Favorite moves.

Surely there are certain movements that drive your partner crazy. If you remember your best lovers, you will surely think about what they did or how they moved so that you could rise to new sexual heights. Choose a move that you enjoy that excites your partner, and include it as often as possible in the love game, adding small changes.


October 19, 2022


Of course, we all breathe, but you probably didn't know how much breathing can affect the ability to have an orgasm. Deep relaxing breaths don't sound particularly sexy, but they ensure that your attention is returned to your body and erotic sensations. An excellent recommendation for those who are distracted during lovemaking by extraneous thoughts.


October 19, 2022

Make a sex film.

No, it's not what you think. You don't need to open a porn studio or film your sex scenes on camera. It's about a different movie - one that happens in our head. You need to think in advance about what you would like to do with your partner or how you want to seduce him. Imagine a scenario that looks like a scene from a movie or an erotic book.


October 19, 2022

Don't be afraid to leave what you don't need behind.

Following the path of life, you need to learn to leave behind without regret everything that makes your path forward difficult: bad memories and old grievances, past mistakes and past disappointments, and most importantly, people who have proven by their words and deeds that you are no longer comfortable with them. way...


October 19, 2022

2 reasons why you fall in love with unworthy men.

1. Your dad was cold, didn’t praise, didn’t stroke, maybe he left and forgot. Maybe he beat and called him a dumbass. So you are looking for a replacement for your “dad”, that you never fell in love, in order to be super good this time and break the loop, falling in love with this frostbitten and proving to yourself that you still deserve love. 2. Low self-esteem attracts poisonous snakes. Yes, that's how abuser attraction works.


October 19, 2022

Why are you no longer interested in him?

You can't choose. In this case, a “teacher” will come to you, and not a partner who will drive around the patient. Such men do not appreciate, do not hear, change. You don't value yourself. This leads to constant dissatisfaction on your part and depreciation on his part. If you don't value yourself, how can a man appreciate you? You don't know how to build trust. Conversation on difficult / painful topics quickly develops into hysteria, tears, interrogation or edification. What is important to you, you are trying to get through blackmail, resentment, manipulation. As a result, mental coldness develops into physical. He doesn't want you anymore. You don't know how to keep your dignity. You don’t know how to stop attacks, criticism against you with dignity, set boundaries, put him in his place so that he realizes and apologizes.


October 19, 2022

How to take power over communication with the help of time?

Yes yes, it is possible! Especially when you are not yet personally acquainted with a man. Imagine that he asked you on a date and this is your first meeting. Before the man specifies the time, say the phrase: "I can at 7 o'clock" (write your own time) This psychological technique automatically allows you to take control of the situation!


October 19, 2022

Being heard.

This is probably the most important thing in verbal communication. Being heard and accepted. To have a place where your feelings are acknowledged and accepted. This is the foundation of harmonious relationships that empowers us to change for the better. Hearing and being heard it’s what we need.


October 19, 2022

The right key.

The best teacher is PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. But others' experiences are also worth learning from. The experiences of people who have developed in the same field would be especially useful to you. Studying someone else's experience is a great help when you're down and you don't know how to find the key to solve a problem.


October 19, 2022

In Spain, they created a hyper-realistic copy of the cut body of Jesus Christ.

In the Cathedral of Salamanca, a hyper-realistic copy of the body of Jesus Christ was exhibited with all the cuts and injuries that could remain on it after desecration and crucifixion. The art object was created after 15 years of detailed study of the Shroud of Turin and 3D reconstruction of the images preserved on it. A copy of the body of Christ is made of latex, silicone and human hair. Weight - 75 kilograms, figure height - 177 centimeters. Its official name is "Mystery Man". "Mystery Man" will be in the Spanish Cathedral of Salamanca until December, and then go on a world tour.


October 19, 2022

Too strict upbringing affects DNA.

Children of strict parents may be prone to depression and suicide due to the fact that they have increased DNA methylation. These conclusions were reached by Belgian scientists during a study involving 44 boys and girls aged 12-16. The researchers divided the adolescent volunteers into two groups. The first included children of "soft" parents - supportive, giving significant freedom. Secondly, boys and girls who are often punished, brought up strictly and subjected to psychological manipulation. DNA samples were taken from all children and its methylation was analyzed at 450,000 sites. Methylation has been found in everyone - it occurs in every human body. But too many modified sites are often associated with the development of depression and increased suicidal tendencies. This is exactly what the scientists found.


October 19, 2022

A drone has flown over the summit of Everest for the first time.

