Secret weaknesses. Gemini.

The weakness of the Gemini lies in the fact that they put off everything until the last moment, whether it be important matters or a decision on which, if not everything, then a lot depends. These guys will do everything possible to start the planned as late as possible, just to avoid the duties assigned to them. To cope with this weakness, Gemini needs to work on organizing their time. And if this does not help, and big tasks still cause awe and horror in Gemini, they should divide them into smaller parts. So it’s easier to deal with them, and there will be more free time (which can be spent on relaxation and pleasant utilities).


October 20, 2022

Daily horoscope October 20th.

Capricorn♑️ Things today will require more time than usual: delays are possible, and a violation of old agreements is not excluded. In solving important issues, it is better to rely only on yourself, since even proven allies can let you down. You can focus on financial matters. Aquarius♒️ Restless day. There will be many conversations, it will hardly be possible to avoid long disputes, to do without discussing what is not very interesting to you. People around you can interfere in your affairs more often than usual, sometimes annoying and making you angry. However, you will maintain balance, do not give vent to negative emotions and do not quarrel with anyone. Pisces♓️ Don't be nervous about trifles. It's not the most peaceful day, but you can't call it bad. Focus on your most important goals, try not to be distracted by the little things, and everything will work out. It is better to act on your own, and if you seek help, then only to people whom you have known for a long time.


October 20, 2022

Daily horoscope October 20th.

Libra♎️ There will be a chance to learn a lot of interesting things, to get some important information before others. Try to pay attention to what is happening around, do not lose sight of anything. Useful acquaintances, meetings with people, communication with which will open up new professional prospects for you, are not excluded. Scorpio♏️ The day will be especially favorable for business communication. Negotiations will go well, from which you did not expect anything special. There will be a chance to win over people on whom a lot depends. From the middle of the day, a favorable period will begin for working with documents, contacting government organizations. Sagittarius♐️ Do not be too frivolous and do not rush to decisions. The day will turn out well if you are serious, do not rely on luck. Many Sagittarians will need perseverance, because it is unlikely that they will be able to achieve the desired result right away. Things that you used to do with great interest may seem boring. But they will still require attention, so it’s better not to quit what you started.


October 20, 2022

Daily horoscope October 20th.

Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day will please: this time will bring great ideas and new plans. For some Cancers, professional opportunities will open up that they have long dreamed of. There will be a chance to do some difficult, but very promising business, to show what you are capable of. Possibly useful contacts. Leo♌️ It is worth being careful in everything related to money. Do not rush into transactions and purchases, think twice before parting with a significant amount for you or taking on serious financial obligations. The rest of the day will be favorable. Virgo♍️ You will succeed in many things if you tune in to a serious mood. You should not count on easy victories, especially in the morning. Circumstances will turn out unsuccessfully, difficulties are likely where you least expected them. However, over time, the impact of positive trends will increase.


October 20, 2022

Daily horoscope October 20th.

Aries♈️ A fruitful day full of surprises awaits you. There will be new ideas, plans that you want to implement immediately. It will be useful to take the initiative in work: many will surely support you. The knowledge and experience gained in the past will be useful. Those who previously doubted your professional qualities will understand how much they were mistaken. Taurus♉️ No matter what difficulties arise today, you will not give up on what you have planned and do not quit what you started. Thanks to your perseverance, you will achieve even better results than you expected. It is hardly possible to avoid disagreements at work. But everything will be sorted out quickly, and relations will soon improve. Gemini♊️ The day is good for useful things. At this time, you will unexpectedly quickly cope with what previously seemed difficult, you will find answers to important questions. Many Gemini will benefit from what they have learned before. Representatives of the sign will make the right decisions, will not make mistakes that could have serious consequences.


October 20, 2022

Is it true that dairy products cause acne?

The appearance of acne is primarily influenced by heredity, stress and hormones. Any diet is secondary. But when other factors cannot be influenced, it remains to exclude some products. Indeed, milk can cause acne in some people. For example, whey protein, casein enhance the activity of the sebaceous glands. Namely, the blockage of the ducts of these structures leads to the appearance of acne. To understand how dairy products specifically affect you, you can only refuse them for 2-3 weeks. That way you will know the answer for sure.


October 19, 2022

Enzymatic body powder.

Mix the powder with your favorite shower gel and apply to damp skin, leave on for a couple of minutes, then rinse. This method is an excellent prevention of ingrown hairs. After a personal acquaintance with the powder, you will stop using any scrubs, because enzyme powder is love at first time. Soft care for you and velvety skin.


