Which indoor plants suit your zodiac sign. Cancer.

Cancer get along best with plants that need metered watering. These caring people will obviously not let the blades of grass dry out and vice versa, they will not flood them. Fuchsia is perfect. She will maintain harmony and cheer up water people.


October 12, 2022

Which signs fall in love once and for all, and which - five times a day. 8th place - Pisces.

We know that this is a pun that has set the teeth on edge, but in love, Pisces feel like fish in water, and you know, you need to change the water in aquariums more often, otherwise the fish will become ill. And not because the fish is so tender. Because she shits there. I mean he. Well, you get the idea.


October 12, 2022

Flatterers by zodiac sign. Be careful with them!

Sagittarius - sincere flattery. Sagittarians pay attention to the little things when it suits them. They can be rude with close people, but they behave with restraint with influential personalities and business partners. They sincerely admire other people's achievements and this is captivating. Sagittarius knows how to beautifully present the successes of other people, while they will support their protégé behind their backs. Sagittarius sweet speeches flow as long as he is confident in receiving benefits from a person, or if communication with him improves his image.


October 12, 2022

Signs of the zodiac that do not let go of partners even after a break. Aries.

Astrologers emphasize that the first "bells" are seen in early childhood. Here is a little Aries playing with a typewriter. And even if he is tired, he will not leave her, but will hide the toy more securely in a secluded place. As a result, the machine is covered with dust, and the pet of Mars will safely forget it. Of course, not immediately, but definitely forever. Of course, it is impossible to hide a person like a toy, but Aries will do everything so that his “victim-property” does not go to another (or to another). He will deliberately pretend for a long time and methodically that the abandoned person will definitely come in handy for him, encouraging and giving empty promises. But in reality, everything will turn out differently - while the former faithfully believing in the piety of fiery pets, with bated breath, check the phone a hundred times a day so as not to miss the message of newly erupted feelings, Aries will do everything to find themselves another outlet in the face of a new passion.


October 12, 2022

Daily horoscope October 12th.

Capricorn♑️ Even the simplest cases and long-familiar tasks should not be taken lightly today. If you focus and tune in to a serious mood, a lot will turn out well. But relying on luck, a good combination of circumstances, waiting until all problems are solved by themselves will be a mistake Aquarius♒️ Thanks to the ability to get along with different people, find an approach to them, you will quickly cope with even the most difficult cases. It will not be difficult to find assistants who will willingly take on the solution of some problems. Business negotiations will be successful, it is possible that you will receive some very interesting offers. Pisces♓️ The day will hardly do without minor misunderstandings, but you should not worry about them. Many problems will be solved by themselves, and you will cope with the rest thanks to the support of old acquaintances. You have to be careful when it comes to money. Here, hasty decisions can turn into unfortunate losses.


October 12, 2022

Daily horoscope October 12th.

Libra♎️ There will be a chance to succeed in many things, but you will need to be persistent. It is possible that you will have to correct other people's mistakes or finish what was started by others. Despite the difficulties that sometimes arise, you will remain optimistic and self-confident. People around you will like it very much, many will want to make friends with you. Scorpio♏️ The day is suitable in order to understand difficult issues, try to solve some particularly difficult tasks. Not everything will immediately turn out as we would like, but you will not quit what you started halfway, you will definitely achieve the desired result. Sagittarius♐️ Try to listen especially carefully to your intuition at the beginning of the day. Her tips will be accurate, and it is thanks to them that you will not make mistakes, cope even with the most difficult cases. It is better to act on your own: so you do not have to waste time on long explanations and disputes.


October 12, 2022

Daily horoscope October 12th.

