Daily horoscope October 8th.

Aries♈️ Today everyone will listen to you especially carefully. Use this to talk about what is important to you, share your experiences and ideas. New acquaintances will quickly feel sympathy for you, and people with whom you have been communicating for a long time will readily respond to any proposals. Taurus♉️ It is better not to rush, especially if you had something important planned for that day. Before you take action, make sure that the moment is right for it, and there are people nearby who are ready to take your side. Experiments are unlikely to be successful, it is better to give preference to reliable, proven methods. Gemini♊️ Many things will seem important to you today that you would not pay attention to at another time. Because of this, it will not be easy to remain calm: you can worry about trifles, get angry if at least something does not turn out the way you expected. Even quarrels over trifles are possible.


October 8, 2022

Petting dogs is officially healthy.

The results of the relevant study are published in the journal PLOS one. The researchers reported that petting a dog activates the part of the brain responsible for socialization and emotions. For many people, companionship with a dog helps to cope with stress and fatigue. It's no secret that a healthy lifestyle involves movement, healthy eating, walking in the fresh air. Four-legged doctors help treat many serious diseases, including dementia, hypoglycemia, epilepsy, mental disorders, etc. They are also able to “sniff out” people with oncology. And in general, these pets make their owners healthier, the researchers say.


October 8, 2022

Don't turn robots into weapons!

Boston Dynamics has issued an open letter promising not to weaponize its robots. One of the most advanced corporations in the letter gives the example of drones and promises that it will do everything to ensure that the commercial robot industry does not merge with the military one. Also, Boston Dynamics is asking other manufacturers to join the movement.


October 8, 2022

Artificial intelligence has learned to detect heart disease in a minute when checking eyes.

British scientists have created artificial intelligence Quartz, which analyzes the state of the blood vessels of the retina and reports on the risk of developing heart diseases. The process takes only 60 seconds. Thanks to new artificial intelligence, ophthalmologists and other specialists will be able to screen for cardiovascular diseases without taking a patient’s blood for analysis.


October 8, 2022

In India, a factory for processing cigarette butts into soft toys has opened.

Cigarette filters are used to make stuffing for products. Every year, employees process millions of cigarette butts into tons of fiber. First, workers separate the filter from the shell and tobacco residues - they are used to make recycled paper and compost powder. The filter is then separated into fibers. They are bleached and cleaned in a cotton gin. Women stuff toys and pillows with the resulting material. According to the World Health Organization, almost 30% of Indian adults smoke - that's 267 million people. On the city streets, they leave tons of cigarette butts behind. Naman Gupta's factory helps keep the capital clean.


October 8, 2022

MacDonald's has started accepting payments in cryptocurrencies.

The representative of MacDonald's in Switzerland, Beatrice Montserrat, announced the start of accepting cryptocurrency as a means of payment in restaurants. The project has so far been launched in pilot mode and within the framework of one institution in the city of Lugano. The company's specialists want to check how convenient and popular the new payment method will be. Earlier, the authorities of this city announced their intention to make Bitcoin, Tether and LVGA cryptocurrencies legal tender.


October 8, 2022

The moon could have formed in just a few hours.

Scientists simulated the appearance of the moon as a result of the collision of the Earth with a large celestial body. It turned out that the natural satellite of our planet could be formed in just a few hours. The new model showed that after the impact, two clumps of ejected matter appeared in near-Earth orbit - from both planets. Thanks to gravity, the larger one quickly pushed the smaller one into a more distant and stable orbit. At the same time, he himself remained below the Roche limit and collapsed.


October 8, 2022

Chilean chicken brand Super Pollo launched amogus nuggets into the stratosphere.

In collaboration with Among Us, the Chileans launched a breaded piece of chicken, it rose to a height of 32 kilometers and stayed there for more than 40 minutes.


October 8, 2022

"Ordinary" Chinese vase.

An "ordinary" Chinese vase went under the hammer for almost €8 million. At an auction in France, a Tianqiuping-style porcelain vase sold for almost 4,000 times its estimated value after buyers were convinced it was a rare 18th-century artifact. Initially, the price of the exhibit was €2,000. 30 potential buyers competed for the lot. As a result, the vase was sold for almost €7.7 million, taking into account the seller's fees, the final purchase price was €9.12 million. It is specified that the buyer was a Chinese man who plans to exhibit the vase in the museum.


October 8, 2022

Bunkers for billionaires.

The Swiss firm showed bunkers for billionaires, as in films about the end of the world. Designed to fit under mansions, the 1,000-square-meter structures appear to be optimized for everyday luxury living and ready for any ground-based threats. The high-tech bunkers descend 15 meters underground and have a gateway fully equipped as a decontamination chamber, an indoor garden, a fitness room, comfortable living and sleeping quarters, and even a private art gallery.


October 8, 2022

Construction robot Hadrian X.

