Daily horoscope October 11th.

Aries♈️ The day is suitable for communicating with people who you would like to like. It will not be difficult to make a good impression: it is enough to behave naturally and not expect too much from others. Financial issues can be dealt with. Here you will not make mistakes if you listen to your intuition. But the advice of others can be confusing. Taurus♉️ Do not rush into decisions or make serious commitments without thinking. It will be more difficult for you to concentrate than usual: there is a danger that you will not notice something important. People who have known you for a long time will give good advice. Gemini♊️ Even if at the beginning of the day some difficulties arise, you will not give up on what you have planned. And you will do the right thing: perseverance will help you achieve even what seemed almost impossible. Getting along with others will be easy. They will like your optimism, many will want to get to know each other better.


October 11, 2022


During intercourse, a woman should move smoothly with her whole body. In this way, you spread excitement throughout the body and increase pleasure. If you move your upper body and head, it contributes to the pleasure during sex. If you make circular movements during penetration, you are massaging the vagina. And in this case, sexual arousal can also spread faster throughout the body. The pelvic movements are also very important. They increase blood flow to the genitals and increase arousal.


October 10, 2022

Watch your breath.

Take note of a very good life hack. During sex, inhale and exhale deeply: deep breathing has a positive effect on the strength of sensations and helps to focus on the process.


October 10, 2022

Dirty, random.

There are many benefits to fast sex: it is wild, sudden, very intense and explosive. Partners do not waste time on caresses and tender words, but pounce on each other in a fit of passion. Isn't it cool? Men especially like this kind of sex, especially if the initiator is a woman. This is a good way to surprise him in bed.


October 10, 2022

Like in the movies?

Your partner lifts your hips, you wrap your legs around his body, leaning back against the wall of the shower. But in reality, this "number" is quite difficult to perform. For it to succeed, a man must have great strength, or you must grab onto some ledge or handle. If neither one nor the other is available, then both of you will quickly get tired.


October 10, 2022

Praise him.

Men are very fond of when women approve of his actions, decisions. Therefore, do not be afraid to praise him for his dedication, ingenuity or good potency. Of course, compliments must be sincere. Lies are always felt and spoil relationships. Praise will not turn him into an egoist, but on the contrary, he will try even harder for the sake of mutual pleasure.


October 10, 2022

Sex job.

After you have finished intercourse and calm your breathing, start the second round. He is spontaneous in the sense that his partner does not expect him in any way. Feel free to stick to your partner again!


October 10, 2022

Sex instead of exercise.

Try replacing night and evening sex with early morning sex and your body will thank you. Morning sex is good for health, as muscle groups are involved, blood circulation improves, breathing becomes deeper and you feel cheerful.


October 10, 2022

Don't turn off the light.

Are you afraid that in the light a man will see the imperfections of your figure? In vain! Men really like to see a naked partner; in a state of arousal, they do not pay attention to the flaws of the body. Remember that men love with their eyes, and by turning off the light, you will deprive him of the thrill of sensation.


October 10, 2022

Think about sex.

To become more sexual, you need to think about it. If you already think and often, then great. If you forget about intimacy, force yourself to think about it more often. Thinking about it is as pleasant as the process itself. In addition, fantasies will make your libido increase, and believe me, it will become noticeable to others at some “pheromone” level.


October 10, 2022


Gentle sex, when the partner's body is stimulated with fingers, hands or mouth without penetration of the penis into the vagina. Close contact helps to find sensitive places and erogenous zones. On the other hand, gentle play helps prepare for sexual intercourse. During petting, you can also nibble on certain parts of your partner's body to make the sensation more intense - but be careful! It is important to relax and concentrate on mutual tenderness and caresses.


October 10, 2022

When stressed, it is useful to masturbate.

Speaking of oxytocin, this hormone alone lowers our body's cortisol levels, which tend to get out of hand, especially during times of stress. When cortisol levels drop, we automatically feel more relaxed. Even in a state of fear, masturbation can be very beneficial for the body.


October 10, 2022

Why is MCT oil unique and useful?