Cancer♋️ The day will please. There will be a chance to succeed in matters to which you have already given a lot of effort, and complete what you started a long time ago. Important conversations will go well, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s about work or personal relationships. It will be especially easy for you to get along with people today, you will quickly win the sympathy of new acquaintances, and you will understand your loved ones perfectly. Leo♌️ You will succeed in many things if you do not worry about trifles and act consistently. It is important to avoid fuss and confusion, not to try to do everything at once. Getting along with others will not always be easy: someone may try to impose their point of view on you. But a serious conflict will not arise, you will agree with everyone peacefully. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable for important conversations. You will be able to calmly discuss something that has caused a lot of disagreement before, and you will surely find solutions that everyone will like. Most likely, today you will need to take on some new things, and it will not be possible to cope with them right away. But you will not quit what you started, and you will definitely get the desired result.


October 12, 2022

Daily horoscope October 12th.

Aries♈️ The day will be bright and memorable. He will bring new plans, as well as new ideas that you want to implement immediately. In business, you can rely on intuition: it will lead you to the goal, help you avoid mistakes. Small disagreements at work will not spoil your mood. Arguing with colleagues will be helpful, helping to find a solution that everyone will like. Taurus♉️ Don't be nervous or worried if things don't go according to plan. This day is sure to bring many surprises. At first they may seem rather unpleasant, but soon you will realize that everything is working out in the best way and you can get a lot of benefit from the current situation. Gemini♊️ You should not believe everything that others say. Unfortunately, today someone will surely try to mislead or confuse you. So do not be too lazy to make sure that any information received is reliable, and only after that make any decisions.


October 12, 2022

Top 5 foreplay games.

✔️ Clock mechanism. Take a kitchen timer and set the interval to, say, 15 minutes. During this time, you can do whatever you want - but until the signal sounds, penetration is strictly prohibited! ✔️ Blindfolded. Have him strip you naked, lay you on the bed, and then blindfold you. After that, let him slowly tease you with kisses and strokes all over your body. Your feelings will increase many times over! ✔️ Tied hands. He ties your arms and legs to the bed. If the bed does not allow, you can cuff your hands behind your back with handcuffs. Then let him do whatever he wants with you. ✔️ Bad girl. Tell him about your sins today. Then take off your clothes, get on your knees and let him give your ass a good spanking. THIS will give you new sensations during sex. ✔️ Massage oil. Take a large towel, a bottle of massage oil and give each other an erotic massage. You will be surprised how massage oil changes sensations.


October 11, 2022

Petting: why you should do it regularly.

✔️ Petting is very diverse. There are many options: stroking the thighs, biting, heating erogenous zones with breathing. There may be other caresses, it all depends on the imagination. ✔️ For those who are not yet ready for sex. If for some reason you do not want to have sex, give preference to petting, it does not have to end with penetration. ✔️ Reason to try sex toys. Their choice is huge, but pay attention to the options for stimulating not only the genitals, but also other erogenous zones.


October 11, 2022


Trust your partner and give yourself to him completely, without a doubt. This is an important rule in intimate life. Achieving orgasm is difficult to imagine without trust in the partner and his actions. If you are afraid of something, afraid or in doubt, a man will feel it and lose the right mood.


October 11, 2022

Sex advice.

Dear women, sometimes be bold and spontaneous! For example, don't wear panties when you're going to a romantic dinner. Put on a dress and let your lover know you're not wearing underwear. Then the matter is small - you can take him to a secluded place and give moments of pleasure.


October 11, 2022

How to direct a partner towards the right actions in bed?

Very often you can hear a male complaint that during sex it is very difficult to understand what is happening with a partner. A man does not understand whether he really gives pleasure or a woman imitates an orgasm. Let's figure it out... How to dispel the fears of a partner? And how not to lead him astray during intimacy? Turn up the volume. Men love it when their partners are vocally expressive in bed! Believe me, nothing excites like your passionate moans! More non-verbal cues of pleasure. Movement, breathing, touching - your whole body should express pleasure if you really enjoy the actions of your partner. Talk about your feelings. Let the man know if you like it or not. If he does what you like, encourage him verbally.


October 11, 2022

Don't get hung up.

The peculiarity of orgasms is that the more we think about them, the less likely they are to occur. Thinking about why it hasn't happened yet, or why it's taking so long, can take the fun out of the process. It's a cliché, but the journey is more enjoyable than the destination.


