Daily horoscope October 24th.

Aries♈️ Take on serious and important things, the day is great for them. You will quickly cope with solving problems that at other times could be confusing. It will be easy to get along with colleagues, business partners, like-minded people. They will appreciate your directness, the ability to find convincing arguments, to defend your point of view. Taurus♉️ Don't rush anywhere. The day is perfect for putting things in order, solving some small, but still requiring attention tasks. It will be easy to get rid of the unnecessary: ​​neither doubts nor vain regrets will interfere. You will conduct business negotiations with caution, so do not make even small mistakes. Gemini♊️ The day is suitable for many useful things. Take on even what seems very difficult: most likely, you will quickly succeed. Business meetings, talks about work will go well. They may be followed by offers that you agree to without much thought.


October 24, 2022

Competitor of point G is point A or zone AFE.

It is located deeper - between the G-spot and the cervix. In addition to the excitability of this zone, its advantage is also that its stimulation increases the production of glandular secretions. In the ideal case, thanks to the friction of point A, you will be able to experience a very intense orgasm, while temporarily losing control of the muscles and even ejaculating with a secret. To reach this magical point, the partner must insert the penis very deeply.


October 23, 2022


The presence of the G-spot and its ability to bring a woman to orgasm has long been an indisputable fact. To stimulate it, a penis is not needed, a finger is enough, because the treasured point is located about 5 centimeters from the entrance to the vagina on its front wall. It contains many nerve pathways. The G-spot will begin to "act" only if the woman is already aroused. For sex, you need to choose positions in which the anterior wall of the vagina is actively stimulated, for example, the "Viennese oyster".


October 23, 2022

20 minute practice to start your day.

Batilasana-Marjariasana (Cat-Cow Pose). Get on all fours and place your shoulders over your wrists. As you exhale, press your palms down, round your back and drop your chin down. As you inhale, slowly arch your back and lift your chest. Make rhythmic movements, connecting them with the breath for as long as you need. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog). In the all-fours pose, gently curl your toes and lift your hips up and back. Stop here and take a breath. In Downward Dog Pose, exhale, then lift your right leg high behind you, rounding your spine, and pull the knee of that leg toward your chest. Keep your pelvis low and pull your spine up. Continue pressing your hands into the floor. Return to Downward Dog, and then repeat with the left leg.


October 23, 2022

Photos of acquaintances in social networks develop more complexes than celebrity posts.

Bright pictures of beautiful bodies undermine users' self-confidence, and photos of people they know are twice as harmful to the psyche as pictures of celebrities. Perhaps the fact is that the physical form of acquaintances seems to be a closer and more achievable ideal. And the person is upset that he could not achieve the same result. At the same time, users are more critical of celebrity posts, their pictures may look unrealistic.


October 23, 2022

The English police have hired a sniffer dog trained to smell the seminal fluid.

The Cheshire County Police have hired a sniffer dog trained to smell semen. Labrador named April will help investigate rape and other sexual crimes. A dog can smell 0.016 milliliters of seminal fluid even if it was left at the crime scene years ago. April's training lasted six weeks. The dog has already started his first case - he was called to the scene of another crime 36 hours after being hired.


October 23, 2022

Even a forced smile improves mood

A forced smile for no reason improves mood - a person immediately begins to feel happier after the corresponding facial muscles are activated. These conclusions were reached by scientists from Stanford in the course of a study involving almost four thousand people from 19 countries.


October 23, 2022

A plastic-filtering robo fish has won a nature-inspired robot competition.

The robot floats by flapping its tail while keeping its mouth wide open to collect water and microplastics into its internal cavity. When the cavity fills, the robot closes its mouth, opens the gill flaps, and pushes the water out, lifting the bottom of the cavity. A fine mesh attached to the gill covers allows water to pass through but retains plastic particles. The 50 cm long Gillbert robot collects particles up to 2 millimeters in size. It also has built-in sensors to monitor turbidity and light levels underwater, and uses an IMU to track its movements in the water. The developer plans to improve the robot and increase its size.


October 23, 2022

Contraceptive pills: now also for men?

Perhaps very soon there will be birth control pills for men. University of Washington scientists presented at the annual conference of the Endocrine Society a report on the successful completion of the first phase of research on a new format contraceptive. The drug 11-beta-MNTDC is aimed at reducing the level of hormones that stimulate the production of sperm and testosterone. Also now, scientists are working on a new drug based on alpha-blockers. They have an interesting property - at the time of ejaculation, they contribute to the entry of part of the sperm into the bladder. Experts want to take advantage of this and create a new contraceptive for men.


October 23, 2022

Bald men are the sexiest! True or myth?

Imagine this is absolutely true! Of course, unless the baldness is caused by a diagnosed specific health problem. The whole secret of the sexuality of bald people is in the male sex hormone - testosterone. It is noticed that it has an interesting effect on the human hairline. The increased content of testosterone can cause excessive hair growth on the body and face, but the hormone negatively affects hair growth on the head! As you know, testosterone plays an important role in the formation of male sexual desire. So there is indeed a connection.


