Technique for performing "Βakuum in the stomach".

1. Starting position - lying on the back, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees are on the floor, muscles are relaxed. Exhale slowly, gradually releasing the lungs from the air, without straining any muscles of the body. 2. Having freed the lungs from the air, begin to strain the abdominal muscles, trying to pull it in as much as possible. At the same time, breathing is stopped. At the lower point, fix the position of the abdomen for 10-15 seconds, then take a small breath, continuing to draw in the stomach. 3. After taking a small breath, do not rush to relax the stomach - tighten the abdominal muscles and freeze for another 10-15 seconds, then draw in the stomach again, while maintaining the tension of the abdominal muscles. If you find it difficult to hold your breath, take small breaths. 4. Breathe out, relax your stomach, take a few free breaths, then again empty your lungs of air, and draw your stomach in as much as possible. Pulling, try to tighten the abdominal muscles, and then push the stomach up without inhaling.


October 24, 2022

"Βacuum in the stomach". What you need to know.

Exercise "vacuum in the stomach" must be performed both lying down and standing or leaning forward. Considering that this is primarily a strengthening exercise, you should perform it as often as possible, or at least 5 times a week. You should get used to the fact that the transverse abdominal muscles should be constantly tense. With regular exercise, after a few weeks, the muscles will tone up, and you no longer have to make efforts to control it.


October 24, 2022

Exercise "Βacuum on the stomach".

"Βvacuum in the stomach" is considered one of the most effective exercises for increasing the tone of the internal transverse abdominal muscles and giving it a flat shape. It is interesting that this exercise is also found in yoga. Thanks to this exercise, in just three weeks, you can significantly strengthen the internal muscles of the abdomen, which will lead to a decrease in the volume of the waist and an improvement in both the shape of the preppy, which will become more flat.


October 24, 2022

Sage anti aging.

If you can't turn back time, then stop it. The thing is that sage contains natural substances - plant hormones, which are very similar in composition to the female hormone estrogen. That is why, after 35 years, you can begin to conduct rejuvenation courses for regular troops. Three times a year for three weeks every morning drink an infusion of sage. 1 tsp Pour sage herbs with a glass of boiling water, wait until the infusion cools down, then strain and drink in small sips 30-40 minutes before breakfast. Depending on your mood, you can add honey or a slice of lemon to the infusion, or both.


October 24, 2022

The main products that help the brain work.

1. Marine products. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins. Fatty acids are part of the brain and allow it to fully function. 2. Milk and dairy products. They have a nourishing function for the neurons of the brain. 3. Legumes and legumes. These products (peas, beans, beans) are an excellent natural source of B vitamins, which are necessary for the full functioning of brain neurons. 4. Tomatoes. They contain the essential ingredient lycopene. It has a protective function in relation to brain structures and protects them from premature destructive processes.


October 24, 2022

BMW cars will notify you of scratches on the body themselves.

BMW has filed a patent application for a scratch detection system that will notify the car owner of any damage to the bodywork. The technology is based on the piezoelectric effect: the control unit captures the electric charge that occurs when the film is deformed and transmits the information to the on-board system of the machine or to the cloud platform. Whether the technology will become serial is still unclear. If a scratch appears while the car is moving, it will report this with audible and visual signals. If this happens while the owner is out of the car, an alert can be sent to the smartphone.


October 24, 2022

Speak sweet words to each other.

A woman can leave for tenderness, leaving wealth and a well-fed life. And there is nothing to say about men - with tenderness they can be led, as if on a string, by the nose and all other places. And if you suddenly fall ill with some kind of nonsense - a runny nose or a cold, then in fact this is not a cold at all, but a sign of a lack of tenderness. Not vitamins, not antibiotics are needed, but tenderness! Tenderness raises our immunity ... better than any medicine, it rejuvenates and gives an impulse to live. In short, live with tenderness, do not hesitate to be gentle, and remember: there is never too much tenderness... Say tenderness to each other, say it many times, say it in private and in public, do not be ashamed that it is banal, intimate, not modest... Speak - and you will be amazed at the result, just be amazed!


