A few simple rules for hair care in the cold season.

1. Wear hats. “Don't forget to wear a hat,” my mother always told me, but I ignored her words. Familiar? Of course, she herself wanted us not to catch a cold, but there are benefits for the hair from the hat. The fact is that cold adversely affects both the hair itself and the scalp, disrupting local blood circulation. And one of the key problems that opponents of hats can face is hair loss. 2. Refuse shampoos with aggressive formulations. Too active components like salicylic acid or scrub particles destroy the protective film of the scalp, which can lead to both dry and oily skin. Therefore, do not use scrubs and super-cleansing shampoos "just because you feel like it." 3. Choose leave-in care with oils. Due to temperature changes, hair can become brittle. To avoid this, choose hair products with natural oils. In addition to smoothing and nourishing properties, they have an antistatic effect.


November 9, 2022

How to keep a man?

How often I am asked this question and just as often I see this marketing lure, which, it should be noted, works with a bang. Learn 100500 Blowjob Techniques and Hold a Guy with a Deep Throat! And a naive woman, not understanding the causes of her troubles, runs to trainings, thinking that the reason for the problems is that she does not know how to work with her mouth, hands, and vagina. Yes, this is partly true, because unsatisfied needs will not go anywhere and men will look for them on the side. Girls, remember once and for all! Everything you do in life, you do only for yourself! And not to HOLD a man! And that's when you start learning for YOURSELF, and getting better for YOURSELF, when you start getting high on YOURSELF, then you won't have to hold anyone back! A man will idolize you, love and appreciate you.


November 9, 2022

How to survive a virtual romance?

Do not rush to make a scandal. Remember these tips: 1. Keep calm. If you accidentally saw the correspondence, do not run to file for divorce. Compare the facts, observe the behavior of her husband. Talk to him, let him know that for you such behavior is a manifestation of infidelity. 2. Don't pretend like nothing happened. If you know everything, do not close your eyes to the virtual adventures of your husband. By forgiving such "innocent pranks", you risk losing him. After all, soon the spouse can indulge in all serious. 3. Avoid revenge. Many ladies act on emotions, trying to hurt their husband in retaliation. They register on websites, correspond with men, flirt with them. Understand, in this way you will only aggravate the situation, and trust will be lost forever. Is your goal to save your marriage? Then it is useless to blame each other! Find out the causes of discord and start a new life full of passion and harmony.


November 9, 2022

Drone dog walking.

In some areas of China, a total lockdown is still in place, which can make walking with a pet a problem. But enterprising Chinese have found an elegant solution - dog walking with the help of drones. It remains to be hoped that with such a walk the dog does not decide to run.


November 9, 2022

China has created the world's first foldable iPhone.

To create a foldable smartphone, the engineer had to disassemble the iPhone 13 Pro and rearrange the components in a new body with a hinge from the Motorola RAZR. All components of the smartphone were divided into 2 parts: at the bottom - the motherboard and memory, at the top - the battery and camera sensors. Some details of the smartphone were printed on a 3D printer. The engineer also configured iOS for a foldable form factor. The enthusiast admitted that the most difficult thing was to turn the original display into a flexible one. Often the screens failed after the first closure of the lid.


November 9, 2022

Christmas tree stand.

Beer brand Miller Lite has released a Christmas tree stand that can be used for its intended purpose, or you can hide a keg under it and store up to 39 liters of beer in it. A limited-edition spruce stand will go on sale November 10 for $50.


November 9, 2022

McDonald's introduced the McCrispy gaming chair.

McDonald's has unveiled a gaming chair called the McCrispy Ultimate Gaming Chair to celebrate the release of the new McCrispy chicken burger. In addition to leather upholstery, themed colors, a headrest and lumbar pillow, the owner of such a chair will receive holders for french fries and sauces, as well as a "heating zone for hamburgers to keep your McCrispy warm."


November 9, 2022

Google has created a robot that programs itself.

Instead of clear instructions, the engineers introduced a set of parameters to the robotic arm, thanks to which it learns and writes code for itself on the go. For example, a hand can be asked to "take a yellow die", and it will determine for itself what is "yellow" and what is "dice".


November 9, 2022

Stress can accelerate the development of cancer by changing the activity of genes in the brain.

Scientists from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics have found genes in the hypothalamus whose activity changes in laboratory animals with a predisposition to developing cancer due to social stress. To talk about the discovery, you need to conduct additional experiments. In the future, they can help create drugs that slow down the growth of tumors.


November 9, 2022

Coping with stress - turning the mind towards acceptance.

When there is no way to make a difference, the best thing you can do is to change your ATTITUDE toward the situation. Usually when you change your point of view, the problem resolves ITSELF. After all, when the stressful situation ends, the degree of tension around drops and the possibility of resolving the situation CONSTRUCTIVELY increases. That's exactly the intricate wording. Opportunities you just couldn't have seen before suddenly appear.


November 9, 2022

About purpose, dreams and plans.

What is the difference between a dream and a purpose? It's very simple, a purpose has a DEADLINE! Work through your dream and set a clear deadline. How is a goal different from a plan? Plans are the regular efforts you're going to take to achieve your goal. Define your step-by-step actions with precise dates and clear descriptions. Finally, only a PLAN confirmed by methodical ACTIONS makes our dream COME TRUE!


November 9, 2022

The important thing about relationships.

