Remains of fish baked 780,000 years ago have been found in Israel.

At the site of the ancient people of Gesher Bnot Yaakov in northern Israel, archaeologists have found the remains of fish baked on a fire 780 thousand years ago. This find was the earliest evidence of the use of fire for cooking. It is 600 thousand years older than the previous one.


November 22, 2022

Young monkeys, like children, brag to their parents.

Chimpanzees, like people, can attract the attention of relatives not for any purpose: to ask for food or help - but simply to show off. Like children pointing their fingers at a passing car or a toy in the sandbox to their parents just to share information. Canadian scientists came to these conclusions during the observation of chimpanzees. For the first time in history, zoologists managed to film how a young monkey shows off to his mother a found green leaf.


November 22, 2022

Chinese customs officers accidentally found an insect unknown to science.

In the province of Guangdong, Chinese customs officers found a cockroach unknown to science. It arrived in the country with a cargo of timber from French Guiana in South America. Customs officers handed over the discovered insect to scientists. Whether it was alive is not specified. Biologists did a DNA analysis and studied the morphological features of a cockroach. They didn't match any known creature. It turned out that the insect is a new species from the Latindia class. The scientists published their findings in the Chinese Journal of Molecular Biology.


November 22, 2022

Ideal woman. 6th place - Aquarius.

Athlete, activist and just a beauty. The perfect woman that everyone falls in love with at first sight. And here lies the problem, because Aquarius does not want to love anyone. Aquarius wants to be friends, because it is, firstly, more interesting, and secondly, more reliable. And whoever wants to go into the pool of dark passions - let them look for Scorpio for themselves. Only at first you will have to hit your head against the wall with a run - they say that some managed to forget Aquarius in this way.


November 21, 2022

4 women of the zodiac who are easiest to meet on the street. Aries.

“Girl, and girl, and what is your zodiac sign?” If in response you hear: Aries, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius, then you are on the right track - the acquaintance took place. The beauties of this four will not run away from you, headlong, shouting "Save me, help me, maniac." Well, if they run, then something is wrong with you. Aries girl. Well, why are you standing and shy - do you really think that the Aries woman should come to you first? Do not be afraid, Aries does not bite, on the contrary, she loves new acquaintances. Just do without banal phrases and do not tell Aries that there were not enough angels in heaven, and this angel is she. The fiery lady is sociable, but she will not listen to nonsense.


November 21, 2022

The trait of your zodiac sign that makes it difficult to find love. Aries. Taurus.

Character is formed over the years, but some traits that are useful for careers and friendships can interfere with the search for love. Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristics that prevent the search for a soul mate, and we will talk about them. Aries - an active search for the ideal. Aries seeks to find their soul mate and does it quite diligently. He quickly gets carried away, but easily switches to another, more interesting personality. Taurus - Fear of opening up. Taurus try not to give vent to feelings and control relationships, trusting common sense. Taurus do not forgive shortcomings, weakness and neglect, they are not ready for sacrifices and compromises.


November 21, 2022

Tuvalu will create its own digital twin.

The island state of Tuvalu will create its digital twin because of the threat of complete flooding. The tiny island nation of Tuvalu, which is located near Australia, may sink to the bottom of the ocean by the end of the century due to climate change. The government of the country decided to create a digital copy of Tuvalu along with the sights in order to preserve its history and culture. It will be uploaded to the metaverse. Already now, at high tide, about 40% of the atoll-capital of Funafuti goes under water. After 80 years, the ocean can completely absorb the entire group of islands.


November 21, 2022

Scientists have learned how to make computer chips from mushroom skins.

Such a chip, according to scientists, is much easier to dispose of when it has served its useful life. After testing the resulting chip, the team concluded that the skin was almost as good as traditional plastic bases. After 2,000 bends, not a single crack formed on it. But there are still difficulties. For example, in the production of such chips, additional tests must be carried out to make sure that the skin works as it should. Nevertheless, scientists consider their development promising and plan further research.


November 21, 2022

Daily horoscope November 21st.

Capricorn♑️ Today, the ability to maintain composure will be very useful to you. This day will not be easy, especially for those who have planned trips or meetings. Something may not go according to plan, confusion is likely, which will lead to delays. You will figure everything out, but it will take effort and patience. Aquarius♒️ The day will be favorable for meetings and acquaintances, communication with people whom you would like to like. It will be possible to do without disputes with those whose views are different from yours, to attract recent rivals to your side. It is possible that mutual sympathy will arise in place of long-standing hostility. Pisces♓️ Do not discuss serious issues if they do not require an immediate solution. Today it may be difficult for you to express your point of view clearly and intelligibly, and without offending anyone will be even more difficult. In addition, you will have to deal with especially impressionable and sensitive people.


November 21, 2022

Daily horoscope November 21st.

Libra♎️ You definitely won’t be bored today, because unusual meetings, interesting conversations and proposals await you, which you won’t want to refuse. Some Libra will finally receive the news that they have been waiting for a long time, and there will immediately be less reason for such representatives of the sign to worry. Scorpio♏️ You will want to do several things at the same time, to solve at once all the issues that have recently bothered you and your loved ones. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to succeed. But if you act consistently, then everything will be in time and you will not be exhausted. It is important to avoid any unnecessary fuss, maintain composure and confidence in success. Sagittarius♐️ You will understand others today almost better than yourself. It will be possible to get along even with those who are reluctant to make contact, do not tell anything about themselves and try not to show any emotions. For many, your ability to find an approach to everyone will make an indelible impression. People who have not communicated with you before will understand how much they have lost.


