Why you shouldn't eat sausage.

Sausages, sausages and other meat products from processed meat are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as products with carcinogenic activity. For example, the pink color of sausage is due to sodium nitrite or potassium nitrite. You can’t do without them, because they prevent the development of botulism pathogens in the product. When ingested, these substances can be converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines. Smoked sausages are real cholesterol bombs, and according to the World Health Organization, high blood cholesterol is the cause of 50% of all heart attacks and 20% of heart attacks. Ditch processed foods in favor of natural meats, poultry, and fish.


November 23, 2022

Recipes drainage drinks for weight loss.

Recipe number 4 Pour 2 tbsp. dry berries and strawberry leaves pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. 4 times a day before meals. Recipe number 5 Brew 2 tsp. dry calendula flowers in 500 ml of boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes. Take 0.5 cup three times a day before meals. Recipe number 6 Grind dried stems of horsetail, brew like tea (1 tsp per glass of water). Drink three times a day for ¼ cup.


November 23, 2022

Recipes drainage drinks for weight loss.

Take advantage of 6 slimming drainage drink recipes that you can easily prepare at home! Recipe #1 2 tbsp crushed leaves of coltsfoot pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour in a thermos. Drink 1 tbsp. evening and morning. Recipe number 2 1 tsp dry crushed birch leaves pour a glass of boiling water, add 0.5 tsp. honey. Drink half an hour before meals twice a day. Recipe number 3 Steam 25-30 g of black currant leaves with 500 ml of boiling water. Cooled infusion take 1/2 cup three times a day.


November 23, 2022

Drainage drinks for weight loss.

One of the reasons for fullness is fluid retention in the body, and it is in fat cells. Adipose tissue has the ability to absorb and retain water like a sponge. And this not only increases weight and volume, but also slows down all metabolic processes in them. Only when excess fluid leaves, fat burning begins. In addition, along with excess fluid, toxins and decomposition products of fats are removed from the body. In fat cells, metabolic processes are normalized, which means that fat burning is enhanced. You need to start losing weight precisely with the use of drainage drinks. They not only reduce volume, puffiness, but also restore skin elasticity, and as a result, the contours of the figure become more clear and toned.


November 23, 2022

Listening and hearing are two different things.

It's not a question of impaired hearing and mechanical noise, which sometimes interferes with our ear. What we mean is when a loved one doesn't want to hear you - it hurts, it's confusing, it's sad, it's annoying, and sometimes drives you mad! An extreme form of "you don't hear me" can eventually turn into "you don't notice me!" And that's where most of us cannot cope. It is important to understand one simple thing. The fact that you are not heard does not always mean IGNORED. Sometimes it’s a way of interacting. After all, it’s not a disaster, only a way for events to unfold. And if you are not heard SYSTEMATICALLY, perhaps there is a reason to think about finding those people who will really be interested in what you have to say.


November 23, 2022

Half an hour of silence.

Robin Charm wrote that Buddhist monks have a technique for strengthening willpower, keeping silent for 3-5 hours. However, there’s a technique you can try out today already – daily silence for 30 minutes. If you really need to speak, then you can limit yourself to just a few words. Believe me, the results will speak volumes.


November 23, 2022

Don't hide your true face.

We live in a time where hiding your true face is more difficult each day. Life is showing us, using many different ways, that it is necessary to be yourself, to be honest with yourself, to hear yourself, to be in touch with yourself. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of illusions. You want to live a real, happy life, don’t you?


November 23, 2022


Techniques such as yoga, meditation, Zen, usually help you to restore contact with your inner self. These are ways that can help you, forget about the periphery, leave it for a while and relax in your inner being so deeply that the external factors lose weight, and you can focus internally. All meditation techniques are aimed at making you brave, strong, ready for adventure, so that you can stop holding on and allow you to discover yourself.


November 23, 2022

The woman is insanely mutual.

Thus, a man can turn his woman either into a blooming Garden of Eden, where he can come to rest after hard trials and find peace, vent and peace, or into a clear and hard deadly mechanism that will finish him off with control in the head, before that passing through a meat grinder, breaking pride, and in some cases life. Once again, a woman is madly mutual. If you see a gentle, caring, calm, loving and devoted woman in front of you, then you are a true man. Honor and praise to you. If you see a cold-blooded, insensitive bitch who will step over you without even turning around, then in the past you have tried very hard, and the limit of female forgiveness and patience has been exhausted. Remember. When you look at your woman, you look at yourself. So don't ask for what you can't give yourself.


November 23, 2022

The woman is insanely mutual.

