How our inner circle affects our worldview?

Being surrounded by imaginative, enthusiastic, and positive people is the best support. In this case you can rely on their advice, find encouragement and support. What can people stuck in jobs they hate share with you apart from frustration and depression? It may be said that your achievement potential is directly proportional to the level of potential realization reached by your inner circle.


November 14, 2022

Scientists have taught artificial intelligence to “sleep”.

The Czech Republic proposed a biological approach to the operation of neural networks. After training, they are offered to be closed to new data and sent to a special process of “sending the received information to deep memory”. Just like people do when they sleep.


November 14, 2022

Scientists have discovered that rats move their heads to the beat of Mozart.

Scientists from Japan have proven that fluffy cats have a sense of rhythm, and this is not an accident, but a scientifically proven fact.


November 14, 2022

Uganda will print human organs in space.

This is no joke - the country has a well-developed market for 3D printers. And in space they are no strangers - on November 7, Uganda launched its first satellite, PearlAfricaSat-1.


November 14, 2022

Ideal woman. 12th place - Gemini.

If the patient wants to live, medicine is powerless. If Gemini wants to spin all these ideas of your ideal woman on the axis of the universe (and they want to) - the universe is also powerless. And you all too, yes, yes. The Gemini didn’t give a damn about how you see the reference woman, and even more so about how you want to see her. Dreamed, oh.


November 14, 2022

Vampires: Zodiac signs that feed on your pain. Aries.

That's why energy vampires don't grow big and scary fangs for themselves so that everyone can see and run away at once? These guys suck fast and imperceptibly, so hard that you can't tear it off. Who are they and when were they born? We will find out which signs of the zodiac you should stay away from in order to save strength, energy and good mood. Vampire Aries is a born manipulator. He famously infuriates and pumps energy at a terrible speed. Ah, you are offended, and you are crying - it's so wonderful, and Aries will enjoy your suffering with pleasure.


November 14, 2022

How different zodiac signs take revenge. Leo.

Offending Leo is easy - just hurt his self-esteem. In response, he will make every effort to make a person who dares to doubt his abilities feel like a complete nonentity. Leo will make derogatory jokes about you, make fun of every mistake, compromise before his superiors, and will not be afraid to get into his personal life. In a word, you should not make an enemy in the face of a Leo or a Lioness - it will be more expensive for yourself.


November 14, 2022

4 zodiac signs with the strongest guardian angels. Virgo.

From the outside, it seems that the Virgos themselves are the masters of their own destiny. They have everything calculated, planned and scheduled for months and even years in advance. But even such disciplined people are in danger. And in difficult situations, higher powers come into play. Perhaps the Virgins have several guardian angels. They whisper clues, and Mercury's wards always do the right thing. And if they make a mistake, they immediately intuitively return to the true path.


November 14, 2022

Daily horoscope November 14th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will hardly be favorable for serious matters, but it is well suited for conversations, discussions of old and new cases, issues that have previously caused disagreements. It will be easy for you to get along with people, intuition can tell you what is on the mind of others. Aquarius♒️ The day is not without misunderstandings. It can be difficult to get along with people you used to get along well with. However, you will try to smooth out sharp corners and avoid serious conflicts. The ability to be philosophical about minor difficulties will come in handy, not to worry about what you cannot influence. Pisces♓️ Try not to overwork, avoid stressful situations. This day is well suited to rest and rejuvenate, to change the situation. On trips, old friends and other close people will gladly keep you company. Some funny incidents, amazing events that will be remembered by everyone are possible along the way.


November 14, 2022

Daily horoscope November 14th.

Libra♎️ Great productive day. Show perseverance and determination: you will have a chance to achieve what previously seemed almost impossible to you and others. In the beginning, you should rely on your own strength; allies and assistants will catch up a little later. Scorpio♏️ If you have something serious planned for this day, start acting as early as possible. In the morning, the influence of positive trends will be especially strong, you will be able to realize even the most daring ideas. Later, you will want to relax, get away from worries, and have a good time. And you will have such an opportunity. Sagittarius♐️ A great day to share ideas, take initiative in business, start something new. The stars will be on your side, thanks to their support, you will achieve even better results than you could expect. Useful acquaintances, meetings are not excluded, thanks to which new opportunities will open up before you.


November 14, 2022

Daily horoscope November 14th.

