Scientists have explained why people are drawn to their native places at the end of their lives.

When people realize that they have very little time left to do something - to have dinner at a restaurant or go somewhere - they choose familiar places and familiar things instead of new ones. This may explain why people are drawn to their homeland towards the end of their lives, scientists from the University of Chicago say.


October 10, 2022

The asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs caused a tsunami 4.5 kilometers high.

Scientists at the University of Michigan conducted the most detailed collision simulation to date. The traces of waves in 120 rock samples around the world were taken as the basis. And it was revealed that the first tsunami wave reached a height of 4.5 kilometers, and the second - 1.5. If this happened now, on Earth, too, few would have survived.


October 10, 2022

Slovenia was the first country in Eastern Europe to legalize same-sex marriage

The Slovenian Parliament has allowed same-sex couples to marry and adopt children after a decision by the Constitutional Court. This country is the first in Eastern Europe to take such a step.


October 10, 2022

Toxic air pollutants were found in the lungs of children long before their first breath.

Scottish and Belgian scientists have for the first time found particles of atmospheric pollutants in the lungs, liver and brain of unborn babies - in the womb long before their first breath. In every cubic millimeter of tissue, the researchers found thousands of black carbon particles. They were inhaled by pregnant women, then they got to the fetus through the bloodstream. Previous research has shown that air pollution is associated with increased miscarriages, preterm births, low birth weights, and brain developmental disorders.


October 10, 2022

On Easter Island, stone idols were burned due to a fire - some cannot be restored.

Approximately 60 hectares of vegetation burned down on the island. The area around the Rano Raraku volcano suffered the most - the ancient Rapanui people cut blocks for moai from its body. This area is listed as a World Heritage Site. In total, about a thousand moai are installed on Easter Island. They were carved out of stone in 1400-1650. Most of the idols reach a height of four meters, the largest - ten, and at the same time weighs 74 tons. It is believed that each idol personified the spirit of a particular Rapanui ancestor. There is also a version that stone giants were placed all over the island to increase the fertility of the land.


October 10, 2022

The photo with the largest extension.

EarthCam's X80 camera, powered by a Sony processor, takes thousands of photos and stitches them together on a server. With its help, we made the largest 360 photo in the world. On a panoramic image of New York, you can zoom in on objects that are 8 km from the camera and see every detail in detail. Even the serial number of the bolt is visible on nearby buildings.


October 10, 2022

Which signs fall in love once and for all, and which - five times a day. 10th place - Sagittarius.

Sagittarians sincerely believe that they are monogamous. No, really! Now, if Sagittarius fell in love - no other women exist for him anymore, he loves one! And tomorrow, of course, he will also fall in love with another, because the Heavenly Office showered Sagittarius with love with a large margin. To be honest, with such a margin that would be enough for a small legion of unsuitable incubi who urgently want to improve and receive a quarterly bonus for overfulfilling the plan to corrupt mortals. Our Magic Ball has no idea why one Sagittarius was given so many, but says that he is doing a good job.


October 10, 2022

Which indoor plants suit your zodiac sign. Taurus.

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, Saintpaulia (in a simple way - violet) will be the most successful flower for the house. In the house of calm and unhurried Taurus, this plant will help increase material well-being, increase endurance and strength. In addition, this flower perfectly relieves stress after a difficult day, helps to relax and reduces the influence of stress factors.


October 10, 2022

Zodiac signs that can forgive betrayal. Sagittarius.

This sign has such qualities as spiritual generosity and nobility. Unlike other fire signs, it can be easier for Sagittarius to forgive a traitor. But he does it, rather, from philosophical views. The Sagittarius sector in the horoscope is high knowledge, teaching, travel, expansion and multiplication. Resentment and suffering for Sagittarius is low and boring, he understands that, mired in them, you will not go far. In addition, Sagittarius loves openness and honesty. He will not conceal his dissatisfaction, he will prefer a frank conversation with the person who betrayed him. With a special relationship, he will try to “re-educate” the offender and may give him a second chance.


October 10, 2022

5 signs of the zodiac, which most often love comes after 30 years. Scorpio.

Scorpio dominates everything, including relationships. And what is the main role we can talk about at a young age? Here is the ward of Pluto and crushes in itself all feelings similar to love. But having matured, having matured, he understands that it is time to open his heart and let in some timid nymph. Which will look into your mouth and obey. Yes, love can be like that, imagine.


October 10, 2022

Daily horoscope October 10th.

Capricorn♑️ A day when your diplomatic talents will be useful to everyone around. You will reconcile those who quarrel, help very different people find a common language. It is thanks to you that those who did not get along before will agree on joint actions. But do not get too carried away with other people's affairs, otherwise you will not have enough time for your own. Aquarius♒️ A good day to restore old ties, make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel. Old acquaintances will be happy to talk with you; it is possible that they will have some interesting offers for you. Pisces♓️ A great day for any business that requires ingenuity and imagination. You will have ideas that will first surprise others, and then delight them. It will be possible to achieve success in what has not worked for a long time. This, too, will not go unnoticed: everyone will understand that you are capable of much.


October 10, 2022

Daily horoscope October 10th.

Libra♎️ The beginning of the day is suitable for making deals, resolving issues related to money. And this time will be favorable for meetings with people who have come from afar. They may offer something interesting. Probably, you will have a chance to join the work on projects that have been of interest to you for a long time. Scorpio♏️ The day is good for work. You will easily cope with the usual things, quickly succeed in something completely new. If you need helpers, you will find them without difficulty: many will be interested in what you do. Even a short-term collaboration can start a long-term friendship. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be hectic but interesting. It is perfect for business meetings: it will be easy for you to negotiate with very different people, to convince them that you are right. Successful transactions, cash receipts are likely. It is better not to hurry with purchases: rash purchases are unlikely to be successful.


