Flatterers by zodiac sign. Be careful with them!

Gemini - a virtuoso command of the word. Gemini can criticize and flatter with equal ease, sometimes even doing it at the same time. Their mood and opinion changes quickly, as do the spoken words. It is pleasant to hear praise from the Gemini, they know how to speak beautifully and enthusiastically, not embarrassed to speak out in public. You need to be able to flatter, it is worth sinking to sycophancy and losing self-esteem, as beautiful words will cease to work, and trust will be irretrievably lost.


October 15, 2022

Why do fire signs of the zodiac break up. Aries is a step from ardent passion to cynicism.

Aries is a fighter! Giving up is not in his rules, being together in spite of everything is easy for him, but routine and monotony are oppressive. It is important for them to be special, and that the loved one was the same. In their desire to make the chosen one better, they can reach the point of absurdity - to manipulate, coerce, control. Aries have a hard time parting on someone else's initiative and rarely return to the former. There are several reasons why Aries decided to break up. Prohibitions, control. A couple of dozen SMS with the questions "Where are you?" and what are you doing?" pacify the ardor of any Aries. It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or a woman, but representatives of this fire sign respect their independence and prefer a little understatement in relationships. Hyper-care. “Honey, you are tired at work, so I will give you a bath, a massage, and I will also cook dinner and wash the dishes” - any woman dreams of hearing about this, but not Aries. And the Aries man will be annoyed by the food containers collected for work and the housewife-wife. The fire element does not like cloying in relationships. At best, Aries will parasitize on "mommy / daddy" in the form of his spouse, at worst, he will find a replacement. The dimension of family life. Quiet family evenings by the fireplace, reading books, walking in the woods - a classic family leisure option is not for Aries.


October 15, 2022

Daily horoscope October 15th.

Capricorn♑️ The day is hardly suitable for serious and important matters, it is better to deal with minor issues, current tasks. Before you take on something new, make sure that the moment is right for this, you will not have to be distracted, there will be enough time to complete what you started. Aquarius♒️ The day will be fruitful. Do not miss the right moment to take on something important: the stars will support you, you will achieve excellent results, even cope with what seemed very difficult before. It will be easy to get along with those whom you have not seen for a long time. Pisces♓️ A calm pleasant day. It is well suited to return to old affairs and plans, to carry out what was planned a long time ago. You can focus on what hasn't worked for a long time. Now you will see opportunities that you did not notice before, and try to take advantage of them.


October 15, 2022

Daily horoscope October 15th.

Libra♎️ Through perseverance and perseverance, you will achieve what previously seemed impossible. It is possible that people with whom you did not get along before will help in this. Now you will be able to inspire them, and interest, and captivate with your ideas. Unusual acquaintances are likely. One of them can start a friendship or a romantic story. Scorpio♏️ In the first half of the day it will be difficult to avoid disagreements and disputes: they can arise from any trifle. It will not be easy to agree even with the closest people. Inopportunely, old grievances will be remembered, and a lot of patience will be required to figure everything out. But the influence of positive trends will increase, and relations will soon improve. Sagittarius♐️ The day will turn out well if you try to spend it with benefit. Sitting idle is highly undesirable: this spoils the mood. Many Sagittarians will be pleased to communicate with old friends. They will surely offer something interesting, invite you to where you have long wanted to visit.


October 15, 2022

Daily horoscope October 15th.

Cancer♋️ The day will be inspiring and interesting. In the morning you will realize that you are ready to do difficult things and you can succeed in them. It will take a lot of energy, but you will do an excellent job with everything that you undertake. There may be more worries at home than usual. It is possible that in the middle of the day you will need to focus on solving everyday problems. Leo♌️ Surely there will be new ideas, and there will be people nearby who want to help you implement your plan. The day is suitable for meetings with old acquaintances: there are a lot of interesting topics for conversation, you will probably be offered something interesting. Trips will turn out well, and it does not matter if they were planned in advance or the decision was made at the last minute. Virgo♍️ Auspicious day to start new business. Listen to your intuition: it will definitely tell you what to do first. Important conversations will be successful. Even those who were not interested in it before will listen to your opinion. Good news is likely - most likely, they will concern not only you, but also your loved ones.


October 15, 2022

Daily horoscope October 15th.

Aries♈️ The day will be favorable for communication. Do you need to negotiate with someone? You will surely succeed. New acquaintances will quickly feel sympathy for you, and loved ones will often understand perfectly. You can make long term plans. Surely there will be those who want to help you in the implementation of your plan. Taurus♉️ Better take your time. The beginning of the day is suitable for thinking about important things, making plans, and thinking about the things that you will do in the near future. Information obtained at this time will prove important later. There will be a chance to learn something new and useful, to find out what is still a mystery to others. Gemini♊️ The day will be busy and hectic. It is hardly possible to focus on one thing; Most likely, you have to solve several issues at once. It's better to act on your own. So you will be able to avoid unnecessary fuss and confusion, do not confuse anything.


