Daily horoscope November 19th.

Capricorn♑️ The day will be easy and interesting. You'll be great at both things you already know and things that are completely new. You will be able to find answers to questions that previously baffled you, and deal with minor problems that have long required attention. Potential cash receipts. They will be small, but will be very handy, will allow you to make successful purchases. Aquarius♒️ The day will turn out well, in the morning you will feel the support of the stars. Good news, some inspiring events and interesting offers are likely. If lately you have had reasons for unrest and anxiety, today they will remain in the past. But new interesting plans may appear. Pisces♓️ A good day to collect and analyze information, to deal with what previously seemed difficult. Thanks to a serious approach to business, you will not make even small mistakes, and you will quickly achieve success. The experience gained in the past will come in handy. And in personal relationships, you should rely on intuition: it will tell you how best to behave.


November 19, 2022

Daily horoscope November 19th.

Libra♎️ It will hardly be possible to completely avoid difficulties today, but on the whole the day will turn out well. If you have big plans, be prepared to be persistent: not everything will turn out the way you would like. Many Libras today will benefit from the knowledge gained earlier. Thanks to them, you will successfully complete the work to which you have given a lot of effort before. Scorpio♏️ Today it will be especially pleasant to think about the future, make plans and discuss them with people who can help in the implementation of the plan. Many of the ideas that will appear today, you will soon bring to life. This will help and old friends, and those with whom you first met recently. Sagittarius♐️ Success will largely depend on how seriously you take the cases that you take on today. You should not rely on luck and a favorable combination of circumstances, it is better to rely solely on your own strengths. The influence of positive trends will not be very noticeable at the beginning of the day, but will increase over time.


November 19, 2022

Daily horoscope November 19th.

Cancer♋️ In the morning, you will do an excellent job even with very difficult cases, if you do not act alone. It will not be difficult to find allies, you will be able to negotiate even with those with whom you did not get along before. Probably an acquaintance that will receive a romantic continuation. New relationships can develop rapidly. Leo♌️ The beginning of the day will surely bring surprises, and it will hardly be possible to act according to plan at this time. Disputes over trifles, unexpected disagreements with people who previously supported you in everything are not excluded. But there will be no conflict, you will definitely agree, find solutions that everyone will like. Virgo♍️ Tune in a positive way: the day will be much more pleasant if you do not worry about small misunderstandings and unfortunate coincidences. Some difficulties may arise in the morning, but the situation will quickly change for the better. The second half of the day will open up new opportunities, you will try not to miss any of them.


November 19, 2022

Daily horoscope November 19th.

Aries♈️ The day will bring many good things. You will get answers to questions that have been worrying you in earnest lately. Lucky coincidences and inspiring news are likely. Today, your inherent optimism will be especially noticeable to others. It is he who will attract the attention of those who did not notice you before. Such people will want to get to know each other better, make friends. Taurus♉️ The day will go well, will please you with good news and pleasant meetings. Today it will be easier for you to get along with people than usual, you will easily find a common language with both your loved ones and those you met recently. Friends and relatives will willingly support any of your ideas, there will be no reason for disagreement with them. Gemini♊️ Today you will have time to do even more than you planned before, because you do not want to waste time in vain. Intuition will tell you where to start. Mornings can bring unusual ideas. Before proceeding with their implementation, consult with loved ones: they will tell you how best to act.


November 19, 2022

Reciprocity works wonders.

This is important when you match. You do not coincide with characters and outlooks on life, but with the desire to be together. It seems to me that then, even being completely different, you automatically begin to coincide in the rest. Accepting each other as you are, not trying to remake, enriching and filling with what is not in you, but is in your loved one, you will be able to focus on pleasant moments without focusing on dissimilarity.


November 18, 2022

How to find the strength to leave an alcoholic husband?

3 steps to release: ▫️Look into the future, which will surely be little different from the sad present. Ready to be next to a drunkard to the last and ruin your life? Everyone gives answers to these questions. Of course, much depends on the degree of alcoholism, on the situation in the family. ▫️Separate the disease of the drunkard from himself and think about what can really be done. If he realizes that he is addicted and wants to get rid of this scourge, he can be helped. And if not? Then continue to cut him, spread rot, force him to go to a narcologist - it's useless! ▫️Stop saving him! Each person is the creator of his own life. First you have to stop patronizing an adult man. Let him take responsibility for his own life and actions.


November 18, 2022

How to choose a man who won't cheat.

All women dream of a man who does not cheat, because he is a reliable partner, next to whom it will always be comfortable. Many believe that there are no men who do not cheat, but in fact there are examples of how a man has remained faithful to his beloved. What you should pay attention to: Avoidance of attachment. Partners who avoid attachment, at the first sign of trouble, at best, withdraw into themselves, at worst, break off relations. And those who are not capable of radical actions begin to look for sexual connections on the side. Attitude towards casual sex. People who strongly believe in sex as an expression of love within certain relationships are less likely to look the other way than those who are used to changing partners like gloves.


November 18, 2022

Is it possible to forgive a lie to a loved one?

If a loved one admits his mistakes, does not deny the fact of a lie and wants to understand how to change the situation, then the lie can be forgiven. But if he continues to behave as if he is not to blame for anything, and accuses you of being too picky and suspicious, then you should think: are you on the way with this man? The reverse situation: what to do if you are caught in a lie? To begin with, answer yourself the question: “Why am I lying to my beloved”? What drives you every time you try to hide the truth and come up with an excuse? Fear of breaking up a relationship? But won't the consequences of lying be worse than what happens if the fact of lies is revealed?


November 18, 2022

How to flirt with your husband.

