Causes of conflict in marriage.

1. Different models of parenting in childhood. Such mismatches affect relationships and can lead to conflicts. What to do? You need to negotiate and build a common relationship model for the two of you. 2. Financial moments. First, different financial models from childhood influence. For some, the budget was in the hands of only the father or mother. Someone has a common one, and each of the family members has money. Some lived paycheck to paycheck, while others saved and saved. What to do? Discuss the topic of finance in advance. In order not to accumulate discontent, which will result in scandals. 3. The vision of a shared future is different. Shared values ​​in the family are a strong foundation that will fuel love. What to do? Find someone with similar views than remake another for yourself, forcing him to sacrifice his own interests.


October 14, 2022

How to break up by correspondence.

Get straight to the point. No need to ask a man how he spent the day or what he planned for the coming weekend. Build a dialogue in advance - at least in your head. This will help not to hit the memories and not to indulge in insults. If the man himself went over to them, then keep cool and adhere to the given line of behavior. Try to end the conversation on a positive note. In this case, it is better to soften the "blow". Say: "Despite the fact that we did not work out with you, I am sure that you will find a girl who will suit you perfectly!"


October 14, 2022

How do you know if someone is really listening to you?

All thought processes, including word processing take quite a little time. Pay your attention to the reaction rate at which your interlocutor is responding to your speech. If she/he is pausing for 1-2 seconds each time, then she/he is listening to you with interest!


October 14, 2022

If you need to convince someone of something.

Try to invade her/his personal space more often, but as tactfully as possible. You need to casually touch her/his wrist, shoulder or hand, since these body parts are the most sensitive and therefore ideal for applying such a NLP technique. So, after that the person will stop feeling hostility and mistrust towards you, which means that you will have all chances to convince her/him of something.


October 13, 2022

Acceleration of the electric car to 100 km / h in 1.416 seconds.

A team of students from the University of Stuttgart called the GreenTeam accelerated an electric car to 100 km / h in 1.416 seconds and set a Guinness record. The body is made of lightweight and durable carbon fiber, and the electric power plant delivers 180 kW of power to the four-wheel drive. The whole structure weighs only 145 kg. The pilot must be prepared, because during acceleration, the peak load reaches 2.5 g, which is higher than in Formula 1 cars and is comparable to the loads of astronauts at launch. The previous record for electric vehicles was 1.513 seconds and was set by the Swiss team AMZ Racing.


October 13, 2022

Neuroscientists have explained why people don't laugh when they tickle themselves.

German neuroscientists have tried to figure out why people don't laugh when they tickle themselves. After experimenting with 12 volunteers, they hypothesized that the brain temporarily blocks touch sensitivity when a person touches their own body. Otherwise, we'd be giggling while putting on socks or scratching our armpits. People with delusions of influence do not have this feature. They are able to laugh, even tickling themselves.


October 13, 2022

«Burnt Hair»

Elon Musk launched a pre-order for Burnt Hair perfume with the smell of burnt hair and changed his Twitter status to “perfume dealer”. On the Boring Company website, the product is described as an "Abominable Desire Essence" and can be purchased with DogeCoin.


October 13, 2022

Artificial intelligence has learned to crack passwords by thermal traces on the keyboard.

The new ThermoSecure system, using a thermal imager, guesses passwords that users have recently entered on the keyboard of computers and ATMs or on the smartphone screen in a matter of seconds. Fraudsters can potentially use this password guessing technology. In order not to become their victim, scientists recommend using as many symbols as possible.


October 13, 2022

The volcano Stromboli has become active on the Italian island

Smoke and ash fill the air, and lava flows into the sea. Despite the danger, the eruption attracted new tourists: the hotels are full of guests, for visitors they arrange boat trips to the slope with volcanic lava.


October 13, 2022

It was possible to change the trajectory of the 160-meter asteroid Dimorph.

NASA reported that the DART probe managed to change the trajectory of the 160-meter asteroid Dimorph, which it rammed at a speed of 21,000 km / h in late September. The head of the space agency, Bill Nelson, said it was "a game-changer for Earth's defense" against potentially dangerous space objects.


October 13, 2022

Which indoor plants suit your zodiac sign. Leo.

One of the brightest zodiac representatives will fit the same extraordinary plants as he does. The floristic favorites of this zodiac sign are the heavenly bodies considered the rose, daffodil, palm tree, azalea and croton.


October 13, 2022

Which signs fall in love once and for all, and which - five times a day. 7th place - Cancer.

Cancer rush about and can’t decide where they are: on the one hand, they are unusually amorous, on the other, they want a family, kids, a cat, and that’s all. So everything depends on the woman for Cancer: he will find one that will order him to love her all his life as his motherland, he will obediently love. If it doesn't find it, it will look for it. And everyone whom he found, but who is still not her, also love, but how! Well, that is, Cancer will think so for some reason. We believe that there is something to write memoirs about, because there will be absolutely nothing to write about all other areas of Cancer's life.


October 13, 2022

Flatterers by zodiac sign. Be careful with them!