- Unlike other fats, MCT goes directly to the liver, and is not deposited in adipose tissue, - It activates the brain - Increases the feeling of satiety. MCT fats have been shown to increase the release of satiety hormones leptin and peptide YY more effectively than conventional long chain oils. This helps keep you feeling full longer and avoid unnecessary snacking. - It is not deposited in the form of fat deposits. Usually the body uses it immediately for energy production, - Normalizes bowel function, - Increases performance - Increases energy potential and improves mood. This makes it possible to avoid overeating on a nervous basis or simply out of boredom. But it's important to understand that MCTs are not a magic weight loss pill. It works only in conjunction with proper keto nutrition and active sports.


October 10, 2022

What is MCT oil and how does it help you lose weight?

So, if it’s difficult to say, then MCT oil or MCFA (medium-chain fatty acids) are medium-chain triglycerides, which, unlike long-chain fats, are absorbed more easily, since the body needs less effort to break carbon bonds. MCTs are quickly transported to the liver, where they are broken down into ketones and distributed in the bloodstream, providing the body with an almost instant energy boost. Simply put, it is the quintessence of traditional coconut oil, as MCTs are extracted from coconuts.


October 10, 2022

Cold soup with beets.

Calorie content per 100 gr - 91.7 kcal. Proteins/Fats/Carbohydrates - 5.53/6.27/3.79 Ingredients: Kefir, ayran or yogurt - 1.5 l Boiled beets - 500 gr Fresh cucumber - 2 pcs Boiled egg - 5 pcs Greens (green onions, dill) - 50 gr Salt - to taste Cooking: Mix beets, grated cucumbers on a coarse grater, add finely chopped eggs, onions and dill. Salt, pour kefir, mix well.


October 10, 2022

Vegetable snacks.

✔️ 350 g of sugar peas. (40 calories) ✔️ Small stalk of celery. (49 calories) ✔️ 100 g grated turnip with 50 g salsa. (49.5 calories) ✔️ Half an apple with 1 tsp. soybean oil. (46 calories) ✔️ 100 g of rice with 1 tbsp. l. jam. (44 calories)


October 10, 2022

Causes and nature of headaches.

6. Neuralgia. This is the name of a condition when a headache is not associated with a violation of the outflow and inflow of blood, but with an overstrain of nerve endings. The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the sensitivity of the face and, first of all, pain. When there is an attack of pain associated with the trigeminal nerve, it seems that an electric current is passed through half of the face or all the teeth are removed at once “on the live”. Attacks last from a few seconds to 1-2 minutes, they can be either 1-2 per day, or several dozen. Any little thing can provoke pain - touching the face, chewing, brushing your teeth.


October 10, 2022

Causes and nature of headaches.

5. Migraine. Unfortunately, migraine in 60-70% of patients is hereditary. It manifests itself more often as unilateral seizures. In this case, during attacks, the sides of pain may alternate. Often this is a pain of a throbbing nature, which is combined with neurological signs (fear of light and loud sounds), nausea, vomiting, sweating. Migraines are typically triggered by triggers such as emotional stress and weather changes.


October 10, 2022

Causes and nature of headaches.

4. Low or high blood pressure. I want to note right away that a headache does not always mean a change in blood pressure. Very often, patients only find out they are living with high blood pressure when they visit a doctor. A drop in blood pressure "hypotonics" can feel like a general weakness, loss of strength, drowsiness. However, vasospasm with a drop in pressure or their expansion with an increase in pressure can lead to a headache, since any vessel is entwined with a nerve. Headache with a decrease in blood pressure is felt as squeezing in the temples, in the eyes, in the forehead, accompanied by cold hands and feet and a desire to sleep. With an increase in blood pressure, it is a sharp, throbbing pain.


October 10, 2022

Causes and nature of headaches.

3. Sinusitis or chronic sinusitis. Pain in sinusitis or exacerbation of chronic sinusitis has a slightly different character. It is more like a "dull" pain in the face and skull, increasing sharply when the head is tilted forward or backward, as well as when lying down.


October 10, 2022