Female movements during sex.

Imagine how you smoothly move your whole body. You then spread the excitement throughout your body and intensify the pleasure. If you move your upper body and head, it contributes to the pleasure during sex. If you make circular movements during penetration, you are massaging the vagina. And in this case, sexual arousal can also spread faster throughout the body. The pelvic movements are also very important. They increase blood flow to the genitals and increase arousal.


November 3, 2022

Female movements during sex.

If you move during sex, your sex organs will be better supplied with blood. Therefore, the sensations will be brighter and more pleasant. You may feel much better during intercourse and your vagina will be more moist. The movement of the pelvis also helps relieve pain if it occurs during sex.


November 3, 2022

Kiss with tongue.

Here is another interesting tongue kissing technique: • Gently move your tongue into your partner's mouth and greet him with the tip of your tongue. • Gently but firmly press his lips. You can gently chew and suck them - but do not bite! • Move your tongue over the tip of your partner's tongue in a teasing motion—quickly and gently. • Change the degree of pressure: from strong and fast to soft and slow. • Play with your tongue and respond to your partner's tongue movements. Funny tongue teasers will be to your liking!


November 3, 2022

Kiss with tongue.

This is a very intimate kiss. You close your eyes, your lips almost touching. Hold this moment until it becomes unbearable. Your lips touch each other so softly that it tickles a little. Open your mouth slowly, the tongue does not move yet. After a while, gently lift it up and slowly connect it to your partner's tongue. Connect the whole body to the passionate game - wrap your hands around your partner's face or stroke his neck. Whisper something sweet to him in between. Turn off your mind and let yourself enjoy the kiss.


November 3, 2022

Orgasm simulation - why?

3. Not in the mood. Sometimes women are not at all in the mood for sex, but they still agree to please their partner. In this case, it is difficult for them to achieve orgasm, since getting it largely depends on mood and concentration. And in order not to spoil the impression of sex, they depict pleasure. Benefit: Many women claim to enhance their own sense of pleasure through orgasm play. And, thus, increase the likelihood that it will actually come. 4. To end sex. Sometimes sex takes too long, because a man is trying in every possible way to bring his partner to the peak. But this is not always possible, especially when a woman is experiencing stress. She prefers to fake an orgasm to end useless activities.


November 3, 2022

Orgasm simulation - why?

1. Make him happy. Women want their lover to be just happy, and to have a pleasant feeling that the partner has reached a climax. This is probably the most typical reason for faking an orgasm. 2. Good old ego. When a man thinks that he is not able to satisfy a woman, his opinion about his abilities does not change for the better. Therefore, a woman is ready to pretend, so as not to offend her partner and not cause doubts. In this way, she flatters his ego and maintains his self-esteem.


November 3, 2022

Interesting facts about sex.

Sex reduces stress and blood pressure - the hormones released really help improve mood and normalize blood pressure. This applies to both men and women. Improving the immune system is just one of the many effects that sex can have on the body. Sex improves sleep. A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that sex has a positive effect on sleep and helps the body get better rest during the night. Sex burns up to 5 calories per minute, which is 4 times more than sitting on the couch and watching a movie. Sex enhances libido. Women are generally less interested in sex, and the easiest way to stimulate interest in it is through sex itself. Sex improves long-term relationships. A study published in the journal Psychological Science found that couples who have sex twice a week have more positive and trusting relationships.


November 3, 2022

Why is a person dependent on the opinions of others?

Fear of being rejected. Perfectionism, when a person believes that they can be prevented from doing something in the best way. High expectations from others. As you can see, when people become dependent on the opinions of others, they are always afraid of something, thinking that this way they will keep their safety. In fact, the opposite


November 3, 2022

Learn to say "NO"

This problem is found in many women with low self-esteem. The inability to refuse plays a cruel joke on you and provokes the process of self-flagellation. To prevent this from happening, you should overpower yourself and learn to say “no” if this or that action makes you uncomfortable. For self-esteem, it is important that you do not burden yourself with other people's tasks, regardless of whether they are related to work, friends or family.


November 3, 2022

If a man does not aspire to anything?

Are you tired of motivating, and he keeps saying “it’s okay”? A man may refuse development for two reasons: 1. For him, success and achievements have no value, he prefers idleness and peace. To motivate is like teaching a stone to fly. This can be seen in his priorities, in the way he spends his free time. 2. For him, development is something else. For example, you dream of an apartment with a mortgage, and he travels around the world for six months. That is, you do not want to motivate him, but to remake him. But he has his own vision of success. What to do with them? Leave the first one on the couch and test the theory, will he learn to be independent if he has nothing to eat? And the second one needs to be strongly loved and not redone, because if you redo it, you will make him unhappy. Is this love?


November 3, 2022

About the inner child.

While we are fussing and worrying a lot, solving various adult life problems, the little child inside us waits for us to pay attention to him. And if this doesn't happen, he begins to seek encouragement and praise from other people. This manifests itself when an adult is trying to please everyone, to be good, when he or she becomes dependent on other people's opinions. I should be "bad" or "good". And hence lives someone else's life. In case we give our inner child love and attention every day as a caring parent, we don't need external evaluation, we don't fall into dependent relationships, we can listen to ourselves and move on the road to destiny, easily overcoming any challenges and living our OWN life.


