Daily horoscope October 19th.

Cancer♋️ The day can bring experiences and excitement. It will be especially difficult for Cancers, who have big plans for his first half. A lot of things will go wrong. You may have to abandon some decisions made before, take on a completely new business. Not everything will be easy, but you can do it. Leo♌️ It's better not to risk it. The day should start with the usual, well-known things: you can handle them without difficulty. In the morning, small disagreements are likely, but serious disputes will not arise, and by the middle of the day you will notice that it becomes much easier to get along with others. If you receive any business offers, do not rush to accept them - first you should collect more information. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable for solving important tasks. You will see what you did not notice before, pay attention to important details. Old acquaintances will support even your most daring undertakings, in any circumstances they will be on your side. Successful coincidences are likely, amazing events that will open up new opportunities for you.


October 19, 2022

Daily horoscope October 19th.

Aries♈️ Talk directly about what worries and worries you. This is what will allow you to cope with the difficulties that have arisen recently, to solve the problems that you have been thinking a lot about. The day promises new acquaintances, from which both business and friendships can begin. Taurus♉️ Restless day. It will be more difficult to focus than usual, because of this you may lose sight of something, make mistakes that will not be easy to correct. It is possible that it will be necessary to return to some old cases, issues that seemed resolved. Try not to get upset about this. If you keep your composure, you'll be fine with everything. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to do without worries and worries. At this time, you will take a lot of things especially close to your heart, you can get upset over trifles, doubt that you made the right choice before. But the situation will soon begin to change for the better. You will see that new opportunities are opening up, and you will enthusiastically take up tasks that require attention.


October 19, 2022

New poses.

Be bold and open to trying different sexual positions. Each of them creates a special penetration option, which in turn affects the excitation of both partners. Different positions not only make lovemaking passionate and hot, but figuring out which position your partner will especially like is also quite an exciting process.


October 18, 2022

We're filming.

Make your own video! This pleasure is not for everyone, but if you dreamed of acting in a movie, then you should take this chance! Do your hair, put on nice underwear and stockings, prepare the room and camera. The partner, of course, must also be prepared and inspired by the shooting.


October 18, 2022

Separate dream.

British researchers conducted a survey that showed that separate sleep can save romantic relationships. Nearly half of the 1,500 people surveyed said they were experiencing serious inconvenience from having to share a bed with a partner. Among the main reasons are annoying snoring, the inability to take a comfortable position and a sleep pattern that does not coincide with the mode of the second half. 16% of couples decided on a "challenge" and refused to sleep together in the same bed. And this had a positive effect on the development of their sexual relations. Survey participants confirmed that they began to have sex more often after they "parted" in different bedrooms.


October 18, 2022

Scientists have finally learned how to recycle all types of plastic.

They have developed a catalyst (accelerator) for the chemical decomposition of all types of plastics. After the interaction of the catalyst and plastic, propane is obtained. The new catalyst was made from a porous material with cobalt nanoparticles - zeolite. During the penetration of microplastic particles into the pores of the zeolite, the polymer chains are broken at the same point for all types of polyethylene and polypropylene tested, as a result of which the plastic is converted to propane.


October 18, 2022

The singing of birds has a positive effect on the psyche.

A group of experts from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) assessed the impact of road noise and birdsong on the psyche of people during a randomized online experiment in which 295 people took part. It turned out that birdsong reduces anxiety and paranoia, which occur even in mentally healthy people.


October 18, 2022

Now you can spend the evening with a glass of wine in virtual reality.

All thanks to Swedish scientists. They have developed a technology that allows you to smell in VR. The aromas are mixed with each other in special valves and served through a tube, which the user must bring to the nose. The researchers have already created a small game where you have to guess the type of wine by smell. Alas, try the drink in VR until it comes out, the technique has not yet reached this point.


October 18, 2022

How does a person express his love?

Sometimes people feel unloved not because they are, but only because everyone interprets this feeling differently, putting different concepts into it. Most often, a person expresses love exactly as his parents taught him. And not always in a good way. As a child, a person does not distinguish between good and bad attitudes. For him, at the genetic level, parents are a source of love. And some parents don't show love at all. For them, love is something abstract, they believe that it is not at all necessary for children to talk about it or express it with caresses or hugs. Growing up, a person projects the same behavior onto a partner. Awareness of this fact helps to better understand the state of the partner and the attitude towards you.