October 19, 2022

Application of enzyme powder as a face mask.

Take about 3 g of powder, add some water and mix until foamy. Apply to dry face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on face for 3-5 minutes, then rinse. Apply nourishing cream.


October 19, 2022

A classic application of enzyme powder.

Pour a small amount of powder into the palm of your hand, add a little water. The product will acquire a soft texture, after which it must be applied to clean skin, lightly massaged and rinsed off. The consistency of the diluted powder may be slightly different: you get foam, milk or gruel.


October 19, 2022

Enzyme powder.

Enzyme powder is a trendy cosmetic product that came to us from Asia. For most of us, the word "powder" is associated with makeup, so it's important to say that this product has nothing to do with decorative cosmetics - this is one of the best skin care products.


October 19, 2022

Did you know?

Studies have shown that nipple play causes or increases sexual desire in at least 52% of men. Given that this part of the body does not carry any special functions, the likelihood that your man will like it is high. In addition, nipple stimulation can enhance orgasms.


October 19, 2022

We ease the pain.

Thanks to the hormones released during orgasm, the pain becomes less acute. And with the help of frequent orgasms, a person becomes even less sensitive to pain. But even pure stimulation without an orgasm can relieve headaches, backaches, cramps, menstrual ailments, and other pains.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

4. Lack of enthusiasm or disgust. Nothing can push a man away more than a disgruntled or squeamish expression on a girl's face during a blowjob. The skin of the partner’s face may turn red from the effort, the makeup may be smeared, saliva may flow down the chin, but this will not dampen his excitement in the least. In contrast to the realization of the fact that what is happening is unpleasant for a girl, in this case only a partner with any sexual deviations will be able to enjoy.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

3. Ignoring a man's body language. When oral sex is important to look at the response. Everything is quite simple here, if the partner groans, moves the pelvis, starts to grab you by the hair and tries to make the contact deeper - you are on the right track. If he is tense, the erection subsides, the man begins to fall asleep, it is definitely worth changing tactics.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

2. Lack of moisture. If there is not enough saliva, there is no good glide, which means that the sensations from such movements will not be very pleasant. This can lead to microtrauma on sensitive delicate skin, discomfort and pain. Therefore, in this case, it is best to use a lubricant.


October 19, 2022

Typical female mistakes in oral sex.

1. The girl applies her teeth. The fact is that many women like it when a partner bites their clitoris a little during cunnilingus - usually closer to orgasm. Therefore, the idea arises that he will be just as pleased with a little pain. In fact, the teeth on the penis feel very painful, and therefore, you should only perform such actions if you are sure that your man likes pain (there are some).


October 19, 2022

Which destroys the sex life.

3. Sexual desire is also reduced due to overwork, worries and poor nutrition. After work, many barely have the strength to walk to bed. What kind of sex is there. 4. Conflicts not only cause unpleasant feelings and reactions such as anger, anger, disappointment. No, conflicts have a lot more power over us than we think. The fact is that conflicts create a lot of stress and therefore also affect our condition. The lack of internal balance changes our needs, relationships with a partner and sexual desire.


October 19, 2022

Which destroys the sex life.

1. One of the reasons is understatement, namely the lack of open and complete communication between a man and a woman. Do not be afraid to talk about your desires in sex and problems. Partners are brought together by trust and openness. 2. Being forced to have sex can negatively affect your sex life. Of course, few people will like constant failures, but a compromise must be found. Without sex, a couple's relationship, especially a young one, will fall apart sooner or later.


October 19, 2022

Spontaneous sex.

Fast and spontaneous sexual intercourse makes sex life more vibrant and flexible. If a couple willingly takes the opportunity to do “it” right now, then new doors and facets of sex open up for her. “There was a desire - don’t think, but grab a partner and do it right now!” - this is the motto of lovers of spontaneous play. The main thing in it is action, excitement, courage. There is simply no time for preparation! Another significant advantage of this type of sex is the ability to realize secret fantasies and desires. Dreamed of making love in the shower, on the kitchen table, in the car or at the office? Spontaneous sex will come to the rescue and fulfill the most passionate dreams!


October 19, 2022

Turn off your mind and immerse yourself in the process.

We think a lot about how we look, whether we sweat, whether the last sound was indecent, whether we moan loudly, whether we are doing everything right. But good sex can be wild, passionate, animalistic. Turn off your head and let your body and feelings take center stage.


October 19, 2022