November 3, 2022

How to overcome delayed life syndrome?

You have to work on it. Determine if it is your own desire/goal/dream or you've just succumbed to other people's opinions. Think less and do more. Never berate but praise yourself for the pleasures of the here and now as often as possible, since these pleasures are actually your emotions. Plan and implement new activities that bring new emotions (entertainment, hobbies, spontaneous trips). DON'T postpone the pleasure of LIVING!


November 3, 2022

What does each conscious breath do to us?

Massages the abdominal organs with the movement of the diaphragm. At this point, information is exchanged between the environment and the immune system. Informs your nervous system which organ to activate or suppress. Through the brainstem, it connects to your every thought and emotion. Affects your blood pressure and the degree of vasodilation/constriction. Determines the quality of your thoughts, attention and actions. Affects every beat of your heart. Sets the pace at which anxiety changes to calm and vice versa. Determines the level of metabolism in mitochondria. Helps to move and not stagnate the substance of the brain and cerebrospinal fluid. Affects the pH level of blood and tissues. Regulates the level of inflammation in the body. Opens the way to return to your center. Promotes self-expression and a thirst for activity.


November 3, 2022

Breath. New facts.

“I think people ignore the work with the breath, because it is already given to them, it would seem, simply and for free. Why pay for something that costs nothing,” says James Nestor, author of Breathing: New Facts on Lost Art. According to Dan Brule, a pioneer of the Spiritual Breathing movement, even just reading Shakespeare's sonnets is therapeutic. “Reciting certain verses and prayers slows your breathing to about four to eight breaths per minute, which lowers blood pressure and cortisol levels,” Brule says.


November 3, 2022

Let's talk about breathing.

The world's leading universities - Stanford, Harvard, Johns Hopkins - conduct clinical studies of breathing and real data confirm truths known for centuries: the way we breathe has a profound effect on our mental and physical health and abilities. Biohackers necessarily include breathing in the program for prolonging active life and youth. However, people who are far from biohacking do not always understand why learning to breathe.


November 3, 2022

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

Mass - a period of time aimed at a rapid increase in muscle volume and strength, due to training, subject to an excess of kcal. Properly selected nutrition will allow girls to gain muscle mass, not fat. What is needed for this? - creating a moderate excess of kcal - up to 500 kcal per day, weight gain of about 300 grams per week, - consumption of 1.5-2 g of protein per kg of 1 weight, - exclusion of empty kcal in the form of fast carbohydrates, - post-workout nutrition: proteins and carbohydrates together for 40 minutes after exercise, - fats - 10-20%, proteins - 20-30%, complex carbohydrates - 50-60%. Do not confuse excess weight with excess muscle mass when a person just needs to lose weight. Dieting and drying are fundamentally different processes, without a sufficient amount of muscle, drying is not suitable for you.


November 3, 2022

Programs for muscle growth.

Having correctly assessed your body type, you can already begin to draw up a program for muscle growth. A skinny girl needs to work with heavy weights with fewer reps. High repetitions from 15 repetitions, on the contrary, will give endurance to your muscles and reduce volume. - Workouts should include basic multi-joint exercises (deadlift, squat, leg press, lunges, etc.) - Training 3-4 times a week (for example, Monday, Tuesday down/up, Wednesday - rest, Thursday, Friday down/up, Saturday and Sunday - rest) - We train every other day with 3 days of training and 2 days of rest. - From 6 to 12 repetitions with working weights in 4 sets. - The duration of the training is up to 1 hour.


November 3, 2022

Genetics and body type when gaining muscle mass.

What types of muscle fibers will prevail in a particular person, as well as the ratio of testosterone to estrogen, and where the body stores body fat, is genetically determined. And these factors are also influenced by body type. Ectomorphs have a thin skeleton with a minimum of fat and muscle, they are the hardest to gain muscle mass. Mesomorphs gain muscle mass faster as they tend to be muscular, but endomorphs will have to work hard to lose fat before they see the desired relief.


November 3, 2022

Rules for gaining muscle mass for women.

How to properly gain muscle mass, so as not to go into bodybuilding, but at the same time, so that a sexy relief appears. Most women, coming to the gym, experience the biggest fear is not to swing. Since the female body does not react to strength training as much as the male body, it is almost impossible to pump over, this is due to low testosterone levels.


November 3, 2022

French startup Kilow showed a prototype off-road electric car La Bagnole.

The car weighs only 283 kg, has a rear-wheel drive, a steel chassis and a double wishbone suspension, and it takes no more than a couple of hours to fully charge it from a conventional outlet. The creators themselves position the car as a toy for adults - it even comes in a stylized box. In Europe, you can drive an electric car in the basic configuration without a license, since the maximum speed does not exceed 45 km/h. For a more powerful version that develops 80 km / h, rights are already needed. In the first case, the power reserve is up to 70 km, in the second - up to 140 km. The guys plan to start selling in early 2023. Price - from 9990 euros.


November 3, 2022