Cancer♋️ It is better to postpone important conversations. Today, even minor disagreements can give rise to long disputes, conflicts that will darken relations for a long time. Even those closest to you will not always understand you correctly. Try not to get angry. If you keep a good mood and a positive attitude, the situation will soon change for the better. Leo♌️ A good day to start new business. You will perfectly cope with the solution of tasks that were beyond the power of others, you will achieve impressive success. Your victories will not go unnoticed. Very different people will pay attention to them, and many of them will want to get to know you better, make friends. Virgo♍️ The plans that you build with great enthusiasm today may not be realistic. Before proceeding with their implementation, think through everything properly. It is important not to expect too much from others, to rely on your own strength. Surely the experience gained in the past will come in handy.


November 14, 2022

Daily horoscope November 14th.

Aries♈️ The day will be busy. You have to correct the mistakes made by others, help people who find themselves in a difficult situation. It will be annoying at times, but the thought that you are doing something useful will inspire and support. Taurus♉️ You will unexpectedly quickly cope with solving problems that previously baffled not only you, but also many of your friends. Successful coincidences will prompt interesting thoughts, help you take a fresh look at what seemed familiar. It is possible that you want to adjust your plans, and this will turn out to be the right decision. Gemini♊️ Changes in relations with others are likely. You will notice that everyone listens to any of your words much more carefully than usual. It will be easy to negotiate even with those who were previously reluctant to make concessions. There will be no difficulties for the Gemini, who want to make peace with those with whom they were in a quarrel.


November 14, 2022

Drunken elephants.

In India, 24 elephants got drunk and fell asleep in the forest. The inhabitants of the local village wanted to make a liquor from mahua flowers, and for this they left pots with fermented liquid in the jungle. Elephants got to them and devoured everything. The animals got so drunk that they could not be awakened for several hours.


November 13, 2022

А bracelet has been developed to combat alcoholism.

Hento Touch simulates pleasant strokes that cause the release of positive hormones. According to the researchers, this reduces stress levels. And thus, helps a person to refrain from drinking.


November 13, 2022

Parkinson's disease and Covid have learned to recognize by voice.

The IEEE Access journal published the results of tests of a neural network that recognizes Parkinson's disease by a person's voice with almost 100% accuracy. And Covid - with an accuracy of 94%. Moreover, an ordinary smartphone was used as a microphone.


November 13, 2022

Disadvantage of distance education.

Beautiful students stopped getting high grades after switching to distance learning. A large number of studies show that appearance affects a person's success. But a Swedish researcher noticed that this does not work with online learning. Attractive female students experienced a decline in distance learning grades, while this did not affect male students.


November 13, 2022

Self love.

Self love is not arrogance. Self-love is the foundation for your happiness and inner peace. Self-love is essential to creating healthy and happy relationships in your life. Self love is when you choose to treat yourself like you're important because you really are. Self love is knowing that you may not be the prettiest, smartest, or funniest person in the world, but you're still amazing. Your value does not depend on it.


November 13, 2022

Body skin care.

The perfect body cream is the base. We usually take care of the face more carefully (you can’t count how many different jars for the face are in the bathroom - and yes, we use all this!) And for the body it’s good if the shower gel and cream that we apply according to our mood is lonely. Let's change it! Body cream should be applied twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Firstly, this is a meditative process, it does not need to be done in a hurry! Secondly, this is the way to perfectly even, smooth skin! Skin that you want to touch. Skin without irregularities, cellulite and flaking.


November 13, 2022

The most unapproachable woman. 1st place - Pisces.

Ta-dam! The first place and the gold medal goes to Pisces! Which, as everyone knows, are very cold, thoughtful, immersed in themselves and, it seems, in general, a little bit out of this world. So you need to conquer them somehow especially, but how exactly - no one knows. Surprise! We know. It is necessary to hang in the water column and pretend to be an old holey sock. Then, perhaps, the Fish will swim up and, examining you with curiosity, will wag its tail and disappear into the world's oceans. Because in fact she is not immersed in herself. She just sits in ambush in beautiful corals. So if you try to win, she will make "AM". Well, there - how lucky. Or immediately gobble up, or first torment. Because playing with the conquerors, like a cat with a mouse, is her favorite pastime.


November 13, 2022

4 main lovers of gossip. Aries.

Aries does not favor gossip, although often he unwittingly becomes the main device for transmitting hot information. This is done unintentionally, but by accident, due to the direct nature of Aries. In a conversation with people, this sign often first speaks out, and only then analyzes what was said. So Aries becomes the main point that launches fresh gossip. By the way, it is Aries who are ready to use information in order to eliminate the enemy in order to win the career race.


November 13, 2022