Who is the best cook? Taurus.

The most delicious desserts are obtained from Taurus, although they know a lot about any dishes. Any complicated recipe turns out just perfect. To do this, Taurus does not need to know strictly weighed grams, they do everything “by eye” and taste. This innate talent of Taurus never goes unnoticed among the inner circle.


October 22, 2022

The ugliest girls. 10th place - Capricorn.

Capricorns turn on the bitch mode in one single case: when it is required to guide their neighbors on the true path. But before that, Capricorn will try all other methods, so if you personally come across a bitchy Capricorn, this is an occasion to think: are you a wooden Pinocchio, for an hour? In all other cases, Capricorn does not show bitchiness. We clarify: the fact that she is smarter than everyone, more successful than everyone, knows and knows everything better than anyone - this is not bitchiness. This is a sad but absolutely indisputable fact. Humble yourself.


October 22, 2022

It is better not to make men of these 4 signs of the zodiac enemies. Scorpio.

The sting is sharpened, the plan of revenge is drawn up. You will not envy the people whom Scorpio has written down as his enemies. Fortunately, Scorpio will not act on the sly and will challenge you to a fair duel. And win. But it's better to smoke a peace pipe and look for a compromise - maybe a water man will take pity on you (although unlikely). Seeing sincere repentance, Scorpio can postpone his plans, but, as they say, “the sediment remains” - this sign is vindictive.


October 22, 2022

October 22 daily horoscope.

Capricorn♑️ The beginning of the day is hardly suitable for some difficult cases. But it will be favorable for communication with loved ones, small trips. It is possible that friends will offer something interesting, together with them you will be able to visit some unusual events. New acquaintances will delight you. In the afternoon, you will be able to cope with many things that previously seemed difficult. Aquarius♒️ The day is hardly suitable for serious conversations. There may be tense moments even in communication with the closest, misunderstandings, disputes. You will try to smooth out sharp corners, avoid serious conflicts and mutual insults. The influence of positive trends will increase over time, harmony in relations will be restored. Pisces♓️ Do not start the day with difficult things. The morning is much more suitable for some pleasant activities and a relaxing holiday. Unusual ideas may come up. A little later, there will be time to implement them, but for now you can think about everything properly, decide how you will act. The second half of the day will be busy. Good coincidences, good news, pleasant surprises are possible.


October 22, 2022

October 22 daily horoscope.

Libra♎️ The day is suitable for communicating with old acquaintances: meeting with them will cheer you up, and you will learn a lot of useful things from conversations. There will be a chance to attend some interesting events, to see people that you have been missing lately. A romantic date will go well. Lovers of Libra are waiting for pleasant surprises. Scorpio♏️ In the morning it can be difficult to keep calm: the emotional background will be tense, and the mood can change because of any trifle. But if you do not succumb to fleeting impulses, you will soon understand how to change the situation for the better. Friends will gladly respond even to your most unusual proposals. Sagittarius♐️ The day promises interesting acquaintances, as well as meetings that will delight you very much. You can easily get along with those who are completely different from you. Perhaps the beginning of friendships or a romantic story. There will be many interesting conversations, there will be a chance to get some useful information.


October 22, 2022

October 22 daily horoscope.

Cancer♋️ You can take on some new business or return to a creative project that you conceived a long time ago. Interesting acquaintances, unusual meetings are likely. They will be remembered for a long time, push you to some important thoughts, help you find answers to questions that you have thought about a lot. Leo♌️ Great productive day. You will have time to do even more than planned, because the circumstances will be exceptionally favorable. It will be possible to successfully complete cases that have already been given a lot of effort. Both old and new friends will be happy to help you. Virgo♍️ At the beginning of the day, minor misunderstandings, unfortunate coincidences are possible. But you should not worry about them, because the influence of positive trends will quickly increase. It is better to postpone the discussion of important issues until the second half of the day, this time will be especially favorable for any serious conversations.


October 22, 2022

October 22 daily horoscope.

Aries♈️ Take a rest. Today it will be especially useful for you to distract from worries, try to restore strength. You can think of some old hobby or take up a new business if you are really interested in it. It is important not to be nervous or overtired. Taurus♉️ The beginning of the day is good for completing old tasks, and in order to take on something completely new. You will not want to waste time in vain, you will have much more time than planned. Getting along with others will be easy, you will even agree with people with whom you did not get along before. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day will be especially favorable for communication. A meeting with old friends will please: they will tell you something interesting, they will offer help if needed. Trips will turn out well, and it does not matter if they were planned earlier. Some Geminis far from home are waiting for pleasant acquaintances.


October 22, 2022

Not expected?

Arrange an unexpected surprise for your man! Creating some new details to shake up your sex life is a good idea. You can make a surprise: “unexpectedly” meet a man in the corridor and turn this meeting into a small sex session. Those moments when he can not fully control the situation are very pleasant.


October 21, 2022

The prelude is very important.