Men, unfortunately, often do not understand elementary things, for example, one simple truth - women are insanely mutual. They absorb the attitude of a man towards himself on an energy level - what actions a man does for them, what words he says, whether these words coincide with actions, and so on. Over time, a man receives a boomerang, which he himself launched, the result of his own behavior, - a woman who is woven either from the pleasant impressions that he gave her, from the attention, care, tenderness and warmth with which he pampered her, from time and the strength he put into it. Or exactly the opposite. For a woman always returns this accumulated energy back to a man. This is the law.


November 23, 2022

Nvidia introduced a new eDiff-I neural network, which still generates images, but with one feature.

A feature of eDiff-I is that the user writes down what picture he wants to synthesize, matches colors with words, and draws a schematic sketch of the desired result. After a couple of seconds, the neural network will generate an image, taking into account all the nuances specified by the text query. So far, the neural network is not available to all users.


November 23, 2022

The Solar Orbiter space probe captured a huge moving "snake" on the Sun.

In fact, there is nothing unusual in the phenomenon: it is a stream of cold plasma that flows along the magnetic field of a star in an ornate thread. The video is accelerated several times - in fact, the journey of the "snake" took three hours, and its peak speed reached 105,000 km/h.


November 23, 2022

LEGO has released a kit to build a giant Eiffel Tower almost as tall as a man.

Today it is the tallest LEGO model - 149 centimeters. There are 10,001 parts in this set. Only the world map of 11,695 parts has more. The tower will go on sale November 25th. US price - $630


November 23, 2022

Samsung has created a robot that will pour wine into a glass and bring it to you after a hard day.

Samsung's Bot Handy will recognize objects using a camera and artificial intelligence. The company is working to ensure that the robot can collect laundry, load the dishwasher, set the table, pour drinks into glasses and bring them to people. He knows how to remind a person to get off the laptop and take a break from work. It also controls the schedule - remembers important events and reminds you of meetings.


November 23, 2022

Ideal woman. 4th place - Pisces.

We almost did not reach the place in the top three Pisces - almost reference women. Insidious devourers of male hearts who do not want to decide anything, but want a dress and pens. In fact, of course, Pisces want everyone to leave them alone and not invade their ideal inner female world with their rough reality.


November 23, 2022

4 women of the zodiac who are easiest to meet on the street. Sagittarius.

Sagittarius girl. Ah, what a woman! Yes, she is like that, but this does not mean that you need to stand like a pillar and admire Sagittarius from afar. By the way, she still does not have a boyfriend - everyone is afraid to approach, so go for it. And it does not matter that you are silent and shy. Sagittarius will talk to you in a minute, and you will not notice how you lay out all your secrets to her. Just do not forget to ask the name of this beautiful woman.


November 23, 2022

The secrets of the success of temperamental Scorpio women in men.

They are mysterious, enigmatic and passionate. What are we talking about? You don’t have to ask - of course, about Scorpio women. Men themselves rush to the water stings and die with a smile on their lips. What is the secret of success, and why do guys lose their heads at the sight of these witches? Secret 1. Eroticism. Water ladies can wrap themselves in old rags and cover their faces with a veil. But men will still stumble and fall at the feet of Scorpios. Fatal ladies are literally shrouded in an aura of sexuality. And at the same time they play the role of snow queens. But inaccessibility attracts even more.


November 23, 2022

The trait of your zodiac sign that makes it difficult to find love. Leo. Virgo.

Leo is pride. Leo's pride is easy to offend: he is proud, self-sufficient and knows his own worth, so he is sure that he deserves the best partner. Leo quickly recognizes the real character of people, but sometimes excessive pride prevents you from taking the first step. Virgo - excessive control. Falling in love is a wonderful feeling, but it is difficult for Virgos to let go and trust their heart. They doubt, analyze, not allowing themselves to get carried away until they are convinced that the person is worthy of it.


November 23, 2022

Horoscope for November 23rd.

♑️Capricorn Work will help to avoid a nervous breakdown, which is quite likely for representatives of your sign on this day: focus on it, so much so that you don’t have a single free minute left. ♒️Aquarius The weakness that you will feel in the morning is due to fatigue: lately you have been working too much, so today you should reduce the load, or even better, devote the day to rest. ♓️Pisces It is undesirable to conduct business negotiations: it will not be possible to find a common language with partners, so the likelihood of a transaction planned as a result will have to be highly doubted.


November 23, 2022

Horoscope for November 23rd.

♎️Libra It is undesirable to even listen to the gossip that your colleagues will share, and it is completely unacceptable to participate in intrigues and undercover games: remember that you will have to work with these people in the future. ♏️Scorpio Nervous tension, which can be felt in the morning, must be relieved with the help of your favorite pastime, the main thing is to find time for it in your busy professional schedule. ♐️Sagittarius Today you need to rest, changing the type of activity: tired of mental work, do physical work - for example, wash the floors in the house and wipe the dust, and, when tired, return to intellectual work.


November 23, 2022