October 23, 2022

The best scents to arouse desire.

• Ylang-ylang is considered ideal for foreplay. This is an excellent antidepressant that can lift your mood. In addition, ylang-ylang oil has an anesthetic (pain-relieving) effect. Therefore, now you will not be able to refuse a partner, motivating this by the fact that your head hurts. • Patchouli and sandalwood are also good for uplifting and stimulating sex drive. Do you want to try something new? Use these oils and show your wildest fantasies. • If you have a romantic evening, and both partners prefer gentle, affectionate and leisurely sex, use rose oil. It relaxes, calms the nerves and pacifies. • Do you want sex to be long? So, you need toning, and you can achieve this effect with the help of basil essential oil. True, it has a rather pungent smell, but you can add a couple of drops of jasmine oil to it - its aroma will delay ejaculation.


October 23, 2022

The best scents to arouse desire.

Since ancient times, people have been looking for ways to increase this attraction, ignite desire and increase the pleasure of sex. This can be done with the help of various substances contained in food and in essential oils. Aromas through the sense of smell, by the way, will reach the desired part of the brain faster than the foods we eat. Once in the pituitary gland, they will stimulate it to produce endorphin - the hormone of happiness, which is responsible for raising mood, and for sexual desire, and for achieving euphoria from caresses and sexual intercourse.


October 23, 2022

Gymnastics will save you from snoring.

Push the tongue forward and hold it in this state for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 30 times. Press the chin with your hand and forcefully move the lower jaw back and forth. Repeat the exercise 30 times. Close the right nostril and inhale as slowly as possible through the left. Then close the left nostril and exhale slowly through the right. Repeat the exercise for 10 minutes. Regular practice will effectively overcome the annoying problem.


October 23, 2022

You can officially burn fat while sitting - sloths have access to weight loss.

Training the soleus muscles triples the burning of glucose and fat. This conclusion was made by scientists from Houston. The study's lead author, Professor Mark Hamilton, found that pressing on the muscles in the feet can activate the calf muscles and keep the body's metabolism going for hours, even when the person is sitting.


October 23, 2022

Scientists have discovered the "Marshmallow Planet" 580 light years from Earth.

A giant gas planet, similar in density to a marshmallow, was found orbiting a cold red dwarf. The diameter of TOI-3757 b is slightly larger than Jupiter, and the weight is 2 times less than Saturn. The planet makes a revolution around a star 25 times faster than Mercury.


October 23, 2022

Tesla investor has invested in a flying car startup.

Startup Alef Aeronautics hopes to revolutionize the market with its flying cars. The company has already shown a prototype of the first flying car and was able to attract at least one well-known venture capitalist who backed electric car manufacturer Tesla. According to Reuters, the ambitious Alef flying car project has caught the attention of Tim Draper, a well-known American venture capitalist and one of the first investors in Tesla and SpaceX. His fund Draper Associates Fund V supported Alef by investing $3 million in the startup at the start.


October 23, 2022

Denmark has created an optical fiber capable of transmitting 1.84 Petabits of data per second.

This is more than all the Internet traffic in the world per second. And all this - in one cable. The 1.84 petabits per second throughput was not easy to test and verify because no single computer can send or receive, let alone store, such a huge amount of data. The research team used dummy data on individual channels to test what the total throughput would be.


October 23, 2022

Who is the best cook? Virgo.

Virgos are very fond of messing around in the kitchen just like that, when the situation does not oblige them. They are always ready to create new recipes and are not afraid to experiment by adding new ingredients. This sign does not recognize a feast in a cafe, preferring homemade dishes cooked in the best family traditions.


October 23, 2022

The ugliest girls. 9th place - Cancer.

Сancers, as the main zodiac engineers of human souls, are standard bitches, this is pure truth. They know how to manipulate, blackmail and do good. But they do this extremely rarely, preferring methods that do not stain their reputation. So you can see a bitch in Cancer if you intentionally step on her claw and trample heartily. Which, in principle, is possible, is unlikely: firstly, Cancer carefully hides its claws from everyone, and secondly, it moves them with lightning speed. Clack-clack. Who did not hide - Cancer is not to blame.


October 23, 2022

It is better not to make men of these 4 signs of the zodiac enemies. Capricorn.

Did you say something about Capricorn behind his back? Congratulations, you have made an enemy. Capricorn does not forgive betrayal - for friends he will go into fire and into water, and for enemies he will go there too, only with an ax or a gun. Give up, drag the white flag and pray for forgiveness - Capricorn is kind, the main thing is not to piss him off and not make him angry. Here they are - ruthless and harsh men. And why did you turn them into your enemies? They would be friends and would not know grief. But what now - change your appearance, documents or send negotiators. And memorize the speech about forgiveness - put pressure on pity, maybe it will work.


October 23, 2022