Types of men to stay away from.

Critic. He condemns everything you do. You need to understand the difference: criticizing is not the same as giving advice. passive aggressor. With such a person, you feel as if you should walk on tiptoe. Denial of feelings, sarcasm, questionable compliments are indicators that you are dealing with a passive aggressor. Narcissus. With all his behavior he shows that his existence is the best gift: he knows everything, he is the best in everything and does not hesitate to remind you of this every minute. Stone wall. A rock wall is a person who refuses to engage in conversation and share their feelings when problems arise. He constantly dodges direct questions. antisocial personality. Aggressive and explosive behavior. He also has psychopathic tendencies, a lack of remorse and empathy, a tendency to take advantage of others, greed, vindictiveness.


November 22, 2022

Investment in relationships.

Relationships need to be built: the more you invest in them, the more expensive the partner becomes. The same mechanism works when we develop self-love - it grows through self-care, putting strength into ourselves. Therefore, invest in relationships, appreciate what they give you and, of course, keep a balance!


November 22, 2022

Why am I not in the first place with my husband?

Many women are unhappy that their husband does not pay enough attention to them, is too busy with himself, his work, ideas and projects. The normal priorities of a psychologically healthy person are in order: himself, then his partner, then their children, then parents, and then there are friends, buddies and everything else. If your husband has you and your needs in the first place, most likely, he is not in the best psychological state. If you really want to be in the first place with a man, ask yourself - why is this so important to you? Maybe because your own priority system has failed? And you yourself are not in the first place, but in the second, third or twentieth?


November 22, 2022

Do's and don'ts to tell your girlfriend during a divorce.

If your girlfriend is getting a divorce, then this difficult situation will affect you too. What phrases to say, and which ones should be avoided during this difficult period for her: ❌ How are you? ❌ Let's meet sometime? ❌ What happened? ❌ Have you been to a psychotherapist? ❌ I don't understand what you're upset about. ✅ How are you today? ✅ Do you have someone to talk to? ✅ How can I help? ✅ I love you, I am always with you. ✅ Do you want to talk?


November 22, 2022

Today we will talk about what some people are embarrassed to even think about.

I will open your eyes to the powerful weapon in your arsenal, your sexuality. Sexuality is not a switch that just turned on / off. This is the pressure of water, somewhere it added, somewhere it turned down, somewhere it turned off completely, and somewhere it opened the tap to the maximum. And virtuoso control of your sexuality is an art. The value of a woman who knows how to do this is beyond. Your goal, both with a boyfriend and in a relationship, is to create the “I want more!” effect. To do this, sexuality is served in waves. The man will start thinking about it. Some will do something to find out why you are more excited. Let me remind you that you are excited by male care, attention, activity, courtship. And so he begins to care. Wasting resources on you. Worries. And in two weeks you are already a close person for him. I just wanted sex, but in the end I realized that I fell in love.


November 22, 2022

Give positive emotions.

If a husband is happy next to you, will he look at others? Working on emotional fulfillment in a relationship is important. The “wow-effect” gives the greatest charge: for example, from jointly overcome difficulties. You can simply create as many bright positive memories as possible: for example, from an actively spent vacation.


November 22, 2022

Xiaomi has created a dryer for cats - Pet Drying Box.

The dryer is a plastic box with a transparent door, as well as a side outlet so that you can stick your hand in and pet the animal. Combines three functions: dryers, pet beds and a sterilization room. The dryer has several small fans that do not cause noise or inconvenience. The maximum temperature is only 39 degrees. The four-legged friend is blown with a stream of warm air, removing the smallest drops of water from the wool.


November 22, 2022

In Japan, introduced a robotic spider to inspect sewer pipes.

In order to simplify the work of existing workers, TMSUK has developed a spider robot to inspect sewer pipes. The SPD1 walking robot prototype was created in response to a request from a local utility company. The device has dimensions of 21x25x28 cm, weighs about 3.5 kg and is designed to inspect pipes with a diameter of 200-300 mm. The robot is remotely actuated and controlled by the operator using a game-type controller connected to the SPD1 cable. TMSUK envisions a scenario in which three robots can be physically linked together by a cable and work as a group. In this case, the lead robot will move through the pipe, the second robot will identify areas that need repair, and the third robot will perform the repair using a robotic arm holding the tool.


November 22, 2022

NASA has launched the most powerful rocket - SLS (Space Launch System).

This is one of the key stages of the Artemis mission to land astronauts on the moon after a half-century hiatus. A giant 98-meter rocket will launch the Orion reusable spacecraft into space, carrying mannequins with artificial organs to assess the effects of radiation on the body, plant seeds, fungi and algae. It will fly around the Moon and return to Earth, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean on December 11. If everything goes according to plan, then in 2024 the Artemis-2 mission will start - already with people on board, but without disembarking. It is planned to lower the crew to the lunar surface in 2025 as part of Artemis-3. Recall that the last and sixth manned landing on the moon took place as part of the Apollo 17 mission in 1972.


November 22, 2022

Pickle, a developer of truck unloading robots, has raised $26 million.

Pickle Robot has raised $26 million in Series A funding and added industry veterans to its leadership team. Pickle Robot unloading systems work together with people on loading platforms to make work safer, faster and more efficient. Investors participating in this funding round included Toyota AI Ventures, Third Kind Venture Capital, Hyperplane Ventures, BoxGroup and Version One Ventures. Pickle said it will use the funding to accelerate time to market and strengthen adoption capabilities.


November 22, 2022

Ideal woman. 5th place - Cancer.