October 24, 2022

A favorite tactic of the narcissist.

A favorite tactic of a narcissist is to piss off the interlocutor, and then reproach him for being too hot. First, the harsh emotional reaction contrasts favorably with the cold courtesy of the narcissist himself. Secondly, the narcissist gets the opportunity to interpret this reaction in their favor: “Aha! You get angry. So there is no smoke without fire.” When dealing with narcissists, avoid unnecessary emotional attacks on your part. This will allow you to limit the narcissist's influence over you. .


October 24, 2022

Rules for dealing with male provocateurs

Before reading them, honestly answer yourself the following question: “Is it worth it for me to waste energy on such a man?” If, nevertheless, circumstances force you to communicate, then remember a few useful rules: • Never yell. • Speak 2 tones lower than the other person. • Protect yourself with personal space, step aside and breathe. • Reduce the dispute in a humorous direction.


October 24, 2022

How to introduce a child to a new dad?

When to introduce the child to the new "daddy"? What if you break up and the child gets injured again? The child will be traumatized only if you declare: • "This is your new dad" (he has a dad wherever he is); • "You must obey, respect, love" (should not, it is given to the worthy in exchange for love and care). Or get rid of your child because he interferes with the new husband. Let the new person, without fanfare, simply enter your life as a friend and entertainment partner in the park, in the movies and on vacation. Without pressure and serious faces will find a common language. The more you inflate around this importance, the more difficult it is for everyone to communicate and accept each other.


October 24, 2022

Phrases for harmonious relationships.

1. "I love you." Remind yourself of this more often and do not be afraid to overdo it with this phrase. A man must know that he is loved. 2. "Thank you." And this is not just a show of politeness. In healthy relationships, people accept actions with special love and value. 3. "Forgive me." Relationships are not something to be proud of. Sometimes it is easier to show maturity and wisdom to take the first step towards reconciliation than to pout over some little thing. 4. "I'm lucky to have you." A couple in a happy and strong relationship realizes the value of their union. They are ready to admit it to everyone in the world, but the most important thing is that they tell their partners about it. 5. "How was your day?". Healthy relationships require each other's sincere interest in the life of their soul mate.


October 24, 2022

When should a marriage be saved, when not?

The first thing to do when you feel that love has cracked: Make sure you and your husband are BOTH ready to start over. If one of the spouses has given up and does not want to invest in the relationship, there is no point in saving the marriage.


October 24, 2022

Why is it so hard for so many people to say "no"?

To bosses, friends, relatives, husbands, wives, children? That's because many people don't have solid goals. And, as a consequence, no clear set of priorities. They are being tossed by the waves of life, and the days just come and go. That's why they are such easy prey for those who are ready to devour their time, attention and energy. After all, it’s they who don't manage all these life resources so only THEY'RE RESPONSIBLE for this fault, not anyone else. It's absolutely not about they're afraid to offend someone or make a poor showing. They just don't manage their lives, so there are those who take this matter into their own hands.


October 24, 2022

Who is the best cook? Cancer.

Cancers are subject to any dishes, even recipes of national cuisine. The household of this sign is always full and calm, knowing that their home cook will definitely feed everyone deliciously. Cancers like to cook, they appreciate their talent. Their dishes are very original, thanks to the innate ability of Cancer to turn ordinary foods into a culinary masterpiece.


October 24, 2022

The ugliest girls. 8th place - Libra.

The case when the horns of a vigorous cow were not included in the basic package: the Heavenly Office endowed Libra with all the qualities necessary for a reference bitch, and from above, from a fool, seasoned with philanthropy and a penchant for reflection. And now the poor Libra first turn on the bitch, and then they are ashamed for a long time, worry and shed crocodile tears. And this takes away so much mental strength from them that, the right word, it’s easier not to start at all than to torture yourself like that.


