Why did the husband go cold?

The husband sees his wife every day in a dressing gown and with a ladle in her hand. And younger women walk by, in high heels and in fashionable outfits. Here are the eyes already running, squinting in the direction of those who are much more interesting than his wife. Is reading a book attracts like the first time? Everything is ordinary to nausea: every day borscht, cutlets, “Go to the store”, “Take out the trash”, and even “Oh, don’t, my head hurts (back, legs, etc.). And who is to blame? Yes, it's her own fault! Why look good when you already know everything about each other. And the fact that your spouse is just bored with you does not occur to you?


October 28, 2022

Listen to your body's signals.

Cause if we ignore them constantly rushing around, circumstances will stop us: colds or quite serious illnesses, accidents, fires... Everyone should be attentive to the symptoms that the body sends. It is important to remember the following: any pain is a defense mechanism of the body. Using painkillers not figuring out the nature of our pain doesn't solve the problem but exacerbates it. Take a pause — listen to yourself. Your body will thank you.


October 28, 2022

Sometimes it's better to keep silent.

Let's imagine you meet an old friend. You are sincerely happy to meet her/him, but suddenly your friend says something tactless and unpleasant. It would definitely hurt you and you'd like to retaliate. Should you actually do it? Well, if you want to respond to a stupid provocation, everything is in your hands. Or you can pretend that you didn't notice anything, that means that it's absolutely doesn't matter to you. In this case, just say nothing. By the way, if your opponent expected your reaction to her/his aggression, the lack of response will embarrass her/him for sure.


October 28, 2022

Mexico has completely legalized same-sex marriage.

In Mexico, the state of Tamaulipas legalized same-sex marriage - now homosexuals can enter into unions in any of the 32 regions of the country. The full legalization of gay marriage in the state took seven years. The authorities of Tamaulipas supported the decision with 23 votes, 12 deputies opposed, two abstained. The Supreme Court declared the ban on same-sex unions unconstitutional back in 2015. Since then, one state after another has legalized gay marriage. Guerrero and Tamaulipas delayed the decision the longest.


October 28, 2022

The French have developed a champagne that can be drunk in space.

Cordon Rouge Stellar is the world's first alcoholic beverage produced specifically for astronauts. The bottle releases bubbles with liquid, and the astronauts catch them with a special glass. But the chip is not only in the bottle, because ordinary champagne does not release bubbles in zero gravity, which is why it is almost soundless, and this drink was specially made with a sharper and more pronounced taste.


October 28, 2022

Chinese scientists turned a dove into a cyborg and used the energy of the sun to control its flight like a drone.

Scientists were able to control the bird for two hours - almost one and a half times longer than during previous experiments. Conventional commercial drones are not capable of staying in the air for that long. The controller sent signals to the pigeon's brain that stimulated the nerves. Thanks to this, the bird could be directed in any direction. The device was wirelessly connected to the base and powered by a solar panel the size of half a smartphone. In total, five pigeons participated in the testing of the technology. They followed commands with 80-90% accuracy. Guided pigeons can be used in search and rescue, reconnaissance and anti-terrorist operations.


October 28, 2022

How many burgers a week can those who want to save the planet eat.

Experts from the World Resources Institute and other organizations have prepared the State of Climate Action 2022 report. It talks about the measures that people and governments need to take to reduce the negative anthropogenic impact on the climate. 1. Meat consumption should be reduced to the equivalent of two burgers a week. This will reduce the impact of agriculture on the climate. 2. Public transport should be developed six times faster - this will reduce car emissions. 3. The process of abandoning coal must also be accelerated six times. Worst of all are the use of gas, steel production, the disappearance of mangroves, the use of cars, emissions from agriculture. To move the global economy to a low-carbon basis, an additional $460 billion will need to be allocated annually over the next ten years, experts say.


October 28, 2022

Invisible Man.

The University of Maryland has developed a sweater that turns a person invisible in the eyes of algorithms that recognize people. Artificial intelligences are trained to recognize objects, and the print on the sweater makes it difficult to do this using AML methods.


October 28, 2022

Samsung smartphones will have a "maintenance mode".

This was done for the convenience of repair - including the mode, the ability to access personal data, photographs and other details is cut off. But at the same time, service workers can easily fix the phone and check all the functions.


October 28, 2022

In Israel, they made a reactor that allows you to grow 12 times stronger cannabis.

By "strength" is meant the effect itself. According to the manufacturer, a gram of their cannabis will have 12 times more impact on the patient than naturally grown.


October 28, 2022

8 ambitious zodiac signs. Taurus.

Representatives of this sign know what they want to achieve in life, and do not exchange for trifles. Usually the sphere of their interests lies in the material plane, the achievement of security and stability. Taurus motto: "Lucky for those who are lucky."


October 28, 2022

The ugliest girls. 4th place - Sagittarius.

Sagittarius almost did not reach the top three - fervent bitches, with a twinkle. Some unfairly believe that Sagittarians are generally the most bitchy women in the world, but this is not entirely true: for true, standard bitchiness, Sagittarius lacks the ability to sincerely hate their neighbor. But on the other hand, Sagittarians are convinced that bitchiness is extremely fun and funny. So we sincerely recommend including bored Sagittarians in the list of the worst troubles that threaten humanity. Somewhere between the bubonic plague and the zombie apocalypse.


October 28, 2022

Zodiac signs that hate each other. Scorpio and Libra.

