October 31 daily horoscope.

Capricorn♑️ Try to be more visible, do not hesitate to draw attention to yourself. Today you can talk about your victories and achievements without false modesty: it will be really interesting for others to listen to you. A casual acquaintance can start a long friendship or a beautiful romantic story. Aquarius♒️ The day will be very fruitful. With determination and perseverance, you will achieve what you have been striving for for a long time, and even more. Successful coincidences are likely, as well as news that will give you interesting ideas, help you find answers to some serious questions. The knowledge gained today will be useful to you more than once. Pisces♓️ The day will be quite hectic, but very interesting. The events that it will bring will help you take a fresh look at familiar things, see opportunities that previously went unnoticed. The experience gained today will come in handy in your work more than once. Some Pisces thanks to him will prevail over longtime rivals.


October 31, 2022

October 31 daily horoscope.

Libra♎️ Don't get hung up on the little things. It will not be so easy: things may seem important that you simply would not pay attention to at other times. It is worth listening to the advice of people who know you well. Thanks to them, you will not waste too much time on trifles. Scorpio♏️ Getting along with others can be more difficult than usual. Sometimes it will seem that they are specifically testing your patience, trying to unbalance you. Try not to succumb to provocations. If you control your emotions, do not get excited, then many issues can be calmly discussed and resolved. Sagittarius♐️ The day is suitable for solving work issues. It will be easy for you to get along with colleagues and management, find a common language with business partners. If you act right now, you will soon receive offers promising rapid career growth.


October 31, 2022

October 31 daily horoscope.

Cancer♋️ Today you will be especially pleased to do useful things, so that the day will be very fruitful. You will have time not only to achieve your own goals, but also to help those who find themselves in a difficult situation. Both business and personal relationships will develop harmoniously. You will get along even with those with whom you did not find a common language before. Leo♌️ Great day to chat. Pleasant acquaintances are likely, meetings with people who will soon become your reliable allies or true friends. You will easily get along even with those who are not at all like you. Disagreements that have upset you lately will remain in the past. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable for work, especially important and difficult. No matter what happens, you will remain calm. This is what will allow you to avoid mistakes, to cope with what turned out to be beyond the power of others. Habitual work will require more patience than usual.


October 31, 2022

October 31 daily horoscope.

Aries♈️ Today you will be more sensitive, impressionable and vulnerable than usual. Even the innocent jokes of others can seem offensive and spoil the mood for a while. Business relations will develop more tensely than usual: it may seem that you are not being criticized, underestimated, or suspected of something. Do not rush to conclusions. Soon everything will clear up and it will turn out that the situation is not so bad. Taurus♉️ The day is unlikely to be without difficulties, but you will quickly solve any problems that may arise. This will certainly help the experience gained in the past. Thanks to him, you will find the shortest path to the goal, do not make mistakes. This will be especially noticeable in the business sector - here you will be able to leave your rivals far behind. Gemini♊️ Tune in a peaceful way and try to avoid empty disputes. This is one of those rare days when it can be difficult for you to get along with even those closest to you. You will not always be understood correctly, so be prepared to explain what seems obvious over and over again.


October 31, 2022

Italian farmers attached two pairs of wheels to the tractor, which raise it higher.

This is done so as not to damage the high yield when towing a sprinkler - in fact, an artificial substitute for rain.


October 30, 2022

The iPhone 15 Pro may come out without mechanical buttons at all.

Well-known insider Ming-Chi Kuo said that Apple plans to ditch the volume and lock buttons. Instead, there will be tactile buttons with vibration from the Taptic Engine, which will simulate the feeling of pressing. This assumption is based on Apple's increased interest in Taptic Engine suppliers.


October 30, 2022

A river almost 500 kilometers long was found under the ice of Antarctica.

British scientists have found a large ice-covered river 460 kilometers long in the west of Antarctica. In terms of the length and volume of transported water, it is comparable to the Thames. The discovered river accelerates the melting of the southern ice cap - because of it, glaciers slide into the ocean faster. In the near future, climatologists will study other parts of the continent in order to accurately determine the contribution of under-ice rivers to the destruction of glaciers. The accelerated melting of the ice of Antarctica will affect the polar regions of the planet and mountain glaciers. Already, these areas are 4-9°C warmer than in past centuries.


