Daily horoscope November 7th.

Cancer♋️ It will not be easy to keep balance at the beginning of the day. You can worry about trifles, take to heart what you would not pay attention to at another time. Try to avoid arguments at work, even if colleagues and management will sometimes provoke you. Leo♌️ You're in for a pretty tiring day. You will have to deal not only with your own, but also with other people's affairs, correct the mistakes made by others. You will not only cope with everything, but also maintain a good mood, and will not worry about trifles. The ability to get along with people will come in handy. Thanks to him, you will find powerful allies. Virgo♍️ Significant progress can be made. Take on the hard work, don't be afraid of new challenges. Today you will do many things well: thanks to the support of the stars, you will achieve excellent results where others have failed. Small cash receipts from unexpected sources are likely.


November 7, 2022

Daily horoscope November 7th.

Aries♈️ The day is good for socializing. Important meetings will go even better than you expected. You will be able to make a good impression on many, get along with those with whom you have previously argued for any reason. You can deal with paperwork, contact government organizations. Interesting job offers are likely. Taurus♉️ The start of the day will be hectic. Minor difficulties may suddenly arise, unfortunate misunderstandings, financial losses are not ruled out. Try to avoid unnecessary risk. The more carefully you act, the better results you can achieve. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day will be favorable for work and other useful things. It is possible that you will conclude profitable deals or agree on cooperation with people whose possibilities are almost limitless. Probable academic success. Today, even those disciplines that seemed especially difficult will be easy for you.


November 7, 2022


Be playful, live in the moment and have fun. This will reveal the true self, which is the most attractive of all. Naturalness, the absence of artificial layers of behavior always attracts hearts. Men notice this, they are attracted to such women. Do not be afraid to surprise your partner in sex, sometimes you can take control of yourself.


November 6, 2022

Unusual accordion.

Musician and engineer Linus Åkesson made an accordion out of two old Commodore 64 computers and floppy disks. The instrument is equipped with special software for computers to play certain sounds when the keys are pressed.


November 6, 2022

Caring for the skin around the eyes.

Interestingly, the skin under the eyes does not have any particular type: it is neither oily nor combination. Since the skin here has a completely different structure: it is devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore, the skin under the eyes is absolutely thin, sensitive and dry for everyone! This explains why eye creams are never divided by skin type. And this is one of the reasons why a separate cream is always needed here and a regular face cream is not suitable!


November 6, 2022

Acceleration of metabolism for harmony, beauty and health.

It is believed that drinking hot water stimulates the release of hormones and also speeds up metabolism. This, in turn, helps to eliminate toxins and harmful substances from the body. According to a German study, 500 ml of water before a meal "accelerates" the metabolism by 30%. And if you heat the water to 98.6 ° C - by all 40%. I hope you understand what you need to do - drink hot water! Just be careful not to burn yourself! In the morning, at least two glasses after waking up and do not forget to drink some water before each meal.


November 6, 2022

Eye exercises.

1. Drive with open eyes, repeating the silhouette of the number eight. Repeat these movements 5-7 times. Exercise is good for the eye muscles. 2. Choose a few objects that surround you - a closet, a doorknob, a vase of flowers, and so on. Take a look at their outlines. Repeat the exercise 5-8 times. 3. Gently massage the closed eyelids with your fingertips for a minute. So you relieve eye strain, which is especially important for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer screen. 4. Extend your arm. Bring your finger closer to your face, while looking at its tip until it seems to you that it doubles. 5. Close your eyelids tightly. Close your eyes with your palms. Sit like this for about a minute, then remove your palms from your face and open your eyes. Repeat all 3-5 times. This will give your eyes a rest.


November 6, 2022

Gymnastics for the eyes.

It will help you improve your eyesight, relax the oculomotor muscles and relieve the tension accumulated in them. The main advantages of gymnastics for the oculomotor muscles are that it can help: ▫️ relieve fatigue, relax get rid of nervousness, ▫️ restore blood circulation in the eyes, ▫️ strengthen eye muscles, ▫️ fall asleep quickly and sleep well, because it is the tension in the eye muscles that affects the quality of sleep. Main contraindications: ▪️ inflammatory diseases of the eyes, such as conjunctivitis and blepharitis, ▪️ retinal detachment, ▪️ violation of the work of the oculomotor muscles.


November 6, 2022

You need to wash your face in the mornings and evenings, but you need to wash yourself only twice a week.

Israeli doctors warn - frequent trips to the shower can cause serious harm to your body! It is especially dangerous to wash your hair every day. Upon contact with water, and the worst - with shampoo, gel or soap - the skin undergoes alkaline changes and becomes more vulnerable to fungi and allergies. Starts to dry and even lose vitamin "D". In this regard, doctors recommend not to get involved in daily bath procedures. Well, if the heat takes you by surprise - take a shower without using soap, shampoo and gels, but just enjoy cool water.


November 6, 2022

More than half of compostable plastic does not actually biodegrade.

About 60% of compostable plastic does not actually decompose in half a year, despite manufacturers' assurances. In landfills, this waste ends up in soil and groundwater. The only way to protect nature is to use less plastic. These conclusions were made by British scientists during the "Big Composting Experiment" with the participation of 9.7 thousand people.


November 6, 2022

In Barcelona, drones showed what the Sagrada de Familia will look like when completed.

Construction began already in 1882, 140 years ago. The architect Antoni Gaudí planned to complete the construction in 18 years in 1900.


