Daily horoscope October 29th.

Aries♈️ The day will be favorable for purchases, including large ones. When it comes to money, you will not rush and will not let anyone confuse you, you will make the right decision. Trips will turn out well, including those that were decided at the last moment. Taurus♉️ Suddenly, it will be easy to get along with people with whom you did not find a common language before. It doesn't matter if you talk about business or discuss personal matters. It turns out that you can be useful to each other in some way; this will start a long-term collaboration or a romantic story. Gemini♊️ The start of the day will make you nervous. Unfortunate coincidences, incidents that confuse your plans are possible at this time. It is possible that some important things for you will have to be postponed in order to focus on solving other people's problems. But serious difficulties because of this will not arise. If you do not waste time in vain, then everything will be in time.


October 29, 2022


Can emergency contraceptive pills lose their effectiveness if taken frequently. No, they will always work and the risk of an unplanned pregnancy remains negligible. But such pills cannot be used as permanent contraception, as they can provoke a severe hormonal failure.


October 28, 2022

Include glutathione or adenosine/cysteine ​​in your diet.

Glutathione is a substance that is actively involved in all key stages of detoxification in the liver. At high loads (with a large amount of toxins), its consumption is greater, respectively, regular replenishment with the help of products containing it is important. Also important are foods containing sulfur, the amino acids adenosine and cysteine ​​- substances from which the liver synthesizes glutathione. These include: onions, garlic, broccoli and all cruciferous, avocados, almonds, asparagus, potatoes, peppers, carrots, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches, bananas and melons. Glutathione and NAC (sulfur) in the synthesized form are relevant if the level of intoxication is high, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. They quickly and fully help the liver cope with toxins.


October 28, 2022

Take up yoga.

Plow yoga exercise or Halasana - many years of research on this asana found that with regular use, the blood flow in the liver changes, it is better cleansed. Blood circulation to and from the liver is improved, which leads to good cell regeneration and oxygen supply. This is a pose when we gently throw our legs over our heads. For its implementation, training and supervision of a specialist is required. It is good to spend in it from 1-3 minutes, bring it up to 5 minutes a day, but take into account the possible load on the neck.


October 28, 2022

Include cloves in your diet.

Cloves - a spice that is known to everyone, has a restorative effect on the liver. It balances the work of the liver, restores cells and starts regeneration. Clove buds contain the active compound eugenol, which is important for liver health. The use of cloves in powder, buds or capsules restores the liver as part of a general therapy for serious diseases and reduces the effects of oxidative stress. A single use is half a teaspoon per glass of water or 3 buds. Longer use has its own characteristics.


October 28, 2022

Milk thistle for the liver.

Milk thistle (lat. Sílybum marianum) or "holy thistle" is the liver's best friend. No more effective hepatoprotective agent has been invented yet than milk thistle milk or shot. It is used for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, with severe intoxication of the body. It helps liver cells (hepatocytes) to recover due to the contained substance - silymarin. Milk thistle not only restores liver cells, it also helps in digestion, stimulating the digestive tract, has a pronounced choleretic effect and protects against infections and toxic effects.


October 28, 2022

Drinking regimen is also very important for the liver.

The optimal drinking regime is clean warm or hot water in a larger volume than usual, fresh vegetable or green juices. The most useful for the liver are spinach, parsley, cucumber, pumpkin, carrots, beets in small quantities. You can dilute juices 50/50 with water. This will increase the volume of circulating blood, dilute toxins and get additional vitamins and minerals.


October 28, 2022

Fasting days for liver health.

The easiest and most affordable way is to reduce the load to a minimum. For one day, leave only light food in the diet: fresh salads, vegetables, berries, fruits. You can spend the day on herbal tea or water. Your liver will thank you. During this time, she will restore her cells, get rid of some of the toxins, purify the blood and develop many substances that are important for digestion and the quality of the blood.


October 28, 2022

A little about such an important organ as the liver.

The liver is the body's internal chemical laboratory. It neutralizes toxins that enter our body with food, absorbed through the skin and inhaled from the air. Liver health is the key to a long and active life. After all, it neutralizes the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and unfavorable ecology. But even if the state of liver health leaves much to be desired, timely measures taken will help it recover.


October 28, 2022

Ejaculation doesn't always equal orgasm.

It has always been believed that orgasm is achieved by a man only during ejaculation, that is, during ejaculation. In this, men are not too lucky: they will not be able to imitate pleasure. But not so long ago, scientists have identified another type of orgasm - "pre-ejaculatory", preceding the actual ejection of sperm. It turns out that about 20% of men feel the peak of pleasure a little earlier than ejaculation occurs - in about 20-30 seconds. But the "volcanic eruption" itself is not so bright. Therefore, these 20% of male representatives can easily carry out "interrupted" sexual intercourse (as a method of protection), without compromising their pleasure. Although 80% of men still experience orgasm exclusively during ejaculation and semen release.


