You do not receive compliments from a man: what to do?

Smile. Always greet him with a smile in a positive mood. Train your confidence. Especially if you like to focus on your own shortcomings or do not know how to accept compliments. Flirt. This liberates and makes a man look at you with different eyes. Talk about your desires. If you want to hear nice words, say so. Inspire a man. Compliment him first. And if he doesn't know how to do them, teach him. Give examples of what you like and want to hear. Thank you. For any manifestations of love, kind words. Accept them with joy.


November 11, 2022

Growth is where the focus is!

So just focus on opportunities, positive attitudes, self improvement, income, and nice people — GROW and EXPAND. On the other hand, if you focus on problems, expenses, negativity, surround yourself with toxic people, then don't expect changes or anything good, since all THIS will also grow and expand. When negative thoughts come, tell yourself to "STOP". In case you are told unpleasant things about another person, stop the person you are talking to (let's not talk about it) or change the subject. In this way you will benefit not only yourself, but also him or her...


November 11, 2022

I respect my body.

Human is an integral structure in which everything is interconnected, and if you seek positive changes in your life and just want happiness, it is important to pay attention to your body. Treat it with care and respect, always identify and meet its needs, keep it clean and balanced, then it will thankfully serve you and will never let you down. In addition: — Feed it delicious, high-quality and healthy food; — Give it an opportunity to fully recover every day; — Give it proper and comfortable exercise.


November 11, 2022

Doesn't anxiety make life unbearable?

Anxiety makes a person a VICTIM. Life and the world around become unsafe. More often than not, anxiety exists for a very long time without a person noticing it. Anxiety becomes noticeable when stressful situations accumulate. While stress is suppressed, anxiety grows. People tend to come to therapy with excessive anxiety, which is already impossible to tolerate. It often ruins our sleep, makes us less productive, destroys our relationships, and kills happiness. What's to be done? Firstly, sort yourself out. Observe carefully. When does anxiety appear? How stable is it? Figure out whether it comes after some events or it's chronic. Find the cause, talk it out loud, and start working through a particular fear.


November 11, 2022

Unusual work of a digital artist.

Digital artist Idreley Lely Dian showed what famous cartoon characters would look like if they were real people. To create his work, the author uses Photoshop and photo editing applications that use neural networks: FaceApp, Gradient and Remini.


November 11, 2022

XPeng showed the first tests of its AeroHT X3 flying car.

The car looks awkward as it is an early prototype. Soon they promise to make folding screws. Each of the four sections has two propellers with their own electric motors. Such a solution will allow maintaining stability in the air in the event of failure of individual engines. Plans for the timing of release and the estimated cost of the commercial version are also not disclosed.


November 11, 2022

The skull of the famous Tyrannosaurus Maximus will be sold at auction.

Auction house Sotheby's will put up for auction in New York in December the skull of Tyrannosaurus Maximus - one of the best and most completely preserved on Earth. The 76 million year old fossil is valued at $15-20 million. At the same time, there are two punctures on the skull. Most likely, Maximus fought fiercely with another tyrannosaurus. Perhaps it was in this fight that he died. Maximus is not the first Hell Creek Tyrannosaurus to be auctioned. In 1997, an almost complete skeleton of his relative named Sue was sold for 8.36 million dollars. In 2020, the remains of Stan's Tyrannosaurus Rex went under the hammer for $31.8 million. And on November 30 of this year, a 1.4-ton Shen skeleton will be sold in Hong Kong.


November 11, 2022

In China, they introduced a fighting robot dog with a huge gun.

At AirShow China 2022, a robotic dog with an automatic gun on its back was spotted. It is stated that the robot carries a gun weighing 14 kg. The dog is controlled by an app on a military tablet. There are also built-in cameras with a 360-degree viewing angle. For what purposes this robot will be used is not yet clear. Most likely, this is just a demonstration of technological development within the framework of the exhibition.


November 11, 2022

American doctors for the first time cured an unborn child from a deadly genetic disease.

American doctors for the first time cured an unborn child from a deadly genetic disease. Doctors at the University of California, San Francisco have for the first time cured an unborn baby of a rare genetic disease that can cause babies to die shortly after birth. The healed girl was born on time, now she is 16 months old. The little patient's name is Ayla Bashir. While still in the womb, she was diagnosed with Pompe disease. Because of it, muscle and nerve cells are damaged - the skin and mucous membranes become cyanotic, tongue hypertrophy, edema, tachycardia, and suffocation develop. Most children die in the first two years of life. To cure Ayla, doctors administered enzyme replacement therapy in utero during her mother's pregnancy. The woman and the fetus underwent six procedures. Now Ayla's therapy continues. The girl feels well and develops without deviations.


November 11, 2022

The hottest bird

Found the hottest bird on the planet. A red-billed weaver living in Africa can cope with a body temperature of up to 48 degrees without any side effects.


November 11, 2022

Food addiction.

Highly processed foods can be nearly as addictive as nicotine. Such a statement appeared in the journal Addiction. To such food, experts from the University of Michigan and the Virginia Institute of Technology attributed, for example, chips, cookies, ice cream and french fries. It is very difficult for people to give up.


November 11, 2022

The most unapproachable woman. 3rd place - Aquarius.

Third place, a bronze medal and a certificate of honor "For outstanding services in the dynamo business" goes to Aquarius. Yes, brother, this is a dynamo, but what a! Aquarius sincerely likes you, and your ridiculous shy antics, and stupid gifts, and flowers. She really goes on a date with you with great pleasure - even to the theater, even to a restaurant, even to a park on a bench. And she likes to walk by the hand, and flirt, and laugh at your jokes. All this is completely sincere, there is not the slightest lie in it. And just as sincerely, she does not want to go to bed with you. At all. Ha ha, screw it up!