The flight was made by the drone DJI Mavic 3. According to the characteristics, it can fly at an altitude of up to 6,000 meters above sea level and withstand temperatures down to -10 °C. Therefore, for the flight, a team of Chinese photographers 8KRAW made changes to the design of the drone. The highest altitude that the drone managed to reach after the upgrade exceeded 9,200 meters.


October 19, 2022

The bees arranged the numbers from left to right.

Previously, this feature was found only in vertebrates. Honey bees are able to evaluate numbers and arrange them in space from left to right depending on the magnitude. The researchers believe that the bees are guided by a mental number line, and the arrangement of numbers in it is associated with the reference number on which the bees were previously trained.


October 19, 2022

In Denmark, launched a storm simulator Beat the Storm.

This is an attraction thanks to which you can feel what a hurricane is like. The wind speed during the simulation is 160 km/h, which corresponds to a category 2 storm on the Saffir-Simpson scale, there are five of them. Through various special effects, they recreate the conditions of a storm in the desert, mountains and other places. The project was launched to raise awareness about extreme weather and teach people how to move around during a hurricane.


October 19, 2022

Which indoor plants suit your zodiac sign. Aquarius.

Astrologers recommend that Aquarius put spurge at home. You are used to directing all your energy into the future and usually live in anticipation of it. Euphorbia has excellent energy; he will help Aquarius to determine their goals, separate the important from the secondary and find harmony. But be careful if there are animals at home - milkweed juice is poisonous. In this case, pay attention to indoor maple or dracaena.


October 19, 2022

Which signs fall in love once and for all, and which - five times a day. 1st place - Virgo.

Hard case. For Virgo, I mean. Because Virgo, you see, does not fall in love, but condescends - well, so be it, dear, let's try. And since “trying” with Virgo is usually interesting to very, very bad girls (who else did this ghoul surrender to, one wonders), one fine day Virgo suddenly realizes that she looked into the abyss, and the abyss looked into him. And that's it. System reboot. Virgo will install the antivirus for subsequent such loves on her own. Enough, you know! Now it's not clear what to do with this one.


October 19, 2022

4 men of the zodiac who are difficult to incite to cheat. Aquarius man.

Aquarius had a lot of fun in his time, but this is not a reason to accuse him of infidelity. If he has already chosen you, then he will never look at the side. And even if the naked rejuvenated Angelina Jolie starts dancing in front of him, Aquarius will not flinch - the noble guy will throw a veil over her and go to his wife.


October 19, 2022

Secret weaknesses. Taurus.

Taurus can be overly competitive. He always wants to be the first in everything, so he is often jealous and can act thoughtlessly. Whether it's a girl her partner is friends with or a new co-worker at work, Taurus sees other people as potential competitors. To overcome this weakness, Taurus must remind themselves that they are doing enough and that other people are not always a threat. Just because someone else is successful doesn't mean Taurus is no longer a significant person.


October 19, 2022

Daily horoscope October 19th.

Capricorn♑️ Try not to build illusions. Today it will be easy to wishful thinking, but this can lead to very unpleasant situations. And if you evaluate both your strengths and the situation realistically, you will understand how to succeed. Aquarius♒️ The start of the day will be quite busy. This time will require patience and self-control from you. Getting along with others will be more difficult than usual. Conflicts at work, disputes with conflicts and management are likely, but you should not worry: the situation will quickly change for the better. Pisces♓️ Be careful. You should not make decisions on the go, make promises that will be difficult to fulfill. Accuracy in business and attention to small details will allow you to avoid annoying mistakes, not to make mistakes that would be difficult to correct. For advice and support, you should turn to people whose experience has been useful to you more than once.


October 19, 2022

Daily horoscope October 19th.

Libra♎️ Take your time. The beginning of the day can be quite difficult, at this time even well-known things will not be easy. But try to cope with all the difficulties on your own, without turning to anyone for help. So you will gain valuable experience, which will surely come in handy soon. Scorpio♏️ The day will bring a lot of events, deeds and worries. The emotional background will be quite tense, so even minor incidents can unbalance you and make you nervous. Unfortunate coincidences, minor unfortunate losses are likely. But the day will open up many new opportunities. Try to take advantage of them. Sagittarius♐️ Everything will work out well. This is the right day to take the initiative in business, to try to realize what was planned a long time ago. You will be supported by people from whom you did not expect anything like this. If you behave correctly, you will win the sympathy of very influential people and you can even make friends with them.


October 19, 2022