Causes and nature of headaches.

2. Bruxism. Often the headache is accompanied by bruxism - the tension of the masticatory muscles. Constantly (more often at night) clenched jaws cause tension in all the muscles of the neck and upper thoracic region, which also leads to a decrease in blood flow to the head. A “vicious circle” mechanism is formed: emotional stress leads to repetitive muscle tension, as a result, the muscles go into chronic spasm, signaling the brain about their tension.


October 10, 2022

Causes and nature of headaches.

1. Chronic stress. Actual problem, agree? One of the manifestations of stress is osteochondrosis or spasm. The pain is often localized in the back of the head, where the neck meets the skull. It is characterized by a feeling of squeezing or tightening of the head, as if with a "hoop". Attention, working capacity decreases, memory worsens. Such a headache occurs after emotional stress or physical exertion, lasts all day and intensifies in the evening.


October 10, 2022

It is very important for a woman to love herself.

It is very important for a woman to love herself! Especially the one who lacked the selfless love and care of her father in childhood. The nature of a woman is to give, this is her natural state. But, if she does not know how to love herself and be in a state of abundance, love and happiness, then she will not be able to make her family happy. A woman should be a little capricious, she should pamper herself and allow herself to be pampered by others. It is simply vital for her health - to feel well-groomed, blooming, joyful and light! A woman needs good rest, flowers, sweets, jewelry, new clothes and many new and pleasant experiences like air! Only in this state is she able to make her man happy.


October 10, 2022

Recreate past events.

Couples who have lived together for a certain amount of time have the word "our" that brings you back to the times when you were happy. The place where they first kissed or something, where he waited in the rain, and, as always, he forgot his umbrella. Just walk down those streets, recreate that atmosphere. Do you remember... Emotions awakened by memories that only you know!


October 10, 2022

5 touches he will remember!

Some touches can be done as if by chance, but they will produce the maximum effect. Stroking his hand with your thumb. Slowly and gently stroke it with your thumb. A seemingly ordinary gesture turns into a caress. Hand on inner thigh. Are you driving or eating at a restaurant? Put your hand on his thigh, let your fingers rest on the inside. Palms on chest. Does he hug you and hug you? Put your graceful hands on his chest. Hand on the back between the shoulder blades. When hugging him or just sitting next to him, put your hand on the partner's back in the place between the shoulder blades. This is a gesture of support and care. Palm on the lower back. This “half hug” makes even the most mundane activity more enjoyable.


October 10, 2022

How to survive a breakup.

1. Let go of yourself. If you want to shed tears, then cry, you can even scream, sing, dance, lie in bed for hours. 2. Allow yourself to feel the feelings. Answer yourself honestly: what qualities in a partner did you love and whether he actually possessed them. It is also important to understand what you wanted from the relationship and what you got in the end. 3. Don't blame yourself for the breakup. Two people are always to blame for the breakup of relations, because contact was gradually lost between you. 4. Keep your distance. Immediately after parting, it is necessary to keep a distance from each other. 5. Do not look for a replacement for the former. Flirting or casual sex can help, but not for long, because now you are very vulnerable and suddenly you will begin to pin hopes on casual relationships. 6. Start planning for the future. Everything that makes you happy should be on the list. It is important to regularly replenish the list, and when sadness and depression pile up, be sure to re-read it.


October 10, 2022

Hey, mind if I sit here?

Sit down next to your opponent to have more influence. Let's say you know that your colleague is planning to step on you at the next meeting. To avoid being defeated, you should sit next to him. It will confuse the attacker, because it would be much easier to storm the one who is farther away. This trick always helps me save face in conflict situations.


October 10, 2022


Let your interlocutor know that you must handle the situation in a very short time.The point is that such a limitation will make her/him feel uncomfortable. Experiencing emotions makes it harder for the victim to withstand and make reasonable and informed decisions. Usually, when I need to get the other person's consent quickly, I tell her/him, "Okay, we have five minutes, so let's get straight to the point. I propose...".


October 10, 2022

Keep respect.

Male conceit is a fragile thing that needs to be protected even in the heat of a quarrel. After all, the conflict will someday end, and your insults or neglect will remain in his memory forever. Therefore, try to refrain from harsh statements and unfounded criticism.


October 10, 2022

Indifference in marriage.

What to do if a man has become indifferent to the once beloved woman, his wife, and lives with her out of habit? The reasons may be different: a crisis stage in a relationship, a woman's misbehavior. For example, excessive control and distrust always slowly kill love. Or here is a common situation: after marriage, a tender and caring bride turned into a fury who is dissatisfied with everything. Pit and piss. Then love is replaced not by love, but by irritation, a desire to escape and subsequent indifference.


October 10, 2022

Rules for a serious conversation.

• Try to stick to an approximate conversation plan, so as not to go into a showdown, remembering all the grievances. • Pick a time. A man will not want to discuss anything if he just came from work, hungry, busy. • Start from the end. Immediately voice your position or desire. • Think over objections and prepare arguments in your favor. • Talk about your feelings. If you blame him, make harsh claims, this will not lead to a solution to the problem, but will only aggravate it. • End on a positive note. Thank the man, tell him a compliment.


October 10, 2022

Being heard.

Perhaps, that’s the most essential thing in dealing with people. Being heard and accepted. To have a space where your feelings are acknowledged and given a place. This is the foundation of harmonious relationships and what empowers us to make a difference. It's good to hear and to be heard.


October 10, 2022

What is your life speed?

The speed should be such that your eyes have time to see the beauty. Your hands have time to feel the surface. Your body has time to enjoy. You could detect smells and sounds. And to feel alive. When we lose that feeling, we have to slow down. When we gain it, it means we live as we should.


October 10, 2022

The right key.

The best teacher is PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Though someone else's is worth learning more about. Especially relevant to you will be the experience of people who have developed in the same field as you. Studying someone else's experience is a great help when you're down and do not know how to find the key to a new problem.


October 10, 2022

Former rugby players face a high risk of motor neurone disease and dementia.

British scientists analyzed the medical data of former Scottish rugby players and found that they have a 2.5 times increased risk of neurodegeneration. Compared with non-athletes, former rugby players are 15 times more likely to have motor neurone disease and twice as likely to have dementia.


October 10, 2022

The Juno space probe has sent the most detailed image of the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa.

The picture was taken from a distance of about 412 km. It captures a 150 by 200 km area illuminated by reflected sunlight from Jupiter on the night side of Europa. Europa is considered the most suitable object of the solar system for the search for extraterrestrial life - microorganisms can live in the ocean under the ice.


October 10, 2022

Don't skip breakfast - your memory will thank you.

This conclusion was made by scientists at Zhejiang University, located in China. Experts conducted a survey among 3,342 volunteers. They were asked to answer questions about their eating habits and take tests on memory, basic math, and numeracy. After analyzing the data, the study concluded that people who skip breakfast or dinner show lower results than the rest of the study participants.


October 10, 2022

RIKEN has successfully created an ultraviolet LED lamp.

It kills bacteria but is completely harmless to humans. This was the main problem with LED ultraviolet - it damaged DNA. Therefore, hospitals had to use standard and very expensive lamps. Now, with LED, things will go much better and cheaper.


October 10, 2022

Synk X gaming chair with vibration and built-in subwoofer from Cooler Master.

According to the manufacturer, the device will respond to what is happening in the game and increase immersion.


October 10, 2022

The programmer made a device to scare away neighbors' chickens, stray dogs and birds.

If the animals walk around his yard, then the "turret" shoots at them with a jet of water. Special attention deserves a mark on the screen of the program - "Enemy / bird spotted".


October 10, 2022