Helps satisfy salty cravings

✔️ 1 medium pack of salted popcorn. (46 calories) ✔️ 80 g of grated cheese, sprinkled with a quarter tsp. sea ​​salt. (37 calories) ✔️ 250 g miso soup. (36 calories) ✔️ 5 Salty Crackers (37 Calories) ✔️ Small package of salted soy chips. (35 calories) ✔️ Mix 1 chopped cucumber with 1 tbsp. l chopped green onion, 1 chopped celery, 4 tbsp. l. white wine vinegar and half a tsp. salt to taste. (46 calories) ✔️ 1 cup freshly squeezed vegetable juice. (39 calories) ✔️ 100 g dill with a quarter tsp. sea ​​salt. (10 calories)


October 8, 2022

Read when the going gets tough.

I can handle everything. I am strong/Strong. Everything I do is not in vain. Every day is important. I create my reality. It depends only on me how I will react to circumstances. I choose myself. I've already come a long way. I love myself so I won't give up. Failure is experience. Take a deep breath, dry your tears, thank yourself, and move on. You will succeed!


October 8, 2022

How to tell your husband about a divorce?

• Be tactful: in a calm environment, not in a hurry, start a conversation. Do this before the weekend, because the spouse will not be able to immediately recover and go to work. • Much depends on the choice of location. To speak with a quick-tempered and aggressive man, you need to be in a room where there are a lot of people. It could be friends or relatives. In no case should you start a conversation while being close to children. • The conversation has not yet taken place, you must already have a suitcase packed with things. Prepare the documents in advance, if he hides them, then the matter will be delayed. In the presence of material dependence, it is necessary to have money in reserve and find housing.


October 8, 2022

How to understand that your marriage is on the verge of breaking.

Answer the following questions honestly: • How often do you and your husband make love and how satisfied are you with the quality of your intimate life? • How close are you to your husband: does he share his successes with you, tell you what is happening at work? • Do you have common activities outside of everyday life? • How often do you compliment each other? • When was the last time you had a rest together, had fun and interesting time? If you realized that you have long become strangers living under the same roof, is it any wonder why a husband communicates with other women? Or why is he cold towards you? Any gap is explainable and it did not arise in 5 seconds. All this accumulates for months, and maybe even years.


October 8, 2022

In search of uniqueness.

Why are we afraid of making mistakes? Because we've been told since childhood: "It's bad to be wrong, it's dangerous to be wrong, you mustn't be wrong". These are the most common misconceptions that prevent people from trying new things, changing, and improving their lives. You should be PROUD of making mistakes since this is the ONLY way to overcome mediocrity and find uniqueness.


October 8, 2022

Shut off your brain.

We all live in an endless stream of information. Social media, news, work issues, etc. Our brains CONSTANTLY process and reproduce various thoughts. Think back to the last time your head rested from information overload. The brain is actually active even while sleeping. Being in a constant state of stress indeed reduces our energy levels many times over. Give your brain a chance to RELAX, at least a couple of times per day. Turn off all of your gadgets, close your eyes, and just keep your mind silent for 15 minutes.


October 8, 2022

Don't bring up past mistakes.

Many people use as an argument in disputes the grievances of the past, which it is high time to forget. This shows that there are no real arguments, but only grievances that people accumulate in relationships in order to show them later. If the situation of the past still causes violent emotions in you, you have every right to them. But it is important to work them out, and not dump them on your husband every time.


October 8, 2022

Negative attitudes towards men.

In modern society, men and women have a lot of claims to each other. If, for example, a woman has an attitude that “all men are goats”, this is easily read in her behavior and conversations. And most importantly, those around us also feel such thoughts in us. And they react accordingly. Therefore, if you want to build healthy relationships, first of all you need to deal with your negative attitudes.


October 8, 2022

What to do if you have a fight with your husband?

Frequent scandals tire, deprive of peace, destroy marriages. So: 1. Make time for yourself. Write a list of things that bring you joy and pleasure. 2. Get rid of the orderly tone. If you are used to solving all problems through ultimatums, change tactics. Start communicating with your spouse in the language of flirting and compliments. 3. Make a "beacon of pain." Take a thin elastic band and put it on your hand. As soon as you could not restrain yourself in a conversation with your husband, click this rubber band on your wrist. 4. Choose the right time. No boring conversations at the end of the working day or at dinner! If you want to convey your requests to your husband, do it when the missus is in a good mood, full of energy for the implementation of all plans.


October 8, 2022

Know how to listen.

Being a charismatic man doesn't mean you have to say A LOT! Even if you can speak like Churchill. If you don't know how to listen, and the person you are talking to doesn't feel that you are keen on her/him, you won't become an interesting conversationalist. To develop your own charisma you need to learn how to listen, support, inspire, encourage, and even comfort others.


October 8, 2022

Notice your successes!

Even minor ones, and particularly when it comes to significant victories. Establish a TRADITION to celebrate your good FORTUNE. It is NOT necessary every time to go to a bar to hang out with friends. Do just something nice for yourself that day and share THIS with your beloved ones. By the way, Vishen Lakhiani, the CEO of Mindvalley, rings a special bell every time something good happens.


October 8, 2022

Ask someone who is tired.

When someone is tired, they are more receptive to all requests. The reason is that a tired person is exhausted not only physically, but emotionally as well. When you ask a tired person for a favor, you'll probably get an answer like: "Okay, I'll do it tomorrow", because at this point she/he doesn't want any more problems to solve.