It should be easy from the very beginning. From the first minutes. Meeting the person who makes you feel like you've known each other long is the first sign of good luck. Simple is best. Complexity is bad. You don't have to woo anyone, you don't have to adjust to anyone and you don't have to chase anyone. Do it once, you will repeat it every day, and the only thing you will see in response is a cranky dissatisfied face. If a match did not happen immediately, then he/she is just not your type. Complicated relationships are good only for those who are bored and who have a lot of spare time.


November 9, 2022

The most unapproachable woman. 5th place - Libra.

The top five is opened by Libra, which is absolutely impossible to win without having a set of basic qualities: a good education, excellent upbringing, a developed sense of beauty, well-read and - oops, man, you were not here, leave the queue! - the appearance of a beautiful elf. Do you match? Then it's all right. Now stand under the balcony and wait for her to decide whether she needs it at all or not. Just first sweep the ashes of your predecessor, who died of old age exactly at this very place. You still get dirty.


November 9, 2022

Top 6 optimists by zodiac sign Aquarius.

Aquarius does not like to get involved with negativity - it is very difficult for this sign to get out of it. Focusing on the positive, Aquarius is creative in solving problems, loves to invent, invent unusual solutions. Paradoxical Aquarius is able to take a fresh look at even the most painful situation and remove a sharp negative accent.


November 9, 2022

Impressive zodiac signs: how do they do it? Taurus.

Taurus - impressiveness with prosperity. Presentability appears long before the first successes are achieved. Taurus behave like winners, and over time they become. Their impressiveness is closely related to career success and material security. Taurus take care of their appearance, in which good taste helps them.


November 9, 2022

More often than not, they doubt themselves. Cancer.

Self-confidence is a fickle thing. In one situation we are confident in ourselves, in another we are not. In truth, it depends more on the social environment in which we grew up and live. But astrological factors can also have an influence. We found out which zodiac signs tend to underestimate themselves and engage in self-discipline more than others. Crayfish. Self-esteem of representatives of this sign suffers more often than others. All due to the fact that Cancer is a very emotional and disturbing sign. The representatives of this sign, soft-hearted and sensitive people, tend to take everything too personally. Cancer women can get very offended and even cry if they are criticized. Cancer men are able to calmly stand in such a situation, but deep down they can worry that they deserve criticism, even if it is unfair. People with pronounced qualities of Cancer should learn to fully trust themselves and not depend on the attitude of others towards them. It is not for nothing that astrologers highlight the intuition of this sign so much.


November 9, 2022

Daily horoscope November 9th.

Capricorn♑️ You can even handle things that were difficult before. Issues that have been haunting both you and your allies for a long time will be successfully resolved. Business meetings at the highest level will go well. You will make a favorable impression on people who are usually very demanding and notice even the smallest flaws in others. Aquarius♒️ The day will bring a lot of worries and excitement. It will seem especially tedious to many Aquarius, because the representatives of the sign will have to solve several issues at once, to deal with both their own and other people's affairs. But the efforts will not be in vain, and you will certainly be satisfied with the results that you can achieve. Pisces♓️ It will not be easy to realistically assess both the current situation and our strengths. Illusions and fantasies can be very attractive and just as dangerous. However, if you understand what tasks you can actually solve today, and focus on them, then the day will be very fruitful.


November 9, 2022

Daily horoscope November 9th.

Libra♎️ The day is suitable for solving any important issues. You will be attentive to details, do not rush to conclusions, so no one can confuse or confuse you. You can make long-term plans, discuss with friends and old acquaintances different ways to realize your plans. You are sure to get great advice. Scorpio♏️ It will not be easy to tune in to a serious mood. Most likely, you will want to postpone things for later and just relax a bit. But the circumstances for this will not be the most favorable, so do not be lazy and start acting as early as possible. It is possible that we will have to return to some old problems in order to correct the mistakes made in solving them. Sagittarius♐️ Try to avoid disputes with people with whom you have business relations, some important agreements. A few thoughtless words can cause a serious conflict that can interfere with further joint work. It is better to smooth out sharp corners, to postpone the discussion of serious issues.


November 9, 2022

Daily horoscope November 9th.

Cancer♋️ It won't be easy to keep calm. The emotional background of the day can be quite tense, and the mood of the most sensitive Cancers will often change. Try not to worry about things you can't control right now. It is better to focus on solving practical problems, specific cases Leo♌️ The day will require perseverance. Not everything will immediately turn out the way you might like. But if you do not quit what you started, then you will surely succeed in many matters, including the most difficult ones. In the morning, you should be more careful in dealing with financial issues, but then the right time will come for transactions and purchases. Virgo♍️ Today, the habit of checking any incoming information will be very useful to you. There is a risk that someone will unwittingly mislead you or try to deceive you. However, you will not make decisions until you understand everything on your own, so do not make mistakes.


November 9, 2022

Daily horoscope November 9th.

Aries♈️ The day will be favorable for communication. Both business and personal meetings will go well, it will be easy for you to get along with very different people. Interesting acquaintances are likely. Some Aries will see old friends who have been missed a lot lately. You can plan trips, they will turn out well. Taurus♉️ Getting along with others today will be more difficult than usual. Long-standing disagreements may become aggravated, conflicts over trifles and disputes are not excluded. It is worth being legible in business contacts. Do not trust those who promise too much or try to involve you in some dubious undertakings. Unfortunately, there will be many such people today. Gemini♊️ The day will be favorable for communication. You can easily get along with a variety of people, quickly find a common language with new acquaintances. Interesting job offers are likely. You will benefit from the knowledge and experience gained in the past. Thanks to them, you will achieve noticeable progress in business.


November 9, 2022