"Smart" billboard.

Carlsberg breaks into the Asian market: the company installed a “smart” billboard in Vietnam, which pours free foam for the normal pronunciation of the brand. The billboard is powered by AI, into the database of which several hundred “correct” records have been uploaded.


November 5, 2022

A professional chess player can burn up to 560 calories in a two hour game.

This is almost the same as what you would spend running 8 km. Where did the data come from: at one of the chess festivals, the organizers connected devices to Russian grandmaster Mikhail Antipov that measured the player’s heart rate and breathing rate. So they found out that it was exactly so many calories that he burned in a couple of hours of the game. No wonder chess players are called athletes. And it seems that soon they will overtake footballers in popularity.


November 5, 2022

The most unapproachable woman. 9th place - Scorpio.

Unexpected turn! For some reason, everyone believes that conquering a Scorpio young lady is an incredibly difficult task, but in fact it is done elementarily. The principle of action is familiar to any man from early childhood: you go to the Emerald City, you find Goodwin there and ask him for brains, heart and courage. Courage is needed in order to be able to get close to Scorpio at all, brains - so that she doesn’t immediately hit you with her tail, and then she will fry your heart and eat it with a good Chianti.


November 5, 2022

Top 6 optimists by zodiac sign. Leo.

Astrologers say that Leos take life lightly and are always in high spirits. This is due to the fact that Leo is ruled by the fifth astrological house - the house of love, creativity and entertainment. Leo is a bright sun whose calling is to warm those around him with his warmth and light. As soon as Leo understands what his destiny is, he immediately becomes more confident in himself. Feeling their importance and indispensability, the representatives of this sign are capable of much: they do good deeds, do not skimp on grand gestures and generous deeds, moreover, the more they give, the more they receive, and the happier they become.


November 5, 2022

Five of the most generous men. Libra.

Libra men - in astrology, the sign of Libra is often characterized by the desire for partnership. Therefore, relationships are where the Libra Man is most likely to show his generosity. Venus, patronizing Libra, gives some attachment to material wealth and sensual-aesthetic pleasures. So walking around theaters and exhibitions with visits to restaurants with a Libra Man can be very comfortable.


November 5, 2022

Zodiac signs that will never allow themselves to be manipulated. Virgo.

While some people invest in financial pyramid schemes and transfer money to scammers' cards, others see the slightest catch from afar. Astrologers believe that in many ways the art of recognizing deception and manipulation depends on the sign under which a person was born. We decided to talk about four representatives of the zodiac circle, which it is pointless to try to force to do something against their will. Astrologers say that by nature Virgos are born analysts. And even if you don’t notice it, they pay attention to your every word and record actions, even the smallest ones. Therefore, these guys can hardly be taken by surprise - they are always ready to repel an attack, even if the horizon is clear and cloudless. Before deciding on some action, they think ten times, calculate all the options, and only then do it. And be prepared for the fact that all your desires will be ruthlessly rejected if the Virgos consider them inappropriate or unprofitable for themselves.


November 5, 2022

Daily horoscope November 5th.

Capricorn♑️ The day may seem difficult. But the point here is not some serious problems, but the fact that today it will hardly be possible to act according to the plan. Be ready to improvise, make decisions on the go, act as your intuition tells you. Aquarius♒️ Do not give in to provocations. It will not be easy: today there may be people nearby who take pleasure in manipulating others, testing their patience. Consider whether it is worth sharing secrets or plans that are important to you. Unfortunately, there is a risk that instead of words of support, you will hear only rather offensive criticisms. Pisces♓️ Today you can do a lot. You can take on something important and difficult in the morning: you will surely achieve excellent results quickly. Help will be offered by people from whom you did not expect anything like this, for example, those with whom you were in a quarrel. Common deeds will bring you closer, help you leave grudges in the past.


November 5, 2022

Daily horoscope November 5th.

Libra♎️ The day is perfect for a difficult, serious conversation, a discussion of an issue that has been worrying you lately. You will find the right words and the right tone, do not offend even the most impressionable and vulnerable interlocutor. The day will also be auspicious for meeting a person whom you would like to make a good impression on. Scorpio♏️ Be careful. This is one of those days when it's very easy to wishful thinking, to get lost in your own fantasies. It is good if there is a person nearby who knows you well and is not afraid to point out mistakes or give advice. It is better not to rush into solving serious issues. Sagittarius♐️ Try to avoid controversy. Today it will not be so easy. Even people who previously supported you in everything can criticize your ideas, defend their own point of view, even forgetting about common sense. Stock up on patience. It will certainly come in handy when you have to explain what seems obvious several times.