Robot builder Hadrian X can work 20 times faster than a human. Fastbrick Robotics has created a Hadrian X robot capable of building a brick house in just 2 days. The robot is equipped with a manipulator that lays bricks on a special adhesive mortar at an incredible speed of 1000 pieces per hour. The use of a robot will not only increase the speed of construction of buildings, but also help reduce labor costs. With the help of the robot, I plan to build over 10 million objects.


October 8, 2022

Universe in Minecraft.

The blogger tried to recreate the entire Universe in Minecraft - with many galaxies, planets and a black hole. ChrisDaCow originally wanted to recreate only a few planets in the constructor, but later decided to build the entire solar system, as well as many galaxies and a black hole. According to him, the work on the video took two months.


October 8, 2022

"Ultra-white" paint.

Researchers at Purdue University last year developed an "ultra-white" paint that reflects 98.1% of sunlight and infrared radiation, allowing buildings to stay cool. Now, the same team has managed to reduce the thickness of the paint layer to 0.15mm. This will allow you to use it in painting cars and other household chores.


October 8, 2022

Online planetarium Stellarium.

After 20 years of development, an updated version of the Stellarium online planetarium has been released. The service contains a database of more than 600 thousand stars, 80 space objects, known constellations and nebulae. Now all of them can be seen up close in higher quality and resolution.


October 7, 2022

How do signs behave when they fall out of love. Pisces.

The fish suffer spectacularly. We want to say more suffering and even more picturesque than usual. They go on a sentimental trip through the memories of the beautiful old days, pour tears over your joint photos from the first dates and ask the ash tree where they took a wrong turn. In this way, Pisces never has to explain to the subject of former love, because the subject makes legs on its own: looking at all this is completely unbearable. The very case when you seem to have nothing to do with it, but you will be ashamed of this apogee of vulgarity.


October 7, 2022

4 most depressing signs Capricorn.

Is the sun shining? The eyes hurt, the heat infuriates. Is it raining? Foolish puddles, mud, colds. Unexpected money? Now I'm definitely not lucky in love! - the pet of Saturn cries and buries its face into the pillow. Capricorn finds cons in everything (and not just some dashes, but such fat, long stripes). Life is pain. Antidepressants are nonsense. There are no reasons for joy. Posters with similar mottos hang over the beds of earthly and aquatic children. But the stars suspect that the creatures of the depressive four are a little tricky. Maybe Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn just want to be pitied?


October 7, 2022

Zodiac signs that can forgive betrayal. Pisces.

Astrologers call representatives of this sign the most empathetic and merciful. In the horoscope, Pisces governs the sector of assistance, charity and the spiritual world. They subtly feel others, have developed intuition, and also know how to lend a helping hand at the right time. Of course, for people like Pisces, betrayal is shock, resentment and shock. But their natural desire for harmony and peace will force them to reconsider their attitude to what happened, and in the end they will even try to justify their offender. And if you consider that Pisces are the most sentimental representatives of the zodiac circle, then most likely they will be led to sincere repentance and pleas for forgiveness.


October 7, 2022

5 signs of the zodiac, which most often love comes after 30 years. Aries.

Someone falls in love in kindergarten, someone falls under the influence of hormones in adolescence and is ready to fall in love every day. But there are men who are “rolled over” only in adulthood - we will find out under which constellations the guys were born, and why a bright feeling comes to them late. Aries. What kind of love, what are you talking about? You have to make a career, promote your business, get on your feet. No, Aries is not insensitive, he just has no time. Although ... the fiery man is still that walker - well, you understand. And having celebrated the thirty-year anniversary, the pet of Mars will begin to look at women differently. He understands that love is not only sighs on the bench.


October 7, 2022

Daily horoscope October 7th.

Capricorn♑️ The beginning of the day is suitable for small matters, solving organizational issues. Your leadership qualities will be especially pronounced. Many Capricorns at this time will be especially good at leading others, and others will have nothing against Aquarius♒️ The beginning of the day is suitable for important conversations, discussions of serious issues. You will easily find a common language with a wide variety of people, you will understand perfectly even those with whom you did not get along before. Intuition will help you avoid problems at work, tell you how best to act in order to achieve your goal. Pisces♓️ The day starts off exceptionally well. The morning will be generous with new opportunities, you will have a chance to implement what was planned a long time ago. It is worth taking the initiative in business. You will find allies on whom you can rely on everything.


October 7, 2022

Daily horoscope October 7th.

Libra♎️ The day will be very fruitful. It is especially well suited for activities that require creativity, resourcefulness, and the ability to make non-standard decisions. Your ideas and actions will impress others, many will like you. Scorpio♏️ The day is suitable for cases that require concentration, high concentration. You will neither be distracted by trifles, nor look for some particularly short and easy path to the goal. You will be able to correctly assess your strengths; you will not take on something that you cannot handle yet. Sagittarius♐️ In the morning, even small problems can seem serious to you, and because of small misunderstandings, you risk losing your self-confidence. However, there will be people nearby who have supported you more than once. Feel free to contact them again; you will immediately feel much better.


October 7, 2022