Unexpected things that turn men on.

Wild hair. Long, thick, shiny and silky hair has long been liked by all men. This is the main female trump card, even if the lady does not have any outstanding appearance. And if the hair is not braided into a tight braid, literally “stretching” facial features, or does not become “plastic” from the abundance of varnish and other styling products, then this is a plus.


November 16, 2022

Unexpected things that turn men on.

Morning stretches. It is unlikely that when you get up in the morning, you will already be in full dress. It is quite understandable that men understand this, and that is why they like women, so defenseless and touching, tender and comfortable at the earliest time, in bed. And if you also stretch languidly at the same time, innocently yawn, waking up, then no representative of the stronger sex can resist!


November 16, 2022

Unexpected things that turn men on.

No make-up. For many men, the presence of cosmetics on the face (or lack of it) leaves absolutely indifferent. Moreover, the abundance of cosmetics can really not please a man and push him away. Bright tones, defiantly colored shadows, an abundance of mascara on the eyelashes, a thick layer of foundation - all this is good for stage makeup or a photo shoot, but upon closer inspection it looks very intimidating.


November 16, 2022

How striptease helps build relationships.

Absolutely every man loves new things in bed. By the way, it is the desire for novelty that pushes the stronger sex to betray. There is only one conclusion: make your relationships more diverse, give free rein to feelings and instincts. And striptease here will come in handy. Meet your loved one after work with a glass of warm mulled wine, in an erotic dressing gown and elegant lace stockings. Start with an innocent kiss on the cheek, turn on the music and start moving smoothly to the rhythm of the melody. After sensual music plays in the room, your body will become a real weapon of seduction. Move plastically and elegantly!


November 16, 2022

How striptease helps build relationships.

Striptease helps to loosen up. Most of the representatives of the stronger sex note that their women cannot fully relax in bed, which negatively affects the sexual relationship of the couple. People begin to imagine each other in the image of an impregnable fortress. And the key to it is lost in the depths of their own fears and constraints. This explains the frequent female worries about the lack of attention and lack of warmth in relationships.


November 16, 2022

Types of home sex parties.

"Bottle" with a twist or "7 minutes in paradise" You know the rules of a typical spin the bottle game. A couple is chosen randomly, but after she has decided, she needs to retire for 7 minutes to a secluded place. What she will do there is decided by a pre-selected piece of paper. For example, it can be written "kiss", "hug" and so on. More daring participants can improve the game in many ways: choose 2 pairs at once for privacy or complement the pair with a third participant.


November 16, 2022

Types of home sex parties.

Key party. At a traditional key party, all the men throw their car keys and the women their door keys into a large bowl. Now everyone, with their eyes closed, chooses a key. The formed couples go home. What happens next depends only on the wishes of the partners. It can be an innocent conversation or something very immodest. Truth or Dare. It's the perfect game to overcome inhibitions and bring out your wild side. It is desirable that the group has the same number of women and men. The game starts smoothly and slowly, but before the night is over, you will realize that it was one of the most erotic and hot nights of your life! A list of hot questions for Truth or Dare can be found online.


November 16, 2022

Types of home sex parties.

Everything but clothes. You can wear anything but clothes. Bags, duct tape, boxes, or anything that makes you look sexy and weird at the same time is the perfect outfit for a party like this. It's hilarious because the outfit almost always falls off or shows too much, causing laughter and sexual interest. Suits. Everyone dresses up as their favorite character. You can choose the theme of pornstars or anime. But the only condition is that the outfit must be sexy. There will be many different characters on the dance floor waiting for a passionate night.


November 16, 2022

A technique for prolonging sexual intercourse in a man.

Important: not every man will want to try the start-stop technique with his partner, but rather prefer to do it himself. You must respect his wish and not see it as a rejection. Does he want to test this technique together? Please keep in mind that this is also sex and not a science experiment with a stopwatch. If something goes wrong, don't despair. The easier you are about the problem, the easier it will be for your partner.


November 16, 2022

A technique for prolonging sexual intercourse in a man.

Start-stop technique. One of the most common ways to solve the problem of premature ejaculation is the so-called "start-stop" technique. His penis is stimulated as long as it is possible to prevent ejaculation (up to the "point of no return", as doctors call it). The mild stimulation phase should last about 5 minutes. After that, his penis should be "out of reach" for you until he begins to relax. About a minute later, the second round begins, in which you again stimulate him with your hand or mouth almost to the point of orgasm. Of course, while he can caress you with his hand. You must advise how best to do this. Repeat this phase 3 to 4 times. After about 15-20 minutes, you can celebrate the "happy ending". The more often you practice this, the better his penis will cope with arousal even in an "emergency", and the man will be able to better control the moment of ejaculation.


November 16, 2022

Incredible facts about sperm.

Hello from Rambo. Spermatozoa are real fighters for survival. Baby Rambos can live in the womb for up to 5 days. But in the fresh air, their life expectancy is significantly reduced to a few minutes. By the way, semen fluoresces under black light. Its traces can be found even after repeated washing. Children are everywhere. Although the average amount of ejaculate is only one teaspoon, over 70 years, about 50 liters of sperm are produced in the male body. For comparison: the average bath holds 150 liters of water. The total amount corresponds to about 10 thousand ejaculations. This means that theoretically a man is able to fertilize at least 10 thousand eggs and have the same number of children. Impressive, isn't it?


November 16, 2022

Incredible facts about sperm.

