Daily horoscope October 9th.

Cancer♋️ The day will be busy, and it will please you. You will enthusiastically take on new interesting things, because they will provide an opportunity to learn a lot and meet very unusual people. Travel will be good. For some Cancers, they will become a source of inspiration, others will give ideas that they want to implement as soon as possible. Leo♌️ A significant part of the day will be devoted to household chores, solving some everyday problems and helping loved ones. But that won't stop you from finding time to meet the person you miss. The day is suitable for chatting with friends, and for a romantic date. Virgo♍️ Vanity and confusion may reign around, but you keep calm and do the right thing. It is the ability to make informed decisions in any circumstances that will help you avoid mistakes today. It may take some time to get along with others, but in the middle of the day you will understand how to behave better in order to maintain good relations with everyone.


October 9, 2022

Daily horoscope October 9th.

Aries♈️ The start of the day will be quite hectic. You will find that several things need attention at once, and it will not immediately become clear what needs to be tackled first. Listen to your intuition. Her tips will be especially useful today, but you can’t say the same about the advice that others will give. Taurus♉️ The day will go very well. You will cope with what has not worked out for a long time, successfully complete a difficult and important task. It will be helpful to remember what you learned a long time ago. You can trust your own knowledge and experience, but the opinions of others will more often confuse you than help you. Gemini♊️ The day will please. The first half will be especially successful. If you have new ideas at this time, start implementing them without delay. You will achieve the desired result even faster than expected.


October 9, 2022

The most popular sex trends.

In fashion - pubic hair. For a long time, bare pubis was considered ideal, but now naturalness is in vogue. Nevertheless, this trend causes rejection and doubts among many. Opinions differ too much, so everyone must decide for himself what suits him best.


October 8, 2022

The most popular sex trends.

Vibrating alarm. This little invention is perfect for all women who can't get out of bed in the morning. Forget the snooze feature and start your day with an orgasm! There is an alarm clock that is also a vibrator. It is simply inserted into the panties and starts to vibrate at the right time. What could be better than a voluptuous awakening?


October 8, 2022

The most popular sex trends.

77 instead of 69. Lovers of the 69 position should definitely try 77! You and your partner need to get into the “spoon” position, then you need to bend one leg at the knee, put it on the partner’s top leg, and move forward so that he can penetrate from behind. The approximate angle between you should be 45 degrees, but you can increase it to 90 or any other that you find convenient.


October 8, 2022

The most popular sex trends.

Oral sex underwater. Sex in the sea was popular yesterday! Oral sex with a breathing tube is the latest hot trend. Thanks to the special design, you can breathe underwater through your nose and pamper your partner with your mouth at the same time. Advantage: oral sex remains invisible to others, although the risk of being caught still exists.


October 8, 2022

The most popular sex trends.

Carezza. "Carezza" is an Italian word that means caress or caress. It describes a sexual practice in which a man consciously suppresses his ejaculation. It is only about intimacy, which should not lead to a climax. In karezza, the goal is the path itself, not orgasm. Instead of seeking orgasm, the couple enjoys intimacy.


October 8, 2022

Exercises for training female intimate muscles:

1. It is best to do the exercises while lying on your back to completely relax. Quickly squeeze and unclench the muscles of the vagina, take a break of 15 seconds, then again. Do three times and then rest for a minute. 2. Contract your vaginal muscles and hold for a few minutes. Then relax them for a few seconds, then again. It is necessary to quickly compress and release the muscles. Rest for a minute. Charge three times. Then rest again.


October 8, 2022

Peaking: sliding on the wave of orgasm.

If you're just getting started in picking, then masturbation is probably the best method for you, because only you really know when the moment of orgasm is coming and how it's getting closer. Stimulate yourself to climax and then reduce the stimulation to a level where your arousal is minimally reduced and you can control your orgasm. This process will not always end in success, but practice will improve it. Just don't give up. By the way, sex toys improve masturbation and help you better understand your body.


October 8, 2022

Peaking: sliding on the wave of orgasm.

Orgasm is an incredible experience, but too short. Some women manage to prolong the pleasure, they can only be jealous, because everyone would like to feel an orgasm a little longer, right? Picking helps to do this. Picking can provide the feeling of orgasm without culminating. This technique deliberately delays orgasm for a long time, but always tries to stay as close to it as possible and keep sexual arousal high. Let's face it, picking takes practice and a developed sense of self-control, but if you take the time to "learn" it, you won't regret it. Because not only will you have an orgasm longer than usual, but you will also experience a really explosive climax at the end.


October 8, 2022

Night sex. Pros and cons.

3. Freedom from business and household chores. A person can relax only when he has done all the necessary things. As you know, it is during the day that we rush to work, study or a business meeting. The night is left for sleep and time for a loved one, when we can completely be alone with him. Despite the pleasant and convenient side of nightly sexual pleasures, there are obvious disadvantages for this time of day. These include excessive fatigue, loss of energy, drowsiness. At such moments, there is no time for sex. Scientists do not really recommend making love at night, because by exhausting yourself with such a thing instead of sleep, people risk getting sleep deprivation or chronic fatigue.