October 30, 2022

Tactility is the most powerful method of anchoring.

It is best to use it when a man is at the peak of positive emotions with you. For example: shake a man's wrist or pat his shoulder while laughing. If you repeat a similar gesture 10-20 times, then in a conflict situation a man will become softer from his repetition.


October 30, 2022

To accept or to change ?

One of the valuable skills that help us overcome even the most difficult challenges is the ability to let things we have no control over happen. If we live in harmony with ourselves and with the world, nothing bad will happen to us, which means that what cannot be influenced can be trusted to the universe. However, this skill has the unpleasant side - the temptation to always go with the flow, relieving ourselves of all responsibility. By relieving ourselves of responsibility for something little, the universe will make us responsible for something big. "If you don't want to carry one bag, than carry two..." - this is one of the many simple laws of the universe that stimulates our development... Therefore, it is important to learn to distinguish between accepting the inevitable and what we must change.


October 30, 2022

A $30 and a $3,000 watch both tell the same time.

Steve Jobs is the iconic figure of our time. Despite the fact that Apple went to the top of the world in many respects, he always remained a simple and even ascetic man. Recently, his last message, which he left in his hospital room, was made public. These words touch the most delicate strings of the soul. "One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost — life. I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death... Treasure your family LOVE, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbors."


October 30, 2022

Healing through silence.

Studies conducted by scientists to examine the effects of silence on human health have led to some interesting conclusions: Silence not only has a beneficial effect on the brain, creating conditions for the regeneration of its cells, but also contributes to the emergence of new neural connections, which has a positive effect on memory, emotions and attention. Even with constant noise overload during the working week, just 1-2 days spent in silence allow the brain to replenish hormone resources, strengthen immunity, and restore normal blood vessel tone.


October 30, 2022

Horoscope for November. Cancer.

Horoscope for November. Zodiac sign Cancer. In early November, good ideas regarding work and business may appear. Some Cancerians will find an unexpected way to increase their income or make deals that will bring in significant profits. This time will be successful in terms of business relations. Possibly useful contacts. There will be a chance to make a good impression on people who can help in the implementation of your plans. However, keep in mind: their support will not be disinterested. Later, favorable days will come for informal communication, new acquaintances. Meetings are likely that will play an important role in your life. Relationships can begin that will develop rapidly, give a lot of vivid emotions. Listen to your intuition: it will help you find an approach to the heart of the person you like. The last days of November will be restless, but very fruitful. They are well suited for sharing ideas, discussing plans, and looking for like-minded people. There will be an opportunity to take part in some interesting events, to express yourself. This time will be favorable for study, creativity, public speaking. Your words and actions will attract more attention than usual, but this will not make you nervous.


October 30, 2022

Horoscope for November. Gemini.

The beginning of November will be hectic. At this time, it will be difficult to maintain balance, not all representatives of the sign will be able to avoid empty fuss. This period will be especially difficult for those who are engaged in creative work: it will be difficult to concentrate on it, doubts may arise about the correctness of the choice made. A lot will depend on your environment. Try to spend more time with people who support and inspire you. Will please the middle of the month. This is the time for unusual ideas. You will want to implement them as soon as possible, and you will have such an opportunity. However, you should not give up the things that you did before for the sake of this. Try to finish them, make sure you don't miss anything. If this is not done, difficulties may arise later. In the last days of November, try to be more careful. This time is definitely not suitable for making dubious deals, participating in some kind of risky ventures. Try not to succumb to fleeting impulses, remember your most important goals. Find the strength in yourself to resist temptations, do not risk what is dear to you.


October 30, 2022

Horoscope for November. Taurus.

The first days of November are hardly without difficulties. But the problems that arose at this time, you will solve quickly. Here, what you learned a long time ago will be very useful. Your knowledge will be useful to others. People who previously underestimated you, doubted your knowledge and experience, will change their minds. The influence of positive trends will quickly gain momentum. Most of November will be good for you. The month is suitable for taking on some large-scale and long-term projects. You will cope with everything that you have in mind, do not quit what you started halfway. Reliable people will be around. It is not excluded the beginning of cooperation, which over time will develop into true friendship. You will look at many things differently, you will understand what seemed complicated, confusing. For many Taurus, the second half of November will be associated with a way out of an impasse, a successful resolution of a situation that seemed hopeless. Successful trips are likely. This will also be a good time to move.


