Talent is a gift from God.

That's surely YOU whom the universe has decided to MAKE HAPPY. Sometimes talent matters more than education because it determines our PATH. It is awful when a person is really talented as an artist or musician, but is forced to sell kitchen appliances. Don't resist your nature, develop it, keep growing and improving, try to identify your talents and utilize them, search your heart. After all, the door to HAPPINESS opens outward.


November 10, 2022

Sharks get bigger and angrier after meeting people.

From frequent contact with people, tiger sharks become larger and more aggressive. These conclusions were reached by Brazilian and American scientists who observed fish on the tourist Tiger Beach in the Bahamas. The sea in this place is shallow and clean, so sharks often swim there. Tour operators specially feed them to make diving customers more fun. It turned out that the sharks most often appearing on Tiger Beach were larger than other sharks, their hormone levels were 3-16 times higher, and their blood contained more nutrients. That is, mass tourism is likely to have a positive effect on the health of sharks. At the same time, the aggressiveness of fish may be due to competition for food. Most often, adult females swam up to people, many of them were pregnant. Juveniles stayed away from Tiger Beach.


November 10, 2022

A supercomputer has predicted the end of the world by 2050.

Supercomputer World One predicted the collapse of human civilization as we know it in the 2040s and 50s. Virtually no measures to save people will no longer help. The machine took into account many factors: birth rates, environmental pollution, natural resource reserves and other indicators. The algorithm has already predicted that in 2020 the planet will enter a critical phase of habitual existence.


November 10, 2022

The world's oldest letter inscription turned out to be a conspiracy against lice.

Israeli scientists have deciphered the oldest alphabetic inscription - it was made in Canaanite on an ivory comb. The age of the artifact is about 3.7 thousand years. The size of the scallop is 3.5 by 2.5 centimeters. The width of the engraved tiny letters is 1-3 millimeters. There are 17 of them, they form seven words. "Let this fang rip the lice out of the hair and beard," is written on the comb.


November 10, 2022

Dim winter lighting impairs cognition by reducing the connectivity of neurons in the brain.

These conclusions were reached by scientists from the University of Michigan in the course of experiments with grass mice. They, like humans, are awake during the day and sleep at night.


November 10, 2022

Scientists have found a "tumbler" for immersion in hibernation in humans.

They found a group of neurons in the hypothalamus, presumably responsible for putting a person into a state of hibernation - hibernation, during which physiological processes in the body slow down. The results of the study will be useful for planning long-term space flights.


November 10, 2022

The most unapproachable woman. 4th place - Gemini.

Unexpected turn! Frivolous and lightweight Gemini almost made it to the top three. Because conquering Gemini is not a cat sneezing for you: Gemini is ready for a relationship only if they are interested. And in order for the young lady-Gemini to become interested with you, you will have to stuff your brains with information until they boil. And then learn how to uninterruptedly supply it to the Gemini on a platter of outstanding eloquence, seasoned with sarcasm, cynicism and black humor. And then she'll think, of course. Are you a crazy psycho? In the sense that if not, if not crazy and normal - pass by.


November 10, 2022

4 main lovers of gossip. Pisces.

Someone gives out other people's secrets inadvertently, then greatly repenting because of their own negligence. And some people consider gossip to be a serious weapon that hits the enemy exactly. We have gathered the top four lovers of gossip behind the backs of their friends. Pisces love to be interested in the smallest details, meticulously asking for the secrets of strangers. Just as carefully savoring, they retell all the details of the personal life of a person who has trusted them to strangers. These people instantly reveal secrets, spreading information very quickly. It is worth thinking several times before entrusting Pisces with something important and intimate.


November 10, 2022

Impressive zodiac signs: how do they do it? Scorpio.

Scorpio - the suggestion of its significance. Scorpio is self-confident and restrained-polite, his inner strength and energy is felt by others, so few people are deceived by the gentleness of character. Scorpio knows how to behave - he uses psychological tricks and does not hesitate to manipulate in order to achieve what he wants. Even strangers intuitively feel that it is not worth being rude to Scorpio and behaving dismissively with him. The imposing zodiac sign behaves with dignity, not arrogance. Sometimes the line between these behaviors is very fragile - often people around, out of envy of other people's successes, replace the concept of representativeness with arrogance.


November 10, 2022

More often than not, they doubt themselves. Virgo.

This sign of the star was endowed with a powerful intellect and a strict system for assessing the world around. If you are sometimes offended by the pickiness on the part of the representatives of the Virgo sign, know that they are terrible critics for themselves. The standards of the cosmic level rarely allow those born in this period to be satisfied with themselves. Virgo is guided by high ideals and is always aware of her imperfection. For the same reason, representatives of the sign are considered executive and very responsible. Natural perfectionism makes Virgo grow and improve. The main thing for them is to learn to see and appreciate this growth. This can be especially true for Virgo Women, who tend to harass the topic of physical imperfection as well.


November 10, 2022

Daily horoscope November 10th.

Capricorn♑️ Keeping your composure today will be a little more difficult than usual. People around you can interfere in your affairs more often than usual, and they will not always do it tactfully. Unsolicited advice, unnecessary criticism will irritate in earnest. But you still keep goodwill, and later praise yourself for it more than once. Aquarius♒️ The day will be good for work. You can take on difficult cases, deal with what did not work before. Even your most daring and unusual ideas will receive support. Soon you will definitely make friends with the allies you find today. Pisces♓️ The day is well suited for the usual, well-known work. Today, it will not seem particularly boring and tiring to you, you will quickly cope with what did not work before. Business meetings will be successful. You will make a favorable impression on potential employers and partners, you will be able to interest them with your ideas.