October 18, 2022

Did you know?

Steve Jobs suffered from compunophobia - the fear of buttons and buttons on clothes. It is believed that this is why he sought to ensure that his Apple company created devices devoid of buttons - devices equipped with touch screens and electronic keyboards.


October 18, 2022

"Dark Spot" of Paris.

In 1973, the first and last skyscraper, the Montparnasse Tower, grew in the capital of France. The gloomy building did not fit into the general image of romantic and dreamy Paris so much that the locals even achieved a complete ban on the construction of skyscrapers in the city. This is how the building, which was supposed to become a symbol of the modernity of Paris, became a dark spot on the canvas of the city.


October 18, 2022

How to stabilize your self-esteem.

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. 2. Finish what you started. 3. Do not divide people into "better" and "worse" than you. 4. Relax and stop proving your strength. 5. Accept your experiences and emotions. 6. Consider your weaknesses and the weaknesses of others as features, not shortcomings.


October 18, 2022

Anchoring in a relationship with a man.

Anchors in relationships are very powerful associations associated with a desired woman in a man. The woman herself creates them. If, for example, during intimacy there is always red lipstick on the lips, then the man will develop a connection “red lipstick-anchor-enjoyment”. You can anchor with music, underwear, touches, phrases. The main condition: all these chips, attributes for fixing anchors should be used only during proximity. After that, you can already use these anchors as associations related to you.


October 18, 2022

How to save a marriage on the brink of divorce?

1. Start with yourself. Don't try to change your partner. It's impossible. Honestly and calmly analyze: what are you doing wrong? For example: you control every step of your husband, you criticize him. 2. Learn constructive dialogue. Replace reproaches with "I-statements". Not “You didn’t throw out the trash again, how many times should I remind you!”, But “I get upset when house cleaning agreements are violated.” 3. Take an interest in his affairs. Let's be honest: do you know how your spouse lives? What does he dream about, what career plans does he make, how does he imagine the perfect day off? Talk to each other, share experiences and spiritual secrets. It builds intimacy and builds trust.


October 18, 2022

Don't wait for inspiration.

Don't waste time waiting for the phantom muse. You should realize that inspiration is fickle. If your morning wasn't as cheerfully as you wanted, that's no reason to lose the whole day. Self-control and planning are the FOUNDATIONS for moving forward.


October 18, 2022

Don't multitask

If you feel like you're taking on too much, it may mean that the reason isn't even the overload itself. It's more likely that you're trying to perform many tasks at once. Quality of performance and productivity thus suffer! Doing ONE thing at a time will allow you to do it properly, without too much physical or mental effort.


October 18, 2022

Should you live with an alcoholic husband?

On the one hand, the question is strange, the answer suggests itself. It would be necessary to run away from such happiness without looking back. On the other hand, everything is not so simple. If you have already connected your life with a man who drinks heavily, then you definitely got into a co-dependent relationship. Marriage with a drinking man is a complete disappointment and bitterness. In fact, the wives of drunkards adapt and somehow live, or rather exist. Codependent relationships can last for years.


October 18, 2022

5 signs you're being used in a relationship

1. Reproach for past mistakes. Reminding them every time to induce guilt is pure manipulation. 2. Your interests, victories or defeats are not a reason for conversation. In a healthy relationship, everyone's life is important. 3. Relatives worry about you. You can’t fool other people - they look at your relationship from the outside. 4. The partner claims "that it will be better for everyone." A partner who achieves results with such words is manipulating you. 5. Your "no" doesn't matter. If your “no” is an empty phrase, and the partner’s actions are more and more like violence, put an end to these relationships.


October 18, 2022

How should you invest in relationships?

Hug and support. Smile! Make breakfast! Restrain yourself and not smash your partner in public, giving him a chance to save face! Sex must have a foreplay, and this is not the responsibility of only men. Your partner also expects surprises and initiatives from you. Rest and do not blame everyone for your eternal fatigue. To fulfill promises. Thank. Imagine holidays. Hear partner. Talk about your desires. Be prepared for rejection.


October 18, 2022

Save face.

Try to control yourself in the heat of an argument. Respond calmly to criticism and move on to healthy communication: - Okay, I hear you. What do you really want to tell me? This method of dealing with unfair criticism helps you "save face," while reassuring your interlocutor that you understand her/him and that you are interested in his or her opinion.


October 18, 2022