October 24, 2022

Zodiac signs that hate each other. Taurus and Aries.

Astrologers claim that people born under the sign of Aries have incredible energy. Their life is a constant striving forward, they cannot sit idle, they need to rush, rush, fly, in general, do whatever they want, just so as not to grow together with the sofa and turn into apathetic lazy people. If these guys forget about their endless affairs for at least one day, it begins to seem to them that they are getting sick, their need for vigorous activity is so strong. Their neighbor in the zodiac circle, Taurus, has been looking with bewilderment all this time and sincerely does not understand why this endless movement. Very often, the actions of Aries look in the eyes of Taurus as meaningless as possible, they only lead to physical and emotional exhaustion. Both signs have unimaginable stubbornness, that's just this stubbornness of a different kind. The cardinal Aries rushes forward like a tank, not intending to turn off the path, and the fixed Taurus persistently stands his ground. Despite all his good nature, Taurus is not going to lose to Aries in the race for leadership, and he, in turn, will never give up the palm. So these two are clearly not on the way. Fortunately, Taurus usually do not enter into open confrontation; they will answer, most likely, only if Aries gets into the bottle first.


October 24, 2022

Secret weaknesses. Libra.

Libra's biggest weakness is that they spray on the wrong people. Representatives of this sign love to be useful, they like to feel needed, help out, suggest, help, but the trouble is that they do not understand people at all. Sometimes it is very difficult for Libra to understand whether a person needs help, or whether he simply uses them, so kind and sympathetic, in his own selfish interests. To overcome this weakness, Libras must be very aware of when they give more than they receive, and learn to bypass dishonest, self-serving people.


October 24, 2022

Daily horoscope October 24th.

Capricorn♑️ The start of the day is good for useful things. Much will come easy, you will do well with what you did not succeed before. Interesting acquaintances are likely. Some Capricorns will meet people for the first time who will soon play an important role in their careers. Aquarius♒️ A calm day awaits you. If you have planned some important things, do not put them off: it is better to start early, so it will be easier to succeed. In addition, in the first half of the day you will be much more attentive than in the second, and you will feel better. Pisces♓️ The day will please with successful coincidences. You will try to get the most out of them, although it will not be easy. Be prepared to act quickly: there is no time to waste. Unexpected, but very pleasant news from afar is possible. Professional problems can be successfully solved.


October 24, 2022

Daily horoscope October 24th.

Libra♎️ You will act quickly and decisively, so you will have time to achieve even more than you expected. There won't be any problems that you can't handle. The day is suitable for starting new things, including very important and complex ones. There may be ambiguous situations, but intuition will help you quickly navigate and understand how to behave better. Scorpio♏️ The day will be bright and eventful. You will want to take on something new, intuition will tell you that it is better not to waste time in vain. Indeed, circumstances will develop favorably, and the chances of success will be high. However, it is important not to rush into decisions, to evaluate the possible consequences of each act. Sagittarius♐️ There will be many small things, tasks that will suddenly require attention. It is unlikely that you will be able to stick to plans, it is much more likely that you will have to improvise, come up with something on the go. Remember to start with the most important. Yes, and it is better to plan meetings in the morning, at which time they will be much more pleasant.


October 24, 2022

Daily horoscope October 24th.

Cancer♋️ It's time to take on the toughest challenges. You may not be able to solve them today, but you will figure out how best to act, get a lot of useful information, and be able to agree on cooperation with new acquaintances. Some Cancers are waiting for interesting job offers. Leo♌️ You will need the ability to get along with different people, to find an approach to them. You will find allies, you will be able to interest new acquaintances with your ideas. Probably the beginning of a business relationship that will open up new professional prospects for you. Virgo♍️ The day will be very busy. Today, many people will need your help, even people you hardly know can ask for it. However, your own business will not suffer because of this. And all because you correctly prioritize and try not to waste a minute in vain.


October 24, 2022