestion and remove unpleasant sensations in the stomach. 3. Ginger. Stimulates the protective function of the immune system and warms up after a long walk in the cold. Drink tea with ginger if you suddenly wet your feet, get cold or after suffering a cold, ARVI, flu. 4. Cinnamon. It normalizes the content of sugar in the blood, so tea with cinnamon is good to drink sweets and bread with cheese. 5. Tea with mint. It can fall asleep and wake up with renewed strength, as it has the ability to calm the nerves, relieve stress.


October 5, 2022

Honey-cinnamon acne mask.

Cinnamon enhances blood circulation and fights acne, while honey soothes and has an antiseptic effect. What you need 1 tablespoon of cinnamon; 2 tablespoons of honey. How to make a mask. Thoroughly mix cinnamon and honey, apply evenly on the face, previously cleansed, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse.


October 5, 2022

It is possible that very soon there will be tests to determine centenarians.

Scientists have found unique sets of neurons in the brains of long-lived people. They are described as "large nerve cells that prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease." The trick is that these cells are formed at an early age. And therefore, in the future it will be possible to test yourself for old age in your right mind.


October 5, 2022

Parking robots in China⁠⁠.

The device can carry up to two and a half tons, which significantly exceeds the weight of a simple passenger car. The platform moves at a speed of 1.5 meters per second. The parking platform navigates the terrain using a laser navigation system and can park a car in a free parking space in just a couple of minutes. They are clearing the space so that you can leave.


October 5, 2022

Exosapien Technologies has created an exoskeleton in the form of a giant mechanical crab.

The exoskeleton can accommodate one pilot and increases his strength by 50 times. The crab weighs 4 tons, and its power is 200 horsepower. The development is not for sale, but you can buy a training session - from $5,000 or take it for a day for $10,000.


October 5, 2022

It is quite possible that for the first time in history we could see how life is created.

Scientists from the American Purdue University have revealed the mechanism of spontaneous formation of peptides - the molecules necessary to create life. For more than ten years, the team has observed the processes that occur in an ordinary drop of water when it encounters the atmosphere. And according to scientists, they saw how peptides, the building blocks of proteins and all life, appear quite spontaneously in the water. Perhaps this was the beginning of life on Earth. And in that case, there should be a lot of it in the universe.


October 5, 2022

Rare earth metals helped make fireworks two-tone.

Chemists from Germany have found that alloys of rare earth metals can be used to create fireworks and sparklers with colorful sparks. Scientists analyzed the colors of flashes, the number and length of sparks during the combustion of various alloys of rare earth metals and found several combinations that give the most impressive results.


October 5, 2022