Sperm is like medicine. Since semen contains many vitamins and proteins, it can solve minor health problems. For example, help with sore throats. It is also good for the skin. By the way, during a blowjob, the muscles of the face become very tense, due to which the skin warms up and the pores open. Almost like a rocket. Spermatozoa can only be seen under a microscope because they are about 60 micrometers or 0.06 millimeters in size. Seminal cells are ejected from the penis at a speed of 17 kilometers per hour. Within one second, the spermatozoon can be removed by 30 centimeters.


November 16, 2022

Incredible facts about sperm.

The taste of semen can be affected. It really is. Fruit and honey make semen slightly sweet, while asparagus and cabbage make it bitter. As much as men love beer, it negatively affects the taste of their bodily fluids. Therefore, think carefully about the choice of dishes for dinner if you are going to please a man in the evening. The more sex, the better the mobility. The spermatozoa of a man who has frequent sex are more mobile. Their path to the egg is approximately 15 centimeters, and 10-15 minutes are enough for them to overcome this distance. This is the same if a man with a height of 180 centimeters ran during this time a segment 5.5 kilometers long.


November 16, 2022

Vitamins and trace elements for hair.

Omega 3. Omega-3 fatty acids are another important element that is essential for thick and strong hair. Vitamin D. It is the “sunshine” vitamin that is extremely important for active hair growth. Despite the fact that many take dietary supplements, they can still be deficient in this essential element. For example, it can be poorly absorbed due to intestinal problems. Selenium. This microelement is simply necessary for our thyroid gland. If this organ does not work well, then various endocrine diseases may develop, and hair growth will simply stop. Vitamin C. It is he who is necessary for the normal production of collagen, which partly consists of our hair.


November 16, 2022

Vitamins and trace elements for hair.

Iron. It is a mineral that is involved in the creation of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood. And if you have an iron deficiency, then oxygen will not be adequately supplied to the roots of the head. Without this element, you literally deprive your hair of oxygen. Zinc. Some people suffer from telogen effluvium. This is a condition in which hair begins to fall out. They become thin, brittle and dry. And the culprit is a lot of stress. If the body is under stress for a long time, then your cortisol level rises. This is a stress hormone that activates the need for additional doses of zinc.


November 16, 2022

What can the practice of mauna give?

First, saving energy. Just imagine: you do not need to spend time and energy discussing something or defending your point of view. Exhausting debates with relatives in the kitchen are cancelled. Second, answer questions. Because sometimes you just need to shut up and listen to yourself. After all, we usually comprehend the most important truths of life from the inside, but for this we need to turn off the information noise. At least for a while. Thirdly, the improvement of physical condition. Perhaps you have noticed that during illness we are silent purely intuitively? Because without wasting our energy on words, we recharge like batteries. Personally, I have not tried this practice yet, as my three children simply will not let me do it. Ideally, you need to go on a retreat or, at worst, rent a house in the village, where the only communication will be communication with nature. Have you tried anything similar?


November 16, 2022

Have you heard about mauna - the practice of silence?

Agree, sometimes we women really miss just being silent. Therefore, I would not be surprised if this practice was invented by men. Well, if without jokes: Mauna is the Hindu practice of silence. And it's not just a denial of words. Rather, it is one of the ways to comprehend the inner harmony that we all aspire to. Giving yourself a vow of silence, you need to refuse to consume any information. You can’t even read books or work correspondence, scroll through social networks, and even more so watch the news. Strictly speaking, you need to provide the mind with a state of complete silence.


November 16, 2022

Brand Augustinus Bader.

Augustinus Bader challenged the beauty world with the unheard-of statement: “All your skin needs is one cream.” No eye creams, neck creams, serums, tonics. Because everything else is marketing, cosmetic brands put us on a daily beauty routine and force us to buy new jars. So, the brand entered the market with just two products that were designed for different skin types: The Cream and The Rich Cream. Everything, nothing more! Did this uncompromising honesty work? Has the company managed to win the love of the consumer? Yes! Augustinus Bader managed not only to grow from $7 million to $70 million in just 2 years, but also seriously shake the traditional foundations of the cosmetic world. Have you heard of this brand?


November 16, 2022

Brand Augustinus Bader.

How can a cosmetics brand in just a few years become one of the best and grow a company worth $70 million? Sit back, today I will tell you about Augustinus Bader, whose creams have already become a legend. Let's start with the fact that Professor Bader himself is one of the leading experts in the field of stem cells and the creator of a gel recognized worldwide for the treatment of burns of varying severity. That is, not just an entrepreneur who wanted to make money on the production of cosmetics, but a doctor. And the doctor is amazing. At one of the events, Bader met French financier Charles Rozier, and together they set about creating a revolutionary skin care product that would change the market. They succeeded.


November 16, 2022

Castile soap.

Have you ever heard of this? So I didn't until recently. And this soap, by the way, deserves special attention and in the Middle Ages was worth its weight in gold. What is so special about it? Castile soap is a natural soap brewed with 90% extra virgin olive oil. The remaining 10% is usually coconut or castor oil. What is the wow effect? It's all about the olive oil. It contains many useful substances, including essential fatty acids. First of all, we are talking about oleic acid (85% of the content). It improves tone and softens the skin. Plus, we know that unrefined olive oil is full of vitamins and antioxidants. Therefore, soap brewed from this oil nourishes, softens, and removes inflammation. In short, it does everything we need.


November 16, 2022