November 10, 2022

Daily horoscope November 10th.

Libra♎️ You have a lot to do. The tasks will have to be solved various, but you will cope with them perfectly. Not only your knowledge will be useful here, but also the ability to get along with people, to find an approach to them. Some Libras today will meet those with whom they will cooperate for a long time and with pleasure. Scorpio♏️ Don't rush anywhere: there's no need for that today. The day is suitable for solving organizational issues, putting things in order, dealing with paperwork, contacting government organizations. Unexpected expenses are possible, but they will be justified, and they will not cause a serious blow to your budget. Sagittarius♐️ Whatever you plan for this day, try to rely primarily on your own strength. It is unlikely that someone will come to your aid in time, support your undertakings exactly when it is needed. It is much more likely that others will unwittingly interfere with you, create difficulties.


November 10, 2022

Daily horoscope November 10th.

Cancer♋️ The day is suitable for communicating with people with whom you have not been able to get along before. This time finding a common language will be surprisingly easy. It turns out that your interests and views are largely similar, and previous disagreements arose only because of a misunderstanding. Leo♌️ Not always relations with others will develop smoothly: conflicts and disagreements, disputes over trifles are likely. Don't be too stubborn, consider making small concessions just to save time on discussions and get things done faster. Virgo♍️ The day will be hectic. Most likely, you will have to deal with several things at once, solving not only your own problems, but also the problems that others have. Some scheduled meetings will have to be postponed, but soon they will definitely take place and will go even better than you expected.


November 10, 2022

Daily horoscope November 10th.

Aries♈️ The day will open up new opportunities, delight and inspire. Your leadership qualities will be especially bright today. It will be easy to interest others with your ideas, a variety of people will listen to your opinion. Some Aries today will especially convincingly prove to everyone that they are able not only to work independently, but also to lead others. Taurus♉️ Listen to what others say: there is a chance to get some useful information or sensible advice that will help you avoid mistakes. Someone else's experience will be especially useful in solving financial issues. Gemini♊️ The day is good for starting a new business. You will quickly achieve the first successes and immediately understand where to go next. It will not be possible to find assistants right away, but those who want to support your undertakings will definitely appear a little later.


November 10, 2022

For one night.

Forget high expectations! It's possible that a one night stand could lead to something more, but that can only happen if both want it. If you're feeling more than that, there's nothing wrong with asking for a second date, but don't get mad if your partner rejects the idea.


November 9, 2022

Three healthy drinks for women.

Warm water with lemon. Helps to lose weight, remove toxins from the body, improve immunity, skin condition and digestion. Raspberry leaf tea regulates the female reproductive system. It strengthens the uterus, making menstruation, childbirth and menopause easier. Pour one tablespoon of raspberry leaves (can be dry) with 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Turmeric milk is one of the most famous Ayurvedic recipes. It is also called "golden milk". This drink balances all hormones, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, and cures colds. For 200 ml of hot milk ½ teaspoon of turmeric, you can add honey to taste.


November 9, 2022

About serums and creams.

We recommend using serums daily. To enhance the effect, you can fearlessly use them twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. Why close the serum with a cream? The cream has larger molecules and a higher density. It seals in the beneficial ingredients of the serum and creates a protective barrier. Thanks to this, the beneficial components of the serum will stay in the skin longer and give a greater effect. How long can the serum be used? It depends on its composition. There are therapeutic serums with relatively aggressive components - acids, retinol. Such serums should be used in courses. If serums do not contain aggressive components and are part of the basic daily care program, then there is no need to take breaks in their use. Can multiple serums be applied consecutively? Yes it is possible! Moreover, a competent combination can give a synergy effect. However, be careful in terms of the combination of active ingredients. Most of the aggressive components are not "friends" with each other.


November 9, 2022

Benefits of Manuka honey.

A large number of tests indicate that manuka is able to destroy more than 80 strains of bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus and pyogenic streptococcus. In 2013, scientists at the University of the United Arab Emirates found that when combined with other therapies, intravenous manuka honey helped slow the growth of cancerous tumors in mice. Well, if we talk about cosmetics, then manuka honey in combination with cosmetic components has a soothing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on the skin.


November 9, 2022

Manuka honey. What is this product?

This is a New Zealand product that many people in the world go crazy for, calling it "the most useful honey." When the Manuka shrub blooms, the plant produces an antibacterial substance called methylglyoxal, which is collected along with bees' nectar during flower pollination. Thanks to this substance, the healing properties of manuka are preserved even when exposed to light, heat and sterilization. Manuka has its own system for measuring effectiveness, which is calculated based on the rate of death of bacteria and viruses. This is the "Unique Manuka Factor" (UFM), or "Indicative of Dietary Methylglyoxal Level" (MGO). Accordingly, the higher this indicator, the higher the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties of honey.


November 9, 2022

Regular exercise can help manage anxiety.

1. Sport has a positive effect on the production of dopamine and endorphins. And they literally create a good mood and additionally motivate. 2. Exercise has an anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore reduces anxiety. There are studies in the field of neurology that confirm this. 3. Sports exercises reduce sensitivity to physical pain. You probably noticed yourself that a headache can easily go away during a workout. Was it like this or was it just me that got lucky? 4. A big plus from playing sports is communication. With a coach, with a group, with like-minded people. It's like coming to a hobby group: you train with benefit, and you get to know cool people.


November 9, 2022