October 8, 2022

4 main fears of unflappable Capricorns, and how to overcome them.

Fear 3. Instability Capricorns dream of stability since childhood: everything should be as they planned. But life makes adjustments every day - either the weather interferes, or people mess up, or there is a crisis in the country. Earthly guys should learn to perceive all problems philosophically and treat changes more calmly. Well, it happened, and now what, tear your hair? If the situation does not change, then it is necessary to find pluses in it. Fear 4. Loneliness Unsociable Capricorns are afraid to be alone (this is such a twist of consciousness). They are homebodies, and it is difficult for them to find a common language with people. But they just don't want to be seen as stupid and funny and never force their friendship. Stars do not call to play the role of sociable guys. If desired, Capricorns can get along with anyone. You have to wait for this desire to appear. Earthly creatures have other fears as well. But they sit so deep that the stars decided not to disturb them, let them remain in a sleeping state.


October 8, 2022

4 main fears of unflappable Capricorns, and how to overcome them.

Fear 1. Poverty Prices are rising, the salary is small, oh-oh-oh, we will live on the heating main and beg! - Capricorns exclaim and are looking for people to whom they can sell a kidney. Wards of Saturn deny themselves everything and wait to be declared bankrupt. And overcoming fear is as easy as shelling pears: you need to take and spend all the savings. Life is beautiful, and entry into the society of the homeless is delayed. Fear 2. Ridicule Your pants are dirty, one eye is blue and the other green, your feet are too big! Yes, Capricorns are capable of becoming depressed from any remark, and they perceive other people's ridicule as proof of their insignificance. Down with the complexes - there are billions of people in the world, and among them there will definitely be those who do not like the hair color of Capricorns and their manner of moving. So what? Spit, grind and make sure of its uniqueness.


October 8, 2022

Which signs fall in love once and for all, and which - five times a day. 12th place - Aquarius.

To be honest, Aquarius should, in principle, not be included in the rating, but put out of the standings. And not because they are so windy, not at all: Aquarians, as a rule, prefer long-term relationships. But we have a monogamous rating here, not a family man rating, and regarding Aquarius we have bad news for you: they are rarely monogamous, because in general they are rarely able to truly love a woman. So we still give them the honorable last place, but keep in mind that Aquarius is generally not a very cat. That is exactly the opposite: very cat. After all, everyone understands that if a cat shits in a tray in your bathroom, it doesn’t mean anything at all, right?


October 8, 2022

Zodiac signs that can forgive betrayal. Libra.

The tact and friendliness of Libra will not allow them to arrange loud angry showdowns. In the horoscope, this sign controls the partnership sector - it instinctively seeks to maintain harmonious relationships, patching holes and smoothing out sharp corners. Libra feels good people and knows how to resolve conflicts. If the offending side repents, Libra will most likely give her a second chance. However, brazen betrayal without apologies can bring Libra to emotional coldness and "swing" their hesitation towards a break in relations.


October 8, 2022

5 signs of the zodiac, which most often love comes after 30 years. Cancer.

Well, the ward of the moon is generally not like the rest. First, Cancer is afraid of getting burned. He is sure that he will fall in love with the wrong woman, and she will break his heart. And secondly, Cancer is slowly growing up, and true love for him will come at a fairly mature age. About 50 years old.


October 8, 2022

Daily horoscope October 8th.

Capricorn♑️ The day is well suited to take on a new business, to bring to life a recently emerged idea. You will not waste time in vain, so you will have time for a lot. It will not always be clear to those around you why you are doing this and not otherwise, but hardly anyone will dissuade you from what you have planned. Aquarius♒️ The day will be restless and fruitful. You will be able to do a lot of useful things not only for yourself, but also for others. You can solve other people's problems easily, and you can handle your own perfectly well. It will become noticeably easier to get along with those with whom you did not find a common language before. Pisces♓️ Try to listen carefully to your intuition. Today, her tips will be accurate and useful. The day is suitable for making plans: you will correctly assess your strengths, you will be able to predict how events will develop. It will be useful to think over important matters, decide what you will undertake in the near future and what will be postponed.


October 8, 2022

Daily horoscope October 8th.

Libra♎️ The day will be easy and interesting. Many things will work out well. It is worth taking advantage of the support of the stars and taking on what you have been putting off for a long time. You will achieve the most noticeable successes where fantasy and creativity are required. Scorpio♏️ It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely avoid disagreements with others. On the contrary, disputes over trifles are possible, and in general, the day will not do without tense moments. But you will behave correctly, maintain good relations with everyone, support those who need it. Sagittarius♐️ You will be able to find a common language even with those with whom you did not get along before. The day is suitable for discussing difficult issues. There will be no disagreement that you cannot overcome. Probably good news. Most likely, someone from old acquaintances will share them.


October 8, 2022

Daily horoscope October 8th.

Cancer♋️ The day is suitable for new things, unusual activities. You can take on what previously seemed difficult: there will be a chance to quickly achieve the desired result. Interesting offers are likely that you will not want to refuse. Leo♌️ A good day to reflect on recent events, draw conclusions and figure out where you were right and where you were wrong. You will notice things that you didn’t pay attention to before, and you will understand how to proceed further. Virgo♍️ The day will be favorable for communication. It will be easy for you to get along with both new acquaintances and loved ones; many you will understand perfectly. You may meet people who are completely different from you. From such people you will learn a lot of interesting things, and their experience will be very useful to you.


October 8, 2022