Why are women afraid of experiments in sex?

3. Trust comes first. This is why trust is so important in a relationship. It is necessary to trust each other and discuss every problem that arises so that it is not too late later. But even if there is trust, everyone still has a fear that the other will think about perversion, “abnormality”, some unusual inclinations, will not understand sexual desires and fantasies in the same way. At the same time, psychologists argue that terms such as “perversion” are very relative - they only reflect the rejection of one person by something that would be quite normal for another.


October 20, 2022

Why are women afraid of experiments in sex?

2. Difficulties in talking about sex. It's all pretty pessimistic, isn't it? However, this is how most modern people really live. And in sex, everything is about the same. Even more difficulties arise due to the fact that a second person is also involved in intimacy. And to understand what both of you want, a frank conversation is needed, and many today, despite the progress in sexual emancipation, are still embarrassed to talk openly about sex.


October 20, 2022

Why are women afraid of experiments in sex?

1. Getting out of your comfort zone. As you know, in order to achieve some kind of success in life, to reach a new level (income, social status, personal relationships), it is necessary to leave the comfort zone. Being inside it, unfortunately, we will not be able to achieve anything new. And the fear of the new often leads to the fact that we live in a routine, constant, the same, not enjoyable, but so safe! And, in the end, this routine "eats" us - we become grumbling, obnoxious, joyless, apathetic, and do not notice how year after year of our life flies by in this mode.


October 20, 2022

On the first date.

The last relationship ended a long time ago, but do you want intimacy so much? Yes, sex toys replace genitals, but not a person, his caresses and hugs. If absolutely unbearable, then why endure? Do not suppress your desires - this leads to neurosis and diseases. Drop all prejudices and let off steam with pleasure.


October 20, 2022


Did you know that sperm acts as an antidepressant? Sperm contains many mood-enhancing compounds and hormones, such as endorphins, estrone, prolactin, oxytocin, and serotonin. Women who don't use condoms are generally happier than those who only have sex with rubber bands.


October 20, 2022

Note to women.

Remember how mistresses who are given apartments / cars behave: they flirt, give sex - a passionate night of love, set them free, receive gifts! What do most wives do? Correctly! They do not trust and constantly control. Instead of “I’m waiting for you, my love,” they shout into the phone: “Hello, where are you?”. Forget about flirting, about women state, they do not know how to enjoy life and give this joy to their man. Do you want a secret? Men are naturally unemotional! They need recharging with positive emotions from women. They are charged and delighted, looking at our satisfied eyes, get high on how we enjoy. They are attracted to women who know how to have fun! From themselves, from their man, they motivate him to succeed, "blow his wings." They want to be close to such a woman and throw everything at her feet!


October 20, 2022

The tactility of a woman.

This is what all men pay attention to. Since childhood, a maternal image has been formed in his head. In psychology, it is he who forms the idea of a woman, her care, affection and warmth. Therefore, I recommend all women to stroke their men for no reason, simply because you love them.


October 20, 2022

How to get out of a destructive relationship.

For a woman, this is not an easy step, since in such a relationship she is most often a victim. Sometimes this is even a dangerous decision, the behavior of a partner can be unpredictable. What to do: 1. Keep your distance. It is very important to physically distance yourself. Try to completely move into your space. 2. Become uninteresting. Do not make excuses, do not be frank and do not explain anything. 3. Believe in yourself. This is difficult, especially when your self-esteem has been trampled on for a long time. But remember: everything that your ex says is not about you, but first of all about him.


October 20, 2022

"Alarm bells" in communication with a man.

1. Aggressive behavior towards animals, service personnel and children. If a man allows himself to shout or raise his hand to those who are weaker or occupy a subordinate position - think about it. His intemperance will touch you one day. 2. Craving for alcohol, drugs, gambling. Remember that for many addicts, the phrase “I will definitely quit” is just a convenient front for manipulation. 3. The division of work into "male" and "female". Do you feel that a man does not help you with housework, constantly reminds you of “female duties”, but is in no hurry to take financial responsibility for the family? It's time to do outreach and show your partner that both should invest in the relationship.


October 20, 2022

We are all on the watch for it...

It happens that walking the labyrinth of our thoughts, we come in NOWHERE. Questions remain unanswered and situations remain desperate. When suddenly, the inner turmoil turns into the insight explosion. The answers come from nowhere, and the solution comes effortlessly. The problem collapses like a house of cards in an instant. Everything becomes crystal clear: what to do, what to say, where to go.