October 8, 2022

Night sex. Pros and cons.

It is customary to have sex at night, as favorable conditions contribute to the romantic process: 1. Atmosphere. It creates a specific mood. Darkness, subdued light, associations with passion and romance... At such a time, sensitivity, seductiveness, and emancipation are more acute. 2. Hiding complexes. Many have sex at night because of shyness or any existing complexes. At night, partners can hide what they do not want to show in daylight. Basically, this phenomenon is inherent in women, since they do not want their man to see the already existing folds on the tummy, manifestations of cellulite, stretch marks and other imperfections. Also in the dark you can not see the face, so you can easily hide your emotions.


October 8, 2022

Protein snacks.

✔️ 2 slices of turkey breast with 2 lettuce leaves. (46 calories) ✔️ 50 g smoked salmon (1 slice) and 2 wheat crackers. (48 calories) ✔️ 50 g tofu with 2 tbsp. l. sauerkraut (48 calories) ✔️ Half a cup of low-fat yogurt sprinkled with 1 tsp. sunflower seeds. (49.6 calories) ✔️ 2 boiled egg whites with 1 cup chopped cucumber. (48 calories) ✔️ 5 pcs. sardine with with a slice of red onion. (35 calories) ✔️ 1 slice of whole grain bread with 2 tsp. hummus. (45 calories)


October 8, 2022

Contraindications for foot massage.

Exceptions for this procedure are diseases such as active tuberculosis, a predisposition to the formation of blood clots in the vessels, high fever, oncological pathology, infectious and skin diseases. In addition, massaging the feet should not be done immediately after eating or on an empty stomach. During the course of Chinese acupressure, it is recommended to exclude spicy, salty, as well as coffee and alcoholic beverages from the diet.


October 8, 2022

Basic rules for massage.

A full-fledged practice is needed - each foot must be involved. There are different degrees of impact on biologically active zones: - light circular massage movements - during the initial treatment and in case of acute pain; - the use of medium force - in chronic diseases, taking into account the general condition of the patient; - strong pressure with the thumb or forefinger. The optimal time for a massage is the second half of the day before the evening rest. The duration of exposure to each reflex point is 30-40 seconds. To achieve a therapeutic effect, each foot massage lasts an average of 20 minutes.


October 8, 2022

Reflex points.

Chinese foot massage uses active points located on the so-called meridians. They can be divided into 4 types. Harmonizing. Located at the end and beginning of each line. Acupressure of the foot in these areas affects all organs that belong to a certain meridian. Exciting. Represents a single point located on a specific meridian. Exciting Chinese foot massage helps to improve the performance and response of the organs belonging to this line. Soothing. One such point can be found on each of the meridians. Foot massage in these areas soothes and relieves nervous, irritated condition. Signal. Every organ has. Acupressure of the signal areas of the foot brings relief and reduces the feeling of pain.


October 8, 2022

Preparing for a foot massage.

First, the foot must be prepared for acupressure. For this, a bath with a medicinal decoction is made, in which you need to steam your legs for 20 minutes. Healing herbs are selected individually depending on the needs and characteristics of your body. As a rule, such herbs as are used more often: wild saffron, ginger, Tibetan calamus, wormwood. The water temperature should not be higher than 37-38°C. The bath relaxes and sets you up for the upcoming, often quite sensitive practice.


October 8, 2022

Benefits of foot massage.

In ancient medical treatises, the experience of applying this procedure was described in the following words: “Every person has legs, just like every tree has a root. The depletion of a tree starts from the root, and the aging of a person starts from the feet.” Chinese foot massage stimulates blood circulation, relieves fatigue, strengthens the immune system and restores the functioning of internal organs. This procedure is also one of the methods of healing the whole body: it helps to restore vigor and strength.


October 8, 2022

Indications for foot massage.

Acupressure of the feet is effectively used to relieve fatigue, tension, normalize sleep, get rid of depression, eliminate problems associated with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, etc. This procedure allows you to achieve long-term positive dynamics in the treatment of such ailments as: - dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract; - reduced immunity; - hormonal disruptions; - problems with the prostate gland; - diabetes; - gynecological diseases; - problems with the thyroid gland.


October 8, 2022

Acupressure Chinese foot massage.

The pearl of Chinese medicine is foot massage. There are many active points on them, which are associated with organs and parts of the body. This technique was used by Chinese healers more than 2.5 thousand years ago to preserve and restore the natural balance of the body. They were based on the theory that all the meridians of our body tend to the feet. Acupressure Chinese foot massage has a positive effect on the entire body. You can go through this procedure in specialized centers, or you can try to do a massage on your own.


October 8, 2022