Simple techniques to make sex better.

2. Multiple orgasms. After the climax again to get an orgasm? For many women, this seems unimaginable. Because the same movements around the clitoris that used to be pleasurable are now painful. After an orgasm or strong stimulation, the clitoris is very sensitive. Tip: after orgasm, start with the touches and movements that you enjoyed at first, and avoid direct contact with the clitoris. After a few minutes, you can “plug in” the clitoris again and reach a new peak.


October 12, 2022

Simple techniques to make sex better.

1. More Intense Orgasms with Stop and Start How to achieve a longer orgasm? Here's how it works: The longer you're in an aroused state, the more intense your orgasms can be. This means: take a break just before the climax. Distract yourself thinking about something else, slow down the stimulation, or take a short pause. Then continue and stop again before the climax.


October 12, 2022

What can porn teach?

1. More emotions. Porn is a form of acting. Bring the erotic experience from an adult movie into your bedroom. 2. Complete looseness. In porn movies, actresses show everything. And despite the fact that we are talking about cinema, it seems that they absolutely do not care how they look. 3. Playfulness. Every porn scene starts with flirting. In no pornographic film do actors begin to love each other just like that.


October 12, 2022

We protect teeth from caries.

1. Dentists advise resisting the temptation to rinse out your mouth after brushing your teeth, because otherwise the protective fluoride coating applied with toothpaste is washed off (unexpected, huh?!) 2. "Advanced" doctors do not even wet the toothbrush before squeezing the paste onto it, and try not to drink for half an hour after this hygiene procedure. 3. Another important point, do not brush your teeth immediately after eating, because the food temporarily softens the tooth enamel and you need to let it harden again, which takes at least half an hour.


October 12, 2022

Creamy snacks.

✔️ Melted cream cheese with garlic and herbs. Spread 1 triangle on cucumber, cut in half. (35 calories) ✔️ 1 tsp almond oil. (34 calories) ✔️ Half a glass of low-fat yogurt with 1 tsp. strawberry jam (43 calories) ✔️ 1 slice of avocado 30 g with 2 tsp. cream. (45 calories) ✔️ 8 cherry tomatoes dipped in 1 tbsp. l. cream cheese. (46 calories)


October 12, 2022

Leela game. Continuation.

During the game (and the game can last 5-6 hours, and even more) there is a constant struggle between consciousness and soul. The mind throws at us not what we need. And with each new move, we gradually remove from ourselves the layers of that material and superfluous that until recently seemed very important to us, and expose our soul. Bringing ourselves to a completely new vibration. This is a kind of meditation, connection with the universe through the game. But I don’t even dare to call it a game after everything that I had a chance to feel and understand. These are some kind of spiritual algorithms that, with each new move, tune the strings of our soul in the right way, remove distortions, garbage and lead us to some new, clear sound. Each participant ends the game differently. Some pass quickly, some will be constantly thrown back only to be given new keys and opportunities for rethinking. So that a person does not have doubts and questions. After the game, it is very important to follow the chosen vector and use the tips that Lila gave in life.


October 12, 2022

Leela game.

In general, Lila came to us from India. This game is over 2000 years old. Initially, it was an amusement of the Maharajas, with the help of which the rulers could look into themselves and find answers to questions. There is a lot of demand for this game right now. This is understandable - people want stability and understanding. It is believed that Lila appears in your life exactly when you need it. In the game, the guide, the leader, is very important. To get into the game, you need a request. Not any, namely the one that the game will accept, that is, the true one. I need to realize why I play, what I want to get answers to. And here lies the main trick of our mind. It seems to us that we are asking exactly the question that is really important to us, and then it turns out that these are all machinations of consciousness, and our soul and heart want something completely different.


October 12, 2022

October 10 was World Mental Health Day. Continuation.

2. Make a list of what you have ALREADY done and praise yourself for it. I'm sure we always have something to praise ourselves and pat on the head for. 3. Morning routine is extremely important. It is not necessary to immediately run out of bed to meditate or do “downward-facing dog”. If you're not ready for this yet, you can just make your bed, do a short exercise, apply your favorite face mask, and drink warm water. And just smile at the new day. 4. Take care of those around you: family, friends, work colleagues, or even just random people who need help. Self-giving and love work wonders.


October 12, 2022

October 10 was World Mental Health Day.

In general, stable mental health is what we all urgently need now. I am sharing with you absolutely simple, but useful life hacks that can do absolutely anything and that really work, despite their apparent simplicity. 1. Get up early. Who gets up early, you know what. Of course, it all depends on what time you go to bed. Ideally, you should fall asleep before 11 pm. And then there will be a quality sleep, and early rises invigorating, and not as if the skating rink has run over you. I noticed on my own: it’s worth sleeping off on the weekend - that’s it, the energy is at zero and the mood too.