October 20, 2022

What is your speed of life?

The speed should be such that your eyes had time to see the beauty. Your hands could feel the surface. Your body had time to enjoy itself. You should have an opportunity to recognize smells and sounds and feel alive. When we lose that feeling, we have to slow down. When we gain it, it means we do everything right.


October 20, 2022

"Pillars of Creation"

The James Webb Telescope photographed the Pillars of Creation gas clusters, located at a distance of 7000 light years from Earth. Astronomers suggest that the cluster no longer exists due to a supernova explosion. However, on Earth, the first consequences of the explosion will be visible only after a thousand years.


October 20, 2022

Buddha Bot

Japanese scientists uploaded the sacred texts of Buddhism into the neural network and created the "Buddha Bot" - AI Buddha. He maintains a religious conversation with a person. You can turn to him with any question: in a difficult period of life or simply to achieve enlightenment. The application screen depicts the Buddha in the lotus position. With the help of augmented reality technology, it can be transferred to a real environment captured by a smartphone camera. You can communicate with AI Buddha by voice and text messages. The chatbot does not select answers based on the gender or age of the user.


October 20, 2022

Motorola showed the concept of a smartphone with a retractable display.

At the Lenovo Tech World event, Motorola showed off an interesting but not new concept. This is a smartphone with a screen that can be unfolded and collapsed - all you need to do is press a button. The smartphone has a retractable OLED display that can grow from 4" to 6.5" in height. So far, there are no details about the characteristics.


October 20, 2022

Lack of sleep increases the risk of developing chronic diseases by 20%.

These conclusions were made by scientists from University College London. They interviewed seven thousand people aged 50-70 and analyzed their medical records for the last quarter of a century. The increased risk of developing chronic diseases may be due to the fact that due to lack of sleep, brain cells do not have time to repair the damage to the genome that accumulates during wakefulness. Also, due to lack of sleep, failures in other recovery processes may begin.


October 20, 2022

The craftsman has created a mod that allows you to order pizza directly from the video game TES Oblivion.

To do this, you need to find a character named Pizza Black and leave an application. So far, he only knows how to take one order - a 30-centimeter pizza with a thin crust, eight garlic bread and a bottle of lemon tea. After that, it transmits the data of a real pizzeria.


October 20, 2022

Japanese engineers have learned how to print cookies with hidden QR codes on a 3D printer.

Outwardly, it differs little from the usual, but inside there are square cavities or areas filled with dye dough. By lighting such cookies with a flashlight, you can see a QR code, which, for example, can indicate the composition and expiration date of the product.


October 20, 2022

Which indoor plants suit your zodiac sign. Pisces.

The best plant for a Pisces home is an orchid. For water people, this flower is considered a sign of spirituality. Spending a large amount next to the orchid enhances the natural wisdom of Pisces. Also, the flower promises to create a sunny atmosphere at home and inspire creativity. It is especially favorable to grow orchids for Pisces engaged in creative work - they will be pleasantly surprised how often the muse will visit them.


October 20, 2022

The most bitchy girls. 12th place - Virgo.

The only sign of the zodiac, completely devoid of bitchiness. Because bitchiness in itself implies that Virgo must experience some emotions about others, which, as you understand, in principle, cannot be from the word “completely”. Which, of course, in no way means that Virgo doesn't act like a bitch, oh no. But this means that she is "testing a new program." I mean, playing bitch to see what happens. It's all fake. But this, of course, is so-so consolation, given that Virgo plays the most cold-blooded, merciless and cruel bitch in the world. Well, because she does everything either perfectly or not at all.


October 20, 2022

It is better not to make men of these 4 signs of the zodiac enemies. Aries.

Look for friends, and there will be enemies themselves ... although it would be better not to be. And if you deliberately or stupidly quarreled with men born under the constellations of Aries, Leo, Scorpio or Capricorn, then we can only sympathize with you - they will not stop until they take revenge. Make peace, maybe it's not too late. But you better hide. Touchy, vindictive, vulnerable, and therefore aggressive - yes, the Aries man is like that, but there was nothing to annoy him. Try to appease the representative of the fire element, while he is still thinking about what to do with you.


October 20, 2022