October 30, 2022

Horoscope for November. Aries.

The beginning of November can be upsetting. At this time, it will be difficult to stick to old plans: you will have to improvise, come up with something new. Some Aries will realize that they harbored false hopes, were deceived or entangled in their own illusions. It will take some time to properly assess the situation, to see not only the difficulties that have arisen, but also the opportunities that you have. The influence of positive trends will increase, and the middle of the month will be more successful for you. She will be good for work. Progress is possible in a matter that has been given a lot of effort. The decisions made at this time will turn out to be the right ones: thanks to them, your life will become much easier. Changes for the better are also likely in the sphere of personal relationships. Family disagreements will remain in the past, it will become much easier to get along with your loved one. The last days of November will not disappoint either. They are suitable for purchases and transactions, solving financial issues. Possible cash receipts, a noticeable increase in income.


October 30, 2022

8 ambitious signs of the zodiac. Aries.

Aries dreams of becoming so rich that he does not depend on others. This sign tends to take risks in order to achieve everything at once. Monotonous, painstaking work, caution is not for him. Aries lives by the principle: "Who does not risk, he does not drink champagne", and often achieves the favor of fortune.


October 30, 2022

Five of the friendliest signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius.

The ruling planet of the Sagittarius sign - Jupiter - is responsible, among other things, for knowledge and social activity. Sagittarius is drawn to an environment where you can show yourself, chat and show off your mind. This sign is also associated with travel - Sagittarius likes adventure, he seeks to expand his horizons. Among the pronounced Sagittarius, there are often mentors and influential people. They are generous, friendly, active and easy-going. Another aspect of Sagittarius is a party-goer who loves parties and holidays. In such an environment, Sagittarius' attractive optimism, his cheerful disposition and easy attitude to the pleasures that he likes to share with others come to the fore.


October 30, 2022

The ugliest girls. 2nd place - Pisces.

Second place goes to Pisces - born bitches. The very case when Pisces does not need to do anything in order to be a bitch - the Dear Universe made her such in advance. True, Pisces are able to masterfully pretend to be harmless fry, but for a long time they, as a rule, are not enough (despite the fact that they, in fact, are also born actresses). On the other hand, the absolutely natural bitchiness somehow does not even raise unnecessary questions: well, a person cannot stop breathing, for example, and Pisces cannot but turn on the bitch. Well now, not to love her, or what? So the victims of the “fishy” bitchiness eventually learn to look at it philosophically: as they say, “this too shall pass.” Well, if you survive.


October 30, 2022

Daily horoscope October 30th.

Capricorn♑️ The first half of the day can be difficult. For many Capricorns, this time will bring misunderstandings, tense moments in communication with loved ones, and cause for concern. Some will have to change plans due to unfortunate coincidences or other people's mistakes. But soon the situation will begin to change for the better. The second half of the day will be especially favorable for communication. Aquarius♒️ The day will be successful, interesting and fruitful. It is well suited to take on something new. Even in difficult cases, you will quickly achieve the first successes. There will be people nearby who are ready to share their experience, tell you how best to act. Pisces♓️ The day is unlikely to bring reasons for worries and excitement. You will be able to focus on things that you have planned to do for a long time, complete what was started before. Successful coincidences, unexpected good news, some pleasant events are likely. All this will inspire you, give you the energy you need to move forward.


October 30, 2022

Daily horoscope October 30th.

Libra♎️ Set high goals for yourself. Today you can achieve a lot if you do not waste time on arguments, meaningless conversations, small things that are easy to put off until later. Most likely, it will not be possible to act according to the plan, it will be necessary to improvise, come up with something new. Scorpio♏️ Try not to talk too much. This is definitely not the day when you can share unverified information, discuss other people's affairs or issues about which you know little. You should not make important decisions related to work, business, finances. It is easy to make a mistake here, to lose sight of something. Sagittarius♐️ You will not want to waste time in vain, you will do a lot of useful things not only for yourself, but also for others. Your ideas will appeal to both old acquaintances and those with whom you first met recently. You can immediately begin to implement your plan: the circumstances are going well, there are people nearby who are ready to help.


October 30, 2022