Cancers really want to be reference women, but they are shy. Or they are afraid. Or they think they can't. Therefore, they choose for themselves some kind of female archetype - Woman-Mother, for example - and bring it to perfection, inaccessible to all other signs. Thank them very much for this. Those who are not Mother Woman, for example, now have a chance not to hang themselves in a dark corner with envy.


November 22, 2022

4 women of the zodiac who are easiest to meet on the street. Libra.

The Libra girl will not give you a cold look if you ask her name. But you don’t need to wink - suddenly Libra will think that you have a nervous tic. Behave naturally, and acquaintance will gradually grow into friendship or something more.


November 22, 2022

How different zodiac signs take revenge. Pisces.

Sometimes Pisces is overcome by a desire for revenge, they begin to develop a plan, shaking with anger. But after a while, the anger “lets go”, and the Pisces cannot understand why they were so offended by the person? It is not worth considering the Neptunians as forgetful "goldfish" - they have a good memory, they perfectly remember the misdeeds of others, they simply do not hold a grudge against them and give everyone a second chance. However, if a person decides not to avenge an insult inflicted on him, this does not mean that he is not angry. How different zodiac signs behave in anger, we talked in detail in this article.


November 22, 2022

The trait of your zodiac sign that makes it difficult to find love. Aries. Taurus.

Gemini is the outer superficiality. Gemini is hindered by the fact that the opposite sex does not take them seriously. They seem to be frivolous and unstable due to their activity and sociability. In fact, there are many faithful partners among Gemini. Cancer - adherence to traditions. Cancers are hindered by excessive decency and good breeding: they do not accept relationships that do not lead to a wedding, making very high demands on the second half. They tend to idealize the person they are in love with.


November 22, 2022

Daily horoscope November 22nd.

Capricorn♑️ The day will go well. Don't rush, it won't be necessary. The stars will be on your side, thanks to their support, you will do an excellent job with what you couldn’t do before, successfully complete difficult cases, and without too much fuss and worry, resolve issues that many have been worrying about lately. Aquarius♒️ Do not rush to take on difficult cases. It is better to start the day with something simpler, for example, to solve small tasks that have not been reached for a long time. It will not always be easy to develop relationships with others, it may seem that acquaintances are specifically testing your patience. However, it will not come to serious conflicts. Pisces♓️ The day will be favorable for communication, especially business. This is a good time to discuss plans, decide how you will proceed, what you can handle yourself, and what you will entrust to your assistants. There may be minor disagreements at work. It is possible that they will help to find optimal solutions.


November 22, 2022

Daily horoscope November 22nd.

Libra♎️ The day is unlikely to be especially easy and carefree, but the difficulties that arise from time to time will not prevent you from coping well with many difficult tasks, even more than planned. You should be careful with money, especially at the beginning of the day. It is better not to rush with transactions and purchases. Scorpio♏️ Don't overwork at the start of the day. This time will hardly be suitable for complex affairs, long trips, any activity that requires serious effort. It's better to start with something easier. Soon the influence of positive trends will increase, and you will feel that you are ready to work hard. Sagittarius♐️ Don't start the day by remembering bad things or thinking about things that make you sad. Tune in a positive way, take on a useful thing. You will quickly achieve the first successes and immediately feel better. Successful coincidences are likely, unexpected offers that will open up new opportunities for you.


November 22, 2022

Daily horoscope November 22nd.

Cancer♋️ Start the day with the most important things. It is the morning that is suitable for responsible meetings, serious decisions, as well as trips that you have high hopes for. This is a good time to start learning. You will be attentive, pay attention to all the small details, quickly remember everything that may come in handy. Leo♌️ The day will open up a lot of new opportunities, you will try not to miss any of them. Successful coincidences, unexpected interesting events, news that will help you decide on plans for the future are likely. Small cash receipts are likely, which will be very handy. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable in order to complete the work begun a long time ago. Intuition will tell you how to do this without wasting a minute. Unusual meetings, acquaintances are possible, with which friendships or romantic relationships that are important to you will begin.


November 22, 2022

Daily horoscope November 22nd.

Aries♈️ The day will not be easy and carefree. But you will still do a lot of useful things, not only for yourself, but also for others. New cases may suddenly appear, tasks that require immediate solutions. This is where your perseverance comes in handy. You will not quit what you started until you achieve the desired result. Taurus♉️ The day will bring a lot of worries, urgent matters may appear, tasks that require immediate solutions. You will be fine with everything if you do not become nervous, act consistently and rely on your own knowledge and experience. Other people's advice is unlikely to be useful, because people will often give them without understanding the situation at all. Gemini♊️ Stay calm at the start of the day. At this time, something will certainly not go according to plan, unexpected difficulties may arise, and getting along with others will be more difficult than usual. Misunderstandings at work, delays in business are possible. Do not be nervous. Soon the situation will begin to change for the better, there will come a favorable moment for decisive action.


November 22, 2022

In the United States, laboratory meat is officially recognized as fit for consumption.

It is important to understand that this is not about meat substitutes. We are talking about real meat, which is mainly made by cloning chicken meat cells. Now, it is officially recognized as safe and suitable for human consumption.


November 22, 2022

Male fertility has halved in the past half century.

Male fertility has halved in the past half century. Between 1973 and 2018, male fertility worldwide declined by about 50%. Moreover, since the beginning of the new millennium, the figures have been falling twice as fast as before - by 2.64% annually. These conclusions were reached by Israeli scientists after a meta-analysis of 800 studies on male infertility. According to the World Health Organization, 10-15% of families in the West cannot have children due to the infertility of one of the spouses. Most of them lose their fertility at the age of 40-55.


November 22, 2022