November 6, 2022

How much should a man earn?

A man for a woman is not a source of income and not a solution to financial problems! When choosing a man, it is important to pay attention to something else: • Does he have a life's work that he's great at? • What are his prospects, ambitions? • Does he cope with life without the finances of his mother and wife, without loans and debts? • And if he started to start a family, will he provide the basic needs in one person? (While the wife is on maternity leave) • Is he ready to take care of you and share his income? It is not the numbers on the account that are important, but the person who earned them and in what way. One needs support and every year there will be more money. And the other will hide his millions and exhaust all your nerves, and in the event of a divorce, he will also take away your children.


November 6, 2022

How to keep your marriage interesting.

One of the saddest mistakes in a relationship is confusing a husband with a girlfriend. What they don’t say to a partner they are used to, and in which they want to relax and not think about conventions. By regularly talking about your health problems, weight, and so on, in fact, violating your own personal boundaries, you provoke your partner to mirror behavior. And this makes him less attractive already in your eyes. Relationships may be becoming more trusting in some sense, but this is the closeness of friends or relatives. The more spouses "penetrate" each other, the more their sexual relations, interaction as men and women suffer.


November 6, 2022

Insight - its significance and impact on our lives.

Suppose your expectations have been met. An insight has occurred and illuminated the understanding of your life. Does that mean that your life will now begin to change with no effort? If the insight is not followed by action or a behavior change, it will burst like a bubble. Snap! It's like it never happened. You move on the same tracks, but now you're "enlightened". You say to your psychologist: "Well, I understand all that! I've heard it all a thousand times, but nothing has changed in my life!" Well, Isn't it you who haven't changed anything? Understanding must be followed by action. The whole world's in our hands.


November 6, 2022

The most unapproachable woman. 8th place - Cancer.

The question "How to win a young lady-Cancer?" is the most stupid question in the world. They would also ask how to breathe, for example. Just marry her, dude. There is no other way anyway, and who actually needs it? Another question is much more difficult: how to win back from her if such a need suddenly overtook? And to be honest, we don't know the answer to this question. That is, you can win back yourself according to the same principle: just divorce her, dude. But here's how to do it without leaving the most valuable thing in a tightly clamped claw, science does not know. If the claw snaps into place - that's it, finita. However, as a consolation, we can report that after a divorce from Cancer, you will most likely be taken to a film studio. Sound cartoons.


November 6, 2022

Top 6 optimists by zodiac sign. Libra.

Libras are born harmonizers who, throughout their conscious life, strive for balance, moreover, both external and internal. They try their best to be happy, although they understand that it is impossible to constantly radiate happiness and gush with positive. Representatives of this sign know how to tune in the right way, but they will be happy to pick up a positive attitude from their friends and relatives.


November 6, 2022

Five of the most generous men. Aquarius.

Aquarius men. It is believed that these wards of Uranus greatly appreciate the friendship and the team of which they are a part. The circle of friends and like-minded people is where the generosity of the Aquarius Man can fully manifest itself. He is very likely to invest in a common cause and help out of friendship. Obviously, in order for this man to show generosity towards you, you need to be a team with him. Uranus is considered the "planet of unpredictability", so the ways in which Aquarian generosity is manifested may not be quite the same as everyone expects.


November 6, 2022

Zodiac signs that will never allow themselves to be manipulated. Scorpio.

Compliant and submissive - this is definitely not about Scorpios, because it is the representatives of this sign that astrologers call masters of manipulation. Skillfully placed traps, ornate speeches, wandering smiles - these are the tools with which the insidious Scorpios weave their webs. You will never be able to "deceive the deceiver" - any attempt to subdue Scorpio will be a failure. It is impossible to take them “weakly”, put pressure on pity, humiliate or make them feel guilty, because these guys, like no one else, know their worth and will never fall for empty promises. They know how to say "no" and smell falsehood and deceit from a mile away.


November 6, 2022

Daily horoscope November 6th.

Capricorn♑️ It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid disagreements with others today. People with whom you used to get along well may seem to deliberately test your patience and unbalance. But serious conflicts will not arise. You will quickly understand how to behave in order to improve the relationship. Aquarius♒️ The day will be bright and inspiring, it will bring good news and reasons for joy to many Aquarians. Problems that have seriously bothered you lately can be solved. It will be possible to quickly deal with the accumulated small matters and, finally, take on something that for a long time could not be started. Pisces♓️ The day will be very successful for those who are close to you: you will make sure that these people are doing great. However, you will have enough time and energy for your own affairs. They can be dealt with fairly quickly. It is possible that acquaintances from whom you did not expect anything good will help in this.


November 6, 2022

Daily horoscope November 6th.

Libra♎️ A good day, suitable for sorting out the accumulated cases, and in order to take on something completely new. You will quickly orient yourself in an ambiguous situation, find the shortest path to the goal, help those who do not find everything easy. Scorpio♏️ The day will be rather goofy, but enjoyable. Some unexpected event, a strange coincidence, can confuse your plans, make you postpone some things and do completely different things. It will even please you, because there will be an opportunity to learn something new, to communicate with unusual people. Sagittarius♐️ Getting along with others today will be more difficult than usual. You tend to take hostility even the most innocent remarks, worry about nonsense, get angry if you are not supported in absolutely everything. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to immediately correctly evaluate your ideas, so it may not be possible to avoid unpleasant conversations.


November 6, 2022