Any woman in a long-term marriage eventually asks the question "How to refresh the relationship?". Photo. Take a selfie in underwear, in bed, in the bathroom, in the fitting room - let your husband fidget a little in the office chair! Flirt in public. Press your thigh against your husband, kiss him, slap him or stroke him just below the back. Nothing turns on like a violation of the prohibitions imposed by public opinion. Text messages. If you want to get a male ready for a stormy night in the evening, instead of a tired fan of watching football, write something hot and promising to your husband. And add a candid selfie to the message. Believe me, he will definitely not stay at work. Don't be afraid to flirt with your husband. No matter how stupid you feel at that moment after many years together - he will appreciate it! Do you often flirt with your spouse?


November 18, 2022

Ideal woman. 9th place - Aries.

Terrible woman! In the sense that a terribly beautiful clever, beautiful and sexy little thing. Look, but do not touch with your hands - in any case, without permission. Because if you carelessly touch Aries with your hands, the Alien will crawl out of it and dazzlingly smile with all 148 teeth. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart, to be honest. Especially considering the fact that the Alien is Aries and is, and he has a bow on his head. Well, because he's a girl!


November 18, 2022

Vampires: Zodiac signs that feed on your pain. Vampire Capricorn.

The most important vampire, the most important suppressor of someone else's will, Capricorn slowly but surely infuriates a person and enjoys seeing fear and confusion. Capricorn will not get rid of, even if you beg for mercy - the worse it is for you, the better for Capricorn. Give up - perhaps then the process will be quick and almost painless. Neither a brick wall nor an imaginary crystal dome can protect you from these guys - there are no barriers for energy vampires. But now we know the enemies by sight, and if we meet the guys from this four, we need to smile broadly and quickly run away.


November 18, 2022

How different zodiac signs take revenge. Scorpio.

Being one of the most insightful signs of the zodiac, Scorpio once or twice determines the pain points of each person and skillfully manipulates them with the help of this knowledge. Scorpio's favorite revenge is to make the offender's life hell in such a way that Mr. Poison Sting himself remains in the shadows. The poor fellow will wonder how he brought his life to such a deplorable state of affairs, while the true culprit of the collapse of his career or relationship will enjoy retribution.


November 18, 2022

How to keep men of earth signs of the zodiac? Capricorn - be equal.

Capricorn is a strong and stubborn zodiac sign. He loves to be sarcastic and tries to subordinate his chosen one to his rules. It is not easy to “tame” him and fall in love with him: for a long time he doubts the correctness of the choice. He will torment himself and his beloved until the very wedding, and when he gets married, he will stop testing feelings. Capricorn can talk a lot about his ideals - an economic, modest and decent girl, but in reality he will quickly get bored with the regularity of life. Capricorn cannot be kept by intimacy - only by spiritual connection and friendships. The chosen one should be able to fend off his sarcastic jokes and be able to justify the position (especially for financial expenses). You should not enter into an open conflict with Capricorn, because if he communicates on emotions, then it is better to return to the problem when he calms down.


November 18, 2022


If you believe that the most important things will come later, then your life turns into an endless waiting. Waiting makes it hard to live now. There is simply no energy left to live. The present moment is the only reality.


November 18, 2022

The more neural connections our brain has, the better our cognitive abilities.

Therefore, our brains need daily exercise. What's to be done?There is one working exercise that doesn't require any special conditions. Just close your eyes and try to move around your apartment, take a shower with your eyes closed, put some stuff in its place. Try to feel the value of a coin lying in your pocket. Try to learn Braille, a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired. What's the object of doing that? By doing this you boost neural connectivity and activate some brain areas, which usually perform little or no work. It's also a great exercise for the whole brain.


November 18, 2022

Black Mamba.

The black mamba is the fastest snake in the world. It is capable of speeds up to 20 km / h, if the need arises. The length of the black mamba can reach three meters. Contrary to their name, black mambas are by no means black. They got their name from the black color of their mouths, which they open wide before attacking. In Africa, as a result of the expansion of agricultural land, people have invaded the lands where black mambas live, but the snakes do not go anywhere, so attacks on peasants are becoming more common. Every year, eight to ten thousand people die from the bite of a black mamba.


November 18, 2022

LEGO Brick Compatible Keyboard is the new hit on Kickstarter.

The main feature - the mechanical keyboard is compatible with LEGO bricks. That is, all elements of the device can be changed at your discretion. For example, as shown in the official video, the user can arrange a whole composition on the sides of the buttons or decorate the back of the keyboard - it all depends on the imagination. Switches and caps can also be replaced. The Pixel also has RGB lighting and supports a detachable power cord. The device can work not only by wire, but also via Bluetooth and USB dongle. The keyboard is compatible with all current operating systems, including mobile iOS and Android. The issue price is $189.


November 18, 2022

Startup Move AI came up with motion capture technology that works without sensors.

A specially created neural network will turn the recorded video into a finished animation with the ability to import it into any engine, and therefore into any virtual world. To transfer yourself to the virtual world, an ordinary camera is enough.


November 18, 2022

Nike opens a store in the metaverse.

They will trade virtual and real sneakers there. They are launching a project together with the Swoosh platform, where the first collection will be shown - at the beginning of 2023. So far, they say, they cannot predict how buyers will perceive the novelty.


November 18, 2022

What is the essence of "SHIRABI"?

The focus of shibari is on aesthetics, which is emphasized with multiple knots. The partner who ties the second is called the rigger. The passive partner is called the (rope) rabbit. There are many ways to bind a partner. For example, only the breasts or genitals may be tied. The technique of knots should either completely immobilize or emphasize the curves of the female body.


November 18, 2022