Libra makes a lot of efforts to make their life harmonious and balanced - this is their zodiac nature. These people shy away from everything that can cause aggression, and they are used to resolving emerging conflicts as gently as possible. Scorpios exist on the principle of "an eye for an eye." This position of Libra is repulsive. But the “stingers” consider Libra to be spineless people who cannot stand up for themselves. Scorpions automatically throw airborne individuals into a group of weaklings who do not deserve respect.


October 28, 2022

Secret weaknesses. Aquarius.

The biggest weakness of Aquarius is that he sometimes ignores and overlooks the people he loves. He doesn't do it on purpose, but tends to prioritize in favor of working on everything else in his life. To overcome this weakness, Aquarius must plan his schedule so that he is not overwhelmed with work alone. Aquarius needs to be sure to remind their loved ones that he cares.


October 28, 2022

Daily horoscope October 28th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will hardly do without minor misunderstandings, unfortunate coincidences and errors in calculations are also likely. Even the usual things can be more difficult than usual, and solving some issues will require serious efforts. But you will cope with everything, overcome difficulties. Aquarius♒️ You can make great progress, but you need to act fast. Do not waste time in vain, try not to be distracted by trifles and trifles. The ability to concentrate on the most important thing will be very useful to you today. Pisces♓️ Be careful at the beginning of the day. This is a rather difficult time, especially for those who are used to quickly achieving any goal they set. It is better not to rush, especially if you are busy with a serious matter. The impact of positive trends will gradually increase.


October 28, 2022

Daily horoscope October 28th.

Libra♎️ The beginning of the day will be favorable for communication. It will be easy to find a common language with very different people, quickly agree even with those with whom you did not get along before. Interesting proposals are likely, it is not excluded the beginning of cooperation, which will open up new professional prospects for you. Scorpio♏️ Act according to your intuition. Today you will have a chance to achieve long-term goals, to realize what you have planned before. It is possible that new acquaintances, whose views are very different from yours, will help in this. Communication with them will allow you to take a fresh look at what seemed familiar. Sagittarius♐️ Do not rush anywhere and be persistent. Today you can succeed in many things if you act consistently. The ability to get along with people will come in handy, quickly find an approach to new acquaintances. Your diplomatic talents will help put an end to protracted conflicts and leave grievances in the past.


October 28, 2022

Daily horoscope October 28th.

Cancer♋️ The day will be interesting and fruitful, suitable for already familiar things, and for completely new ones. Even very difficult tasks will not confuse you, you will definitely find a way to achieve your goal. Successful transactions and cash receipts are possible, including from new sources. Leo♌️ There may be more worries than you expected. It is possible that you will have to postpone planned activities in order to focus on solving unexpected problems. But in general, the day will turn out well, and you will surely cope with the difficulties. Old allies and new acquaintances with whom you will soon make friends will help in this. Virgo♍️ Staying calm today will be harder than usual. You can be nervous about trifles, succumb to provocations, worry about things that you cannot influence. Only by tuning in a positive way, you will see the opportunities that this day opens up and find a reason to take advantage of them.


October 28, 2022

Daily horoscope October 28th.

Aries♈️ The day will be quite hectic. Most likely, you will have to do several things at once, and it will not always be really interesting. It is worth being careful with money, because unfortunate losses, unsuccessful transactions and purchases are likely. Otherwise, the influence of positive trends will prevail. Taurus♉️ The day will not be without difficulties and worries, but you will cope with everything and achieve even more than you expected. It is undesirable to do several things at once: this can lead to confusion and errors. Better to focus on one thing. Business negotiations will go well, you will quickly be able to find the right tone. Gemini♊️ The day will be bright and interesting, full of unusual inspiring events. There will be an opportunity to discuss important issues with people whose experience and knowledge have helped you more than once. Once again, you will receive great advice, as well as real help if you need it. Potential job offers. Do not rush to answer, especially if you are dealing with unfamiliar people. It is important to collect more information.


October 28, 2022

What does the love of arguing with a woman say about a man?

We are not talking about petty domestic disputes, but about the constant desire to prove one's case. At the level of basic human instincts, this means that a man enters into competition with a woman, with whom, in theory, he should not have competition, because this is a different sex. Many psychologists even notice that this type of men are latent homosexuals, and a woman is perceived as a rival. No matter what anyone says, one thing is clear: men without complexes do not need to argue with a woman. Women cause them completely different desires.


October 28, 2022

How to surprise your husband in bed?

Girls, to hell with your morals when a family falls apart! You can cry as much as you like, complain to your friends, blame your husband. It just DOESN'T WORK! I will reveal to you the secret of a universal technique for maintaining passion in family relationships: Think about your nipples before your husband comes home! The female state is a feeling of one's own sexuality and charm. Thinking about your nipples, you will quickly become aroused: the pupils will dilate, the cheeks will turn pink. That is, your body will release into the bloodstream a stormy cocktail of neurotransmitters (dopamine, oxytocin, testosterone) responsible for your attractiveness. In a man, your feminine state will include the instincts of courtship and reproduction. And the most difficult task: not to surrender to a partner right away! Otherwise, you will simply satisfy his testosterone (sexual) surge without anticipation of pleasure. Distance: "Honey, let's not now!". He will immediately have a grasping reflex: "Mine, I will not give it to anyone!" And that's it, love chemistry works! Just? Quite to yourself! But not boring and trite!


October 28, 2022