Three steps ahead.

The fairly common verb "calculate" literally means - the ability of a person to design or adapt for a purpose. Form good habits not only in business matters but in everything. Calculate any situation at least three steps ahead. This will help make the RIGHT decisions avoiding unnecessary risks. Logic games might be helpful to develop this ability. For example, playing CHESS is excellent to improve strategy and tactics, it will teach you to forecast and prevent the occurrence of unpleasant moments.


October 21, 2022

Don't ignore your body signals.

Cause if we ignore them constantly rushing around, circumstances will stop us: colds or quite serious illnesses, accidents, fires... Everyone should be attentive to the symptoms that the body sends. It is important to remember the following: any pain is a defense mechanism of the body. Using painkillers not figuring out the nature of our pain doesn't solve the problem but exacerbates it. Take a pause — listen to yourself. Your body will thank you.


October 21, 2022

Nature is the best teacher.

Only the strongest survive. This rule of the jungle is applicable to our lives. Somewhere in Africa, a gazelle wakes up in the morning and it keeps in mind it must run faster than a lion. Otherwise it will be eaten. There, in Africa, a lion also wakes up. It's mindful of the need to survive as well. It should run faster than the gazelle. What's there to learn? It absolutely doesn't matter whether you are a gazelle or a lion. When the sun comes up, you have to run. You don't have enough time to think about what to do next. It's not worth composing your thoughts for hours to start doing something. You have to get up and run. Run until you realize that today you are a well-fed lion, not a mauled gazelle.


October 21, 2022

In China, they tested the effect of coffee and alcohol on the reproductive functions of people.

There was no association between caffeine intake and live birth rate. But alcohol reduced the chance of having a live baby by 9%. And this is not only about women but also about men who drank alcohol before conception.


October 21, 2022

In Spain, they invented an exoskeleton that helps paralyzed children walk.

The Atlas-2030 exoskeleton allowed the test child to make a two-hour walk from home to the rehabilitation center without assistance.


October 21, 2022

American iguanas poison themselves with ant poison to survive.

Iguanas eat dead ants, receive a small dose of their poison and prepare their immunity for possible poisoning. This was proved by the experiment of biologists. They divided the lizards into two groups. For one to three weeks they were fed ants, and then they were allowed to sting. The second only suffered from bites. It turned out that in the blood of iguanas from the first group, the concentration of basophils increased and substances were produced that bind the poison molecules and prevent it from affecting the body. There were no such changes in the second group.


October 21, 2022

Scientists have found out why mosquitoes bite some people more often than others.

These conclusions were made by American scientists after experiments involving 64 people. The researchers placed nylon sleeves on volunteers' arms for six hours to collect volatile skin samples. Then these sleeves were placed in pairs in a chamber with mosquitoes - at the same time there were samples of two different people in it. The scientists observed which fabric would attract insects. It turned out - the one on which there are more carboxylic acids. Moreover, the leading sample was a hundred times more interesting for mosquitoes than the outsider of the list. The experiment was repeated a few months later. Some of the volunteers changed their skin care products during this time, but the attractiveness rating of their nylon sleeves for mosquitoes remained the same.


October 21, 2022

Working as a food delivery man is bad for the psyche.

Food delivery couriers and taxi aggregator drivers are more likely to suffer from mental disorders than other professions in the geek economy. This is due to a small salary, lack of time for oneself and family, heavy workload, stress, monotony of work and lack of sufficient freedom and emotional support - delivery men and taxi drivers rarely see their colleagues. These conclusions were reached by Dutch scientists from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. They analyzed the data of 3.6 thousand employees of taxi and delivery services.


October 21, 2022

Who is the best cook? Scorpio.

They know a lot about food. Hastily cooked scrambled eggs or sausage sandwiches are not for them. Scorpios love to surprise others with their talents, and in the kitchen they feel in their element. They like to prepare complex dishes, beautifully setting the table. Heaven has rewarded Scorpios with an innate talent for perfect cooking.


October 21, 2022

The most bitchy girls. 11th place - Aries.

Theoretically, Aries should have been given last place, but putting Aries against Virgo is just as cruel and pointless as releasing a young sheep into an enclosure for hungry hyenas. Therefore, Aries gets the penultimate place - for the lack of bitchiness in principle, because it is understood that the bitch is a cunning and prudent creature, which, in fact, is the complete opposite of the character of Aries: if anything, she will just bite off your head without multiplying the essence.


October 21, 2022

It is better not to make men of these 4 signs of the zodiac enemies. Leo.

Alas, a quarrel with a Leo man always begins "with a pinch." Yesterday you were friends like water, but today you are standing on opposite sides of the barricades, and all because of some nonsense. It is dangerous to quarrel with Leo, especially if you were friends and he knows all your secrets. Don't believe? Ask those with whom Leo has long been at enmity. There are pluses: Leo is proud, but quick-witted. Repent of all sins to him (for greater effect, you can attribute a couple of non-existent ones), and the king of beasts will change his anger to mercy.


October 21, 2022

Secret weaknesses. Cancer.

Cancer's biggest weakness is that he doesn't say what he wants. When something bothers the representative of this water sign, he keeps it to himself and pretends that nothing is happening and everything is in order. To deal with this weakness, Cancer must understand that their voice matters. This will make Cancer feel much better if he understands what he can say about his feelings and desires.


October 21, 2022

Daily horoscope October 21st.