Scorpio is a beneficial truth. Open rough flattery is not for Scorpions. They act cautiously: they will not tell a friend that she has lost weight if she has not. They are more likely to notice a new dress or a refreshed face. The main weapon of Scorpios is the truth, so if you need to say something good, but there is no such thing, they would rather keep silent. Enveloping their victim with flattery, Scorpios need to be more careful with criticism and statements behind the back of their target. Scorpio knows how to cruelly joke and turn virtues into shortcomings, therefore, he risks losing trust if he judges people behind their backs, and praises them in their eyes.


October 13, 2022

3 signs of the zodiac that do not let go of partners even after a break. Gemini.

“Everything will fit in the household,” say the enterprising Gemini. In their case, it concerns not so much things as relationships. Gemini quickly gets bored with everything, they move away from a person, but at the same time keep him close to them. What for? And to make it happen - an alternate airfield will not hurt. And the pets of Mercury scare away from the "fallback option" of everyone interested. “Mine!”, the Gemini shout and are not going to give away what they, in principle, do not need.


October 13, 2022

Daily horoscope October 13th.

Capricorn♑️ Don't be too trusting. Not all the information you receive today will be correct. Someone may deliberately mislead you, someone will make mistakes himself; in any case, do not be lazy to clarify all the facts before making any decisions. This applies not only to work, but also to personal relationships. Aquarius♒️ The day is good for work. Even to solve complex problems, you don’t have to make an effort, everything will turn out well by itself. Good news and important discoveries are likely. Some Aquarians will also receive very tempting offers, be able to strengthen their professional positions or climb the career ladder. Pisces♓️ It is unlikely that the day will do without minor misunderstandings. Don't let them ruin your mood! Much will depend on your ability to cope with fleeting emotions, to remain optimistic, even if something goes wrong. People around you will like your approach to business, and you will certainly get help if you need it.


October 13, 2022

Daily horoscope October 13th.

Libra♎️ The start of the day is good. There will be an opportunity to quickly resolve some difficult issues, to achieve success in cases that have not been dealt with for a long time. Lucky coincidences are likely; you will quickly understand how to benefit from them. Scorpio♏️ Be persistent, and today you will achieve great success. Many unusual ideas will be successful; Surely there will be people who want to help in their implementation. Possibly useful contacts. You will be able to make a good impression on those on whom a lot depends. Sagittarius♐️ An eventful day awaits you. There will be a chance to do a lot of useful things, not only for yourself, but also for others. However, it is important to prioritize correctly so as not to spend too much effort and energy on trifles. Decide for yourself what you will do now and what will be postponed for later; the advice of others will only confuse you.


October 13, 2022

Daily horoscope October 13th.

Cancer♋️ The day will be bright and inspiring. You will not want to sit idle, you will enthusiastically take on what seemed difficult before, and quickly achieve the first successes. Many issues related to work, it will be useful to discuss in an informal setting. Leo♌️ Bustle and confusion may reign around, but you will be able to remain calm. You will not worry about trifles, make informed decisions, and will not say or do things that you would later regret. It is better to start the day with simple things, solving issues you already know. Once you get past that, you can move on to something new. Virgo♍️ Don't worry and don't risk more than necessary. Today you will have a chance to succeed in many things, to achieve some important goal. Make decisions on your own: advice is unlikely to be useful, but it is worth listening to the prompts of intuition. The middle of the day will bring news that will give you some interesting thoughts.


October 13, 2022

Daily horoscope October 13th.

Aries♈️ Even if some difficulties arise today, you will not lose your peace of mind and self-confidence. Others will like your approach to business, your ideas will surely receive support. If you turn to someone for help, you are unlikely to be refused. There will be a chance to find reliable allies, meet people who will soon become your true friends. Taurus♉️ Don't worry about the little things. It will not be easy to maintain balance, because the emotional background of the day will be quite tense. Because of this, you can get angry over trifles or take offense at even the innocent remarks of others. Intelligibility in communication is important. Gemini♊️ You will do a lot of good if you don't waste your time. You need to start with the most important things: it will be easier to deal with them in the morning. There will be an opportunity to network with people whose advice and support will help you achieve professional success. If you behave correctly today, you will soon receive some interesting job offers.


October 13, 2022

Secret female erogenous zones.

5. Hip. From the buttocks, you can easily and quickly move to the inner side of the thigh. She is also considered an erogenous zone and wants to be caressed. Especially excites the sliding of the hand, lips and tongue along the thigh. This strains any woman (in a positive sense of the word) and increases her desire. 6. Clitoris. The clitoris is the king of the female orgasm, it is like the head of the male penis. Women who are not turned on by touching the clitoris simply do not exist! But you need to handle it carefully: the clitoris loves moderately intense caresses, and strong pressure will only cause irritation. A gradual increase in the pace and strength of stimulation can lead to a vivid orgasm.


October 12, 2022

Secret female erogenous zones.

3. Chest. Of course, it is no longer a secret that the chest is one of the most significant erogenous zones of the female body. But not only nipples want to receive affection, but also their halo, sides and place under the breast. The rule is also relevant here: everything that you like is allowed. While some women are aroused by a light touch, others need more rough caresses: sucking, biting and grabbing to set the mood. 4. Buttocks. The buttocks for many women are both a problematic and erogenous zone. They are considered one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. Nerve endings are concentrated not only around the anus, but also in the upper buttocks and the area around the coccyx. Their soft strokes with massage oil will not leave any woman indifferent.


October 12, 2022