November 5, 2022

Daily horoscope November 5th.

Cancer♋️ The day is hardly complete without minor misunderstandings. Try not to worry about them, because in general things will go very well. Cash receipts are likely, which will turn out to be very useful, as well as gifts and pleasant surprises. You can solve issues related to real estate, plan repairs, buy everything you need for it. Leo♌️ A day when it is especially important to listen to your intuition carefully. Her tips will be much more useful than the advice that others will give. You can go back to old plans, things that have been started for a long time. Today you will have a chance to do well what you could not do before. Virgo♍️ There will be many great ideas, there will be a chance to find answers to questions that you have thought about a lot. Today you will be especially observant, so you will surely notice something that has eluded others. Experience will help you avoid mistakes, quickly orient yourself in a new situation, find an approach to a person you met recently.


November 5, 2022

Daily horoscope November 5th.

Aries♈️ Take your time. The beginning of the day will hardly do without some minor difficulties, and it will not be easy to tune in to a more or less serious way at this time. Try to refrain from ambiguous jokes and critical remarks at least until noon: they may seem tactless and inappropriate to others. Taurus♉️ Whatever you plan for this day, try not to rush. Even if there is a lot to do, it is better to avoid fuss and not try to solve several tasks at once. This approach will allow you to avoid worries and worries, which today can have a particularly bad effect on your mood and well-being. Gemini♊️ Great productive day. If lately you have not gotten your hands on some boring but attention-demanding cases, today you will deal with them. You can clean up and get rid of unnecessary things, make lists of future purchases and plan a budget - all this will be easy. Trips will turn out well, especially those in which you go with a specific and well-understood goal.


November 5, 2022

The most unapproachable woman. 10th place - Virgo.

In order to conquer the Virgo, you do not need to do anything. Nothing at all. You just need to meet her requirements for a man. Yes, all three volumes of requirements, each as thick as a telephone directory. If you match, Virgo will do everything herself. If not, you will be sincerely and honestly cut off on the approach. But if you seem to match, but you are trying to add points to yourself by demonstrating the tricks of a kitchen macho, beware: even if Virgo doesn’t need you, she will cling to you. It will cling to it and won't let go until it has knocked all that extra nonsense out of your pretty head. The effect of treatment is lifelong. The result is not much different from a lobotomy.


November 5, 2022

Top 6 optimists by zodiac sign Aries.

Among the signs of the zodiac, there are those who are able to maintain a positive attitude longer than others. They deal with stress and anxiety faster, look at failure philosophically, and prefer not to spread negativity. Astrologers figured out which zodiac signs tend to look at the world with a smile. We will talk about the bright side of the listed signs. Whether it manifests itself in a person depends on him. Aries has a positive attitude when he does not forget about his own self. Yes, healthy selfishness is inherent in these guys and they are not shy about it, because this is the only way these guys can feel full and good. A typical Aries loves an active life, so athletes are often found among the representatives of this sign, because it is not in vain that they say that sports cheer up and help you feel better. Aries is quick-tempered, impulsive and does not like to think through their actions. But he is not at all afraid of mistakes and can quickly recover from failure.


November 5, 2022

Five of the most generous men. Sagittarius.

Sagittarius men are the wards of Jupiter, who, as astrologers say, “loves” everything to be good, and so that there is a lot of good. Sagittarius is somewhat similar to Leo - he also tends to patronize and patronize. Chic for the sake of chic is not in the habits of the Sagittarius Man - rationality is still important to him. But the natural optimism that is often attributed to Sagittarius, the ease of climbing and the desire to share with others pushes the limits for them in relation to material spending.


November 5, 2022

4 signs that will never be ready for responsibility. Pisces.

Helpless, weak, defenseless - you just want to cuddle and ask: are you lost? And Pisces will smile broadly, wave their cilia and imperceptibly shift their problems onto you. And you are happy to try - how can you leave the kids in trouble? And you don’t need to raise Neptune’s pets - it won’t help. And in general - Pisces were offended and hid from you at the bottom of the lake (water kids play hide and seek). Well, why are you grumbling at the guys from the zodiac four? Yes, they will never grow up and will not be able to make an important decision. But next to them it’s never boring at all, and they won’t pretend to be respectable uncles and aunts - this is green melancholy.