October 15, 2022

Simultaneous orgasm. Myth or reality?

You don't have to have an orgasm at the same time. Perfect synchronization is possible in films, but in real life it is rare. And the fact that you get pleasure at different moments is absolutely normal. You shouldn't dwell on it.


October 14, 2022

How to turn from a “good girl” into a woman who is idolized?

1. Remove clamps and fears in bed; 2. Master practical techniques that will blow the roof off your man; 3. Love your body, relax and enjoy; 4. Learn chips for fiery foreplay, relaxation and excitement;


October 14, 2022

Game "Warm and cool"

Grab your favorite gel for a little temperature play. When the gels are at body temperature, we feel nothing but penetration or vibration. If you warm up or cool the gel a little, the sensations will be much brighter. For a cooling effect, simply place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. If you prefer warmth, you can pre-purchase a warming lubricant.


October 14, 2022

Needed tips.

A fair number of girls don't like the taste of cum, but there are a few life hacks that will help you avoid the gag reflex. 1. Flavored lubricants. 2. Flavored condoms. 3. A glass of water after sex. 4. Mint plates.


October 14, 2022

Shall we warm up?

Warming up the mouth before oral sex is an interesting idea. How to do it? For example, drink a cup of hot tea or coffee. Attention: drink coffee or tea without sugar! The reason is the same - sugar can cause the growth of infections in the genitals.


October 14, 2022


What's this? A pompoire is when a woman needs to squeeze the muscles of the vagina during intercourse. It's like Pilates for the vagina. Cool, isn't it? You not only give your partner incredible sensations, but also benefit your health. There are several ways to "play" with the muscles of the vagina. They can be squeezed, squeezed, contracted quickly, pushed out, or even a combination of all four.


October 14, 2022

Male erection.

In men, an erection can last up to 30 minutes. This is provided that the man is not older than forty and has no health problems. But it is not always the case! Everything is individual, for someone it lasts 3-5 minutes, for someone - 5-10, for someone up to 30. An erection is considered short from 2 to 5 minutes, and for good stimulation and the arrival of orgasm, girls need from 8 to 12 minutes.


October 14, 2022

Sex job.

Go to a sex shop or lingerie store together and let him buy what he would like to see you wear or use in bed. Let the purchase remain a secret for you. Open it together at home!


October 14, 2022

Lab-grown brain cells taught to play ping-pong.

And at the same time they found out how many cells are required for this. Startup DishBrain, engaged in the study of neural networks and the brain, found out the exact number. It takes 800,000 brain cells to play tennis. This is the first study of its kind in history - now, DishBrain will grow more brain cells to move on to serious tasks.


October 14, 2022

A Japanese professor has created a screen that you can lick to taste movie food.

Behind the screen is a complex technology of a dozen jars of flavors, the combination of which allows you to recreate the taste of almost any product.


October 14, 2022

People who grew up on the coast are mentally healthier than the rest.

Hours and days spent as a child in the blue zones - near the shores of lakes, rivers, seas - have a positive effect on mental health and well-being in adulthood. Such people often return to the coast and appreciate nature more. These conclusions were reached by a team of scientists from Europe and the United States during a study involving 15,000 people from 18 countries. Volunteers filled out questionnaires in which they indicated how often they spent time in the blue zones as children, and also assessed the state of their psyche. According to scientists, the results showed that blue zones for the spiritual, intellectual and physical development of children are just as necessary as green ones: squares, parks and forests.


October 14, 2022

For half a century, wild animals in the world have become 69% less.

Since 1970, the world population of wild animals has decreased by 69%. Blame it on deforestation, ocean pollution and climate change. In general, wild animals on the planet become 2.5% less every year. Those in Latin America and the Caribbean have been hardest hit. There, over half a century, populations have declined by 94%. For example, pink river dolphins in the Brazilian Amazon have decreased by 65%. Their numbers dropped sharply between 1994 and 2016. According to WWF experts, nature is in a desperate situation and is being destroyed. The Fund encourages developed countries to spend more on programs to preserve the planet's biodiversity.


October 14, 2022

The Briton started home 300 tarantulas on the advice of a psychotherapist.

Aaron Phoenix from Bristol has 300 tarantulas in his home after being encouraged by a therapist to take up a hobby to better deal with his bipolar disorder. Phoenix decided that collecting spiders would be great for him. He gets new pets in the mail every week. Delivery couriers have already nicknamed 35-year-old Aaron Spiderman. The pride of the Phoenix collection is a female Mexican fire-knee tarantula. It cost Aaron £160. The spider, along with her brothers, occupies all the free space in the master's bedroom.


October 14, 2022

Which indoor plants suit your zodiac sign. Virgo.

It is best for virgins to start plants that release roots "into the air": for example, a climbing vine. Also, astrologers advise representatives of this sign of the Earth to make friends with aloe, cissus or monstera.


October 14, 2022