An experienced man, of course, knows what a woman likes in foreplay. But no one can read minds. Therefore, if it seems to you that his kisses are intrusive and the touches are rude, do not hesitate to tell him about it. For example, when you realize that your partner is in too much of a hurry, gently stop him. Tease your lover: then move closer, then move away.


October 21, 2022

Morning sex.

58% of men are not averse to having sex between morning coffee and going to work. But for women, the picture is different. Their libido is greatly affected by stress and interference. The more pressure and extraneous factors, the more cortisol in the blood and the less desire to have sex.


October 21, 2022

Signs of a weak man.

1. Self-affirms at the expense of others. Insists on the implementation of absurd prohibitions, often raises his voice, indicates to whom and what needs to be done, humiliates and insults. 2. Jealous of every post. Total self-doubt and fear of loss make the weak control any step of a woman. 3. Shifts responsibility to others. A man with a strong-willed character will never say that everything went wrong, because the stars did not converge, he is unlucky, etc. A loser will blame others for everything, run away from obligations. 4. Does not know how to express his opinion and defend it. Such people avoid saying something, making serious decisions, so that later they will not be responsible for their words and actions. 5. Goes with the flow and does not go anywhere. On questions about plans for the future, you can easily understand what your chosen one really is. Sometimes they make a lot of promises, dream out loud beautifully, but do nothing.


October 21, 2022

The art of compromise.

A man doesn't have to have the same opinion as you, and that's okay. Relationships are not a battlefield. Let the female wisdom that you possess help you every time your points of view openly diverge.


October 21, 2022

Suggest a solution.

Blaming, shifting responsibility, lecturing - approximately in this vein, women make claims against a man. How to present your dissatisfaction? If you declare a problem, be ready to find a compromise, offer your vision of the situation. For example: “Darling, I understand that you are busy with work right now. And I'm proud of your success. But rest is also very important. I suggest you do the following. Let's make sure to carve out two Saturdays of the month in order to go out into the world, to devote time to each other. What do you think about it?". Agree, such a speech is much more effective, instead of the phrase “Again, I’m alone all day!”


October 21, 2022

What kind of love does a man need?

Love-trust in the male understanding is a form of expression of love, in which the following conditions are met: • Partners fully accept each other, not trying to remake "for themselves." • A woman openly demonstrates to her man that she needs him. She does not try to do everything herself, but simply asks him for help. • A woman believes in her man and is always ready to inspire him to the next achievement.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

6. Add some spice! Capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers, makes you sweat, which in turn increases your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure, and makes you burn more calories. One study showed that people who consumed capsaicin for 12 weeks reduced belly fat by 3%.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

5. Caffeine is everything! Coffee lovers will be happy to know that daily consumption of caffeine is great not only to wake up in the morning, but also to improve metabolism. Caffeine activates the digestive system, speeding up the journey from digesting food to transforming it into energy. In the short term, this method works great.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

4. Drink more! When your body is dehydrated, your organs, especially your liver, work less efficiently, causing your metabolism to slow down rapidly. Research shows that if you lose at least 3% of your weight through fluid output (for example, if you weigh 63 kg, fluid = 2 kg), you slow down your metabolism by 2%. Dehydration can also cause fatigue and decreased muscle function. If you are actively exercising, then the water consumption may increase.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

3. Eat as much protein as possible. Your body burns calories for energy. This is called the thermic effect of food, and it accounts for about 10% of total calorie expenditure. In other words, if you consume 2000 calories per day, you will spend 200 only on digestion. And some products, or rather, macronutrients, require more energy for digestion than others. According to research, your body needs a lot of energy to digest protein - about 30% of your total calories. If you eat 200 kcal of protein foods, you will spend 60 of them on digestion. Carbohydrates take the second place - 10% of the total, fats - less than 5%. For one kilogram of weight should be from 1.4 to 2 grams of protein. A person weighing 63 kg needs 89 to 127 grams of protein per day.


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

2. Pump your muscles! The more muscle a person has, the more metabolically active they are. Even at rest they burn more calories than fat. 0.5 kg of muscle per day burns 6 calories, 1 kg of fat - 2 kcal. If you replace 1 kg of fat with 0.5 kg of muscle, you will increase your BMR by 8 calories per day! When people lose weight, they not only shed fat but also muscle, which in turn kills metabolism in the bud. But moderate pumping of muscles will help not to ruin the metabolism, but to disperse it even more!


October 21, 2022

We speed up metabolism.

1. Move more! The only 100% effective way to speed up your metabolism and increase your daily calorie expenditure is to move. Studies show that the effect of being active is 15 to 30% of your daily calorie expenditure. Accordingly, the more you move, the sooner you will get to 30%. The easiest way to burn a couple of hundred calories effortlessly is walking. However, it should be remembered that the movement is not limited to walking. Even if you are carrying heavy bags, gardening or cooking dinner, you are burning calories. The main thing is to diversify your day with various movements.


October 21, 2022