October 12, 2022

Stay feminine.

Forget about your emancipated "manners" for a while. Representatives of the stronger sex see an ordinary man in an independent lady. And subconsciously strive to compete with it, and not to bestow. Show softness, delicacy, add a little weakness. Then your chosen one will want to make your life beautiful and bright!


October 12, 2022

Does everyday life kill relationships?

The stereotype that a family boat is sure to break into everyday life makes it difficult to look at the problem from different angles and find out the true cause. Yes, in a relationship, sooner or later, there comes a period when partners get tired of their responsibilities. But this illusion of intimacy grows into a coldness between spouses. Quarrels become more frequent, mutual understanding becomes less and less. Husband and wife begin to think that everyday life kills feelings. Constant claims, resentment, again claims. But what about the inability to negotiate, high expectations, attempts to remake each other, incorrectly divided household duties? It is worth thinking about this at the first alarm bells. Be on the lookout! Take care of your relationship!


October 12, 2022

How to ask a man for money.

Ask confidently, in a good mood and with a sense of gratitude. Start small. If your chosen one is a little stingy, start asking a little bit, at the same time train to ask. Take your time and do not forget to praise even small gestures. Without vague hints, short and clear: what exactly do you need and why. Men like specifics. Become the woman you want to give financially! Flirt, radiate kindness and love. If you ask for money as alms, as if you are not worthy of gifts, then he will not give anything. Whine, beg, demand, hysteria also does not work. If you constantly ask in an ultimatum form, you will be considered mercantile.


October 12, 2022

Playing with time.

Anxiety and insomnia are the result of negative thoughts taking over you. An easy way to cope with negative thoughts is to allocate just 10 minutes a day to them. Thus, instead of devoting the whole day to pessimistic thoughts, you'll be able to "think bad thoughts" only during strictly defined hours. Due to such short training sessions, you can learn to control your thoughts and feelings.


October 12, 2022

An appraising look.

This technique is useful when meeting suspicious and negative people. After meeting someone's discouraging gaze (it's often a nonverbal cue), look into her/his eyes for a couple of seconds. Then look at her/his feet and back into eyes. After that, look away. This technique of "silent appraisal" demonstrates to the person that you do not perceive her/him as a threat, that is, you are not afraid of her/him. Yet you had better stand up straight and behave confidently.


October 12, 2022

Flying electric car.

At the exhibition in Dubai, a flying electric car was presented that does not produce carbon dioxide emissions, can move in urban areas and at low altitudes, and its maximum flight speed is 130 km/h.


October 12, 2022

Charging stations for electric vehicles will not overload the grid even by 2040.

Bloomberg has calculated a scenario in which all new cars from 2030 will be exclusively electric. It turned out that by 2040, such a policy will increase the load on the power grid by only 11-15%. That is not so critical.


October 12, 2022

Due to the climate crisis, lemurs are moving from trees to the ground.

Climate change is forcing the lemurs and monkeys of America and Madagascar to come down from the trees to the ground in search of water, food and shelter. So they adapt to the changed conditions, but the presence of people prevents them from using a new survival strategy. These conclusions were reached by American scientists who watched 150 thousand hours of video recordings of the behavior of 15 species of lemurs and 32 species of monkeys in 68 locations.


October 12, 2022

There was an amazing drone show to celebrate the launch of the Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

NetEase hosted a massive drone show in China. World of Warcraft fans were shown various symbols from the game. The event was dedicated to the launch of the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King add-on on classic servers.


October 12, 2022

Tesla has resumed production of Semi electric trucks introduced back in 2017.

This was announced by Tesla CEO Elon Musk, recalling that the power reserve will be 800 km. PepsiCo will receive the first trucks, but how many units is unknown. In 2017, she ordered 100 machines, in a statement on environmental management, she expected to put 15 units into operation by the end of 2022. If PepsiCo pre-ordered for $20,000 per truck, Tesla would get $2 million for it. If the vehicles actually go on sale and their retail price is $150,000 each, Musk's company will get $15 million.


October 12, 2022

The Chinese have built a super-tanker with 40-meter sails.

They help reduce average fuel consumption by up to 10 percent. "New Aden" has a length of 333 meters, it was launched on September 24, the same sails of the future are installed in the center of the deck. They are lightweight and corrosion resistant carbon fiber composite blades with a surface area of ​​around 1,200 square meters. m. The sails can be quickly “lowered and raised”, they are telescopic, artificial intelligence monitors the wind and adjusts the course. He looks at what angle to deflect the sail in order to get the maximum efficiency from the wind.


October 12, 2022