November 21, 2022

Daily horoscope November 21st.

Cancer♋️ Do not take on difficult tasks at the beginning of the day. Important meetings should also be postponed: in the morning it will be much more difficult for you to find the right words and choose the course of action that would make a favorable impression. It will be very useful to relax, recuperate. But the second half of the day is just right for everything serious, responsible and requiring attention Leo♌️ Finally, there will be answers to questions that you have been thinking about for a long time, and much will become much easier. And you will also deal with boring cases that required attention a long time ago, and will gladly take on something more interesting. Virgo♍️ A good day for talking with people who share your hobbies, doing some interesting things with you. It is very useful to share ideas with them, to exchange impressions about important events of the recent past. Even disputes will be useful, because thanks to them there will be very successful solutions.


November 21, 2022

Daily horoscope November 21st.

Aries♈️ The day will be very fruitful if you yourself take the initiative, do not sit back and wait until something interesting is offered to you. As soon as you find an exciting business, those who want to do it with you will also catch up. Taurus♉️ The day will go well, but it will still bring some cause for concern. It will not be easy for Taurus, who will go to some family events today. Getting along with relatives, especially older ones, will be somewhat more difficult than usual. But quarrels can still be avoided, and there will be no reasons for serious offenses. Gemini♊️ Whatever plans you make for today, rely only on your strength, knowledge and common sense when you bring them to life. The intervention of acquaintances can lead to trouble and unfortunate misunderstandings. It is possible that even the closest ones will render you disservices, and completely unwillingly.


November 21, 2022

People who enjoy criticizing others.

A narcissist is a personality type that likes to devalue others to show his importance, he criticizes in order to appear more intelligent, more significant, more powerful in the eyes of others. But is he really like that or is it just a front? Most likely a front. Most likely, he was underestimated as a child, and he is now taking it out on others. If a person really is a narcissist, it is impossible to change him, he will constantly manipulate you, criticize and devalue you.


November 21, 2022

I'm going to write you a letter.

The more complicated our life becomes, the more difficult it is for us to contain ourselves. Anger and aggression are extremely destructive feelings and for the person carrying them the most. Suppose you are plagued by a feeling of irritation and even hatred for a certain person. How do you cope? Let's write him or her a letter! The essence of this technique is that you write a letter to the person you are angry with. Let yourself go - write EVERYTHING that has accumulated in you, what you think about this person, what you feel towards them. Express everything as it is, everything that is on your mind, without limiting yourself in expressions. After you are done, you can read everything again, after which you tear the letter and throw it away.


November 21, 2022

Why is it important to set and protect your personal boundaries?

Because these are your UNIQUE ways of living, your experiences, your unique thinking and your unique emotions. This is your unique “self”. And it must be carefully protected and taken care of. If you don’t set your personal boundaries you won’t have a personal life either, you wouldn’t be yourself. You wont fulfill your potential and live the way you dreamed. It is when you build your boundaries that your strength, your thoughts, your true feelings, your future - will return to you, which you will see firsthand. After you regain them, you will enjoy harmony, happiness and experience sense of contentment in life.


November 21, 2022

Your focus for the year.

When planning out your year, month or week I strongly recommend setting yourself a goal - a focus. That is going to be something your attention is always drawn to. Setting yourself more than 2 or 3 focuses is pointless. Pick and follow the most crucial one. Example: You have a school project due in March, but you haven’t even started working on it. Set yourself a focus for February - PROJECT. This way, using a day planner, you’ll know what errands you should accentuate and how to go about your day more efficiently in regards to your goal. In other words, you can plan out your whole year around 2 or 3 important goals (focuses).


November 21, 2022

Pen is mightier than the sword…

During a heated argument people can say a lot of things which could sour or plague one’s relationship with another. Many people genuinely don’t understand what it was they said that could have been so offensive. “I told my wife her patty cakes were horrible and so was her hair! So what? It’s the truth!» «I told my husband out of spite that I have someone to compare him to. He was somewhat nicer, too. So he slammed the door! What is wrong with men these days? Bighead!” Now imagine every word you speak is a big, sharp kitchen knife. It’s dangerous if you pick it up and start swinging it in front of people. You might hurt somebody. Injure them badly or even kill them. Especially when that person trusts you and doesn’t expect it. In fact, despite the above analogy, there’s an accurate saying, which goes: “Words cut deeper than a knife”. Use the knife to prepare delicious holiday dishes instead!


November 20, 2022

No year reviews, just rely on yourself.

It's actually very difficult, because we are more willing to trust anyone but ourselves. "Who am I to believe myself?" "Believing myself, I'm bound to be wrong." That's the way most people reason and that’s why choose to believe others. As if others have something that insures them from making a mistake. No expertise will ever guarantee you anything. Shit happens to everyone. Mistakes help you grow and make you stronger.


November 20, 2022

Up to 1.35 billion people could lose their hearing due to too loud music on headphones.

The researchers analyzed more than 30 scientific papers on this topic over the past 20 years. In the studies analyzed by scientists, a total of about 20 thousand people participated. It turned out that in 24% of cases, listening to music with headphones can be called dangerous. In the case of concerts, this figure reaches 50%. The researchers also found that listening to loud music was associated with "changes in hearing thresholds." This is due to the fact that sensory cells are damaged in humans, and it takes years to restore them.


November 20, 2022

The causative agents of leprosy can speed up the recovery of the liver.

Scottish scientists observed the South American armadillos and found that one of the strains of leprosy (leprosy) penetrates into the animal's liver and accelerates its growth. Perhaps the bacterium can be used to regenerate this organ.


November 20, 2022