November 5, 2022

Your path.

We are not like that - life is like that, ”the conviction of weak people who are not masters of their lives. Successful people believe they can have whatever they want, and they get it. You will not find here ready-made solutions to achieve your goals. You won't find them anywhere. Therefore, do not look for ready-made answers and do not accumulate a bunch of information in the hope of finding that very innermost. Everywhere you will find only advice, but not the solution itself. No one will walk your path for you - this is your lot.


November 4, 2022

Daily horoscope November 4th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be tiring, but fruitful. It is suitable in order to complete the work begun a long time ago, to deal with minor problems that have accumulated lately. Most likely, you will have to act on your own, but it will be even easier. Aquarius♒️ Try to be especially delicate with loved ones: this is what will allow you to avoid many unpleasant moments, worries and worries. It is better not to plan any particularly difficult cases or tiring trips for today. Rest a little: you will immediately feel fresher and more energetic. Pisces♓️ A good day to meet people you would like to like. It will be easy to find a common language with them, to make a good impression. There will be a use for those of your talents that few people knew about before. Some Pisces will find a new source of income through their hobby.


November 4, 2022

Daily horoscope November 4th.

Libra♎️ It will be difficult to focus on one thing. Completely new tasks may appear, for the sake of which you will have to postpone what you planned before. In addition, there will be a temptation to simply postpone everything until later or entrust it to someone else. But the most important things should still be dealt with immediately and independently. Once you deal with them, you will immediately feel better. Scorpio♏️ It will not be easy to deal with emotions. The first half of the day will be especially tense: you can worry about trifles, seriously worry about what you would not have paid attention to at other times. Try not to overwork, avoid excessive loads. Fatigue can make you feel bad. Sagittarius♐️ The day is suitable for meeting new acquaintances, as well as communicating with people with whom you did not get along before. Intuition will tell you what is on the mind of others, it will not be difficult for you to find an approach even to those whom you did not understand at all before.


November 4, 2022

Daily horoscope November 4th.

Cancer♋️ The day will hardly be calm and cloudless. It is much more likely that he will bring new worries and tasks that require immediate solutions. Some Cancers will also have to interfere in other people's affairs, although representatives of the sign would definitely prefer to avoid this. However, others will be grateful for your help and support. Leo♌️ Auspicious day for communication. There will be an opportunity to calmly discuss matters with loved ones, to talk with people who can help in solving your problems. Pleasant acquaintances are likely. You will make a good impression on many, and with your ideas you will be able to interest even those who are usually skeptical. Virgo♍️ The day is perfect for starting a new business. You will quickly figure out how to achieve the desired result. You won’t have to put in much effort, because the stars will be on your side, thanks to their support, many things will come easy. Gifts are likely, as well as cash receipts from unexpected sources.


November 4, 2022

Daily horoscope November 4th.

Aries♈️ The day will be quite hectic. You will have to deal with several things at once, otherwise it will hardly be possible to manage everything that you have planned. Unexpectedly and urgently, help will be needed for those whom you simply cannot refuse. Appointments will have to be postponed in order to come to the rescue. Taurus♉️ The day starts off very well. It will take you just a few hours to cope with the accumulated cases, to find answers to questions that have caused a lot of controversy lately. Trips will turn out well, and it does not matter if they were planned earlier. There may be issues that need to be addressed immediately. You won't get confused, you'll be fine with them. Gemini♊️ In the morning it will become clear: today it is worth being more legible in communication and not saying too much. It is better to avoid contact with people who easily throw you off balance with critical remarks or unsolicited advice. The first half of the day is not suitable for discussing some serious issues, because there will be many disputes, and a good solution is unlikely to be found.


November 4, 2022

Female movements during sex.

Rocking the pelvis is one of the most important movements in sex. The pelvis moves back and forth, bringing the penis into and out of the vagina. The same applies, of course, to a hand, a dildo, or whatever. Moving the pelvis will help you increase sexual arousal during intercourse and bring it to orgasm. You can practice pelvic rocking while standing, lying down, sitting or kneeling. We recommend that you inhale and exhale deeply during sex: deep breathing has a positive effect on the strength of sensations and helps you focus on the process.


November 3, 2022