Paralyzed people have learned to control a wheelchair with the power of thought.

In Texas, scientists have created a wheelchair that paralyzed people can control with their minds. Some volunteers achieved 98% accuracy after the training course. Paralyzed people controlled the direction of the wheelchair by thinking about the movement of body parts. For example, thinking about hands for turning left or legs for turning right. The computer read the volunteers' neural signals and turned them into wheelchair commands. Initially, patients controlled the wheelchair with an accuracy of 43-55%. After training, some had an indicator of 98%. Each volunteer trained three times a week for 2-5 months.


November 27, 2022

A new volcano has been born in the Indian Ocean.

It has been growing for four years now. A new underwater volcano has been born near the island of Mayotte in the Indian Ocean. He showed up in the spring of 2018. Then the researchers began to carefully study the bottom and how geological processes affect the island. During its short life, the volcano has already ejected more than five cubic kilometers of lava. This is the largest volume in the history of observations, which has transformed the underwater landscape. The volcano will continue to grow for thousands of years. Its activity can become dangerous not only for the island, but for the entire region. Now the diameter of the volcano is five kilometers, the height is about 800 meters.


November 26, 2022

How to feed the Earth with solar energy.

The European Space Agency is figuring out how to power the Earth with solar energy directly from space. ESA is thinking about building orbital solar stations that will generate energy around the clock from sunlight and send it to Earth using microwaves. The ESA is currently looking for funding. The three-year study project is expected to be approved as early as this week.


November 26, 2022

Dirty air changes lung tissue and weakens the immune system.

After many years of living in places with polluted air, people are less likely to tolerate respiratory infections. The fact is that pollutants fill the lymph nodes of the lungs - they accumulate inside macrophages. These are immune cells that absorb potentially dangerous substances, viruses and bacteria. After exposure to dirty air, macrophages have difficulty protecting the body from pathogens. These conclusions were reached by American scientists from Columbia University during the study of tissues of 84 non-smoking organ donors aged 11-93 years.


November 26, 2022

Scientists have predicted another version of the extinction of people.

A study by doctors from Israel and the United States showed that since the 70s, the number of sperm in semen has decreased significantly on all continents and in all ethnic groups. Specifically, on average, there are half as many of them on the planet - from 101 per ml to 49. Moreover, the rate at which the number of spermatozoa falls is also growing.


November 26, 2022

In Oregon, twins were born, who are already 30 years old.

Lydia and Timothy Ridgway were conceived and frozen in 1992. Then the embryos were sent to the national donation center. And only this year they found their parents, for which they were thawed and given birth. The biological father of the twins did not live to see the birth of children, but the current father at the time of their conception was only 5 years old.


November 26, 2022

Neuroscientists have found that moderate stress improves memory.

The University of Georgia said that low to moderate levels of stress have a beneficial effect on the brain, activating areas responsible for memory. True, chronic stress still has a detrimental effect on memory.


November 26, 2022

Smartphone addiction reduces creativity, Chinese scientists say.

They measured the addiction of 48 students on the Smartphone Addiction Scale. Participants then took an "Alternative Uses" test, where they had to come up with different uses for common items. Addicts fared worse. Moreover, they have less fluent perception of information, flexibility and originality of thinking.


November 26, 2022

In Germany, they created a ring that protects against insects.

Inside - repellent IR3535 from Merck. It is packaged in a convenient form, printed on a 3D printer, and put on the arm. According to the creators, such a ring is enough for a week. During which you will not hear mosquitoes dangerously close to you.


November 26, 2022

The US has developed the world's first drug addiction vaccine.

"This vaccine is able to generate fentanyl antibodies that bind to ingested fentanyl and prevent it from reaching the brain, allowing it to be excreted through the kidneys," University of Houston associate professor Colin Hale said in a statement. The new vaccine will be tested soon.


November 26, 2022

AirPods Pro suddenly turned out to be a good hearing aid.

Doctors from the Taipei Veterans Hospital, out of curiosity, decided to test Apple's device to see if it works as a hearing aid. All of a sudden, Airpods Pro were found to pass four of the five parameters of the ANSI/CTA-2051 hearing aid standard. Its Live Listen feature paired with a smartphone can actually help people with mild to moderate hearing loss.


November 26, 2022

Scientists have calculated the dose of alcohol that begins to harm the brain.

A study of 20,000 participants showed that drinking 7 units of alcohol per week impairs cognitive performance. 1 unit is 10 ml. pure alcohol. That is, the safe limit is 2-4 cans of beer per week. Anything above is harmful to the brain.


November 26, 2022

Risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

Research has found that nose picking can increase the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia. The bacteria can travel through the olfactory nerve of the nasal cavity through nose picking, then into the brain and create markers that are "a sure sign of Alzheimer's," according to scientists at Griffith University in Australia.