November 11, 2022

4 main lovers of gossip. Gemini.

Sociable and talkative Gemini is able to blurt out someone else's secret simply because of their laid-back nature. They know for sure that the best way to get people's attention is to tell them something interesting. So other people's secrets, once entrusted to the Twins, come to the surface. They do this not out of malice, but simply out of a desire to become the main person at a secular party or during a lunch break at work.


November 11, 2022

How different zodiac signs take revenge. Aries.

An adult, as a rule, has not only friends, but also enemies in his life baggage. Sometimes it is difficult to guess who is your friend and who is your enemy, and even more difficult to understand why this happens. After all, what one does not pay attention to is completely unforgivable for another. A rational person in such situations simply draws conclusions, but there are those who not only do not forget insults, but also hatch an insidious plan of revenge for a long time. How different representatives of the zodiac take revenge and from whom you should expect a dirty trick, you will learn from our material. Aries. Astrologers say that Aries is not one of those who will hatch plans for revenge for a long time and weave an ornate web of intrigue behind their backs. They are more likely to guess the moment and destroy something especially valuable and expensive in front of the offender, in order to see how he will suffer, bursting into tears. And by the way, representatives of this sign do not at all regard such behavior as revenge, it is rather a lesson for the future, so that it is no longer habitual.


November 11, 2022

More often than not, they doubt themselves. Libra.

Representatives of this sign are quite confident in themselves - when they are alone. The vibrations of Libra begin when interacting with others. And as we know, this sign is drawn to communication and establishing close relationships. Typical Libras want to please themselves and others, and are afraid to appear selfish. Often they worry that they said something wrong - especially Libra Women. “On the one hand ... On the other hand ...” - representatives of this sign tend to have several opinions about one phenomenon at the same time. Trying to take into account the interests of everyone, Libra can slow down in making a decision, which is why they themselves are upset. Therefore, they are happy when an initiative and strong-willed partner is next to them.


November 11, 2022

Daily horoscope November 11th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be unusually generous with amazing events and strange coincidences. Much will not go according to plan, but it will please you: new opportunities will open up that you don’t want to miss. Good deals are possible. Some Capricorns will find a new source of income. Aquarius♒️ A good day to take on something new. You will quickly pick up other people's good ideas, quickly understand with whom you should share your own plans. Some Aquarius will find allies, with the support of which they will achieve great success. Cash receipts, profitable deals and purchases are likely. Pisces♓️ It will be difficult to focus on business: today you will be distracted much more often than usual. Possible unplanned trips. Some Pisces will have to correct other people's mistakes, finish what was started by others. All this will be quite tedious and very difficult, but the representatives of the sign will achieve excellent results.


November 11, 2022

Daily horoscope November 11th.

Libra♎️ The start of the day will be difficult. It is possible that someone will try to mislead or confuse you. Relations with people with whom you previously got along well will develop unevenly. There may be tense moments, disagreements and disputes. However, over time, the influence of positive trends will increase. You will feel much calmer and more confident Scorpio♏️ The day will be interesting and fruitful. It's great for finishing what you started earlier. Even if some difficulties arise, you will not abandon your plans, you will achieve the desired result. Useful acquaintances are likely, the beginning of a long-term cooperation, which will be very beneficial to you, is not excluded. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be favorable for business communication. It is suitable for serious negotiations, meetings with people on whom you would like to make a good impression. There will be a chance to realize some old ideas, to realize what you had in mind before. This will help new allies.


November 11, 2022

Daily horoscope November 11th.

Cancer♋️ It will not be easy to collect your thoughts, to tune in a serious way. Today you will be more sensitive and vulnerable than usual, you can take a lot to heart. It will not always be clear to others why you act this way and not otherwise. Tensive moments in communication are likely, but you will not allow conflict. Leo♌️ It will be difficult to remain calm. Today, people around you can interfere in your affairs more often than usual, thereby unbalancing you, making you nervous. Some Leos will also be criticized, sometimes without good reason, and representatives of the sign will not like this either. Despite all the difficulties that may arise, the day will be very fruitful. Virgo♍️ At the beginning of the day, minor misunderstandings, difficulties in communicating with others are possible. Old agreements may be violated, because of this you will have to do something completely different from what was planned. But difficulties will not upset you and will not force you to abandon your plan. Whatever the circumstances, you will be able to achieve your goals


November 11, 2022

Daily horoscope November 11th.

Aries♈️ It is important to correctly assess your strengths, avoid illusions and false hopes. Difficulties in communicating with new acquaintances are not excluded: they will not always understand you correctly. But conflicts can still be avoided. You will find the right words, agree on cooperation with those who have not supported you before. Taurus♉️ The day will be bright and eventful, for sure it will give a lot of positive emotions. Good news is likely from afar, proposals that you want to immediately agree with. If you need someone's help, you will get it without difficulty. Even those people from whom you did not expect anything like this will willingly stand on your side. Gemini♊️ Take on new things: you will quickly achieve success in them. Intuition will help you understand difficult situations, understand what is worth taking on in the first place and how best to proceed. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources. Some representatives of the sign will make profitable deals.


November 11, 2022

Facts about tongue cleaning.

- regular cleaning of the tongue reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity by 10 times; - reduces the formation of tartar by 33%; - thanks to cleaning not only the teeth, but also the tongue, bad breath is reduced by 85%; when brushing your teeth - only 25%. For daily cleaning of the tongue from bacterial plaque, food debris, fungi and dead cells from the surface of the tongue, tongue cleaners are used.


November 10, 2022