October 11, 2022

Intense Stretching Pose (Pashchimotanasana in Sanskrit).

To stretch the spine and the back of the leg, as well as to improve the blood supply to the abdominal organs Performance: - Sit with a straight back, straighten your legs in front of you. - While inhaling, raise your arms, stretching the top of your head up. - Keeping your back straight, as you exhale, bend down to your hips, wrapping your hands around your feet. - Hold this position for up to 2 minutes.


October 11, 2022

Dandelion jam.

This jam is certainly not as popular as others, but it is definitely worth a try. After all, it helps the work of our liver, restoring its cells, is able to purify the blood. To prepare this jam, we will use: 400 dandelion inflorescences, 2 sliced ​​lemons, 1 kg of sugar. We soak the inflorescences with water, leave for 24 hours. Then squeeze the flowers, pour 1/2 liter of water and set to boil. Approximately 15-20 minutes. Then add sugar and lemon. You can also add 1 tsp. citric acid. Cook for about 7 more minutes. When the color of honey appears near the jam, remove from the stove. Cool the jam, then strain and cook again for 2 minutes. After cooling, the jam will look like honey.


October 11, 2022

How to lose weight?

1. For the first 3 days, reduce the volume of the stomach. Dim 5-6 times a day, serving - a saucer, a spoon - a teaspoon. 2. We carry out point 1 + connect 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day to this. It's still +2 days. 3. We fulfill point 1 + point 2 to this, we sort out our diet. We refuse harmful food. We are looking for a replacement for harmful products. We reduce the amount of sweet, fatty, flour. We cook dishes for a couple, stew, boil or bake in the oven. (This is at least another + 7 days) 4. We fulfill all the previous points and add sports to them. For a day, you should generally devote at least an hour to sports (you can half an hour in the morning, half an hour in the evening, or distribute this hour in some other way). More +7 days. Total 19 days. After you will feel lightness and confidence in yourself, you can already choose the right food for yourself. The main thing - it's not so difficult, as it seems. SHOULD ASK FOR GOAL!


October 11, 2022

Raw snacks.

✔️ 6 chicory leaves mixed with 30g low fat feta cheese. (49 calories) ✔️ 1 slice of hard cheese. (30 calories) ✔️ 1 fried tomato, chopped and sprinkled with 1 tbsp. parmesan (44 calories) ✔️ 50 g low-fat cottage cheese spread on a slice of toasted bread. (38 calories) ✔️ 50 g low-fat mozzarella cheese dipped in 1 tsp. marinara sauce. (45 calories)


October 11, 2022

Some helpful stress relief ideas.

3. Thinking about the positive aspects of the situation. And most importantly, about the future. There is a banal phrase: "what does not kill us makes us stronger." This is true, because a person adapts to a lot. And the psyche is not as weak as many people think. In addition to post-traumatic stress, there is also post-traumatic growth. These are positive changes for people facing emergency situations. People begin to appreciate life, loved ones and everything they have more. By the way, about the future. Do something for him (not just for today). This is a signal to yourself that everything will be fine. And it certainly will be!) Globally - if you have a vision of long-term goals, then adaptability increases. And further. The acute phase of stress usually lasts 2-3 weeks. Further, the psyche cannot be at the peak of tension. The "fuses" turn on and the recession sets in. Adrenaline is gone, and the brain starts to work better. In these weeks there is a risk of falling into a pit of despair, getting sick. In general, be careful with yourself.


October 11, 2022

Some helpful stress relief ideas.

2. Reducing the importance of negative thoughts. In the head of many, a “tape of worries” is formed, which is spinning in the head. Anxious thoughts keep us from acting, sometimes even from sleeping. There is usually no practical benefit from them. Scientifically, this is called rumination. The easy way out here is to remove the importance of such thoughts. Tell yourself something like: “these thoughts happen” and imagine that you “let go of these thoughts, like a cloud into the sky and they fly away.” Yes, the thought may not go away. But it will no longer have a strong effect on you.


October 11, 2022