November 26, 2022

Ideal woman. 1st place - Libra.

And here it is - the standard that all other women dream of being! If you ask them why, they will say that Libra miraculously embodies all the qualities attributed to women, and those that are considered negative, Libra manages to present as dignity. Do you know why? Because Libra does not bother at all about “Am I feminine enough?”, But they simply live and enjoy life. Which is what we all want.


November 26, 2022

Five unfortunate boyfriends according to the horoscope. 4th place - Virgo.

At first, it’s hard for the blessed Virgin to imagine that this sensible and delicate man can afford to offend her, let alone raise his hand. But over time, due to the jealous nature of the Virgo, it can also show the dark sides of the personality. Astrologers strongly do not advise the passion of the man of the Earth to provoke him to zealous impulses, and indeed, if you see that he does not disdain the manifestation of negative emotions, be careful. Separately, it should be noted the vindictiveness of the Virgo boyfriend. At any opportunity, he recalls grievances from the past and informs his half about new nuances in which she turned out to be wrong.


November 26, 2022

The secrets of the success of temperamental Scorpio women in men.

Secret 4. Hypnosis. Pets of Pluto can inspire anything and anyone. This is exactly what envious aunts say when Scorpio women go to the altar with rich handsome men. All sorts of naive simpletons think that water ladies use hypnosis to conquer men. But Scorpios were born with a hypnotic gift - you wouldn't blame them for that, would you? This is the same as blaming people for selfishly using eye color or foot size.


November 26, 2022

The trait of your zodiac sign that makes it difficult to find love. Aquarius. Pisces.

Aquarius is emotional. Aquarians either love or they don't: they don't accept half measures. Feelings are important for them, and if at the first meeting a person is not interested, then they will not take the initiative and learn more closely. Pisces is a dreamer. It is not easy for Pisces to move from dreams to actions: they are active only if they feel competition and are afraid to miss the person they are in love with. We must remember that true love overcomes all obstacles and even changes character. The zodiac sign plays its role in love relationships, but not the final one.


November 26, 2022

Daily horoscope November 26th.

Capricorn♑️ Today you will have much more ideas and plans than usual. You will want to do everything at once, but common sense will tell you that it is better to act consistently. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources. There will be a chance to make good purchases. You can buy something for yourself, and gifts for loved ones. Aquarius♒️ Today, more than usual, you will find yourself in the spotlight. This will allow you to make interesting acquaintances, chat with people about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. Your intuition will tell you how to behave in order to make a good impression. It is not excluded the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships. Pisces♓️ Try not to overwork at the beginning of the day. This time is hardly suitable for some particularly important and complex matters; it is better to devote it to pleasant pursuits. Many Pisces will be inspired by communication with loved ones. Representatives of the sign will receive the support they lacked. The influence of positive trends will increase rapidly. In the afternoon, you will feel much more cheerful and energetic, you will understand that you are ready to take on some difficult things and achieve success in them.


November 26, 2022

Daily horoscope November 26th.

Libra♎️ This day is suitable for dealing with matters that have long required attention. If you have been putting off something for a long time, considering it too boring and tedious, do it now. You don’t have to try especially hard, you will quickly get even better results than you expected. Relatives are willing to help if needed. Scorpio♏️ Do not hurry. At the beginning of the day, it may seem that you need to do something immediately, start solving some important issues or radically change your life. But it is better to wait a bit, collect your thoughts, try to collect more information. Chances are, you'll find it's best not to do anything special for now. Sagittarius♐️ The day is hardly suitable for serious matters and solving complex issues. You may underestimate what will later turn out to be important, or simply overlook something. Finding a common language with others at this time will also be somewhat more difficult than usual. However, this does not prevent you from maintaining friendliness and goodwill.


November 26, 2022

Daily horoscope November 26th.

Cancer♋️ It will hardly do without misunderstandings. At this time, it may be difficult for you to get along even with loved ones: they will misunderstand you, disagreements are not ruled out. However, it will quickly become clear that there is nothing to argue about, and communication will again bring extremely positive emotions. You will have a lot of things to do today, but you will have time for everything Leo♌️ An eventful day awaits you. You will want to do a lot, so you will not waste time in vain. It is worth starting with the most important, because it is in the first half of the day that the influence of positive trends will be especially strong. Some Lions at this time are waiting for pleasant surprises, gifts. Cash receipts are not excluded. Virgo♍️ The day will be bright and inspiring. This is the right time for household chores, meeting with friends, participating in some family activities. Trips will turn out well, even if the decision about them is made at the last minute and you have to pack in a hurry. Successful deals, bargain purchases are likely.


November 26, 2022