Capricorn♑️ For the first half of the day, it is better not to plan anything important. This time will be quite tense emotional background. Due to worries and worries, it will be difficult for you to collect your thoughts and make informed decisions. In addition, disagreements with others, disputes are likely. The second half of the day will turn out much more successfully. It's perfect for taking on something new. Aquarius♒️ Try to take everything you do seriously. Any manifestation of frivolity today can have rather unpleasant consequences. You should not count on luck if you are busy with something important. Most likely, the circumstances will not develop in the most successful way. But you still cope with them and achieve your goal, showing perseverance. Pisces♓️ Whatever you do, try to rely on your own strength and act independently. This time is hardly suitable for business negotiations. It will be difficult to find a common language even with those with whom you previously got along well. The exception is financial matters: they can be discussed without fear of unexpected disagreements.


October 21, 2022

Daily horoscope October 21st.

Libra♎️ You can deal with several complex cases at once. Of course, it is better not to act alone - there are people nearby who are ready to help you. There will be a chance to find new allies who will support even your wildest ideas. Possible cash receipts, including from unexpected sources Scorpio♏️ The start of the day will be successful from a business point of view. This is the right time to take on something new. You will quickly understand how to achieve success, quickly learn everything you need. It will not be difficult to get along with colleagues, as well as with people with whom you are connected by professional interests. Sagittarius♐️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to do without misunderstandings, some unfortunate incidents. Unplanned expenses, financial losses are possible. It is better not to rush with purchases, they are unlikely to be successful. The rest of the day will be favorable. Business negotiations will be successful, an important issue will be resolved in the best way for you.


October 21, 2022

Daily horoscope October 21st.

Cancer♋️ A good day awaits you, easy and fruitful. Many things will work out well. It is worth taking advantage of the support of the stars, taking on some difficult and important things: you will cope well with them. It is possible that you will have to solve several issues at once, but this will not complicate you at all. Leo♌️ The day will be hectic. More often than usual, you will have to deal with other people's affairs, to understand what previously did not concern you at all. But there will be no serious problems, you will cope well with everything. Surely old acquaintances will offer help; you can rely on them for everything. Virgo♍️ The start of the day will be hectic. You will have to deal with several things at once, it will be difficult to focus on what is important for you. Unexpected meetings are likely, rather tense conversations. It is possible that you will have to communicate with people from whom you would prefer to stay away.


October 21, 2022

Daily horoscope October 21st.

Aries♈️ Listen to your intuition especially carefully. Today it is she who will tell you how you can succeed, help you find a way out of a difficult situation. The knowledge you gained a long time ago will be very useful. Thanks to them, you will succeed in completely new things, do not make mistakes. Taurus♉️ The start of the day is inspiring. This time will be especially generous for new business opportunities. If you take the initiative now, you will soon receive some interesting offers or achieve a professional goal that you have been striving for for a long time. Intelligibility in communication is important. It is better not to trust those who promise too much. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day is hardly complete without tense moments. It will not be easy to develop relationships with others: you will be reproached for something, criticized more often than usual. Try to react to it calmly, smooth out sharp corners. It is possible that you will have to explain things that seem obvious to you. It is better to do it calmly and kindly.


October 21, 2022

Vitamin D will help you lose weight.

Vitamin D has various physiological effects. Its active metabolites are needed not only for calcium metabolism, they also affect carbohydrate and fat metabolism. And - can affect body weight. Scientists attribute this success to the ability of a combination of these substances to suppress appetite. Vitamin deficiency can increase the risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, that is, it contributes to the onset of the metabolic syndrome in general.


October 20, 2022

Spanish chiromassage of the face.

During the session, more than 100 techniques are used from simple ones: light friction with fingers on massage points to the most complex ones: skin stretching and musculo-vascular kneading. This technique allows you to influence not only the muscles of the face or body, but also the internal organs and nervous system. With the help of point movements, the specialist will be able to relieve neck pain, eliminate swelling, help improve mood and normalize sleep. This manual technique is also called “plastic face massage”. During the session, there are no unpleasant sensations, but the muscles tense up and tone up. As a result of regular procedures, you can get the effect of a surgical facelift. At the same time, it is quite stable - the effect is noticeable for several months after the end of intensive anti-aging therapy.


October 20, 2022

Split face massage.

Split massage was formed as a method aimed at combating age-related changes in the face and neck, by reducing swelling, more even distribution of adipose tissue, normalizing muscle tone and skin turgor. Rejuvenation is mainly achieved through a more balanced distribution of tissues on the face, which returns the "status quo" inherent in a young face. Split massage will also prevent further unwanted deformation of the face, neck and décolleté area. Split massage is carried out in a prone position, and this technique does not involve the application of any cosmetics or oils. At the same time, professionals use a variety of manipulations - such as rubbing, kneading, squeezing, myofascial release, post-isometric relaxation, as well as chiromassage, facial fitness, etc.


October 20, 2022

Buccal facial massage.

Buccal massage is the development of the French cosmetologist and biochemist Joel Siocco. This is a type of massage that is aimed at sculpting the face, by acting on the muscles and skin of the face from the outside and through the mouth. The meaning of this technique lies in the intensive study of the facial and masticatory muscles of the face with a bilateral grip (from the inside and outside), and the purpose of the manipulations is to return the muscles to their original length, tone and elasticity. Using a special technique, a specialist kneads each muscle and moves the tissues, literally “putting the face in place”. No wonder the technique of buccal massage is called "non-surgical lifting."


October 20, 2022