October 10, 2022

Daily horoscope October 10th.

Cancer♋️ Many things will work out well. It is worth taking advantage of the support of the stars and taking on really important things: today you will have a chance to succeed in them. People from whom you did not expect anything like this can stand on your side. Recent detractors will want to become your allies if you behave correctly. Leo♌️ It will take patience. Not everything will turn out the way you envisioned. You will not achieve the desired result immediately. You will have to cope with unexpected difficulties. Pay attention to how your relationships develop with others. The day will require intelligibility in contacts; not everyone can be trusted. Virgo♍️ A good day to think about some important issues. You will be able to understand what previously seemed difficult. You will understand what you were right about, and where you made mistakes, you will find an opportunity to catch up earlier. There will be an opportunity to communicate with people who share your interests. You will learn a lot of interesting things.


October 10, 2022

Daily horoscope October 10th.

Aries♈️ Don't try to handle everything on your own. There are people nearby who are not only ready, but really want to help you; do not deny them this pleasure. Working together can start a long friendship and a romantic story. It all depends on whether you want to take the initiative. Taurus♉️ Pay attention to the ideas that will come to you at the beginning of the day. They may seem too bold, far from reality, outright fantastic, but this does not mean that you will not return to your plan later. Morning is perfect for communicating with new friends, they will surely like you. Gemini♊️ It will be difficult to deal with emotions at the beginning of the day. And all because you have to deal with several issues at once, although you would prefer to focus on something really important. However, the difficult period will not drag on for a long time, the influence of positive trends will increase every hour.


October 10, 2022

Which indoor plants suit your zodiac sign. Aries.

According to astrologers, indoor plants can not only decorate and diversify the interior, but also make our lives happier in general. But in order for the effect of our green wards to be as noticeable and favorable as possible, it is worth choosing specific plants that are suitable for your zodiac sign. Aries. Ardent people born under the sign of Aries will suit the same "fiery" plants. Astrologers advise Aries to acquire flowers that have red, burgundy or orange leaves. Ideal to start a geranium or hibiscus. It is worth paying attention to the lanceolate pentas or poinsettia.


October 9, 2022

Which signs fall in love once and for all, and which - five times a day. 11th place - Gemini.

Everything is very simple: for Gemini, the words “forever” and “bondage”, “slavery”, “life imprisonment”, “coffin”, “cemetery” are synonymous, so the very idea that you can love only one woman all your life is not even comes to their mind. "Is this even legal?" - as if the Gemini asks us. What, no more options at all? Never? Yes, you drive! This only happens in hell! For the most notorious sinners!


October 9, 2022

Zodiac signs that can forgive betrayal. Cancer.

Betrayal for Cancer is always a great tragedy, which will certainly make him suffer greatly. By its nature, this sign is very vulnerable, sensitive, and extremely impressionable. He does not know how to let go of the situation and takes everything too close to his heart. Moreover, both bad and good. One of the main goals of Cancer is the desire for peace, security and harmony, so negative emotions literally destroy it. and whatever the scale of the offense, in the end, Cancer will find the strength to forgive, but, alas, she will never be able to forget the pain. Representatives of this sign are unlikely to communicate with a traitor, but they will not stoop to revenge and war. Once having experienced severe pain and disappointment, Cancer will forever remember their cause and will try with all his might to avoid the repetition of such events, because he is unlikely to be able to experience such pain again. Things are harder with this for family Cancer. It is much more difficult for him to endure the betrayal of his relatives, since he is strongly attached to them. But in this case, Cancer has more reasons to forgive.


October 9, 2022

5 signs of the zodiac, which most often love comes after 30 years. Virgo.

A pedantic and disciplined Virgo man is sure that love is for the weak. He's busy with work, he's making money, he's making connections. And the earthly guy perceives women as a pleasant addition. But even such a strict man will not resist one day - well, someday ... When he is confident in himself and that he can provide for his beloved.


October 9, 2022

Daily horoscope October 9th.

Capricorn♑️ The day is hardly complete without minor annoyances. Treat them philosophically; many problems will solve themselves if you do not become nervous and fussy. Serious difficulties will not arise, as well as insurmountable obstacles on your way. Aquarius♒️ The stars are on your side. Take advantage of their support to deal with important matters, find answers to questions that have been bothering you lately. Great ideas might come up. Intuition will tell you that you should immediately focus on their implementation, and you will not be mistaken. Pisces♓️ The day will bring great ideas. Some important discoveries, real insights are possible. Some Pisces will receive information that will help them adjust their plans for the future, avoid serious mistakes, and choose the shortest path to the goal. Be careful, try to follow everything that happens around.


October 9, 2022

Daily horoscope October 9th.

Libra♎️ The day will be hectic. You can hardly focus on one thing. Every now and then you will have to be distracted from your own affairs in order to help others, correct the mistakes made by others. But you will be able to maintain a good mood and goodwill, not quarrel with anyone, and even cheer up those who are discouraged. Scorpio♏️ The day will be full of fuss, but you will still enjoy it. You will be able to do exactly what you have long wanted to do. If earlier there was not enough time for some interesting things, today you will surely find it. Sagittarius♐️ The day will hardly bring dizzying victories and great successes, but it will turn out quite well. It is suitable for solving small tasks, as well as for cases that have not reached the hands for a long time. You will not waste time and get distracted, you will be attentive and do not miss anything.


October 9, 2022