October 28, 2022

How to improve your sex life in 6 minutes? Continuation.

In addition to the 6-minute rule, the study also confirmed what many of us already know: Couples who "warmed up" each other for at least 10 minutes before intercourse stated that the sex was very good and satisfying for both partners. Thus, the study proves that even a small change can significantly improve the quality of sex. If you spend as much time as possible on caresses, then your sex life will only benefit from it. Foreplay may take longer, and hugs and kisses should not be neglected.


October 28, 2022

How to improve your sex life in 6 minutes?

The 6 Minute Rule says you only need 6 minutes to significantly improve your love life. It sounds too good to be true, but in fact this simple rule has a noticeable effect on the quality of sex, especially for women. In a study of 1,500 Canadians, condom maker Trojan found that 6 minutes AFTER sex is like icing on a cake. 71 percent of the women surveyed said they perceived sex as "very satisfying" if their partner spent at least 6 minutes after intercourse for caresses. For comparison, only 44% rated sex as good if caresses after it were shorter or absent.


October 28, 2022

Intimacy on the washing machine.

You've probably heard that making love on a spinning washing machine is a special experience. Now it's time to check if this is really the case. Everything you need for this experiment is probably in any apartment, so it's up to you.


October 28, 2022

"Hot spot"

There are many nerve endings in the sacrum, the stimulation of which contributes to active blood circulation in the pelvic organs: 1. A man lies on his stomach so that the penis does not interfere with him. 2. The girl begins to massage the coccygeal section with her hand, first clockwise and then against.


October 28, 2022

Know yourself and awaken.

Orgasm occurs only when the awakened erogenous zone is stimulated. Unawakened zones give a very weak signal - therefore it is logical that you will get an orgasm either after a very long time, or not at all. But desire does not arise by itself - only as a result of active actions. Therefore, you have to learn how to find your own erogenous zones and awaken them.


October 28, 2022

Vivid feminine sensations.

During orgasm, the muscles of the vagina pulsate, and this gives a pleasant sensation. Moreover, the stronger the muscles, the more powerful the pulsation will be. To develop the vaginal muscles, do Kegel exercises. They need to be done daily - in the morning and in the evening. Just rhythmically squeeze the muscles of the vagina 10-20 times in a row.


October 28, 2022

Sex on webcam.

Have sex in front of a webcam by arranging a broadcast on one of the specialized online services. Yes, such a step is not easy to decide, but it can make you look at each other in an unusual situation, from a completely different perspective. To remain incognito, use masks that cover your face.


October 28, 2022

Sex facts you didn't know.

1. You are getting smarter. Regular sexual activity not only promotes the formation of new cells in the brain, but also improves cognitive abilities - that is, you think faster and better. 2. During sex, your memory improves. Sex increases the number of cells in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for long-term memory. 3. Sex helps fight depression. Orgasm accompanies the production of neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which is responsible in our body for pleasure and happiness.


October 28, 2022

Signs of emotional instability in men.

Due to low self-esteem, he sees life in gray and black colors. An emotionally unstable man, of course, can experience positive emotions, but quickly catches on and begins to look for negative moments in what happened. He approached the relationship with you, having a negative experience of novels. One of the main signs of an unstable weak-willed man is his enchanting ability to find relationships where he will play the role of an interior element. He has habits that make you anxious. For example, overeating or a tendency to wash down all your problems with a glass of something stronger. Only in this way will his condition return to calm and comfortable. With an emotionally unstable man, you will get tired of his constant mood swings. It's like walking through a minefield, each time risking blown up and incurring negativity from your partner.


October 28, 2022

What is a healthy relationship?

You mutually love each other and this love grows stronger over time. And this means: • You didn't go into a relationship to attach a man like a plantain to your pain. You closed this pain first. • You feel that you are together, there is no feeling of loneliness. • There are no manipulations, the couple is sincere and open to each other. • Your partner does not forbid you anything, does not infringe, and you have no desire to control and forbid. • There are no insults in quarrels, no criticism and depreciation. • There are common goals and plans. There is support, a desire to help and care. And such relationships begin easily, and the dynamics of their development is quite fast and stable. There is no such thing that a man disappears, then appears. Healthy relationships give joy, a sense of security. Sometimes there are storms. But they endure and only get stronger.


October 28, 2022